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1、高考复习英语写作专题讲座(一)-句 子语篇的单位不是单词,而是句子,句子是构成段落的基本单位,若干句子的组合,构成段落,若干段落的组合构成文章,因此,写出语法正确、意思清楚的好句子是写好文章的基础。英语句子分有简单句,并列句,复合句第一讲简单句只包含 一个主谓结构的句子,叫简单句。简单句按功能分四种:陈述句感叹句疑问句祈使句第一部分英语六种基本句型句子是文章的基本框架,在文章中起着桥梁的作用。任何文章都由句子组成,句子又由词组、基本句型构成。掌握好词组、基本句型,再配上合适的时态,一篇文章就基本完成。英语句子有长有短,有简有繁,从现象看,似乎千变万化,难以捉摸,但从实质看,可以发现内在的联系,

2、找出其共同规律。英语句子的基本结构可以归纳成六种基本句型及扩大,组合,省略,或倒装。六种基本句型:基本句型 1:S V (主+谓) 基本句型 2:S V P(主 +谓+表)基本句型 3:S V O (主 +谓+宾)基本句型 4:S V o O (主 +谓+间接宾语 +直接宾语)基本句型 5:S V O C (主 +谓+宾+宾补)基本句型 6:There be + 主语+ 地点状语句型(存在句:表示“ 在某处有某人或某物” )一:基本句型 1: S V (主+谓)此句型的句子有一个共同特点,即句子的谓语动词都能表达完整的意思。这类动词叫不及物动词,后面可以跟副词,介词短语,状语从句等。S/ 主语

3、V / 谓 语(不及物动词)The sun was shining. The moon rose. We all breathe, eat and drink. The pen writes smoothly. What he said does not matter. 二:基本句型 2:S V P(主+谓+表)此句型的句子有一个共同特点,即句子谓语动词都不能表达一个完整的意思,必须加上一个表明主语身份或状态的表语构成复合谓语,才能表达完整的意思。这类动词叫系动词。系动词除be以外,还有又实义动词转化而来的系动词look, feel, seem, get, keep, last, sound,

4、 grow , become, turn 等。 Be 本身没有什么意义,只起连系主语和表语的作用。其他系动词仍保持其部分词义。S/ 主语V / 系动词P/ 表语The dinner smells delicious. He fell in love. Everything looks different He is growing tall and strong The trouble is that they are short of money. His face turned red. 三:基本句型 3:S V O (主+谓+宾+状语)此句型句子的共同特点是:谓语动词都具有实意,都是主语

5、产生的动作,但不能表达完整的意思,必须有一个宾语,即动作的承受者,才能使意思完整。这类动词是及物动词。S / 主语V/ 及物动词 /谓语O/ 宾语She smiled her thanks. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 8 页He has refused to help them. He enjoy reading. They ate what was left over. He admits that he was mistaken. 四:基本句型 4:S V o O (主+谓+间接宾语 +直接宾语 +状语)此句型

6、句子的共同特点是:谓语动词必须有两个宾语才能表达完整的意思。这两个宾语一个是动作的直接承受者,另一个是动作的间接承受者。通常这一间接承受者有一个介词来连接,当动作的间接承受者在动作的直接承受者前时,介词往往省略。如:He gave a book to me.=He gave me a book. S / 主语V/ 及物动词 /谓语o/ 间接宾语 /人O/直接宾语 /物She ordered herself a new dress. She cooked her husband a delicious meal. He showed me his pictures. I told him tha

7、t the bus was late I showed him how to run the machine. 五:基本句型 5:S V O C (主+谓+宾+宾补)此句型句子的共同特点是:动词虽然是及物动词,但只跟一个宾语还不能表达完整的意思,必须加上一个补充成分来补足宾语,才能使意思完整。S / 主语V/ 及物动词 /谓语O/宾语C/宾补They appointed him manager. they painted the door blue. This set him thinking. We saw him out. He asked me to come. I saw them g

8、etting on the bus. 六:基本句型 6:There be + 主语 + 地点状语句型(存在句:表示 “ 在某处有某人或某物 ” there be 是谓语)There are some students in the classroom. 由以上英语基本句型可知,一个英语简单句,只能有一个主语和一个谓语。第二部分句子扩展以上介绍的六种基本句型都属于简单句(只包含 一个主谓 结构的句子)。但我们常见的英语句子并不都象基本句型那样简短,这些句子除了基本句型的成分不变外,通常是在这些成分的前面或后面增加一些修饰语加以扩大。这些修饰语可以是单词(主要是形容词,副词和数词),也可以是这种类

