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1、知识点大全高二英语 Unit7 Living with disease知识点总复习教案Section I 课前准备、听力、口语1. I can become infected with HIV by swimming in a pool, sitting in a bath.在游泳池里游泳、浴缸里洗澡我会感染艾滋病毒。(p.49 Warming Up AIDS QUIZ No.2) 1) infect (1) infect vt. “传染,感染”,常与with 连用。如: The patient infected me with a bad cold. 这病人把重感冒传染给了我。 He inf

2、ected his wound with disease germs. 他的伤口感染了病菌。(2) 被动语态be infected with后接“疾病”时,表示“被感染”;后接“某种思想”时,表示“被“影响,感化”。如: The children were an infected with malaria. 孩子们都感染了疟疾。 Be careful not to be infected with flu. 小心别传染上流感。 When he was in prison, he was infected with all sorts of antisocial ideas. 他在狱中受到各种反

3、动思想的影响。【拓展】infect sb. with.传染给某人/ be infected with.被传染上/ an infected area污染地区 / infect sb. with a theory用理论影响2) by (1) prep. 表示行为的主语,表示方法、手段或所用的工具,后面可以接动名词作宾语。如: He makes a living by begging from door to door. 他靠挨门挨户乞讨为生。A blind man can know what something is like by feeling and touching. 盲人可以通过触摸来了

4、解某些东西的样子。 You can make that kind 0f cake by mixing eggs and flour. 把鸡蛋和面粉混合,你就可以做出那种蛋糕。(2) 也可用来引导时间状语,意为“到时候为止”“在时候之前”,句中谓语动词用完成时态。如引导的是过去时间状语,谓语动词用过去完成时; 如引导的是将来时间状语,则用将来完成时。 如: By the end of last year, we had learned 1,000 English words.到去年年底为止,我们已学会了1,000 个英语单词。By next Friday, I shall have finish

5、ed the work. 到下周五,我将完成这项工作。 Surely Robert must have returned by now. 现在罗伯特肯定已经回来了。【注意】当谓语动词由be 来充当时,多用一般时态。如:By then he was more than fifty years of age. 到那时,他已经五十多岁了。【拓展】 by accident = by chance偶然地 / by means of借助 / 靠 by no means绝不,决不 / take.by surprise出其不意 / by oneself单独,独立地 / by the way顺便说 / lear

6、n.by heart记熟 / by turns轮流 / by then 到那时 / one by one 一个一个地 / little by little一点一点地 / by and by不久,过一会儿 / by mistake由于疏忽 / side by side肩并肩 / by far.得多【辨析】 by ;with ;inby 通常表示方法或手段,也可以接动名词表示某种手段;/ with 表示使用具体的工具;/ in表示所用的原料、材料或途径。如: The street is lighted by electricity. 街道用电照明。 She saw a strange bird w

7、ith her own eyes. 她亲眼见到一只怪鸟。 I filled in an application form in ink. 我用墨水填写的申请表。 I paid the bill in cash. 我用现金结的账。【比较】He likes to write articles in pen pencil. He likes to write articles with a penpencil. 【注意】在被动语态中, 行为者若是无生命的, 用 by 或 with 均可。如; The fields are covered by with snow. 田野被雪覆盖了。 Altogeth

8、er more than 70 percent of the surface of our planet is covered by water. 地球表面总共有70多被水覆盖。 Antarctica is covered with solid thick ice and deep snow. 南极被厚厚的冰雪覆盖。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 11 页知识点大全2. People who have not injected drugs do not need to get tested for HIV. 不注射毒品的

9、人没有必要去做艾滋病毒检测。(p.49 Warming Up AIDS QUIZ No.5) get + 过去分词(1) “get+过去分词”与“ be + 过去分词”用法相近,主要用于 谈论意想不到的、 突然的或偶然发生的情况;谈论为自己做的事,即自身做的动作而不是被动的动作。如: I got caught for speeding. 我因超速而被抓住。 Some glasses got broken when we were moving. 我们搬家的时候有些玻璃杯被打碎了。 Did you get invited to the party? 你被邀请参加舞会了吗? 【短语】 get dr

10、essed穿衣 / get washed洗脸 / get lost迷路 / get married结婚 / get charged 充电 / get separated被分散 (2) get作为系动词,后面可接 adj.,或 n. ,意为“成为”。如: Its getting darker and darker outside. 屋外天色变得越来越暗。 Youd better take an umbrella with you if you dont want to get wet. 如果不想被淋湿的话,你最好带把伞。 The boy is getting (to be) a burden t

11、o the family. 这个男孩逐渐成为家里的负担。【拓展】 get about = get aroundround = spread (消息 ) 传开 ; get alongon with. 与相处,进展; get down to开始,着手做 ; get in = harvest收获 ; get off下车 ; get close to接近 ; get hold of得到,抓住 ; get in touch with与取得联系3. If I had HIV, I would know because I would feel sick. 如果我得了艾滋病我会知道,因为我会感到难受。(p.

