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1、Pygmalion, a Pygmalion, a giftedgifted artist, dislikes local artist, dislikes local women. He spends much time creating a women. He spends much time creating a stone stone statuestatue of a beautiful woman. of a beautiful woman.PygmalionHe falls in love with the statue and goes to the Greek Goddess

2、 Aphrodite to ask her to to bring the statue to life.As a result of his prayers, his wish is granted and the statue is made into a real woman. The two marry and live happily ever after. the Pygmalion EffectThe Pygmalion Effect is that people tend to behave as you expect they will. If you expect a pe

3、rson to take responsibility, they probably will. If you expect them not to even try, they probably wont. What we expect tends to come true.Psychological termThis play “My fair lady” (窈窕淑女窈窕淑女)by George Bernard Shaw (萧伯伯纳) is an adaptation改改编 of this Greek myth(神神话).Although there is no character cal

4、led Pygmalion in the play, it is about the same theme 主主题。the myththe playThe play by Shaw has the same theme as the Greek story. What is the theme of the play? A brief introduction to ShawGeorge Bernard Shaw, George Bernard Shaw, Irish Irish dramatist, literary critic, a socialist dramatist, litera

5、ry critic, a socialist spokesmanspokesman, and a , and a leading figureleading figure in in the 20th century theater. Shaw was the 20th century theater. Shaw was a a freethinkerfreethinker, , defenderdefender of womens of womens rights, and rights, and advocateadvocate of equality of of equality of

6、income. In 1925 he was awarded income. In 1925 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. the Nobel Prize for Literature. Shaw accepted the honour but Shaw accepted the honour but refused the money. He was a very refused the money. He was a very humorous playwright.humorous playwright.George Ber

7、nard ShawGeorge Bernard Shaw(1856-1950)(1856-1950)Reading Pygmalion Fateful meetingsAct OneAct One This text is mainly about the first experience of Eliza meeting with _. A. Professor Higgins B. Colonel Pickering C. Professor Higgins and Colonel Pickering D. a gentlemanAct OneSkimming2What do What d

8、o they do they do respecrespec-tively-tively? ?1What are What are the main the main characters characters of this of this act?act?3What are What are they doing they doing at the at the beginning beginning of the of the play?play?Tip: Tip: Some information is included in the stage Some information is

9、 included in the stage directions, directions, like the character, time, place, weather, lighting, etc. like the character, time, place, weather, lighting, etc.whenwherewhowhat11:15,PM in 1914London, EnglandEliza, Professor Higgins, Colonel Pickeringfateful meetingsFast reading6Scanning1. 1. Eliza g

10、reeted to the gentleman in order to _.Eliza greeted to the gentleman in order to _.2. Why did Eliza begin to cry? Because _.2. Why did Eliza begin to cry? Because _.3. Professor Higgins believed that he could judge 3. Professor Higgins believed that he could judge a person by _. a person by _.Scanni

11、ng1. Eliza greeted to the gentleman in order to _.1. Eliza greeted to the gentleman in order to _.A. talk with him B.B. ask him to buy some flowers from her C. ask him to teach herD. beg some money from him2.The flower girl cried when she found Higgins making notes because A. She thought she did som

12、ething wrong.A. She thought she did something wrong. B. She thought she didnt have the right to sell B. She thought she didnt have the right to sell flowers. flowers. C. She didnt want Higgins to write down what C. She didnt want Higgins to write down what she said. she said. D. She thought Higgins

13、was a policeman D. She thought Higgins was a policeman in in disguise disguise and wanted to arrest her. and wanted to arrest her. Scanning3. Professor Higgins believed that he could judge a person by _.A. his appearance B.B. his action C. his conversation D. his mannersstatusspeaking or behaviorclo

14、thesattitudeexpensive possessionseducation levelhow many foreign languages spokenor countries visited(like cars and jewellery)What other things can show ones status in society?CharacterPosition in societyEvidence in the playElizaLower classLanguage: calls gentleman “sir” and _ (or captain) which is

15、a complimentBehaviour: _ to people of higher classComprehending respectful“capin”CharacterPosition in societyEvidence in the playHenry HigginsLanguage: calls Eliza “_” and Pickering “_”Behaviour: _ to lower class; _ to same or upper classMiddle classrudepoliteyou silly girlmy dear manCharacterPositi

16、on in societyEvidence in the playColonel PickeringUpper classLanguage: prepared to begin a _ with Henry, whom he does not know; generous with praise to himBehaviour: generally confident and _; but _ ElizapoliteignoresconversationCharacterQuote from the playWhat it showsHenry HigginsLook at this girl

17、 with her terrible English: the English that will condemn her to the gutter to the end of her days. 1.He is arrogant(傲慢的)(傲慢的). 2.He thinks the use of correct English grammar matters. 3.He thinks the girl can never overcome this problem. CharacterQuote from the playWhat it showsElizaThank you, sir.

