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1、regulations and other requirements of a relevant State laws, statutes, ordinances and norms; B of Luoyang City, Henan province , loca l regulations and departments under the State Council regulations, procedures; national, industry, standardization of Luoyang City, He nan province, about security ma

2、nagement laws, regulations, procedures, rule s, standards and other requirements; C national, trade and l ocal standards; D notification of a uthorities, law enforcement agencies, bulletins, and other requirements; E National Convention. 2, access to a superior communications, zhuanwen; B-published

3、newspapers, magazines; C conference access; D from laws, regulations, standards and other requirements distribution obtai ned; E by government agencies, industry associations and other acce ss; F sear ch t he Internet; G other channels. 3, recognition and i dentification 3.1 health and technology ac

4、cording to the standardization of safety management system requirements and related departments and units to coll ect information and preparation of GM of the applicable laws, regulations . 3, about the safety of jurisdi ctions, report regularly to the leading group for safety production. 4, promptl

5、y report accidents, and collaborative leadershi p group company safety production accidents, maintenance of the scene of the accident, and timely rescue of casualties to stop development. Four, duty firefighter responsibilities 1, accept the security of working arrangements, is in charge of work saf

6、ety in ea ch specifi c region. 2, organized by the security officer for conducting regular fire drills to ensure that basic firefighting skills. 3, make regular checks on production safety organized by the safety officer, found safety hazards immediately halted and proper precautionary measures, rep

7、orted to the safety officer. 4 assist the security officer is responsible for the work at the scene of the accident. Five, employee safety responsibilities 1 knowledge of pr oduction safety, and actively participate in the Organization of learning activities to enhance security awareness and conscio

8、usness. 2, strictly in a ccordance wit h the rules work, observe labour discipline and the rules and regulations of the company. 3, the correct use of PPE. 4, company officials in a timely manner to reflect problems in safety. Fourth chapter security meeting company set up a sound system of safety m

9、eetings, monthly summary all departments require a safety, regular analysis of the situation of production safety measures on major safety issues, and implementation. Safety training for the fifth chapter 1, all employees must receive safety training and education. 2, the company must be made before

10、 the new staff workshop, safety education. Employees changing jobs within the company or who leave for more than six months back to work, shop or safety education should accordingly. 3, for all employees of the company must conduct safety training and education, should be according to safety regulat

11、ions, safety rules, discipline as a n important part of safety education. 4, the companys special operations personnel (including electrician, driving motor vehicle s in factories, machine operators, and so on) must receive relevant professional training in safety knowledge, ensure qualified before

12、they can schedule posts. Sixth chapter safety checks, companies must establish and improve the system of safety checks. Workshop safety checks once a month, team leader safety checks once a week. Second, companies should organize production status check s, routine security che cks, professional safe

13、ty check. Spe cific requirements are: (I), post security, mainly by the staff before the operation, a bout your job or the work to be undertaken, and after confirming the safe and reliable operation. Contents incl ude: 1, if the security status of the equi pment i n good condition, safety protection

14、 device is effective; 2, provided security measures are implemented; 3, the equipment used, whether the tools i n accor dance with safety regulations; 4, job sites, as well as goods piled up compli ance with the safety specifications; 5, personal protective equipment, appliances, complete and reliab

15、le; 6, operation, procedures are clear. (B) routine safety inspections, mainly by the heads of the various departments responsible for, it must further site visits and inspections . .1, employee injuries that occur in the pr oce ss of work, must be strictly in accordance with the regulations of the

16、company reporti ng, investigation, a nalysis, treatment and management. 2, after a fatal accidents of workers, company officials shoul d immediately organize to save the victims, take effective measures to prevent the expansion and protection of the scene of the accident, rehabilitation efforts and

17、report group. Tenth chapter by-laws of the system come into force on the date of promulgation. Six, a security safeguard system and objective: costs for necessary in order to ensure the safety of production, ensure enterprise se curity investment funds and improved working conditions, according to t

18、he extraction of determines the criteria yourself, and have the courage to produce shall not be diverted to any other use. Second, scope this poli cy applies to the funds of input in production safety management. Three, responsibilities 1, Chairman of the Board is responsible for determining safety

19、extraction of investment criteria and the funding necessary to ensure the safety of production. 2, car bon susheng technology is responsi ble for the development of the system of safety investment to protect, supe rvise and inspect the use of investment funds to security. 3, finance charge based on

20、the safety investment protection system, establishi ng the security expense account records the cost of extraction and the use of security costs. Four, according to the financi al management of the high-risk industry enterprise safety in production costs of the interim measures (financial enterprise

21、s, No. 478) requirements, combined with the actual situation in enterprise security costs that year extraction is base d on actual sales of the year for accrual basis, using excess regressive manner, according to extracts to cut 2. 1, annual sales income in part up to 10 million Yuan, according to t

22、he extract to cut 4. 2, annual sales income in the 10 million Yuan to 100 million Yuan (included) parts, extract to cut by 2. 3, the annual sales income of RMB 100 million to 1 billion yua n (included) parts, extract 0.5 per cent respectively. 4, part of the annual sales income of more than 1 billio

23、n yuan, according to the extract to cut 0.2. 5, and developed contains following aspects of safety costs of usi ng plans, a nd impl ementation: , and perfect, and transformation and maintenance se curity protecti on equi pment facilities spending, whi ch: security初中数学经典易错题集锦及答案一、选择题1、A、B 是数轴上原点两旁的点,