12、49 Warming Up AIDS QUIZ No.5) feel的用法(1) feel是系动词,表示“感觉起来”,后接形容词作表语,没有被动形式。如: - Are you feeling any better? - Yes,thank you. I feel fine now. 你感觉好点儿吗? 谢谢,我现在觉得很好。 His compliment made her feel good. 他的恭维让她觉得心里很舒服。 I feel sure (=Im sure) that she will take the job. 我确信她一定会接受那份工作。【注意】 feel well是表示身体上感觉

13、舒服,而feel good是表示精神上的满足,舒服之意。(2) feel系动词,“摸上去有的感觉”。如: A babys skin feels smooth. 婴儿的皮肤摸起来很光滑。 How cold your hands feel! 你的手怎么这么冰凉。(3) feel为感官动词,接不定式作宾补时通常省去to ,如果 to be 作宾补时则不省,在被动语态中,宾补的不定式符号to 不能省。如: He felt someone pat him on the shoulder. 他感到有人拍他的肩膀。 They all feel this plan to be important. 他们都感到

14、那个计划很重要。【辨析】 feel like;would like;likefeel like表示“愿意做某事”,后面接动名词;表示“觉得好像,摸起来像”时,后面要接名词。would (should) like表示“想要干某事”,后面可接名词或动词不定式。like表示“喜欢做某事”,后面接不定式或动名词。如: I feel like making a trip to the Great Wall. 我想到长城旅游。 She felt like a princess in that dress. 她穿上那件衣服,感觉自己像个公主。 Id like to have a conversation w

15、ith the patient. 我想跟那个病人谈谈。 - What can I do for you? Id like a cup of tea? 要点什么 ? 来杯茶。 He likes to travel travelling alone. 他喜欢独自旅行。【拓展】 feel as ifas though觉得好像; feel like doing感觉想做; feel ones way摸索前进; feel for sth. 摸索着找某物;feel oneself感到正常; feel up to觉得适于4. People who have HIV look different from ev

16、eryone else. 那些艾滋病毒携带者看上去与其他人不同。(p.49 Warming Up AIDS QUIZ No.7) 1) different (1) different adj. “不同的, 各式各样的”, 可以作表语、 定语。如: They are quite different in their tastes. 他们的品味差异很大。 My opinions are different 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 11 页知识点大全from yours. 我的意见与你的不同。 We went to d

17、ifferent high schools. 我们分别就读于不同的高中。 The strange man has a very different way of living. 这个怪人有非常独特的生活方式。(2) 表示“与不同”用from ;“在方面不同”用in 或 as to 。如:He thinks differently from me. = His opinion is different from mine他的想法和我的不同。 He differs from his brother in looks. 他的长相跟几个兄弟不同。 Japanese differs greatly fr

18、om French in pronunciation. 日语与法语在发音方面有很大不同。【拓展】 be different from与不同; differently from与不同; differ from inas to在方面不同;the same as与相同;be similar to与相似2) else (1) else 常与疑问词how,what, who ,where 等连用,也可与不定代词something ,anything ,nothing ,somebody,anybody,nobody 等连用, 并置于上述词语之后。如: Nobody else understands me

19、 as well as you do. 别人没有一个你这样理解我。 Its too crowded hereLets go somewhere else. 这儿太拥挤了,咱们到别的地方去吧! Would you like anything else to drink?你还要喝点别的什么吗 ? (2) else 的所有格形式是elses。如: Youll have to borrow someone elses car. Im using mine. 你得另借别人的汽车,我的车还要用呢。 That must be someone elses coat ;it isnt mine. 那一定是另外什

20、么人的外套,不是我的。(3) else 可以与 little和(not)much连用。如: Little else is known about this mans life. 关于此人的生张,别的就知道的很少了。 There is not much else t0 d0 now but wait. 现在除了等待之外,也没有其他的办法。(4) or else “否则,要不然”,相当于otherwise 。 Hurry up, or else you will miss the train. 快一点儿,否则你就赶不上火车了。 You must go there quickly or else y