18、Hey! I aint done nothing wrong by speaking to that gentleman. Ive a right to sell flowers. 1.Eliza is respectful to people of a higher social class than her (sir).2.She is aggressive (敢做敢为的)(敢做敢为的)when defending herself. 3.She is sensitive(敏感的) about how she appears to others. CharacterQuote from th

19、e playWhat it showsColonel PickeringThats quite brilliant! How did you do that, may I ask? 1.Modest. In truth he is an authority (权威)on Indian languages. 2.He is prepared to learn from others.3.He ignores Eliza but speaks to Henry as they are social equals.Choose those adjectives in the list Choose

20、those adjectives in the list which best describe each character which best describe each character in the play. in the play. Impatient kind polite rude confident anxious eager enthusiastic ambitious (有雄心的)(有雄心的)emotional (易于动感情的,情绪化的)(易于动感情的,情绪化的) self-important(妄自尊大的妄自尊大的) generous unsure (没自信的没自信的

21、) superior (傲慢的傲慢的)kind, polite, generous, enthusiastic, eager, confident impatient, rude, confident, superior, self-importantanxious, eager, emotional, ambitious, unsureMaking the bet (Act Two) 1. This text is mainly about Henry Higgins and Colonel Pickering _ about teaching Eliza. A. making a conv

22、ersation B. quarreling C. making a bet D. fightingAct Two 2. Eliza came to visit Henry Higgins and Colonel Pickering in order to let them _ A. give her some money B. give her a job as a flower shops assistant C. teach her to speak well D. have a bath 3. Aliza only offered them _ if they could teach

23、her. A. 1 shilling B. 2 shillings C. nothing D. 3 shillings4. Henry Higgins and colonel Pickering finally decided to _ Eliza. A. throw back B. teach C. beat D. only teach her how to speak 5. Eliza refused to have a bath, from what she said, we can infer that she lived a _ life. A. miserable B. happy

24、 C. free D. dirtyChanging Changing ElizaElizaThings that need to changedHow to make the changes1. Elizas clothes2. Elizas hygiene3. Elizas behaviour1. Buy new ones 2. Give her baths3. Learn how to walk and behave in upper class social activitiesThings that need to changedHow to make the changes4. He

25、r language: grammar pronunciation use of appropriate language (eg no swearing)4. Have lessons to help her with all three problems: learn the rules practise repeating words till correct learn socially safe topics to discussPygmalion -My Fair LadyAct ThreeTesting Eliza(1)The Ambassadors Garden Party (

26、2)At Mr. Higgins home, Eliza was introduced to Higgins mother and two other guests Clara and Freddy Hill. Eliza looked all right, and her dress, pronunciation (发音) and manners had been improved, but she gave herself away (暴露了自己的身份暴露了自己的身份) . Eliza tried to make suitable polite conversations(谈话)(谈话),

27、 but she talked about the weather like a weather girl and accused someone of killing (指责某人谋杀)her aunt for a hat, which was not reasonable(合理的)(合理的). The Ambassadors Garden Party (2)The ambassador and his wife thought Eliza was a princess(公主公主) because she looked beautiful and her English was so good

28、. Mr. Pommuck, the interpreter(口译者)(口译者) for the ambassador could speak 32 languages and was good at discovering(发现)(发现) what country people came from. But he thought of Eliza as a Hungarian princess, because she spoke English perfectly(完美地)(完美地). This time she was a great success. However, she coul

29、dnt bear(忍受)(忍受) peoples staring at her, which causes her a lot of stress(压力)(压力). .hesitatevi.犹豫,踌躇犹豫,踌躇She hesitated about the choice between the two pairs shoes for her daughter. to do sth. 犹豫做某事犹豫做某事 hesitate about /over (doing) sth. (about) clause 从句从句如果有问题请尽管和我联系 Please do not hesitate to cont

