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1、 Why Historians DisagreeThe present text is based on the introduction to a book entitled Conflict and Consensus(意见等的一致)意见等的一致) in Modern American History edited by Allen F. Davis and Harold D. Woodman, professors at Temple University and Purdue University respectively, who also wrote the introductio

2、n.I.AuthorsWoodrow WilsonWoodrow Wilson (1856-1924), Americas 28th president(1913-1921), was a professor of law, the president of Princeton University, and the governor of New Jersey before he was elected to the White House. Zimmerman NoteThe Zimmerman Note was a communiqu(公报)(公报)authored by German

3、Foreign Secretary Arthur Zimmerman and intercepted by American Intelligence. The note had been designed to entice (诱使)(诱使)Mexico into declaring war against the United States should the U.S. declare war on Germany. As a reward, Mexico would then receive Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas after the war.Fu

4、ll text:On the first of February we intend to begin submarine warfare unrestricted. In spite of this, it is our intention to endeavor to keep neutral the United States of America. If this attempt is not successful, we propose an alliance on the following basis with Mexico: That we shall make war tog

5、ether and together make peace. We shall give general financial support, and it is understood that Mexico is to reconquer the lost territory in New Mexico, Texas, and Arizona. The details are left to you for settlement. Zimmerman NoteYou are instructed to inform the President of Mexico of the above i

6、n the greatest confidence as soon as it is certain that there will be an outbreak of war with the United States and suggest that the President of Mexico, on his own initiative, should communicate with Japan suggesting adherence at once to this plan; at the same time, offer to mediate( 斡 旋 ) between

7、Germany and Japan. Please call to the attention of the President of Mexico that the employment of ruthless submarine warfare now promises to compel (迫使)(迫使)England to make peace in a few months. Zimmerman (Sent January 19, 1917) immerse v. a. to put sth. under the surface of a liquid 使浸入使浸入b. to inv

8、olve oneself deeply (in sth.) 使专心于使专心于 He immersed the knife in boiling water.Immerse the cloth in the dye for 20 minutes.I walked into the study and found Mr. Johnson immersed in his writing, as usual.When Alfred inherited his fathers estate, he immersed himself in pleasure.A sea of (people of thin

9、gs): a very large number ofThe immense square was a sea of flowers and happy faces. By way of: througha. through, by route of, viab. as a means of; as a type of; serving as by way ofExamples:You can get this information by way of the Internet.He sent her some flowers by way of an apology.Fat: 1. 肥沃的

10、fat land 肥沃的土地A fat country 富裕的国家2. 有利可图的A fat contract (bargain) 有利可图的合同(交易)3. thick and well-filled 厚的、大量的、内容充实的Make a fat profit 获得暴利Pay a fat price 付出很大的代价A fat job 肥缺4. nearly nonexistent 不多、少A fat chance (not likely) you know a fat lot about it. 你一点儿也不懂。Fat: overweight , heavy, plump, chubby,

11、stout(壮实的)obese (过分肥胖的)Thin: slim, slender, bony Most students are usually introduced to the study of history by way of a fat textbook and become quickly immersed in a vast sea of names, dates, events and statistics. Most students usually come to have their first experience of the study of history t

12、hrough the reading of a thick history textbook and soon are overwhelmed by a large number of names, dates, events and statistics.thick (metaphor) a great number ofsimply: only; nothing butIt is simply a matter of time.bring together: collecton (upon) (fml.): directly after (and often as a result of)

13、On hearing the news, she burst into tears.Disagree: I strongly disagree with the last speaker.Bill and I often disagree, but we are good friends.Sharply: clearly and definitelyHis aggressive behavior contrasted sharply with the mild manner of his brother.State of affairs: a situation 情形、情况There is n

14、ot much we can do in the present state of affairs.This is a very unpleasant state of affairs.Their common-sense reaction to this state of affairs is to conclude that one historian is right while the other is wrong. When a person is faced with this kind of situation, the normal, practical response wi