9、型的短语(介词短语,不定式短语,分词短语)。下面以基本句型5 为例 。1) We found the hall full.(我们发现礼堂坐满了人。) 2)We found the great full.( 名词前加形容词 ) 3) We found the great hall full of students and teachers. (加补语)4) We found the great hall full of students and teachers listening to an important report.(现在分词短语)5) We found the great hall

10、 full of students and teachers listening to an important report made by professor Wang from the People s Daily . (加过去分词短语)6) We found the great hall full of students and teachers listening to an important report made by professor Wang from the People s Daily on current affairs in East Europe.(介词短语)我

11、们发现大礼堂坐满了学生和老师,在听从人民日报社来的王教授作有关东欧局势的重要报告。因此,即要掌握英语的基本句型,同时,也要学会把这些基本句型演化或扩展成比较复杂的句子,句精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 8 页子的主谓(主干)不变。扩展句子的几种手段1)在名词前加修饰语(形容词和数词):例如“Mr. Wang is a teacher.”可扩展为:Mr. Wang is one of the experienced English teacher. 2) 在名词后加修饰语:Mr. Wang is one of the ex

12、perienced English teachers of our school.3) 在动词前后加状语(副词 ,时间,地点。 。 。 。):例如“He has been working at a university for twenty years.” 可以通过加状语扩展为:He has been working continuously at our university for twenty years. 4) 加各种短语(介词短语,不定式短语,分词短语):One of my best friends , Mr. Wang is an experienced English teach

13、er. Having taught English for more than twenty years, Mr. Wang is an experienced English teacher. 5) 加各种从句(构成复合句) :One of my best friends, Mr. Wang is an experienced English teacherwho has been teaching English in Huaqiao Middle School for more than twenty years. 6) 加并列分句(构成并列句) :He works at a unive

14、rsity but his wife stays at home without a job. 注意:长句扩展必须严密周到,切不可为了追求长句而胡乱把词,词组,从句拼凑在一起。一篇好的作文,必须长短句结合,各种语法结构(分词,从句),简单句,并列句与复合句共用,一般有三个复杂的长句就够。简洁明快,有力的短句,效果也非常好。例如:简洁有力的短句:Work hard and we will succeed. Suddenly an idea occurred to me. 严密周到的长句:Experts said that in developing countries ongoing urban

15、ization-large numbers of people moving from the countryside into cities- has made the problem worse. 训练题一,扩展句子1A lecture will be held. 2. We have carried out the “ Green Hill , Clean Water, Blue Sky” project. 3. CCTV will broadcast a new program. 4. She was happy with the gift. 5. China is developin

16、g country. 6. Jsinghua University is a famous university. 优秀作文欣赏(看如何长短句结合)题目:北京的车辆越来越多,公路越来越拥挤。请你简述汽车为人们的生活所带来的不良影响,并就如何控制车辆提一些建议。There are too many cars in Beijing. As a result of this, air pollution is caused by the waste gas and there are traffic accidents almost every day, causing injury and dea

17、ths. Something must be done to solve the problem. First , more public transportation should be provided, so that much energy can be saved and there will be less traffic jams. Second, people should be encouraged to ride bikes, which is energy-saving and good for the environment. Third , If gas is mad

18、e more expensive, fewer people will think of owning cars. In addition, It is also a good idea to share a car or a taxi if two people are going in the same direction. Only in this way can the negative effects of cars be limited.(倒装句结尾,简洁有力)精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 8 页分析 :第

19、一段只有三个句子:第一句和第三句是简单句。第二句是两个简单句用and并列,同时前面用了表示结果的过渡词组as a result of this ,后用分词短语causing injury and deaths 表示结果。第二段:层次清晰,First.Second Third.In addition. 同时,文中简单句,并列句,复合句共同使用。优秀作文欣赏)Located in the north of North America, Canada is one of the seven industrial countries in the world. It covers a total ar

20、ea of 9,970,000 square kilometers with a population of about 29 million. There is a great variety of climate in Canada because it is too vast. Maple leaf has become the symbol of Canada since 1700. Today many Chinese people live in Vancouver, which is one of the most important cities of Canada.训练题二写