21、ou will not be back in time. 你必须快去,否则你就不能及时回来了。5. Its safe to be friends with people who are living with AIDS. 跟正在忍受艾滋病的人交朋友是安全的。(p.49 Warming Up AIDS QUIZ No.8) 1) 这是一个it作形式主语的句型,后面的动词不定式作真正主语。这类结构有:(1) It is seemsfeels + adj. + to do sth. Its hard to translate this sentence into English. 把这个句子译成英语

22、很难。 It seems easy to deal with him. 跟他打交道好像挺容易。(2)Its + n. + to do sth. Its a mistake to do it in this way. 这样做是错误的。 Its a pleasure to be with you. 跟你在一起很高兴。在这儿见到外真意外! Its a great surprise to meet you here! Its very surprising to meet you here! Im very surprised to meet you here! (3) It + 动词短语 + to

23、do sth. It needs hard work to finish the job. 做完那项工作需要艰苦劳动。 It requires patience to teach children.教育孩子需要耐心。(4) 在这类句子结构中,不定式的逻辑主语通常可在特定的情景中看出,也可用介词for或of 引出。 Its impossible for him to go alone. 他一个人去不可能。 Its kind of you to say so. 谢谢你这样说。【辨析】 Its . for sb. to do; Its . of sb. to do 句型 Its + adj. + f

24、or sb. to do中, it为形式主语, for sb. to do是真正主语,使用这一句型只表明不定式行为的特点,而不表明sb. 本身的特点,常见的此类形容词有easy ,difficult,hard,important,necessary ,expensive ,impossible等。句型 Its + adj. + of sb. to do中, it为形式主语, of sb. to do是真正主语。使用这一句型意在对sb. 及其所做的行为进行评价,此类形容词有good,kind ,nice ,wise,wrong,clever ,brave ,honest 等。另外,后一种句型可以

25、进行下列句型转换:Its stupid of you to make such a mistake. = You 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 11 页知识点大全are stupid to make such a mistake. 而前一种句型则不能这样转换:Its impossible for him to go alone. 不可能转换为:He is impossible to go alone. 2) live (1) vi. 生存,居住,生活,留在记忆中。 She lost her will to live.

26、她失去了活下去的意志。 Her voice will live with me until I die. 我至死不会忘记她的声音。 No ship could live in such a rough sea. 在这样汹涌的大海航行,没有船不沉没。(2) live with与一起生活;忍受,忍耐 He doesnt live with his parents. 他不和父母住在一起。 You have to learn to live with stress. 你得学会忍受压力。【拓展】 live by靠为生; live on以为主食,靠生活;live through经历过,经过之后还活着;li

27、ve off依赖生活; live up to 遵守, 不辜负; live out ones dream实现梦想; live and let live宽容别人6. Medical studies show that the AIDS virus cannot be transmitted via the following routes. 医学研究表明艾滋病毒不通过下列途径传播。(p.49 Warming Up 倒数第 2 行 ) (1) transmit vt. 传 染 , 传 导 , 遗 传 , 发 射Parents transmit some of their characteristic

28、s to their children. 父母把一些有特有的性格遗传给儿女。 The power developed by the engine is transmitted to the wheels by some parts. 引擎发动的动力通过某些部件传给轮子。 The revolutionary tradition should be transmitted to the younger generation. 革命传统应该传给下一代。 Mosquitoes transmit malaria. 蚊子传播疟疾。 She transmitted the message to me. 她传

29、递口信给我。【注意】发电报英语通常用send,transmit是指 operator通过电报机把电码输送发出。(2) via prep. by way of经由,取途径 We went to London via Siberia. 我们取道西伯利亚到的伦敦。 He sent me a love letter via one of my friends. 他通过我的一个朋友把情书寄给了我。7. Take notes of what you hear on the tape. 记下你在录音中听到的。(p.50 Listening Part 2 No.1) take notes of = take

30、a note of也可以说make notes of或 make a note of意为“记下,记录”。 Make a note of the title of the books. 记下这些书的书名。 He never forgets to make notes for his speech. 他从未忘记在演讲前先拟好草稿。 The students are busy taking notes in class. 学生们忙着在课堂上做笔记。【拓展】 compare notes交换意见; take note of注意到; take notice of注意到; take no notice of