15、ll be that one historian is right whereas the other is wrong.“whereas or and”, implying a contrasttheir response based on common sense presumablyadv. used to say that you think something is probably true 据推测、大概可能据推测、大概可能a. presumablen. presumptionv. presumePresumably theres a good reason for her abs

16、ence, as she doesnt usually stay away from work.Word formations contendv. a. to struggle, to be in rivalry 争夺、竞争争夺、竞争 b. to argue, to assert 争辩说争辩说 I know the charms of my rival are too powerful for me to contend with.Three armed groups are contending for power.Some astronomers contend that the univ

17、erse may be younger than previously thought. contending historians: historians who are fighting or debatingMore or less: almost; to an undetermined degree1. 或多或少They were more or less willing to help. 他们多少愿意帮忙。2. 几乎、大约The work is more or less finished. 。 差不多完成了looking at sth. from a certain angleExa

18、mples:The novel is written from a childs perspective.We have to look at everything from an international perspective.If you look at things from a feminist perspective they are, in fact, not equal.from a feminist/Christian/global perspectiveFrom different points of view, angles, theoretical stance, a

19、pproaches, perspective(They all mean similarly.) from a perspectivecut-and-dried: already settled and unlikely to be changed1. 事先安排好的、常规的、例行的;A cut-and-dried meeting 例会2. 无生气的,呆板的His speech was cut-and-dried because he had nothing new to say.A cut-and-dried matter: an ordinary matterThis position is

20、 hardly satisfying. This is not a happy solution or happy situation. Students expect to be given clear-cut answers, either yes or no. But now they have to shop around (到处寻找)到处寻找)for the proper answer. The answer becomes a personal choice. This makes them feel very uncomfortable. situation or state;

21、status cannot help but doLee could not help but agree with her.I couldnt help but notice the bruise she had under her eye.Similar expressioncant help doingcannot but do used to say that someone is unable to change their behavior or feelings, or to prevent themselves from doing something不得不、不会不、情不自禁做

22、某事不得不、不会不、情不自禁做某事Diametrically: completely different在直径方面;正好、完全、截然The two ideas are diametrically opposed.This is diametrically opposite to what I said.Diametric opinions 截然相反的观点 to be in diametric contradiction Denote: to refer to 意思是;是。的征兆,为。的名称The word heart denotes an organ that pumps blood.In a

23、 broad / narrow / general sense 从广义 、狭义、一般意义上说 restricteda. a. small or limited in size, area, or amount Examples:Its difficult trying to work in such a restricted space.The sale of alcohol is restricted to people over the age of 18.There is restricted access to this information (=only certain peopl

24、e can have it). v. restrict n. restriction a. restrictiveWord formationsb. limited or controlled, especially by laws or rulesHistory may be defined as that whichthat which: something that or what Therefore the historian can only approximate history at best. No one can ever claim to have concluded th

25、e quest. (Para. 5)go to 5 to come close toTherefore the best the historian can do is to get as near as possible to the historical truth. But no one can ever boast that he/she has completed this search. It goes on for ever.taking the most hopeful viewsearch; pursuitapproximate:adj. An approximate num

26、ber an approximate figurev. to come near in amount, nature, etc. Your story only approximates to the real facts. Your account of what happened approximates the truth, but there are several small errors.taking the most hopeful viewExamples:This is, at best, only a temporary solution. 这充其量也不过是个权宜之计。这充

27、其量也不过是个权宜之计。 His answers were at best evasive, at worst very misleading. at best持最乐观的看持最乐观的看法;充其量法;充其量at its/his/their best in the best conditionThe garden is at its best in April.He was at his best yesterday evening and kept us all amused.Every year, when the peach blossoms are at their best, a fes

28、tival is held at the Beijing Botanical Garden.处于最佳状处于最佳状态;处于巅态;处于巅峰状态;在峰状态;在全盛期中全盛期中 questn. a long search for something that is difficult to find 寻求、探求寻求、探求 the quest for truthAt their roots, these quests originated out of human inquisitiveness.World leaders are now united in their quest for peace.