24、则它们表示的两个有理数是-()A、互为相反数B、绝对值相等C、是符号不同的数D、都是负数2、有理数a、b 在数轴上的位置如图所示,则化简|a-b|-|a+b|的结果是 -()A、2a B、2b C、2a-2b D、2a+b 3、轮船顺流航行时m 千米 /小时,逆流航行时(m-6)千米 /小时,则水流速度- ()A、2 千米 /小时B、3 千米 /小时C、6 千米 /小时D、不能确定4、方程 2x+3y=20 的正整数解有 -()A、1 个B、3 个C、4 个D、无数个5、下列说法错误的是-()A. 两点确定一条直线B、线段是直线的一部分C、一条直线是一个平角D、把线段向两边延长即是直线6.函数

25、 y=(m2-1)x2-(3m-1)x+2 的图象与x 轴的交点情况是- ( ) A.当 m3 时,有一个交点B、1m时,有两个交C、当1m时,有一个交点D、不论 m 为何值,均无交点7.如果两圆的半径分别为R 和 r(Rr) ,圆心距为d,且 (d-r)2=R2,则两圆的位置关系是- ()A、内切B、外切C、内切或外切D、不能确定8、在数轴上表示有理数a、b、c 的小点分别是A、B、C 且 bac,则下列图形正确的是- ()A B C D9、有理数中,绝对值最小的数是-()A、-1 B、1 C、0 D、不存在10、21的倒数的相反数是- ()A、-2 B、2 C、-21D、2111、若 |x

26、|=x,则 -x 一定是 - ()A、正数B、非负数C、负数D、非正数12、两个有理数的和除以这两个有理数的积,其商为0,则这两个有理数为- ()A、互为相反数B、互为倒数C、互为相反数且不为0 D、有一个为0 13、长方形的周长为x,宽为 2,则这个长方形的面积为- ()A、2x B、2(x-2) C、x-4 D、2(x-2)/2 14、 “比 x 的相反数大3 的数”可表示为- - ()A、-x-3 B、-(x+3) C、3-x D、x+3 15、如果 0a0 时无解D、当 a0 时无解24、反比例函数xy2,当 x3 时, y 的取值范围是- ()A、y32B、y32C、y32或 y0

27、D、0y3225、0.4 的算术平方根是- ()A、0.2 B、 0.2 C、510D、51026、李明骑车上学,一开始以某一速度行驶,途中车子发生故障,只好停车修理,车修好后,因怕耽误时间,于时就加快了车速, 在下列给出的四个函数示意图象,符合以上情况的是- ()A B C D 27、若一数组x1, x2, x3, , xn的平均数为x,方差为s2,则另一数组kx1, kx2, kx3, , kxn的平均数与方差分别是()A、kx, k2s2 B、x, s2 C、kx, ks2 D、k2x, ks228、若关于x 的方程21axx有解,则a 的取值范围是 - ()A、a 1 B、a-1 C、

28、 a2 D、a 1 29、下列图形中既是中心对称图形,又是轴对称图形的是- ()A、线段B、正三角形C、平行四边形D、等腰梯形30、已知dcba,下列各式中不成立的是- ()A、dcbadcbaB、dbcadc33C、bdacba23D、ad=bc 31、一个三角形的三个内角不相等,则它的最小角不大于- ()OOOO精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 8 页A、300 B、450 C、550D、60032、已知三角形内的一个点到它的三边距离相等,那么这个点是- ()A、三角形的外心B、三角形的重心C、三角形的内心D、三角形的

29、垂心33、下列三角形中是直角三角形的个数有- ()三边长分别为3:1:2 的三角形三边长之比为1:2:3 的三角形三个内角的度数之比为3:4:5 的三角形 一边上的中线等于该边一半的三角形A、1 个B、2 个C、3 个D、4 个34、如图,设AB=1,SOAB=43cm2,则弧 AB 长为 - - ()A、3cm B、32cm C、6cm D、2cm 35、平行四边形的一边长为5cm,则它的两条对角线长可以是- ()A、4cm, 6cm B、4cm, 3cm C、2cm, 12cm D、4cm, 8cm 36、如图, ABC 与 BDE 都是正三角形,且ABCD C、AECD D、无法确定37

30、、顺次连结四边形各边中点得到一个菱形,则原四边形必是- ()A、矩形B、梯形C、两条对角线互相垂直的四边形D、两条对角线相等的四边形38、在圆 O 中,弧 AB=2CD ,那么弦AB 和弦 CD 的关系是 - ()A、AB=2CD B、AB2CD C、AB2CD D、AB 与 CD 不可能相等39、在等边三角形ABC 外有一点D,满足 AD=AC ,则 BDC 的度数为 - ()A、300 B、600 C、1500 D、300或 150040、 ABC 的三边 a、b、c 满足 abc, ABC 的周长为18,则 - ()A、a6 B、b6 D、 a、b、c 中有一个等于6 41、如图,在AB

