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1、大学英语大学英语 CET6CET6 历年真题训练阅读理解历年真题训练阅读理解不知道自己无知,乃是双倍的无知。以下是为大家搜索的大学英语 CET-6 历年真题训练【阅读理解】,希望能给大家带来帮助!想了解更多精彩内容请及时关注我们!There are desert plants which survive the dry season inthe form of inactive seeds. There are also desert insectswhich survive as inactive larvae (幼虫). In addition,difficult as it is to

2、believe, there are desert fish whichcan survive through years of drought (干旱) in the form ofinactive eggs. These are the shrimps (小虾) that live inthe Mojave Desert, an intensely dry region in the south-west of the United States where shade temperatures of over50 are often recorded.?The eggs of the M

3、ojave shrimps are the size and havethe appearance of grains of sand. When sufficient springrain falls to form a lake, once every two to five years,these eggs hatch (孵化). Then the water is soon filled withmillions of tiny shrimps about a millimetre long which feedon tiny plant and animal organisms wh

4、ich also grow in thetemporary desert lake. Within a week, the shrimps grow fromtheir original 1 millimetre to a length of about 1.5centimetres.Throughout the time that the shrimps are rapidlymaturing, the water in the lake equally rapidly evaporates.Therefore, for the shrimps it is a race against ti

5、me. Bythe twelfth day, however, when they are about 3 centimetrelong, hundreds of tiny eggs form on the underbodies of thefemales. Usually by this time, all that remains of the lakeis a large, muddy patch of wet soil. On the thirteenth dayand the next, during the final hours of their brief lives,the

6、 shrimps lay their eggs in the mud. Then, having ensuredthat their species will survive, the shrimps die as thelast of the water evaporates.If sufficient rain falls the next year to form anotherlake, the eggs hatch, and once again the shrimps passrapidly through their cycle of growth, adulthood, egg

7、-laying, and death. Some years there is insufficient rain toform a lake: in this case, the eggs will remain dormant foranother year, or even longer if necessary. Very, veryoasionally, perhaps twice in a hundred years, sufficientrain falls to form a deep lake that lasts a month or more.In this case,

8、the species passes through two cycles ofgrowth, egg-laying, and death. Thus, on such oasions, thespecies multiplies considerably, which further ensures itssurvival.21. Which of the following is the MOST distinctivefeature of Mojave shrimps?A) Their lives are brief.B) They feed on plant and animal or

9、ganisms.C) Their eggs can survive years of drought.D) They lay their eggs in the mud.22. By saying “for the shrimps it is a race againsttime” (Para. 3, Line 2) the author means .A) they have to swim fast to avoid danger in therapidly evaporating lakeB) they have to swim fast to catch the animal orga

10、nismson which they surviveC) they have to multiply as many as possible withinthirteen daysD) they have to plete their life cycle within a shortspan of time permitted by the environment23. The passage mainly deals with .A) the life span of the Mojave shrimps C) theimportance of water to lifeB) the su

11、rvival of desert shrimps D) life in the MojaveDesert24. The word “dormant” (Para. 4, Line 3) mostprobably means .A) inactive B) strong C) alert D) soft25. It may be inferred from the passage that .A) appearance and size are most important for life tosurvive in the desertB) a species must be able to

12、multiply quickly in orderto surviveC) for some species one life cycle in a year is enoughto survive the desert droughtD) some species develop a unique life pattern tosurvive in extremely harsh conditionsOpportunities for rewarding work bee fewer for both menand women as they grow older. After age 40

13、, job huntingbees even more difficult. Many workers stay at jobs theyare too old for rather than face possible rejection. Ouryouth-oriented, throw-away culture sees little value inolder people. In writer Lilian Hellmans words, they have“the wisdom that es with age that we cant make use of.”Unemploym

14、ent and economic need for work is higher amongolder women, especially minorities, than among youngerwhite women. A national council reports these findings:Though unemployed longer when seeking work, older womenjob-hunt harder, hold a job longer with less absenteeism(缺勤), perform as well or better, a

15、re more reliable, andare more willing to learn than men or younger women. Yetmany older women earn poor pay and face a future of povertyin their retirement years. When “sexism meets ageism,poverty is no longer on the doorstep it moves in,”aording to Tish Sommers, director of a special study onolder

16、women for the National Organization for Women.Yet a 1981 report on the White House Conference onAging shows that as a group, older Americans are the“wealthiest, best fed, best housed, healthiest, most self-reliant older population in our history.” This statementis small fort to those living below th

17、e poverty line, butit does explode some of the old traditional beliefs andfears. Opportunities for moving in and up in a large panymay shrink but many older people begin suessful smallbusinesses, volunteer in satisfying activities, and stayactive for many years. They have few role models because inp

18、revious generations the life span was much shorter andexpectations of life were fewer. They are ploughing newground.?Employers are beginning to recognize that the matureperson can bring a great deal of stability andresponsibility to a position. One doesnt lose ability andexperience on the eve of one

19、s 65th or 70th birthday anymore than one grows up instantly at age 21.26. After the age of 40, .A) most workers are tired of their present jobsB) many workers tend to stick to their present jobsC) people find their jobs more rewarding than beforeD) people still wish to hunt for more suitable jobs27.

20、 From Heilmans remark, we can see that .A) full use has been made of the wisdom of older peopleB) the wisdom of older people is not valued by AmericansocietyC) older people are no less intelligent than youngpeopleD) the wisdom of older people is of great value toAmerican society28. Tish Sommers argu

21、es that .A) older women find it hard to escape povertyB) older women usually perform better in their jobsC) the major cause of the poverty of older women issexismD) more people have e to believe in sexism and ageism29. Aording to the third paragraph, it can be seen thatolder Americans .A) have more

22、job opportunities than young peopleB) live below the poverty lineC) have new opportunities to remain active in societyD) no longer believe in the promise of a happy lifeupon retirement30. It can be concluded from the passage that thewriter .A) calls attention to the living conditions of olderAmericansB) believes that the value of older people is gainingincreasing recognitionC) attempts to justify the youth-oriented, throw-awayculture of the United StatesD) argues people should not retire at the age of 65 or70



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