30、act me if you have any questions.She hesitated about accepting the invitation.He hesitated (about) whether his parents suggestion was practical.without hesitation She agreed without any hesitation.mistaken adj, 在句中作表语或前置定语。在句中作表语或前置定语。作表语作表语 be mistaken about 对某事持错误的见解。对某事持错误的见解。 You are mistaken ab

31、out what he said.人们对这个孩子有不对的看法。人们对这个孩子有不对的看法。 The people has a mistaken opinion of this child. Mistake for把把误认为误认为(take for)He mistook my politeness for friendliness.betray vt.显露出露出(本来面目本来面目), 背叛,泄露背叛,泄露, 辜辜负betray oneself/ betray that无意中露出本性;暴露无意中露出本性;暴露betray + n. + to 出出卖,背叛,背叛 他们一张开嘴就露了陷。他们一张开嘴就

32、露了陷。 They betrayed themselvesbetrayed themselves every time they open their mouths. 他背叛了祖国他背叛了祖国, 向敌人投降。向敌人投降。He betrayed betrayed his country toto enemy. 他的脸显露出他很生气。他的脸显露出他很生气。 His face betrayed that he was angry. I wont betray his trust. 我不会辜负他对我的信任。我不会辜负他对我的信任。如再迟到如再迟到, 你将被开除。你将被开除。 If youre late

33、 again, youll be dismissed from your job. 老师提前老师提前10分钟下课。分钟下课。 The teacher dismissed his class 10 minutes earlier. He was dismissed from the hospital a week later. .dismiss vt解雇解雇,开除开除,免职免职,解散解散,dismissive. adj.表示拒绝或放弃表示拒绝或放弃,轻蔑的;轻蔑的;鄙视的:鄙视的:a dismissive shrug.5. I came to England to make your acqua

34、intance. (与人与人)相识相识;make the acquaintance of sb了解了解(U) (+with) I have some acquaintance with Spanish.相识的人相识的人,熟人熟人CShe has many acquaintances in the business community.acquaint vt. (+with)1. 使了解使了解,使熟悉使熟悉I acquainted him with the facts of the case.2. 使认识使认识,介绍介绍Philip became acquainted with Kathy. .

35、fortuneU运气运气,好运好运,幸运幸运 success; good luck, C一笔一笔财富富, 财产、钱财一天幸运降一天幸运降临到他的到他的头上。上。One day the good fortune befell him. 父父亲死死时, 他他继承了一笔承了一笔财富。富。 He received a large fortune when his father died. make a fortune 发财 He made a fortune by selling houses.fortunate adj. 幸运的幸运的 fortunately adv. 幸运地幸运地 be fortu

36、nate to do sth./ in doing sth. 幸运地做某事幸运地做某事I am fortunate to have met you at a proper time. He was fortunate in having a doctor as his friend.superioradj. 优秀优秀(等等)的,较高的、傲慢的的,较高的、傲慢的 n. 上级、长官上级、长官This hotel serves a superior grade of coffee. 这家旅馆提供优等咖啡这家旅馆提供优等咖啡Ill speak to your superior about this c

37、areless work. be superior to 比比高明高明(强、好强、好) ,上级的,上级的这块地毯在质量上比那块好。这块地毯在质量上比那块好。 This carpet is far superior to that one in quality. be inferior to 下级(的),较低等的,较差的下级(的),较低等的,较差的be senior to 比比年长年长(资深资深) be junior to 比比年幼年幼(资浅资浅)prior/posterior to在前的,居先的在前的,居先的8. pronounce vt. 发音发音, 宣布、宣称宣布、宣称 (=announc

38、e, declare)他发音清晰。他发音清晰。 He pronounced his words clearly. 法官宣布判决。法官宣布判决。 The judge pronounced the sentence. 他宣称自己喜欢这个计划。他宣称自己喜欢这个计划。 He pronounced himself in favor of the plan. The patient was pronounced dead on arrival at the hospital.pronunciation n. 发音(方式),读法发音(方式),读法 9promise n. vi, vt 妥协,折衷,放弃Af

39、ter lengthy talks the two sides finally reached a compromise./ came to a compromise (n.)In any relationship, you have to make compromises.I would rather die than compromise. compromise with sb. (on sth)Lu Xun never compromised with his enemies.We are not prepared to compromise on safety. He refused