29、Foreign powers had long penetrated the area in quest of wealth or influence, or to counter the lusts of their adversaries.If historians cannot know everythingavailable to them: 如果说历史学家不可能了解一切是因为有的事件没有没记录下来,那么同样也可以说,他们对可供利用的记录材料也没有充分利用。Deem: considerTo piece together: to form a whole from various par

30、ts 把零碎的部分拼合成整体Sometimes this appears to be easy, requiring very little sophistication and subtlety. Sometimes this appears to be easy, demanding no special training or profound knowledge or the ability to understand very complex issues and fine distinctions.不需要专门的训练、高深的知识以及理解复杂事件和细微差不需要专门的训练、高深的知识以及

31、理解复杂事件和细微差别的能力别的能力present participle phrases functioning as cause fine distinctions细微之处、细心细微之处、细心Complexities老练、富于经验老练、富于经验 crude schemes crude ore a crude shelter crude remarks crude manners crude ideas crude oil/sugaraacca bb crude a. a. not finished properly; badly worked out 粗略的粗略的b. (of materia

32、ls) in a natural state, not refined or manufactured天然的天然的c. not having grace, taste or refinement 粗鲁的粗鲁的The choice as to which fact to use is based on a theoryadmittedly, in this case a rather crude theory, but a theory nonetheless. The choice concerning which fact to use is based on a theory. I am

33、willing to concede that the theory used here is unrefined, yet it is still a theory. with regard to; concerningwe all admit 不可否认不可否认(fml)nevertheless; however contemplate v. a. to have in view as a purpose, intention 思考、盘算思考、盘算Contemplate ones futureContemplate what to do. considerthink about/oftoy

34、with the idea ofWord formationsShe stood contemplating her figure in the mirror.He contemplated her with a faint smile. b. to look at (with the eyes, or in the mind)注视注视a.contemplative b.n. contemplationWord formationsIt would go something like this: National leaders contemplating war are more likel

35、y to be influenced by belligerent acts against countries than by their unhappiness with their haberdashers. pondering over the problem of war; considering going to war with anther countrywar acts, acts of war 战争行为战争行为 unhappiness with their hat makers or hat shops; unhappiness about personal trivial

36、 things under study: being studiedunder: in the process ofThe issue under discussiona road under repairunder (consideration / review / observation / construction / attackat work: doing job or a particular activity; operating在工作,在劳动He had been at work on a book. 忙着写一本书in the event of: if sth. happens

37、; in case sth. should happenIn the event of rain, the party will be held indoors.It offers vital financial cover in the event of you being permanently disabled in an accident. I was shocked when I read of his death. read of“read” phrases读到,阅悉to find out information from books, newspapers etccf.read

38、sb. a lesson/lectureread through/overread sb.s mind/thoughtsread between the linescf.训斥某人训斥某人从头到尾细读一遍从头到尾细读一遍看出某人的心思看出某人的心思体会字里行间的言外之意体会字里行间的言外之意Whereby: by means of this, in accordance with this 凭借这个,借此There is a way whereby he can be saved.有一个可以使他得救的方法。concern: (about / over / with ) The recent ri

39、se in crime is a matter of considerable public concern.They are expressing their deep concern about the worsening environment.to ones disadvantage :对。不利Her height could be to her disadvantage if she wants to be a dancer.thereby: by that means; by doing or saying that由此、因此、从而v. a. to appear or come o

40、ut from somewhere b. (of facts, ideas) to appear;to become known c. to come out of a difficult experience 出现、(问题等)发生;(从困苦等中)露头出现、(问题等)发生;(从困苦等中)露头 emerge The moon emerged from behind the clouds.New evidence has emerged to contradict earlier claims. Local government has recently emerged as a major is

41、sue.She emerged from the divorce a stronger person.Balance of power: It is a popular theory among western political scientists that peace will be preserved if nations power is well balanced, that is, no country is too powerful or too weak-if any country is too powerful it will not be able to resist