31、C 中, ACB=Rt , AC=1 ,BC=2 ,则下列说法正确的是- ()A、 B=300 B、斜边上的中线长为1 C、斜边上的高线长为552D、该三角形外接圆的半径为1 42、如图,把直角三角形纸片沿过顶点B 的直线 BE(BE 交 CA 于 E)折叠,直角顶点C 落在斜边AB 上,如果折叠后得到等腰三角形EBA,那么下列结论中(1) A=300(2)点 C 与AB 的中点重合(3)点 E 到 AB 的距离等于CE 的长,正确的个数是-()A、0 B、1 C、2 D、 3 43、不等式6322xx的解是 -()A、x2B、x-2C、x2D、x-244、已知一元二次方程(m-1)x2-4m

32、x+4m-2=0有实数根,则m 的取值范围是 -()A、m1 B、m31且 m1 C、m1 D、-10) 和 y=xk(k 0),在同一坐标系中的图象可能是-()A B C D OBAABDCEABCDEEABC精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 8 页regulations and other requirements of a relevant State laws, statutes, ordinances and norms; B of Luoyang City, Henan province , loca l re

33、gulations and department s under the State Council regulations, procedures; national, industry, standardization of Luoyang City, He nan province, about security management laws, regulations, procedures, rules, standards and other requirements; C national, trade and l ocal standards; D notification o

34、f a uthorities, law enforcement agencies, bulletins, and other requirements; E National Convention. 2, access to a superior communications, zhuanwen; B-published newspapers, magazines; C conference access; D from laws, regulations, standards and other requirements distribution obtai ned; E by govern

35、ment agencies, industry associations and other acce ss; F sear ch t he Internet; G other channels. 3, recognition and i dentification 3.1 health and technology according to the standardization of safety management system requirements and related departments and units to coll ect information and prep

36、aration of GM of the applicable laws, regulations . 3, about the safety of jurisdi ctions, report regularly to the leading group for safety production. 4, promptly report accidents, and collaborative leadershi p group company safety production accidents, maintenance of the scene of the accident, and

37、 timely rescue of casualties to stop development. Four, duty firefighter responsibilities 1, accept the security of working arrangements, is in charge of work safety in each specifi c region. 2, organized by the security officer for conducting regular fire drills to ensure that basic firefighting sk

38、ills. 3, make regular checks on production safety organized by the safety officer, found safety hazards immediately halted and proper precauti onary measures, reported to the safety officer. 4 assist the security officer is responsible for the work at the scene of the accident. Five, employee safety

39、 responsibilities 1 knowledge of pr oduction safety, and actively participate in the Organization of learning activities to enhance security awareness nd consciousness. 2, strictly in accorda nce wit h the rules work, observe labour discipline and the rules and regulations of the company. 3, the cor

40、rect use of PPE. 4, company officials in a timely manner to reflect problems in safety. Fourth chapter security meeting company set up a sound system of safety meetings, monthly summary all departments require a safety, regular analysis of the situation of production safety measures on major safety

41、issues, and implementation. Safety training for the fifth chapter 1, all employees must receive safety training and education. 2, the company must be made before the new staff workshop, safety education. Employees changing jobs within the compa ny or who leave for more than six months back to work,

42、shop or safety education should accordingly. 3, for all employees of the company must conduct safety training and education, should be according to safety regulations, safety rules, discipline as a n important part of safety education. 4,the companys special operations personnel (including electrici

43、an, driving motor vehicle s in factories, machine operators, and so on) must receive relevant professional training in safety knowledge, ensure qualified before they can schedule posts. Sixth chapter safety checks, companies must establish and improve the system of safety checks. Workshop safety che

44、cks once a month, team leader safety checks once a week. Second, companies should organize production status check s, routine security che cks, professional safety check. Spe cific requirements are: (I), post security, mainly by the staff before the operation, about your job or the work to be undert

45、aken, and after confirming the safe and reliable operation. Contents incl ude: 1, if the security status of the equi pment i n good condition, safety protection device is effective; 2, provided security measures are implemented; 3, the equipment used, whether the tools i n accor dance with safety re

46、gulations; 4, job sites, as well as goods piled up compli ance with the safety specifications; 5, personal protective equipment, appliances, complete and reliable; 6, operation, procedures are clear. (B) routine safety inspections, mainly by the heads of the various departments responsible for, it m

47、ust further site visits and inspections . .1, employee injuries that occur in the pr oce ss of work, must be strictly in accordance with the regulations of the company reporti ng, investigation, a nalysis, treatment and management. 2, after a fatal accidents of workers, company officials shoul d imm

48、ediately organize to save the victims, take effective measures to prevent the expansion and protection of the scene of the accident, rehabilitation efforts and report group. Tenth chapter by-laws of the system come into force on the date of promulgation. Six, a security safeguard system and objectiv

49、e: costs for necessary in order to ensure the safety of production, ensure enterprise se curity investment funds and improved worki ng conditions, according to the extraction of determines the criteria yourself, and have the courage to produce shall not be diverted to any other use. Second, scope th

50、is poli cy applies to the funds of input in production safety management. Three, responsibilities 1, Chairman of the Board is responsible for determining safety extraction of investment criteria and the funding necessary to ensure the safety of production. 2, car bon susheng technology is responsi b

51、le for the development of the system of safety investment to protect, supe rvise and inspect the use of investment funds to security. 3, finance charge based on the safety investment protection system, establishi ng the security expense account records the cost of extraction and the use of security

52、costs. Four, according to the financi al management of the high-risk industry enterprise safety in production costs of the interim measures (financial enter prises, No. 478) requirements, combined with the actual situation in enterprise security costs that year extraction is based on actual sales of