40、to compromise his principles(原则).10.overlook vt.俯视,未看到,不理会,监视俯视,未看到,不理会,监视The house on the hill overlooks the village.The monument overlooks the square.He overlooked a spelling error on the first page.Dont overlook the disabled.她不知道隔壁邻居的女人一直在监视她她不知道隔壁邻居的女人一直在监视她 She did not know that she was being o

41、verlooked by the woman next door.11. The English that will condemn her to the gutter to the end of her days. 那一口英语使她注定要在贫民窟里待一辈子那一口英语使她注定要在贫民窟里待一辈子.condemn vt.判刑,谴责,使判刑,谴责,使注定注定condemn sb./sth for sth. 指责指责.为为她知道社会将会谴责她遗弃孩子她知道社会将会谴责她遗弃孩子.She knew that society would condemn her for deserting her chil

42、d.condemn sb to sth.判某人某种刑罚判某人某种刑罚,使使注定注定The judge condemned the criminal to death. His bad leg condemned him to a wheelchair.1. (某人)冒充2. 结识,与相见3. 惊愕地4. 一般来说5. 就来说,从角度6. 带进来7. 几天前8. 带走,拿走1. pass off as2. make ones acquaintance3. in amazement 4. generally speaking5. in terms of6. show in7. the other

43、day 8. take away9. 需要10. 逐渐模糊11. 给某人派任务 12. 避雨13. 一把, 几个14. 透露身份,显露(本来面目)15. 伪装, 乔装 16. 毫不犹豫9. in need of 10. fade out11. set sb a task 12. shelter/hide from rain13. a handful of 14. betray oneself15. in disguise 16. Without (any) hesitation 17. 把把.误认为误认为 18. 要是要是怎么办怎么办19. 优于优于 20. 打赌打赌21. 注定注定 22.

44、使使相信相信23采取有效措施采取有效措施25下着倾盆大雨下着倾盆大雨Take/ mistakefor.What ifBe superior to.Make a betCondemn toConvince sb ofTake effective measuresIt is pouring with rain./ The rain is pouring.It rains cats and dogs23答应要求答应要求24. 简单情节简单情节25. 令人头痛的结局令人头痛的结局26. 根据根据把把.分类分类27. 社会地位社会地位 28. 收集无价古董收集无价古董 29.把某人当下贱人看待把某人当下

45、贱人看待30.粗俗得可爱粗俗得可爱Grant a wishA simple plotA troublesome outcomeClassifybysocial statusCollect priceless antiques Treat sb like dirtDeliciously low31. 令人作呕的气味令人作呕的气味32. (声音、画面声音、画面)逐渐模糊逐渐模糊、33. 再一次再一次34. 古典名著的简版古典名著的简版 35. 辛苦获得的知识辛苦获得的知识36. 我该怎么办?我该怎么办?37.用用的声音的声音38.自以为是自以为是39. 移交移交 A disgusting smel

46、l Fade outOnce more/ once againeasy versions of classic playsHard-earned knowledge What is to become of me?in a (low/loud)voiceFancy oneself asHand overConfuse congratulate educate authentic status reaction mistake hesitateBernard Shaw was very interested in the way people spoke. He argued that this

47、 showed their level of _ and therefore their position in society. He always said that he was never _ about peoples _ after hearing them talk. In fact he _ himself on his ability to decide whether they belong to a lower, middle or upper class after listening to their conversation. He never _education

48、mistakenstatuscongratulatedhesitatedConfuse congratulate educate authentic status reaction mistake hesitatein his view that in England the _ of one person to another depended upon their speech. He thought that good grammar and pronunciation were the most important things you needed to be accepted as

49、 a(an) _ member of the upper or middle class. So no one should be _ about the message he wrote in this play.reactionauthenticconfusedSummary At the beginning of the act, these main characters were _from a heavy rain. When Eliza realized Higgins was taking notes she mistook him for _ _. She asked to

50、look at the note, only to find the writing unreadable. Then Higgins read it _ her in his voice and decided where Eliza came from. Colonel Pickering, who had been watching Eliza, cut in and asked Higgins how he was able to do that. shelteringa policeman in disguiseimitatingHiggins said he was studyin

51、g and _ phonetics and was making an income byteaching people to improve their _. Then Higgins said Eliza, if educated to speak properly, could _ as a duchess at an ambassadors garden party or as a shop assistant .Eliza was pleased at his remark but he _her. As the two men left to _their unexpected m