42、the temptation to take advantage of other countries; and if any country is too weak, it is bound to invite foreign aggression. So to maintain world peace, the best we can do is to achieve a balance of power.What then are historians to make of these facts?How then will historians understand or look a

43、t these fact?to make of sth.: to regard as the nature or meaning of sth. 对待、处理、解释、理解We dont know what to make of his behavior.They are eager to see what a country with a backward economy can make of the opportunity. in that: becauseMen differ from brutes in that they can think and speak.Examples:The

44、se figures do not take into account the changes in the rate of inflation. take into account/take account of sth.“account” phrasestake into considerationcf.open an accountsettle ones accountgive an account ofaccount foron ones accounton this/that account take no account ofcf.开户头开户头结清欠帐,(喻)报复结清欠帐,(喻)报

45、复描述,叙述描述,叙述解释;说明;占百分比解释;说明;占百分比为一己的目的和利益为一己的目的和利益为了这个为了这个/那个缘故那个缘故对某事物不予考虑对某事物不予考虑to develop as a result of something else stem from His headaches stemmed from vision problems.It also tries to say that womens problems stem from either their sexuality or the family.Much of the friction stemmed from a

46、 debate about which technology to use.to become involved in sth. because you are interested in it or because it worries you担心、牵挂;使忙于。担心、牵挂;使忙于。 concern oneself withHe loved his wife, and concerned himself with her needs and desires.For several weeks I did not concern myself with any thought of the f

47、uture.Our countrys leaders must concern themselves with environmental protection.Similarly a third group of historians might maintain that the various items on the list should not be given equal weight. Similarly a third group of historians might argue that the various points put on the list should

48、not considered equally important.for the same reasonto consider sth. Equally importantto continue to have the viewmaintain: to repeatedly say 坚持、断言、主张give weight to: to consider sth. important We should give due weight to the environment protection.disproportionate: too much or too little in relatio

49、n to sth. else 不成比例的、不相称的 A disproportionate number of fatal accidents take place at night.In the examples given, historians disagree because they begin from different premises. In the examples we have given above, we can see that historians disagree because they begin from different assumptions.a p

50、roposition upon which an argument is based or from which a conclusion is drawn 前提、(作为先决条件的)假定前提、(作为先决条件的)假定Neither statement can be faulted on the grounds that it is inaccurate. You cannot find fault with either statement and say it is not accurate. (Neither statement can be criticized on the ground

51、s that it is inaccurate.)noun clause serving as an appositive of “grounds”reasons or justificationsto be criticized;to be considered wrongfault: 挑剔、指责、批评You cannot fault his sincerity.他的真诚无可指责。Fault the government for failing to take timely actions.ground: 理由、根据He has good grounds for what he thinks

52、.他的想法有充分的根据。on the grounds that: 以。为理由,根据。 因为, 由于He was awarded compensation on the grounds that the doctor had been negligent.由于医生玩忽职守,他得到了赔偿。Probe:探究、调查; 用尖物刺穿Before Freud, poets had probed the unconscious and irrational aspects of human behavior.Reporters began probing for more information. probe

53、 for answers / reasons / ways to dosth.Probe into sb.s misconduct the mystery of sbs speechUltimate: 1. being or happening at the end of a process, etc.An ultimate result 最终结果2. greatest The ultimate boundaries of human knowledge3. basicThe ultimate responsibility 主要责任 the ultimate principle 基本原则Tra

54、ce: 追溯、跟踪Trace a river to its sourceThe rumor was traces back to a journalist.a.to completely get rid of something that is unnecessary or unwanted 排除、消除排除、消除 b. to defeat a team or person in a competition, so that they no longer take part in it 淘汰淘汰c. to kill someone in order to prevent them from ca

55、using trouble 消灭消灭 eliminate v. Synonymsget rid of abolishdo away witheradicateroot outThe credit card eliminates the need for cash or cheques.Our team was eliminated in the first round.The dictator eliminated anyone who might be a threat to him.We can if our knowledge could give us a perfect model