53、 the year for accrual basis, using excess regressive manner, according to extracts to cut 2. 1, annual sales income in part up to 10 million Yuan, according to the extract to cut 4. 2, annual sales income i n the 10 million Yuan to 100 million Yuan (included) parts, extract to cut by 2. 3, the annua

54、l sales income of RMB 100 million to 1 billion yua n (included) parts, extract 0.5 per cent respectively. 4, part of the annual sales income of more than 1 billion yuan, according to the extract to cut 0.2. 5, and developed contains following aspects of safety costs of usi ng plans, a nd impl ementa

55、tion: , and perfect, and transformation and maintenance se curity protecti on equi pment facilities spending, whi ch: security46、在一次函数y=2x-1 的图象上,到两坐标轴距离相等的点有-()A、1 个B、2 个C、3 个D、无数个47、若点( -2, y1) 、 (-1,y2) 、 (1,y3)在反比例函数xy1的图像上,则下列结论中正确的是-()A、y1y2y3 B、y1y2y1y3 D、y3y1y248、下列根式是最简二次根式的是-()A、a8B、22baC、

56、x1. 0D、5a49、下列计算哪个是正确的-()A、523B、5252C、baba22D、21222122150、把aa1(a 不限定为正数)化简,结果为-()A、aB、aC、-aD、-a51、若 a+|a|=0,则22)2(aa等于 -()A、2-2a B、2a-2 C、-2 D、2 52、已知02112xx,则122xx的值 -()A、1 B、21C、21D、-2153、设 a、b 是方程 x2-12x+9=0 的两个根,则ba等于 -()A、18 B、6C、23D、2354、下列命题中,正确的个数是-()等边三角形都相似直角三角形都相似等腰三角形都相似锐角三角形都相似等腰三角形都全等有

57、一个角相等的等腰三角形相似有一个钝角相等的两个等腰三角形相似全等三角形相似A、2 个B、 3个C、4 个D、5 个二、填空题1、如果一个数的绝对值等于它的相反数,那么这个数一定是_非正数 _。2、a 是有理数,且a 的平方等于a 的立方,则a 是_或_。3、已知有理数a、b 满足(a+2)2+|2b-6|=0,则 a-b=_。4、已知a-b=1, b+c=2, 则 2a+2c+1=_-_ 。5、当 x_时, |3-x|=x-3。6、从 3 点到 3 点 30 分,分针转了_度,时针转了 _度。7、某种商品的标价为120 元,若以标价的90%出售,仍相对进价获利20%,则该商品的进价为_元。8、

58、为使某项工程提前20 天完成,需将原来的工作效率提高25%,则原计划完成的天数_天。9、因式分解:-4x2+y2=_ , x2-x-6=_ 10、计算: a6a2=_,(-2)-4=_,-22=_ 11、如果某商品降价x%后的售价为a 元,那么该商品的原价为_ 12、 已知 A、 B、 C 是数轴上的三个点,点 B 表示 1, 点 C 表示 -3, AB=2 , 则 AC 的长度是 _或 _。13、甲乙两人合作一项工作a 时完成,已知这项工作甲独做需要b 时完成,则乙独做完成这项工作所需时间为_ 14、已知(-3)2=a2,则 a=_。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳

59、总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 8 页15、P 点表示有理数2,那么在数轴上到P点的距离等于3 个单位长度的点所表示的数是_或_。16、a、b 为实数,且满足ab+a+b-1=0,a2b+ab2+6=0,则 a2-b2=_-_ 。17、已知一次函数y=(m2-4)x+1-m的图象在y 轴上的截距与一次函数y=(m2-2)x+m2-3 的图象在 y 轴上的截距互为相反数,则m=_ 。18、关于 x 的方程 (m2-1)x2+2(m+1)x+1=0 有两个实数根,则m 的取值范围是_。19、关于 x 的方程 (m-2)x2-2x+1=0 有解,那么m 的取值范围是 _ 。20、已知

60、方程x2+(4-2m)x+m2-5=0 的两根之积是两根之和的2 倍,则 m=_或_。21、函数 y=x2+(m+2)x+m+5 与 x 轴的正半轴有两个交点,则m 的取值范围是_。22、若抛物线y=x2+1kx-1 与 x 轴有交点,则k 的取值范围是 _ 23、关于 x 的方程 x2+(t-2)x+5-t=0 的两个根都大于2,则 t 的取值范围是_ 24、函数 y=(2m2-5m-3)x132mm的图象是双曲线,则m=_ 。25、已知方程组01022yxayx的两个解为11yyxx和22yyxx,且x1,x2是两个不等的正数,则a 的取值范围是_。26、半径为5cm 的圆 O 中,弦 A

61、B/ 弦 CD,又 AB=6cm ,CD=8cm ,则 AB 和 CD 两弦的距离为_或_ 27、已知 AB 是圆 O 的直径,点C 在圆 O 上,过点C 引直径 AB 的垂线,垂足是D,点 D 分这条直径成2:3 的两部分,若圆O 的半径为 5cm,则 BC 的长为 _。28、两圆相交于A、B,半径分别为2cm 和2cm,公共弦长为2cm,则21AOO=_ 。29、在圆O 的平面上取一点P 作圆 O 的割线,交圆O 于 A、B,已知PA=2,PB=3,PO=4,则圆O 的半径为_-_ 。30、内切两圆的半径分别是9cm 和 R,它们的圆心距是4cm,那么 R=_或_cm。31、相切两圆的半径

