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1、Unit3 At the zoo 在动物园在动物园 1.lets guess2.giraffe长颈鹿 /:/3. Its . 它是它是 tall高的高的 Its tall. 它是高的。它是高的。4.Its tall. short 矮的矮的 Its short.它是矮的它是矮的。Look at that.看那只看那只.Look at that giraffe.5.Look at that. fat 胖的 thin 瘦的 Look at that monkey. Its thin. 它是瘦的. Its fat. 6.thin 瘦的 Look at that monkey.Its thin.Look

2、 at that monkey.Its fat.fat 胖的 7.fat 胖的 炸弹游戏 one two three bomb! thin 瘦的瘦的 tall 高的short 矮的8.shortthintallfatshort thintallfatthinfattallshort9.Look at that bear. Its short.Look at that bear. Its fat.你会说吗?bear 熊10.Look at that pig. Its fat.11.Look at that elephant. Its tall.12.Lets do!13.Look at that

3、 giraffe.Its tall.14.The boy is-.The girl is - . shorttall15.thin瘦fat 胖 16.Can you say: .is tall,.is short.17. Lets find two friends , then tell us “ is tall. is short.”在班级里找两个朋友,对比一下他们两在班级里找两个朋友,对比一下他们两个的身高,看一看谁比较高,谁比较矮,个的身高,看一看谁比较高,谁比较矮,请你用请你用“is tall. is short.” 来说说看。来说说看。Lets try:18.Watch the vi

4、deo!Discuss in group:Where is it? / Who can you see?/ What are they doing?19.elephantlong noseshort tailsmall eyesbig ears长的长的短的短的大的大的小的小的尾巴尾巴20.Watch the video!21.shortthintallfatlonglong armsshort armsbig eyessmall eyesshortthintallfatshort armsbig eyessmall eyes22.Lets learn.23.opposite wordsshor

5、t - tall short-long big-small ( 矮的矮的)(短的)(短的)24.2.Lets guess(让我们猜一猜)(让我们猜一猜)I have a friend. She is tall . She has long hair(头发)头发) and small mouth . Who is she?AB25. has a short tail.Who is it?32.It has a short tail and a big mouth.33.Its a duck.34.It has small ears and a small

6、nose.Who is it?35.Its a panda.36. What is it? Its very cute(可爱) It has long ears It is white.lets guess37.Its a rabbit38. What is it?Its an animal.Its not big.It has a short tail.It has beautiful horns( 角).lets guess39.Its a deer.40.41.tigerlionfoxwolfzebrahorsemonkeygorilla42.1. Listen ,choose and

7、guessIt is (tall / short).It has a (short / long) nose. It has a (big / small) body. It has two (big / small) eyes and two (big / small) ears.What is it?习题习题:43.习题:2Listen and match(P39)根据录音将图片与数字连线下一张下一张?44.习题:3.看图,并根据汉语提示填空,补全句子。1. The giraffe is _(高的).tall2. The pig has _ (小的) eyes.small3. The ra

8、bbit has _(长的) ears. long4. The deer is _ (矮的).short45.习题习题4. chose ,write and talk.(选择适当的词来描绘下面你最喜欢的动物,然后把描述最喜欢的动物这句话写下来并读给同桌听)1.I like the elephant, its ( ), it has a ( ) body.2.I like the panda, it has a ( ) body, it has ( ) eyes.3.I like the rabbit, its (short), it has ( long ) ears. 4. I like the squirrel, it has ( ) legs, it has a ( ) tail.5. I like the monkey, it has ( ) eyes ,it has ( ) tail.1234546.单词:giraffedeershorttall小小 结结47.1.Finish your sentences.2.Copy new words 5 times.(抄写本课新单词,每个单词抄写本课新单词,每个单词写五遍。写五遍。)Homework48.49.



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