56、that completely explained human behavior. Unfortunately no such model has ever existed.如果我们的知识水平能够给我们提供一种毋容置如果我们的知识水平能够给我们提供一种毋容置疑的有效模式,对人类行为作出全面解释,我们疑的有效模式,对人类行为作出全面解释,我们就能消除所有分歧。就能消除所有分歧。If the state of our knowledge were such that it provided us with a model of unquestioned validity that complete

57、ly explained human behavior, we can. a model that is always effective; a foolproof modela variation of the pattern “so that” More examples1. The conditions were such that many young people wanted to leave the place.2. The force of the explosion was such that windows were blown out.3. The situation w

58、as such that political observers found it difficult to predict.局势如此,连政治观察家们也觉得难以预测。局势如此,连政治观察家们也觉得难以预测。But since we do not have such a complete and foolproof explanation, disagreements are destined to remain. (Para. 13)go to 14 to be bound to do sth.; to be predetermined or preordained to do sth. al

59、ways effective; completely dependable; infallibleBut since we do not have such a complete and infallible explanation, disagreement are bound to exist.We were destined never to meet again.She was not destined to be a great painter but she had the confidence and luck to be a successful one.At first th

60、eir predictions seemed destined to come true. be destined toseeming certain to happen at some time in the future 注定会注定会III.Sentence Paraphrase 14When students realize that “truth” is but an elusive yet intriguing goal in a never-ending quest. (Para. 13)The end of Sentence Paraphrase.a goal that is e

61、xtremely attractive yet forever out of reachan everlasting or interminable searchWhen students realize that “truth” is only a goal that is beyond reach yet extremely attractive and should be sought in a permanent search.onlyShe managed to get an interview with that elusive man.She enjoys a firm repu

62、tation in this country but wider international success has been elusive.For me, the poem has an elusive quality. elusivead.elusivelyn.elusivenessv. eludeWord formationsa. a. (of a person) difficult to find or see 躲避的躲避的 b. (of result) difficult to achieve c. (of idea or quality) difficult to describ

63、e or understandThis is a piece of expository writing.The purpose of expository writing is to explain or to give the reader information to help him understand the world around him. Text AnalysisFor referenceStyleText AnalysisPlease find supporting details in the text.Stylistic Feature 1. long sentenc

64、es2. formal words3. impersonal structuresText AnalysisIn this essay the two authors discuss the definition of history, the role of the historians and the reasons why historians disagree.ThemeText AnalysisStructure Part I (Paras. 13)Part II (Paras. 410)Part III (Paras. 1113)The authors summarize the

65、reasons why historians disagree and the disagreement is everlasting. How the students of history major study history and what confuse themHistorians may view the same historical event from different perspectivesText AnalysisWhat are the three definitions of history? in the broadest sensethe whole of

66、 the human pastin a restricted sense in a common sense the recorded part of human life what historians write about the pastText AnalysisWhat is the role of the historians?Historians do not just collect facts. They give meaning to the facts.Text AnalysisWhy do historians disagree? Because historians

67、have different interests and a different understanding of human motivation and human behavior which in turn is due to their different background in age, sex, race, class, education, religion, politics, etc., they tend not only to be interested in different facts but also interpret the same facts dif

68、ferently.Writing DeviceExposition1.What is exposition?2. Exposition means expounding or explaining.2. Who are most likely to use the expository writing style? It is most frequently used by a student, a scientist, or a professional.Writing DeviceExposition3. In which scope and field do they use it?An

69、 expository paper explains or explores sth., such as the process of making a machine, the causes of a natural or social phenomenon, the planning of a project, or the solution of a problem. That is, use an expository writing when we explain how the object is made, how it is used, and how it may chang

70、e. It mainly deals with processes and relationships.Writing DeviceExposition4. What is the most important quality of exposition? How to achieve it?The most important quality of exposition is clarity. To achieve this the writer should:1) Limit his subject or the scope of discussion, for its impossibl

71、e to explain many things clearly in a short essay.Writing DeviceExposition2) Prepare enough material (details of examples) to help his explanation; the reader often finds abstract discussions hard to follow if they are not illustrated by concrete examples. 3) Present his facts and views in proper or