62、分别为10cm 和 8cm,则圆心距为_或_cm。32、过圆O 外一点P 作圆 O 的两条切线PA,PB,切点分别为A,B,C 为圆周上除切点A、B 外的任意点,若00070 ,_55125 _APBACB则或。33、圆 O 的割线 PAB,交圆 O 于 A、B,PA=4,PB=7,PO=8,则圆 O 的半径是 _。34、已知两圆半径分别为x2-5x+3=0 的两个根,圆心距为3,则两圆位置关系为_。35、已知点 O 到直线 l 上一点 P 的距离为3cm,圆 O 的半径为3cm,则直线 l 与圆的位置关系是_。36、 Rt ABC 中,090C, AC=4 ,BC=3 ,一正方形内接于RtA

63、BC 中,那么这个正方形的边长为_。37、 双曲线xky上一点 P, 分别过 P作 x 轴, y轴的垂线, 垂足为 A、 B, 矩形 OAPB 的面积为 2, 则k=_ 。38、圆的弦长等于它的半径,那么这条弦所对的圆周角的度数是_。39、在数轴上,到原点的距离等于5 个单位长度的点共有_个。40、比 -2.1 大而比 1 小的整数共有 _个。41、用简便方法计算:1-2+3-4+5-6+ +119-120=_-_ 。42、若1a-1,则 a 取值范围是 _. 43、小于 2 的整数有 _个。44、已知关于x 的一元二次方程4x-a=2x+5 的解是 x=1,则 a=_。45、一个角的补角是这

64、个余角的3 倍,则这个角的大小是_。46、一个长方形的长是宽的3 倍还多 2cm,如果设宽为xcm,那么长方形长是_cm,如果设长为xcm,那么长方形的宽是_cm。47、如果 |a|=2,那么 3a-5=_或_。48、冰箱售价2000 元/台,国庆节开始季节性降低20%,则售价为 _元/台。到来年五一节又季节性涨价精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 8 页regulations and other requirements of a relevant State laws, statutes, ordinances and

65、norms; B of Luoyang City, Henan province , loca l regulations and department s under the State Council regulations, procedures; national, industry, standardization of Luoyang City, He nan province, about security management laws, regulations, procedures, rules, standards and other requirements; C na

66、tional, trade and l ocal standards; D notification of a uthorities, law enforcement agencies, bulletins, and other requirements; E National Convention. 2, access to a superior communications, zhuanwen; B-published newspapers, magazines; C conference access; D from laws, regulations, standards and ot

67、her requirements distribution obtai ned; E by government agencies, industry associations and other acce ss; F sear ch t he Internet; G other channels. 3, recognition and i dentification 3.1 health and technology according to the standardization of safety management system requirements and related de

68、partments and units to coll ect information and preparation of GM of the applicable laws, regulations . 3, about the safety of jurisdi ctions, report regularly to the leading group for safety production. 4, promptly report accidents, and collaborative leadershi p group company safety production acci

69、dents, maintenance of the scene of the accident, and timely rescue of casualties to stop development. Four, duty firefighter responsibilities 1, accept the security of working arrangements, is in charge of work safety in each specifi c region. 2, organized by the security officer for conducting regu

70、lar fire drills to ensure that basic firefighting skills. 3, make regular checks on production safety organized by the safety officer, found safety hazards immediately halted and proper precauti onary measures, reported to the safety officer. 4 assist the security officer is responsible for the work

71、 at the scene of the accident. Five, employee safety responsibilities 1 knowledge of pr oduction safety, and actively participate in the Organization of learning activities to enhance security awareness nd consciousness. 2, strictly in accorda nce wit h the rules work, observe labour discipline and

72、the rules and regulations of the company. 3, the correct use of PPE. 4, company officials in a timely manner to reflect problems in safety. Fourth chapter security meeting company set up a sound system of safety meetings, monthly summary all departments require a safety, regular analysis of the situ

73、ation of production safety measures on major safety issues, and implementation. Safety training for the fifth chapter 1, all employees must receive safety training and education. 2, the company must be made before the new staff workshop, safety education. Employees changing jobs within the compa ny

74、or who leave for more than six months back to work, shop or safety education should accordingly. 3, for all employees of the company must conduct safety training and education, should be according to safety regulations, safety rules, discipline as a n important part of safety education. 4,the compan

75、ys special operations personnel (including electrician, driving motor vehicle s in factories, machine operators, and so on) must receive relevant professional training in safety knowledge, ensure qualified before they can schedule posts. Sixth chapter safety checks, companies must establish and impr

76、ove the system of safety checks. Workshop safety checks once a month, team leader safety checks once a week. Second, companies should organize production status check s, routine security che cks, professional safety check. Spe cific requirements are: (I), post security, mainly by the staff before th

77、e operation, about your job or the work to be undertaken, and after confirming the safe and reliable operation. Contents incl ude: 1, if the security status of the equi pment i n good condition, safety protection device is effective; 2, provided security measures are implemented; 3, the equipment us

78、ed, whether the tools i n accor dance with safety regulations; 4, job sites, as well as goods piled up compli ance with the safety specifications; 5, personal protective equipment, appliances, complete and reliable; 6, operation, procedures are clear. (B) routine safety inspections, mainly by the he