31、没注意到;without notice不预先通知地; come into notice引起注意8. Use the role card in the group discussion and try to persuade the other group members that your problem is the most serious one. 在小组讨论中使用任务卡并说服其他组员用你所说的问题是最严重的。(p.50 Speaking) persuade v. “说服,劝服”,可用于以下结构中:persuade sb. to do sth. ;persuade sb. into do

32、ing sth. ; persuade sb. that-clause; persuade sb. out of doing sth. He persuaded her to gointo going with him. 他说服了她和他一块去。 I persuaded him out of smoking. 我说服了他戒烟。 He persuaded me that death does not end all. 他说服了我相信死并不使一切结束。【注意】如果说而不服或劝而不服,则不能运用persuade 。因为它表示已经说服,而且应用try to persuade sb. to do 或 ad

33、vise sbto do。如: I have never persuaded him to take the job. = Many times I tried to persuade him to take the job, but I failed to. 我始终没有说服他接受这份工作。 I tried to persuade him to do it but he wouldnt. = I advised him to do it but he wouldnt.我设法说服他做但他不肯听。Section 阅读9. Born dying出生即面临死亡 (p.51 Reading Title)

34、 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 11 页知识点大全(1) born + adj. n. 生 为 He was born French, but later took Canadian citizenship. 他生为法国人, 但后来取得了加拿大公民身份。 The children are born lucky. 这些孩子生来就很幸运。(2) be born to do生来就是 She was born to succeed in life. 她生来就注定会成功。(3) born adj. “天生的,生来就有的”,作定语

35、。She is a born poet. 她是个天生的诗人。10. Many people who have AIDS manage to survive only a few years after they get the disease. 许多艾滋病人在染病后只能活几年。(p.51 Reading 第二段第 3 行 ) survive v. (1) 幸好,由中生还,经历(灾难 ) 之后还活着 Only one baby survived the terrible car crash. 在那次可怕的撞车事故中,只有一个婴儿生还。 Few houses in this district ha

36、ve survived after the storm. 本地区暴风雨后残留下来的房子寥寥无几。 Only a few soldiers survived after the battle. 战斗过后,只有少数士兵活了下来。(2) vt. 比长寿,在失去之后继续活下去 The man survived his sister by three years. 那人比他姐多活了3 年。 The girl survived her parents. 这女孩父母已死。【注意】 survive的名词形式是survival (幸存 ) 和 survivor (幸存者 ) 。11. For some, med

37、icine can help keep them alive.对于有些病人来说,药物可以帮助维持生命。 (p.51 Reading 第二段第 4 行) 1) help是动词,后接不定式时to 可省略或不省略。 The new policy helped (to) brake the inflation.那项新政策有助于抑制通货膨胀。 Computer-aided instruction will help students (to) learn foreign languages.使用电脑帮助教学有助于学生学习外语。【注意】 help 后面所接的动词通常不加to ,但 British Engl

38、ish中有加 to 的趋势。但被动态中不能省略to 。如:The boy was helped by a woman to collect his scattered coins. 一个妇人帮那男孩拾散乱一地的钱币。【拓展】 cant help doing 禁不住; cant help but do 不得不做; with the help of 在的帮助下; help oneself to 随便,自取 ( 食物等 ) ;help sb. out 帮助某人摆脱困境;help sb. with sth帮助某人做某事;It cant be helped实在没办法。2) keep vt. 作“保持,保

39、存,保留”解时,可以接复合宾语,具体如下:(1)keep sb. sth. + adj. We must keep our eyes open. 我们必须提高警惕。 We should keep the room clean and tidy. 我们要保持房间整洁。(2) keep sb. sth. + doing Dont keep your mother waiting. 别让你妈妈久等。 They kept the fire burning the whole fight. 火整夜不熄。【拓展】 keep a record保持记录; keep back 扣留,阻止;keep fit保持身

40、体健康; keep.in mind 把记在心里;keep in touch with与保持联系;keep off勿踏,勿踩;keep on坚持干, 继续前进; keep ones balance 保持平衡; keep.out of 不使入内; keep out of 不惹事; keep up 保持,维护,继续;keep up with赶上,不落在后面12. I wish that she were here with me. 我真希望她现在跟我在一起。(p.51 Reading第三段 倒数第 2 行) wish 后接虚拟语气“wish+宾语从句”表示不能实现的愿望,汉语可译为“可惜”“就好了”