72、der, in the order of time or of logical sequence depending on the nature of the subjects. 4) Make his exposition, if possible, interesting or moving; Writing Device1) illustration the use of example to illustrate a point, helping to clarify a writers thought by making the general specific, and the a

73、bstract concrete; and also adding interest and help to persuade or convince the reader;Exposition5. What methods are adopted for paragraph development in the expository writing?Writing DeviceExposition2) division and classification divisionseparate things into parts (glassesframe, lens); classificat

74、ionorganize things which share certain qualities (coursesobligatory and optional);3) comparison and contrast (the subject-by-subject pattern, the point-by-point pattern);Writing DeviceExposition4) analogyshows the similarities between two different class;5) cause and effect;6) definition;Quiz 11. In

75、 my opinion, you can widen the _ of these improvements through your active participation. A. dimension B. magnitude C. volume D. scope2. The tourist is forbidden to enter a country if he does not have a(n) _ passport. A. operative B. effective C. valid D. efficientDimension:规模、程度、规模、程度、尺寸等尺寸等Magnitu

76、de:巨大、重要性巨大、重要性 volume:卷、卷、册、容积等册、容积等Operative:操作的、起作操作的、起作用的、用的、D CQuiz 13. Gone with the Wind deals with questions Americas Civil war and the experiences of two couples of lovers. A. concerned B. concerned with C. concerning with D. concerningD Quiz 15. Anthropology人类学人类学 is a science _ anthropolo

77、gist use a rigorous 缜密的缜密的set of methods and techniques to document为。提供证明为。提供证明observations that can be checked by others. A. in that B. that in C. that D. in6. People under the age of 18 are not _ to join the club. A. capable B. legitimate C. available D. eligibleEligible:有资有资格的、(在法律格的、(在法律上)合格的上)合

78、格的Legitimate:合法的合法的A DQuiz 17. Essentially, a theory is an abstract symbolic representation of _ reality. A. what it is conceived B. that is conceived C. that is being conceived D. what is conceived to be8. Although some students graduate from high school, they are virtually illiterate writing a bus

79、iness letter. A. in the event of B. in the light of C. in case of D. in terms of in the light of: 鉴于、因为鉴于、因为D DQuiz 1 9. Sometimes the tension produced by fears is so great that we cannot suppress it. At such times we need to the tension by laughing or crying. A. discard B. disperse C. disguise D. d

80、ischarge 10. We are all agreed that the plan is practical and feasible, but he thinks . A. not B. the reverse C. contrarily D. otherwiseDiscard:抛弃抛弃Disperse:驱驱散(散(doubt, fog, rioters, smoke) discharge: 释放、发泄释放、发泄(感情)(感情)D DQuiz 111. Go and ask his wife. She must be the know. A. in B. for C. at D. un

81、der12. She knew that she was against very strong opposition. A. at B. up D. with D. onIn the know: 知情的知情的Up against: 面临。面临。A BQuiz 114. This car is cheaper to buy _ the other one is more economical to run. A. although B. since C. than D. whereasWhereas:然然而、但是(前而、但是(前后对比)后对比) DQuiz 115. The score is

82、3 to 2 in their favor. This is not _ result as we expected. A. a bad B. as a bad C. bad a D. as bad a16.Not a day passes _ I phone my family.17. A. when B. since18. C. but D. beforeBut: (常用于否(常用于否定结构后)定结构后) 。而不。而不我没有一天不打我没有一天不打电话回家电话回家I never think of summer but I think of childhood.一想到夏天,我一想到夏天,我就会

83、想到童年就会想到童年D C17. The old man strolled to the beach, _. A. his dog following him B. his dog followed him C. his dog was followed D. following by his dogQuiz 1 AQuiz 119. The Prime Minister walked onto the platform and seated herself in a chair, _ to answer questions. A. had prepared B. being prepared C. prepared D. preparing20. There can be no economy _ there is no efficiency. A. unless B. where C. provided that D. becauseC B



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