79、ads of the various departments responsible for, it must further site visits and inspections . .1, employee injuries that occur in the pr oce ss of work, must be strictly in accordance with the regulations of the company reporti ng, investigation, a nalysis, treatment and management. 2, after a fatal

80、 accidents of workers, company officials shoul d immediately organize to save the victims, take effective measures to prevent the expansion and protection of the scene of the accident, rehabilitation efforts and report group. Tenth chapter by-laws of the system come into force on the date of promulg

81、ation. Six, a security safeguard system and objective: costs for necessary in order to ensure the safety of production, ensure enterprise se curity investment funds and improved worki ng conditions, according to the extraction of determines the criteria yourself, and have the courage to produce shal

82、l not be diverted to any other use. Second, scope this poli cy applies to the funds of input in production safety management. Three, responsibilities 1, Chairman of the Board is responsible for determining safety extraction of investment criteria and the funding necessary to ensure the safety of pro

83、duction. 2, car bon susheng technology is responsi ble for the development of the system of safety investment to protect, supe rvise and inspect the use of investment funds to security. 3, finance charge based on the safety investment protection system, establishi ng the security expense account rec

84、ords the cost of extraction and the use of security costs. Four, according to the financi al management of the high-risk industry enterprise safety in production costs of the interim measures (financial enter prises, No. 478) requirements, combined with the actual situation in enterprise security co

85、sts that year extraction is based on actual sales of the year for accrual basis, using excess regressive manner, according to extracts to cut 2. 1, annual sales income in part up to 10 million Yuan, according to the extract to cut 4. 2, annual sales income i n the 10 million Yuan to 100 million Yuan

86、 (included) parts, extract to cut by 2. 3, the annual sales income of RMB 100 million to 1 billion yua n (included) parts, extract 0.5 per cent respectively. 4, part of the annual sales income of more than 1 billion yuan, according to the extract to cut 0.2. 5, and developed contains following aspec

87、ts of safety costs of usi ng plans, a nd impl ementation: , and perfect, and transformation and maintenance se curity protecti on equi pment facilities spending, whi ch: security20%,则售价为 _元/台。49、22_分数(填“是”或“不是”)50、16的算术平方根是_。51、当 m=_时,2m有意义。52、若 |x+2|=3-2,则 x=_ 。53、化简2)14.3(=_ 。54、化简aa51)5(=_。55、使等式

88、xxxx44)4)(4(成立的条件是_ 56、用计算器计算程序为 2 4 3 =的结果为 _。57、计算)32(6=_ 。58、若方程kx2-x+3=0有两个实数,则k 的取值范围 _ 59、分式4622xxx的值为零,则x=_ 。60、已知函数y=22) 1(mxm是反比例函数,则m=_。61、 若方程 x2-4x+m=0 与方程 x2-x-2m=0 有一个根相同, 那么 m 的值等于 _或 _。62、已知不等式(a+b)x+(2a-3b)3,则不等式 (a-3b)x+(b-2a)0 的解是 _。63、正比例函数y=kx 的自变量增加3,函数值就相应减少1,则 k 的值为 _。64、直线 y

89、=kx+b 过点 P(3,2) ,且它交x 轴, y 轴的正半轴于A、B 两点,若OA+OB=12 ,则此直线的解析式是_ 。65、已知直角三角形的两边分别为3cm 和 4cm,则该三角形的第三边长为_。66、已知正三角形一边上的高线长为1,则正三角形外接圆的半径为_。67、已知等腰三角形的一外角等于1000,则该三角形的顶角等于_。68、等腰三角形的两条边长为3 和 7,则该三角形的周长为_。69、已知点A 到 x 轴的距离为2,到y 轴的距离为5,且A 点的横、纵坐标符号相反,则A 点坐标是_ 。70 、 矩 形 面 积 为16 3, 其 对 角 线 与 一 边 的 夹 角 为300, 则

90、 从 此 矩 形 中 能 截 出 最 大 正 方 形 的 面 积 为_。71、已知梯形上、下底长分别为6,8,一腰长为7,则另一腰a 的范围是 _;若这腰为奇数,则此梯形为 _梯形。72、在坐标为5cm 的圆中,弦AB 的长等于5cm,那么弦AB 所对的圆周角为_。73、已知圆O 的直径AB 为 2cm,过点A 有两条弦AC=2cm,AD=3cm,那么 CAD=_或_。74、已知圆 O 的半径为5cm,AB 、CD 是圆 O 的两条弦,若AB=6cm ,CD=8cm ,则 AB、CD 两条弦之间的距离为_或_。75、圆锥的底面周长为10cm,侧面积不超过20cm2,那么圆锥面积S(cm2)和它

91、的母线l(cm)之间的函数关系式为_,其中 l 的取值范围是_ 。76、如果圆锥的侧面展开图是半圆,那么这个圆锥的轴截面的顶角是_度。77、如图,在ABC 中, ACB=Rt , A=300,CDAB 于 D,DEAC 于 E,则 CE:AC=_ 。ABCDE精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 8 页一、为了搞活经济,商场将一种商品按标价9 折出售,仍可获取利润10%。二、若商品的标价为330 元,那么该商品的进货价为_。79、分解因式4x4-9=_ 。80、化简22)23()32(xyyx=_ 。81、若 a2=2,则 a