41、“悔不该”“但愿”:(1) 表示现在不能实现的愿望,从句的谓语动词用过去式;(2) 表示将来不能实现的愿望,用“wouldcould + 动词原形”; (3) 表示过去不能实现的愿望,用had done 或 could would have done 。如: I wish it were spring all the year round. I wish you could go with us. We wish we had arrived there two hours earlier. I wish I could fly to the moon in a spaceship one d

42、ay. 【拓展】 wish to do sth. 希望做; wish sb. to do sth. 希望某人做某事;wish sb. sth. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 11 页知识点大全祝某人得到;wish for.渴望 give ones best wishes to向表示良好的祝愿【辨析】 wish ;hope (1) wish to do = want to do表示说话者想要做什么,但不去想能实现与否,或以为可能性不大;而hope to do 则表示说话人既有此愿,也努力去实现。如I wish = I w

43、ant to become a doctor和 I hope to become a doctor。(2) wish 表示与事实相反的愿望,hope 表示未来可能的希望。如:I wish you would do this for me. (但愿你会为我做,但我知道你不愿为我做。) I hope you will do this for me. (希望你会为我做,而且知道你可能会帮助我。) (3) wish可用来表示祝愿,后接双宾语,而hope 不能这样。如:I wish you luck = I hope you will be lucky. 13. mainly because of a

44、lack of proper health care, prevention and education主要由于缺乏合适的身体保健、预防和教育 (p.51 Reading 倒数第二段第 3 行 ) (1) lack n. & v. 缺乏 She showed a lack of humour. 她缺少幽默。 He completely lacked conscience. 他一点良心也没有。 The project failed due to lack of money. 那项计划因资金不足而失败。 They are so rich that they lack for nothing. 他们

45、非常富裕,不欠缺什么。【拓展】 for lack of因缺乏; ;have no lack of不缺乏;lack for nothing一无所缺; be lacking in缺乏【辨析】 lack与 shortagelack 是一个通用性名词,意指整体或局部的不足;shortage在表示局部欠缺方面与lack同义,但它在指固定的、必须的或一般习惯性的总数不足时,比lack 所示的不足更甚。(2) health n. 健康,健康状况 Promote physical culture and build up the peoples health. 发展体育运动,增强人民体质。 Fresh air

46、 is good for ones health. 新鲜空气有益健康。【拓展】 lose ones health失去健康; regain ones health恢复健康; be in goodpoor health身体健康不健康;public health公共卫生; drink to ones health为某人的健康干杯; mental health心理卫生健康14. If I were to live long enough to have a job, I would choose to be a doctor, helping these AIDS patients. 假如我能活到找工

47、作,我会选择当医生,帮助那些艾滋病人。(p.52 Reading 第一段第 3 行) (1) 虚拟语气用于条件状语从句中,可以表示与将来事实相反,形式如下:If it were to rain tomorrow, the meeting would be put off. = If it should rain tomorrow, the meeting would be put off. 如果明天会下雨,会议就会延期。【注意】 当省略条件状语从句中的if时,句子可以用倒装。上句可变为: Were it to rain tomorrow, the meeting would be put of

48、f. Should it rain tomorrow ,the meeting would be put off. (2) helping此处是一个现在分词短语作伴随状语。再如: The students went out into the fields, laughing and talking. 同学们笑着、谈论着走到田野里。 The child fell, striking his head against the door. 孩子摔倒了, 头撞在了门上。 Holding his head high, he walked and passed the pole and the soldi

49、ers. 他高昂着头,从那根杆子和士兵面前走过。15. The disease is not the only thing that AIDS patients suffer from. 病痛并不是艾滋病患者经受的唯一的痛苦。(p.52 Reading 第二段第 1 行) suffer一词的用法精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 11 页知识点大全(1) vt. 受苦,患病,遭受损失。如: The injured man was still suffering. 那位受伤的男人还在受着折磨。 His health suffe

50、red terribly from heavy drinking. 他的健康因豪饮而严重受损。 The engine suffered severely. 这台引擎受到很大损害。【注意】suffer for 因某事而受罚; suffer from 表示患病。如: Hell suffer for his foolery. 他会因自己的蠢行而受到惩罚。 The city suffered serious damage from the earth- quake. 这个城市因地震而遭到严重破坏。 In the battle, the enemy suffered heavy loss. 战斗中,敌人

51、伤亡惨重。suffer hunger挨饿(2) vt. 忍受,忍耐 ( 通常用于否定句、疑问句 ) 。如: Ill no longer suffer this insult. 我不会再忍受这种侮辱了。 I wont suffer such conduct. 我不能容忍这种行为。16. I wish people would find out the facts. 我希望人们了解实情。(p.52 Reading 第二段 第 6行) find一词的用法(1) vt. “( 偶然 ) 发现,遇见”,没有进行时态。如: I found a ten-dollar note on the road.我在路

52、上发现一张10 美元的钞票。 I was surprised when I found you in the bus. 在公共汽车上看到你时我很惊讶。(2) find sb. sth. = find sth. for sb. 为某人找到某物。如: Please find me my key. = Please find my key for me. 请帮我找找我的钥匙。 Hell find you a good job. 他会帮你找个好工作。(3)find sb. + adj. 发现为 After a long search, we found the boy safe and sound.