21、作一基础写作请根据以下资料说明,使用5个规范句子描述全部所给信息内容。要求: 1。标题: What can we do for the Olympics of 2008? 2. 必须使用5 个句子介绍全部所给内容。3将五个句子组织成连贯的短文。(必要时使用过渡词,词组)内容:(1)20XX 年奥运会是21 世纪重大体育比赛之一,包括中国在内的每个国家都在为此做准备。( 2)奥运会的作用。()中国为举办奥运会,将要做些什么?()你个人该做什么? 二基础写作请根据以下资料说明,使用5个规范句子描述全部所给信息内容。要求: 1。标题: Something about Li Hua 2. 必须使用5

22、个句子介绍全部所给内容。3将五个句子组织成连贯的短文。内容:姓名:李华学校:育才中学地址:中国广州育才路号出生年月:年月日身高: cm 头发:黑色全家人口:人父母职业:教师爱好:集邮和硬币掌握外语情况:英语 二基础写作请根据以下资料说明,使用5个规范句子描述全部所给信息内容。要求: 1。标题: Something about Li Hua 2. 必须使用5 个句子介绍全部所给内容。3将五个句子组织成连贯的短文。内容:假设你的一位外国朋友Henry 来中国访问,想来学校看你。他将于某天到达你学校,而你那天碰巧有课, 只好委托同学李浩代替你去飞机场接他,你给他留了张字条,告诉他你当天上午的安排:当

23、天早上7:50- 10: 10 之间你的课在教学楼2-305 上, 10: 10-10:30 是课间操, 10:30 以后的课在教学楼1403 上。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 8 页高考复习英语写作专题讲座(二)-句 子第一讲简单句( 2)上一讲讲到,从句子结构上来说,句子有简单句、并列句和复合句三种。简单句一般只包含 一个主谓 结构。但简单句有时候也有多个主语和一个谓语(主语+主语 +谓语) ;一个主语和多个谓语(主语+谓语 +谓语),并列的主语或谓语中间用连词连接。常用的连词有:and, or, not only

24、 but also , either or , neither nor , as well as, both and,等等。例如: Both my father and mother like singing. Not only his parents but also he is very nice to me. He as well as his children is happy. They sat down and talked about something. His mother did not scold him but comforted him instead. Please

25、 go and meet him at the station。简单句按功能分四种:陈述句感叹句疑问句祈使句(省略)第二讲并列句并列句是由并列连词连接的两个或多个简单句。它包含两个或两个以上互不依从的主谓结构,各个分句都是完整的简单句或复合句,由并列连词连接起来。并列连词是并列句的标志,去掉连词各个分句可以各自独立。并列连词各自表示有并列,转折,选择,推理,递进,转折等语意。一 表示表示增补关系的并列连词: and, both and, not only but also as well, as well as, for one thing for another; on one hand o

26、n the other; besides ,what s more, moreover, in addition,First(ly), in one place, second(ly), then, next, finally, last例如:There are all kinds of flowers in the park and they draw a lot of visitorsWork hard,and youll pass the exam If you work hard ,youll pass the exam努力学习,你会通过考试的。(如果你努力学习,你会通过考试的。)特别

27、提示:1both and 不能连接分句2not only but also连接两个主语时,谓语动词与近的那个主语一致3Not only 引导的分句位于句首时,其分句要倒装。Not only does he like reading stories, but also he can even write some.二 表示转折的连词but ,while, however, yet, still ,on the contrary, althoughthough,Instead, on the other hand, meanwhile, after all, 精选学习资料 - - - - - -

28、- - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 8 页while例如 : He is old, but he is still strong. Tom was poor while his brother was very rich. He was ill however/still /yet he went to school while 也可表示转折, 但与 but 不同的是 , 主要强调上下文的一种对比关系. The child should work out the problem while his parents themselves couldn t.when

29、 作为并列连词意为“ 这时 ” , 位于第一分句后, 此时不能用while 或 as 代替 . I was just about to lie down to rest when I saw a snake in the grass 三 表示选择的连词例如 : Take the chance, or /or else/otherwise you will regret it.You may do it yourself ,or you may ask someone else to do it 四表示表因果关系 : for, so ,therefore ,So, therefore, as a