52、eeting, speechespass herself offignoredcelebrateclassifyingEliza was determined to find Higgins the next day to ask him to teach her to speak“_ English”. So act one of the play is an account of the _ meetings of the poor flower girl Eliza Doolittle, Professor Higgins and Colonel Pickering. authentic

53、fateful单词拼写单词拼写1.All of us are waiting to hear the final o_ of the discussion. 2. Only a h_ of brave people can take part in the bullfight in Spain.3. The new computer is technically s_ to its competitors. 4. She was p_ dead on arrival at the hospital.5. English c_ such as Gone with the Wind are dee

54、ply loved by Chinese people.utcomeandfuluperiorronouncedlassics6.The _(改编)of the play for radio was easily done.7.Two men formed a _to rob the bank.8.He did not_(犹豫)to ask her to sit beside him.9._(使人心烦)financial problems depressed him.10.The part of the arm between the elbow and shoulder is called

55、the u_ arm.adaptationplothesitateTroublesomepper11. He was appointed _ to Japan.12.I really like the a _ much better than modern art.13.If you thought he should be impolite,you were _.(错了)14. She was terrified of saying something that would make her b_ herself.15. The books in the library are _ by s

56、ubject.16. Sweat p_ from Martins face.ambassdorntiquemistakenetrayclassifiedouredIn return in trouble in disguise in amazement in pain in delight in shock1. The wan we regarded as a policeman was actually _. 2. The boy who got the first prize looked around him _. 3. She stared at the priceless antiq

57、ue ring _. 4. After the terrible accident, she was _ for a long time. in disguisein delightin amazementin shockIn return in trouble in disguise in amazement in pain in delight in shock5. After George slipped and broke his leg, he was _ for many weeks. 6. He gave me a musical box at my birthday party

58、, and I gave him a wonderful new coat _. 7. When Sam broke his older brothers new cellphone, he knew he was _. in painin returnin troubleHenry Higgins and Colonel Pickeringare sitting deep in conversation.亨利亨利希金斯和皮克林上校下坐着专心地谈话。希金斯和皮克林上校下坐着专心地谈话。 deep in意为意为“专心于专心于”, “全神贯注于全神贯注于”, “深陷于深陷于”等等, 后接名词。后接

59、名词。(1)埋头工作埋头工作 (2)沉思着沉思着(3)债台高筑债台高筑 (4)专心读书专心读书deep in workdeep in thoughtdeep in debtdeep in ones book (s)The emperor liked travelling in disguise.in return 作为报答作为报答in trouble 处于困境中处于困境中in danger在危险中在危险中in pain 疼痛疼痛in delight 高兴,欢喜高兴,欢喜in shock 震惊震惊in short 简言之简言之Plot hesitate classify dismiss betr

60、ay antique fortune uncomfortably1.She claimed she was unfairly _ from her job by her merciless boss.2. You dont have to spend a _ to give your family tasty, healthy meals.3. The books in the library are _ according to different subjects.4. The detective film is well organized in terms of _. dismisse

61、dfortuneclassifiedplotPlot hesitate classify dismiss betray antique fortune uncomfortably5. After taking the medicine, he suddenly felt _. 6. For years they had been _ state secrets to Russia. 7. Dont _ any more, start out early and start back early. 8. Priceless _ were destroyed in the big fire. un

62、comfortablebetrayinghesitateantiquesPassoff as make ones acquaintance in amazement in terms of generally speaking showin in need on fade out1. She watched a bright object flying through the dark sky _.2. The job is suitable for me _ salary, but it has its disadvantages. 3. George found that a few wo

63、rds on the screen _ and then the screen blacked out. 4. -Im delighted to _, Mr. Smith. -Me, too.in amazementin terms offaded outmake your acquaintancePassoff as make ones acquaintance in amazement in terms of generally speaking showin in need on fade out5. _, he is perfect except for his carelessnes

64、s. 6. He escaped by _ himself _ a guard. 7. I will _ you _. You can visit our new decorated house before we leave here.8. The people living in the disaster area are _ more food and tents after the terrible earthquake. Generally speakingpassingoff asshow inin need ofOfficial brilliant betray condemn