92、=_2_;若2)(4a,则 a=_。82、已知 a、 b 是方程 x2-2(k-1)x+k2=0 的两个实数根,且a2+b2=4,则 k=_ 。83、以215和215为根的一元二次方程是_。84、方程01111xxxkx有增根,则k 的值为 _。85、函数y=-2x2的图像可由函数y=-2x2+4x+3的图像经怎样平移得到?_ 86、二次函数y=x2-x+1与坐标轴有 _个交点。87、二次函数的图像与x 轴交点横坐标为-2 和 1,且通过点(2,4) ,则其函数解析式为_ 。88、6 与 4 的比例中项为 _ 。89、若kbaccabcba,则 k=_ 。90、把一个图形按1:6 的比例缩小,

93、那么缩小后的图形与原图形的面积比为_。91、如图, ABC 中, AD 为 BC 上的中线, F 为 AC 上的点, BF 交 AD 于 E,且 AF:FC=3:5 ,则 AE:ED=_ 。3.两圆半径分别是5cm, 32cm,如果两圆相交,且公共弦长为6cm,那么两圆的圆心距为_或_cm。93、已知 cot14032=3.858,2修正值为0.009,则 cot14030=_。94、已知平行四边形一内角为600,与之相邻的两边为2cm 和 3cm,则其面积为 _cm2。95、 RtABC 中, C=Rt, BC=6, AC=8 , 则以 C 为圆心,524为半径的圆与直线AB 的位置关系是_

94、。96、已知圆内两弦AB、CD 交于点 P,且 PA=2,AB=7 ,PD=3,则 CD=_ 。1.如图,圆O 外一点 P作圆 O 的两条割线PAB 和 PCD,若 PA=2,AB=3 ,PD=4,则 PC=_。98、已知圆O1与圆 O2内切, O1O2=5cm,圆 O1的半径为7cm,则圆 O2的半径为 _或_。99、已知半径为2cm 的两个圆外切,则和这两个圆相切,且半径为4cm 的圆有 _个。100 、 已 知 圆O1与 圆O2相 切 , 半 径 分 别 为3cm, 5cm , 这 两 个 圆 的 圆 心 距 为 _ 或_-_cm 。101、圆 O 的半径为 5cm,则长为8cm 的弦的

95、中点的轨迹是以_。102、矩形木板长10cm,宽8cm,现把长、宽各锯去xcm ,则锯后木板的面积y与 x 的函数关系式为_ 。103、如图,已知D、E 和 F、G 分别在 ABC 的 AB 、AC 上,DF/EG/BC ,AD:DE:EB=1:2:3 ,则 S梯形DEGF:S梯形EBCG=_ 。104、如果抛物线y=x2-(k-1)x-k-1 与 x 轴交于 A、 B,与 y 轴交于 C,那么 ABC 面积的最小值是_。105、关于 x 的方程 x2+(m-5)x+1-m=0 ,当 m 满足 _时,一个根小于0,另一个根大于3。1.如图,在直角梯形ABCD 中, AB=7 ,AD=2 ,BC

96、=3 ,如果AB 上的点 P 使 PAD PBC,那么这样的点有_个。EABCDFOBDACABCEGDFABCDP精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 8 页regulations and other requirements of a relevant State laws, statutes, ordinances and norms; B of Luoyang City, Henan province , loca l regulations and department s under the State Counc

97、il regulations, procedures; national, industry, standardization of Luoyang City, He nan province, about security management laws, regulations, procedures, rules, standards and other requirements; C national, trade and l ocal standards; D notification of a uthorities, law enforcement agencies, bullet

98、ins, and other requirements; E National Convention. 2, access to a superior communications, zhuanwen; B-published newspapers, magazines; C conference access; D from laws, regulations, standards and other requirements distribution obtai ned; E by government agencies, industry associations and other a

99、cce ss; F sear ch t he Internet; G other channels. 3, recognition and i dentification 3.1 health and technology according to the standardization of safety management system requirements and related departments and units to coll ect information and preparation of GM of the applicable laws, regulation

100、s . 3, about the safety of jurisdi ctions, report regularly to the leading group for safety production. 4, promptly report accidents, and collaborative leadershi p group company safety production accidents, maintenance of the scene of the accident, and timely rescue of casualties to stop development

101、. Four, duty firefighter responsibilities 1, accept the security of working arrangements, is in charge of work safety in each specifi c region. 2, organized by the security officer for conducting regular fire drills to ensure that basic firefighting skills. 3, make regular checks on production safet

102、y organized by the safety officer, found safety hazards immediately halted and proper precauti onary measures, reported to the safety officer. 4 assist the security officer is responsible for the work at the scene of the accident. Five, employee safety responsibilities 1 knowledge of pr oduction saf

103、ety, and actively participate in the Organization of learning activities to enhance security awareness nd consciousness. 2, strictly in accorda nce wit h the rules work, observe labour discipline and the rules and regulations of the company. 3, the correct use of PPE. 4, company officials in a timel

104、y manner to reflect problems in safety. Fourth chapter security meeting company set up a sound system of safety meetings, monthly summary all departments require a safety, regular analysis of the situation of production safety measures on major safety issues, and implementation. Safety training for