53、经过长久的搜寻,我们发现那个男孩安然无恙。 The jury found the man guilty. 陪审团裁定这人有罪。 We found him dishonest. 我们觉得他不诚实。(4) find oneself+宾补“ ( 不知不觉 ) 中发现自己处于某种境地”。如: She returned to England to find herself famous. 她回到英国发现自己竟成名了。 When he woke up, he found himself tied to the ground by the little people. 他醒来后,发现自己被小人们绑在了地上。

54、 Aqiao found herself in a different world. 阿巧发现自己来到了另一个世界。 At midnight he found himself lying on the wet ground. 午夜时分,他发现自己躺在了湿地上。我发觉这本书非常有教育意义。I found the book very instructive. I found the book to be very instructive. I found that the book was very instructive. 你会发现他很难相处。Youll find him difficult g

55、o get along with. Youll find that he is difficult to get along with. Youll find it difficult to get along with him. 【辨析】 find;find out; look for;discover find “发现”, 指偶然或经过一番经历而发现,与 find out ; 另外还有“找到”的意思,是 look for寻找的结果;find out“查明”,指通过观察、研究或调查,找出原因,查明事实,发现错误、秘密等;look for“寻找”,强调寻找的动作,而find是找到,强调找到的结

56、果;discover “发现”,指发现前的未知的事物或现象。如: I looked for my watch everywhere and found it at last. 我到处找手表,最后终于找到了。 He was sent to the countryside to find out the situation there. 他被派往农村去了解那儿的情况。 Do you know who discovered America? 你知道谁发现的美洲?17. That is the best way to show that you care. 那是表达你关怀的最好办法。(p.52 Rea

57、ding 第二段倒数第 2 行) 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 11 页知识点大全way一词的用法(1) way n. 指到达目的地所经过的途径,意为“道路,路途”,含义较抽象,常指路的去向,有时还引申为“方法、方式、手段”等。如: The driver didnt know which way to go. 司机不知往哪儿走。 This is the nearest way to the hotel. 这是去旅馆最近的路。 I dont like the way you treat your children.我不喜

58、欢你对待孩子的方式。 Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者,事竞成。【注意】 表达“在公路上, 在街道上”, 英国人常用in the roadstreet, 美国人常用on the road / street。表达“走路时,可说Take this that way 也可说 go downupalong the road 。(2) way n. 方法,做法,手段There are a tot of ways to make friends. 交朋友的方法很多。 The best way to learn English is to go to th

59、e countries where the language is spoken. 学英语的最好方法是到讲英语的国家去。This is the safest way to invest money. 这是最安全投资方法。The two boys worked out the problem in the same way. 这两个男生是用相同的方法解出这道题的。 - Can the problem be done in another way? - Yes, it can be done in three different ways. 这道题可以用另一种方法解吗? 是的,它可用三种不同的方法

60、解。【注意】way作“方法,办法”讲时, 后面的定语可以用to do 或 of doing 。 如: He has a strange way 0f doing things. = He has a strange way to do things. (3) way作先行词时,定语从句中的关系代词可以用in which , that 或省略,省略的形式更为常见。如: I dont like the way she speaks to you. = I dont like the way in which she speaks to you. = I dont like the way that

61、 she speaks to you. 我不喜欢她跟你讲话的态度。 The way they look at problems is quite wrong. = The way in which they look at problems is quite wrong. = The way that they look at problems is quite wrong. 他们看问题的方法不对。【辨析】way; road;street; pathway “道路”,用法较抽象,因此可引申“方法、方式或手段”; road “公路,马路”,指两地之间能通行人或车辆的大道,用法较具体;street