65、raise abroad compromise disgust overlook effectiveMembers of Chinese communities and ambassadors across Canada have 1_ some Taiwan 2_, especially Chen Shuibians “move” to seek “Taiwan independence”. The Taiwan government sent a letter to UN Secretary-General Ban KiMoon in July, 3_ an application to

66、join the United Nations in the name of “Taiwan”. The 4_ act offended people at home and 5_. By doing that, theycondemnedofficialsraisingdisgustingabroadthey 6_their former principles. They 7_ the fact that “There is only one China in the world and both Taiwan and the Chinese mainland belong to one C

67、hina”. We shall never 8_ to split China. We are sure that Chinese 9_ leaders will take 10_ measures to handle the attention-getting issue. Official brilliant betray condemn raiseabroad compromise disgust overlook effectivebetrayedoverlookedcompromisebrillianteffective根据中文意思完成句子。根据中文意思完成句子。我前几天在街上偶然碰

68、到玛丽了。 I _Mary in the street _. 2她伪装成记者去参观农场。 She _as a journalist to visit the farm.3今年的电影无论从数量上还是从质量上都优于去年。 The films of this year are _ those of last year, _ both quantity and quality. 4我很高兴认识你这个朋友。 I am happy to _. ran acrossmet with/ ran intothe other daypassed herself offsuperior toin terms ofm

69、ake your acquaintance5我们应该把钱捐给那些需要帮助的人。 We should donate money to those who are _. 6他毫不犹豫地接受了这份工作。 He accepted the job _.7. 弗雷德被误认为是大使,于是许多人都想办法要与他结识. When Fred _ an ambassador, many people tried to _.in need of helpwithout any hesitationwas mistaken formake his acquaintance8. 会谈结果是双方和解, 最后达成了协议. Th

70、e _ of the conversation is a _ reached by both sides.9. 伊莱扎让人烧掉了那些令人作呕的衣服, 以便能够开始她作为淑女的新生活. Eliza _ so that she could begin a new life as a lady.10. 不要把我的工作说成是你自己的, 这不公平. Dont _ your own. It isnt fair.outcomecompromisehad those disgusting clothes burnedpass my work off asCompany Logo1. He stared at

71、me _ for my sudden appearance.2. I went to visit a museum in our city _.3. The idea seemed to _ and the club was never formed.4. Your visit will _ the sting(刺) of her sorrow.5. _ money, hes quite rich, but not in terms of happiness.6. He_ glass _a gem stone and sold it to a buyer.7. The friendly hos

72、t and hostess_ their guests _ the party room.8. They made every effort to save the crops _ water on this dry land.9. _,youths of sixteen are too young for such work.10. Im very pleased to _ your _.11. He sent her a blessing _, in fact , he hated her a lot.12. I failed in the experiment, I decided to

73、 do it _ and I believe I will make it. in amazementthe other dayfade outtake awayIn terms ofpassed off asshow inin need ofGenerally speakingmake acquaintancein disguiseonce more1.Generally speaking, women love longer than men.2.He passed his sister off as a doctor.3.It was a good year for fims, in t

74、erms of both quantity and quality.4.I made his acquaintance at a party.5.She was terrified of saying something that would make her betray herself.6.I remember her name but cant place her face.7.The books in the library are classfied by subject.8. Sweat poured from Martins face.1.His smile faded out

75、as soon as he heard the news.2. I want ro take away the book which you showed me yesterday.3. Tell me the story once more.Fill in the blanks with the proper words :1.You should look up the right _ (发音发音) of this word in the dictionary.2.A police o_ came to our help when our car broke down on the way

76、.3.If you _(犹豫犹豫)too much, youll lose the game.4.The law has been c_ as an attack on personal liberty.5.The new_(大使大使 ) is highly experienced in international diplomacy.pronunciationfficerhesitateondemnedambassador31.The _(改(改编)of the play for radio was easily done.2.Two men formed a _to rob the ban

77、k.3.He did not_(犹豫)(犹豫)to ask her to sit beside him.4._(使人心(使人心烦)financial problems depressed him.5.This book was the _(结果)果)of a large amount of scientific work.6.The part of the arm between the elbow and shoulder is called the u_ arm.7. He was appointed _ to Japan.8.I really like the a _ much better than modern art.9.If you thought he should be impolite,you were _.(错了)了)adaptationplothesitateTroublesomeoutcomepperambassdorntiquemistaken



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