105、the fifth chapter 1, all employees must receive safety training and education. 2, the company must be made before the new staff workshop, safety education. Employees changing jobs within the compa ny or who leave for more than six months back to work, shop or safety education should accordingly. 3,

106、for all employees of the company must conduct safety training and education, should be according to safety regulations, safety rules, discipline as a n important part of safety education. 4,the companys special operations personnel (including electrician, driving motor vehicle s in factories, machin

107、e operators, and so on) must receive relevant professional training in safety knowledge, ensure qualified before they can schedule posts. Sixth chapter safety checks, companies must establish and improve the system of safety checks. Workshop safety checks once a month, team leader safety checks once

108、 a week. Second, companies should organize production status check s, routine security che cks, professional safety check. Spe cific requirements are: (I), post security, mainly by the staff before the operation, about your job or the work to be undertaken, and after confirming the safe and reliable

109、 operation. Contents incl ude: 1, if the security status of the equi pment i n good condition, safety protection device is effective; 2, provided security measures are implemented; 3, the equipment used, whether the tools i n accor dance with safety regulations; 4, job sites, as well as goods piled

110、up compli ance with the safety specifications; 5, personal protective equipment, appliances, complete and reliable; 6, operation, procedures are clear. (B) routine safety inspections, mainly by the heads of the various departments responsible for, it must further site visits and inspections . .1, em

111、ployee injuries that occur in the pr oce ss of work, must be strictly in accordance with the regulations of the company reporti ng, investigation, a nalysis, treatment and management. 2, after a fatal accidents of workers, company officials shoul d immediately organize to save the victims, take effe

112、ctive measures to prevent the expansion and protection of the scene of the accident, rehabilitation efforts and report group. Tenth chapter by-laws of the system come into force on the date of promulgation. Six, a security safeguard system and objective: costs for necessary in order to ensure the sa

113、fety of production, ensure enterprise se curity investment funds and improved worki ng conditions, according to the extraction of determines the criteria yourself, and have the courage to produce shall not be diverted to any other use. Second, scope this poli cy applies to the funds of input in prod

114、uction safety management. Three, responsibilities 1, Chairman of the Board is responsible for determining safety extraction of investment criteria and the funding necessary to ensure the safety of production. 2, car bon susheng technology is responsi ble for the development of the system of safety i

115、nvestment to protect, supe rvise and inspect the use of investment funds to security. 3, finance charge based on the safety investment protection system, establishi ng the security expense account records the cost of extraction and the use of security costs. Four, according to the financi al managem

116、ent of the high-risk industry enterprise safety in production costs of the interim measures (financial enter prises, No. 478) requirements, combined with the actual situation in enterprise security costs that year extraction is based on actual sales of the year for accrual basis, using excess regres

117、sive manner, according to extracts to cut 2. 1, annual sales income in part up to 10 million Yuan, according to the extract to cut 4. 2, annual sales income i n the 10 million Yuan to 100 million Yuan (included) parts, extract to cut by 2. 3, the annual sales income of RMB 100 million to 1 billion y

118、ua n (included) parts, extract 0.5 per cent respectively. 4, part of the annual sales income of more than 1 billion yuan, according to the extract to cut 0.2. 5, and developed contains following aspects of safety costs of usi ng plans, a nd impl ementation: , and perfect, and transformation and main

119、tenance se curity protecti on equi pment facilities spending, whi ch: security107、在 Rt ABC 中, C=Rt, CDAB 于 D, AB=16 ,CD=6 ,则 AC-BC=_ 。108、 ABC 中, AC=6 ,AB=8 ,D 为 AC 上一点, AD=2 ,在 AB 上取一点E,使 ADE ABC 相似,则AE=_ 。109、圆 O 中,内接正三角形,正方形、正六边形的边长之比为_。110、 ABC 内接于圆O,ODBC 于 D, BOD=380,则 A=_ 。111、若 2x2-ax+a+4=0 有

120、且只有一个正根,则1682aa=_ 。112、已知抛物线y=2x2-6x+m 的图像不在x 轴下方,则m 的取值范围是_。113、已知两圆外切,大圆半径为5,两圆外公切线互相垂直,则外公切线长为_。114、a、b、10c是 ABC 的三边长,已知a2-4ac+3c2=0,b2-4bc+3c2=0,则 ABC 是_ 三角形。三、解答题1、若方程4x2-2(m+1)x+m=0的两根是RtABC 两锐角 A、B 的正弦值,求m 的值。2、解方程:1253xx3、解方程组2221494(3)3xyxy4、解方程 (x2-2x+2)(x2-2x-7)+8=0 5、一艘船以 25 千米 /时的速度向正北方

121、向航行,在 A 处看灯塔S在船的北偏东300,2 小时后航行到B 处,在 B 处看灯塔S在船的北偏东450,求灯塔S到 B 处的距离。6、如图,在平行四边形ABCD 中, BAD=300,AB=5cm ,AD=3cm ,E 为 CD 上的一个点,且 BE=2cm,求点 A 到直线 BE 的距离。7、如图,直线AT 切圆 O 于点 A,过 A 引 AT 的垂线,交圆O 于 B,BT 交圆 O 于 C,连结 AC ,求证: AC2=BC CT。8、如图,在ABC 中, E 是内心, AE 的延长线和ABC 的外接圆相交于D,求证: DE=DB=DC 。OCABT精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 8 页



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