62、“街道”,指城市、乡镇中两边有建筑物的路段;path “小路,小径”,指由行人在田野林间踩成的道,往往较窄小,蜿蜒曲折,也可指运动的途径轨道。如: There is much traffic on the road. 公路上车辆很多。 There is a walking street in our city. 学校离我家很远。【拓展】 all the way一直,完全;by the way顺便说; by way of经过; give way让路;in a way某种程度上; in no way决不;no way 不可能; in the ones way妨碍别人; make ones way

63、前往; fight ones way打出一条路; get in ones way妨碍别人; lose ones way迷路;push ones way奋力向前挤;on ones way 在途中; find ones way 找到路 get out of the way走开; under way 在进行中; this way and that这样那样; have ones way为所欲为; lead the way 领路; in thisthat way用这种那种办法Section III 词汇、语法、综合技能18. Cancer can be treated. 癌症可以治疗。(p.55 Int

64、e- grating Skills 第二段第 1 行) treat一词的用法(1) treat v. 治疗,医治 ( 病人,疾病等) The doctor treated my influenza. 医生治疗我的流感。 He treated her for a broken arm. 他为她治疗那条骨折的手臂。 They treated him with a new drug. 他们用新药医治他的病痛。 The dentist is treating his tooth. 牙医正在治疗他的牙齿。 His wounds were well treated in the army hospital

65、. 他的伤在陆军医院受到很好的治疗。【注意】表示“治好某人的某种病”要用cure sb. of sth.。如: The fresh air on the farm cured me of my headache. 农场的新鲜空气治好了我的头痛。 We have to cure the child of bad habits. 我们必须纠正孩子的坏习惯。 This medicine will cure your fever in no 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 11 页知识点大全time. 这种药很快就能治好你的头痛

66、。(2) treat vt. 对待,把看作 They treated each other like brothers. 他们亲如手足。 Why do you treat the matter as a joke? 你为何把这件事当作玩笑呢? She treated me as if I were a child. 她把我当作小孩看待。【拓展】“把当作”的表达方式 regard.as; have.as; look on.as; think of.as; consider.as; treat.as (3) treat vt. 款待,宴请 ( 某人 ) Its my turn to treat y

67、ou tonight.今晚轮到我请客。 He treated me to a movie. 他请我看电影。19. It does not spread from one person to another. 它不会在人和人之间传播。(p.55 Integrating Skills 第二段倒数第 2 行) spread 一词的用法(1) vt. “使伸展, 延伸,张开”, 常与 out 连用。如: I spread a new cloth on the table. 我在餐桌上铺上一条新桌布。 He spread out his arms to welcome us. 他张开手臂欢迎我们。 Th

68、e mother spread blanket over the sleeping child那位母亲摊开毛毯盖在睡着的孩子身上。(2) vi. ( 消息等 ) 传开,流传。如: The news spread through the school very quickly. 消息很快传遍学校。 The fire spread from the factory to the house nearby. 火势从工厂延至附近的房舍。 The rumour quickly spread through the town. 谣言在镇上传开了。【注意】 spread 表示“消息、谣言、知识等的传播”时,

69、是不及物动词,因此没有被动语态形式,且可以用got roundabout 等替换。如: How did the rumour get about?谣言是怎么传开的 ? 【拓展】 spread out传开消息; spread rumors散布谣言; spread like wildfire像野火般传开; spread oneself舒展身体; get aboutaround round( 消息等 ) 传开20. They helped me find the strength I needed to recover. 他们帮助我建立康复的信心。(p.55 Integrating Skills 第

70、三段第 4 行) recover vt. 从中恢复,痊愈 I dont think he will recover. 我认为他不会恢复健康。 He has recovered from a cold. 他感冒已痊愈了。 We havent yet recovered from the shock. 我们还未从那次打击中恢复过来。 Has the country recovered from the effect of the war yet? 那个国家已从战争的影响中恢复过来了吗? * 他已恢复健康。He recovered from his illness. / He recovered h

71、is health. / He was restored to health. / The doctor restored him to health. 【拓展】 recover consciousness 恢复意识; regain health 恢复健康; recover ones sight 恢复视力; recover ones strength 恢复体力; recover from a cold 感冒痊愈; be restored to health 恢复健康; recover oneself 恢复健康,痊愈21. Living with cancer has made me reali

72、se how precious life is and how important it is for us to take every chance to live life to the fullest. 忍受癌症的折磨使我意识到生活多么珍贵, 充分享受生活对我们来说是多么重要。(p.55 Integrating Skills 第四段倒数第 6 行) 1) precious;precious adj. 贵重的 Nothing is more precious than time. 世上最宝贵的莫过于光阴。 Every child is precious to its parents. 每个