30、 result, in this way , because of this, as a result of ,or else, otherwise, in that case,in brief ,in a word ,in conclusion, all in all ,in summary 例如 :It must have rained last night, for the ground is wet. He lost his job ,so he was unhappy these days. 有 些 副 词 如besides, moreover, therefore, however

31、, nevertheless, consequently , furthermore 等也可以起到并列连词的作用. 例如 :He hurt his leg, therefore he couldn t play in the game.表强调In any case,anyhow, anyway 无论如何 ,不管怎样In fact, obviously,naturally ,Fortunately , undoubtedly,五:句式规范一个句子能否正确地表情达意,除了正确运用词语之外,还跟句子构造是否符合语法规则,是否符合语言习惯和语言表达的需要有关。中国学生写英语句子时,往往按照汉语思维,写

32、出很多不规范的英语句子。如: (1)老人想起了他的儿子,眼泪直流。(中文句子没有连词)The old man thought of his son, tears came down from his face. (错句)在英语中,主谓语齐全就是一个完整的句子,两个完整的句子之间必须有连词进行连接。 (没有并列连词仅仅有逗号时通常要用分词短语或独立主格结构。)( 1)改为: When the old man thought of his son, tears came down from his face. or, or else, otherwise, either or , neither

33、nor , not but ,whether or.精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 8 页训练题:一 :以下句子是否正确?如果错误,怎么改正?(2)他 1986 年毕业于北京工学院,后来他被派到美国麻省理工学院深造,攻读化学。He graduated from Beijing Engineering College in 1986 , he was sent to Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the USA to study chemistry. ( 3)足球队员作好

34、准备,其他同学前往助战。The team members are required to get ready , others are required to watch and cheer for them. ( 4)我们的英语老师张老师相貌平常,灰白头发,戴着一副眼镜。Our English teacher Mrs. Zhang is an ordinary-looking,grey hair woman, wear a pair of glasses. (5) 东海市是一座新建城市,有人口近300 万,面积2 万余平方公里,东部面向黄海。Dong Hai is a newly-built

35、 city , has a population of about three million, it covers an area of about 20 000 square kilometers ,face the Yellow Sea in the east. 二:用括号中的连词改写下面句子。1. My brother is going to the Olympic Games. I am going to the Olympic Games(both and)3. She refused to answer any questions. She did not ask any que

36、stions.(not only but either)4.My wife has too many hats. She has too many dresses.(not only but as well)6.This time he had 4,000 men with him. He had thirteen ships and seventeen aeroplanes.(not only but as well)7. A thief once broke into a house. He stole some money. The lady of the house caught hi

37、m.( and but )8.He had not eaten anything for thirteen hours. He had not drunk anything for thirteen hours.(neither nor)9. Woollen goods cannot be eaten. As least they are soft. The man had had a few hours 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 8 页sleep.(but so)11. She had not been badl

38、y damaged. He radio had been put out of action.(although) 12. The pile was as high as the ceiling. I could not get into my room.(since) 13.Britain benefits enormously from a Channel Tunnel. Europe benefits enormously from a Channel Tunnel.(both and)(自选题) 14Dr Bethune and the other doctors were climb

39、ing the hills They could see the enemyThe enemy were entering the village The village was in the valley below (组合成一个结构复杂的长句,不能用定语从句)(自选题) 15 Helen Keller was seven years old She became deaf and blind when she was only 19 months old Anne Sullivan was Helens teacher Helen was deaf and blind before Ann

40、e Sullivan came to her house (组合成一个结构复杂的长句,可以用定语从句)三:扩展句子(1)Dr Bethune arrived and examined the soldier 四 :将下面句子按正确的顺序组合成段(必要时可加适当关联词语)。A person with good manners never laughs at people They are in troubleHe is always kind to others He tries to help them五:标点与大小写练习in april 1912 a new ship set off fro

41、m england to america on its first trip on the way the ship hit a big iceberg and began to go down women and children were the first to leave the ship and get into the lifeboats suddenly a woman shouted and asked to join her children in one of the lifeboats but there was no more room there at that mo

42、ment a young woman in the lifeboat stood up here she shouted take my place I m not married and I have no children she got out and then the thankful mother joined her children in the lifeboat but the young woman miss evans lost her life- miss evans is dead but people still remember her. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 8 页



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