73、小孩都是父母的宝贝。 That beautiful piece of glass is very precious. 那片漂亮的玻璃非常珍贵。【辨析】 precious ;valuable;pricelessprecious指“价钱和价值很高的,值钱的”,如:precious stones宝古, precious words珍贵的话;valuable“宝贵的,贵重的,值钱的”,常常指交换价值或使用价值,有时是由于稀有而本身具有相当高的价值。如:He made many valuable discoveries in science. 他在科学上有精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - -

74、 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 11 页知识点大全很多有价值的发现。priceless用来描述具有不可估量价值的东西。如:Human life is priceless. 人的生命是宝贵的。2) chance n. & v. (1) n. “机会,机遇”,用作可数名词。如: Ive been waiting for the chance to speak to her. 我一直在等待和她说话的机会。 Its the chance of lifetime. Dont miss it. 这是千载难逢的机会,别错过了。 She could have been given a

75、 chance to be a manager. 她本来会得到一个当经理的机会的。 He hopes for a chance to go abroad. 他希望有机会出国。【拓展】 by chance 偶然,碰巧;take a chance冒险试一试; by any chance万一; chance on upon 偶然找到; stand a chance of有的希望;on the chance of指望着; the chances that有可能; leave.to chance将听天由命(2) n.“可能性”,用作可数名词或不可数名词。如: The chances are a hund

76、red to one against you. 你只有百分之一的成功的可能性。 What are the chances that we shall succeed? 我们会成功的可能性有多大? I think she has a good chance of winning. 我想她获胜的希望很大。There is no chance of rain today. = There is no chance that it will rain today. 今天下雨的可能性不大。【注意】 chance 后可以跟to do或 of doing作宾语。(3) v. “碰巧”,相当于happen,可

77、以用作chance to do 或 It chanced that.。如: I chancedhappened to see him on a bus. 碰巧在车上我碰见他。 It so chancedhappened that I was out when he called. 他来时,我碰巧不在家。【辨析】 chance ;occasion ;opportunitychance 表示 ( 情理上不一定发生而发生的) “偶然、意外的机会”,含有一时的运气和侥幸的意味,比opportunity具有更大的偶然性。如:Let chance decides. 碰碰运气吧 ! occasion “机会

78、、时机”,是从“时刻,时节”的意思发展为“时机或机会”的,常指一般性的机会。如我们和别人谈话的occasion是随处可以有的,如果我们遇到了可以做某件事的occasion ,而我们正希望做某件事,那么这个occasion 就成了 opportunity。opportunity“机遇,好机会”,是a favourable occasion或 a good chance ,往往是期待着的 occasion或 chance 。如: Everyone shall have a fair opportunity to make the best of himself.每个人都应该有追求上进的公平机会。【

79、单元语法】2. 主语从句与it (1) 由 that引导的主语从句通常用it作形式主语, 而将 that从句置于句末, 在正式文体中that不能省略。如: It was obvious that the driver could not control his car. 很明显,司机已经不能控制他的车。 Its quite clear that the crime was done deliberately. 很明显,这是一起蓄意犯罪案。(2) 如果以 that 从句为主语的句子是疑问句那就只能用it作形式主语。 如: Is it probably that they will come to

80、morrow? 他们有可能明天来吗? Is it a well-known fact that the moon has no light of its own?月亮本身不发光这是众所周知的事实吗? 【拓展】Its hoped that人们希望; Its said that据说; Its believed that据信; Its reported that据报道; Its thought that有人认为; Its suggested that有人建议; Its ordered that已下令; Its required that有人要求; Its supposed that据推测; Its

81、well-known that众所周知; Its considered that人们认为; Its pointed out that需要指出的是;It must be admitted that 必须承认的是;Its certain that 一定会; Its possibleprobable that精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 11 页知识点大全可能会; Its generally admitted that一般认为; Its obviousclear that很显然; Its a great pity that

82、很遗憾【注意】(1)Its suggested ordered required that中,主语从句要用虚拟语气,即should+ 动词原形; should 可以省略。(2)Its certain that中, certain不能用 sure 代替。如: Its suggested that we (should) have lunch at the new restaurant.有人建议我们在新开的那家餐馆吃午餐。 Its ordered that the baggage (should) be brought to her room. 她吩咐行李搬进她的房间。 Its required that all the members (should) attend the meeting. 全部成员均要求出席会议。 Its certain that the earth is round. 地球是圆的毫无疑问。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 11 页



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