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1、1 初中八年级上册英语期末专项复习一 用括号里的词的适当形式填空。1. If you give me time, I _ (find) the solution. 2. If you want to pass, you _ (have to) study hard. 3. What _ (happen) if they dont agree with each other? 4. Beckham is a famous football _(play). 5. My father made a living by _(sell)small toys when he was young. 6.

2、Did the children enjoy_(they)in the party last Sunday? 7. The college graduate enjoyed _(teach)in the poor mountain area 8. He_(have)a great time if he _(come)to the party tomorrow. 9. I think tomorrow is a good time_(have)the party, Everyone_(have) fun at that time. 10. Half the class _(be)at home

3、on the weekend now. 11. I will also be able _ (work)outside sometimes. 12. What about _(listen)to the radio? 13. The_(three)shirt is the nicest of all. 14. This bag is much_(big)than that one. 15. Most students spent more than one hour_(write)the composition. 16. All of us were surprised_(see)how Am

4、ericans abused the Iraqi prisoners. 17. I dont know if he _(come)tomorrow, but if he _(come)tomorrow, Ill let you. 18._ (join)the Lions, and you_(become)a great soccer player. 19. In the past, Peter _(spend )a lot of time every day_(play)football. 20. If he_(stay)at home, hell be sorry. 21. I am lea

5、rning how_(swim). 22. Many of my friends are_(lawyer). 23. _ (watch) TV too much is bad for your eyes. 24. Could you tell us the _(different)between these two styles of music? 25.Did you decide _(visit) your grandparents? 26.There are many _ (different) between them. 27.I cant _ (hear) the bad news.

6、 28.Lucy and Lily are the _ (win) of the talent show. 29.This shirt isn t as _ (good) as that one. 30.He is the _ (bad) student in his class. 31.The news _ (be) so terrible that we all cant stand. 32.I really enjoyed _ (walk) around town. 33.It is good to relax by _ (use) internet. 34.Did you have f

7、un _ (play) at the party? 35. I am going to _ (be) a doctor when I grow up. 36. Jack plays the violin very well. He must be a (violin) when he grows up. 37.He went back home (angry). 38.What s the (mean) of what he said? 39. The (begin) of the meeting is a video about animals. 40.I cant stand (liste

8、n) to the noisy music. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 10 页2 41 This kind of bikes new. 42.There (be) some exciting news in todays newspaper.43.Would you mind (open) the window? 44.Did you watch (sport) show on TV yesterday? 45.Where do you plan (go) this Sunday? 46.Do you want

9、(watch) the news? 47.Sally thinks soap operas are (educational) than sitcoms. 48.I hope (watch) the action movie one day. 49.Yao Ming is a (success) player in NBA. 50.I think Xi Yangyang is as (famous) as Mikey Mouse. 二 形容词比较级和最高级练习(一) 写出下列形容词或副词的比较级和最高级1 fine_ _2 big_ _3 trendy_ _4relaxing_ _ 5 cur

10、ly_ _6 little_ _ 7 far_ _8funny_ _ (二) 所给形容词或副词的适当形式填空1 Who has _(many) books, Zhang Li or Li Ying? 2. Do you think you are _(outgoing) than your father? 3It was cold yesterday, but it is much _ (cold) today. 4Take the medicine twice a day. You will be _(well) tomorrow. 5China is one of _(large) cou

11、ntries in the world. 6I have many foreign friends. Vera is _(tall) of them. 7 Who has _(heavy) backpack,Li Weiwei,Zhang Yin,Zhou Xinyu or Zhao Yuchang? 8Who do you think is _(funny) actor ,Pan Changjiang,Zhao Benshan or Chen Peisi? 9 The school has _(many) students in Kunming. There are more than ei

12、ght thousand students in the school. 10Which girl speaks English _(well), Liu Fang or Cheng Yao? 11Do you think math is _(difficult) than English? 12The doctor isnt as _(serious) as Mr Wu. Mr Wu is more serious. 13Mr Bean is the _(funny)of all the comedies that I have ever seen. 14The doctor told me

13、 not to drink too much but I find it difficult. The doctor is right. The less you drink, _ (healthy) you will be. 15 Of all the books, this one is _ (expensive)三 同义句转换专项练习1. Jim did well in swimming when he was young. Jim _ _ _ swimming when he was young. 2 I often borrow some books from my uncle. M

14、y uncle often _ some books _ _. 3 Please give this book to your brother. Please _ _ _ this book. 4 Could we go to the zoo together 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 10 页3 this afternoon? _ _ _ to the zoo together this afternoon? 5. A Chinese farm is different from an American farm

15、. A Chinese farm is _ _ _ _ an American farm. 6. John has the same idea as Jim. John _ _ Jim. 7. They no longer use animals to do farm work. They _ use animals to do farm work _ _. 8. Tom is ten. Kate is eleven. Tom is _ _ Kate. 9. Lilei is heavier than the other two. Lilei is _ _ of the three. 10.

16、Can I help you? _ _ I _ for you? 11. Mr. Li is the oldest teacher in the school. Mr. Li is older than all _ _ teachers in the school. 12. Perhaps she is at school today. She _ _ at school today. 13. We can finish the work alone. We can finish the work _ _ _. 14. She often helps her mother do the hou

17、sework. She often _ her mother _ the housework. 15. I can look after the baby. I can _ _ _ the baby. 16. May I borrow your knife, please? Could you please _ your knife _ me, please? 17. Its only ten minutes on foot from his home to school. It only _ ten minutes _ _ to school from his home. 18. How d

18、o you like the transportation of our city? _ do you _ _ the transportation of our city? 19. There are some differences between my friend and me. My friend is _ _ me. 20. Jim is more athletic than any other student in his class. Jim is the _ athletic _ all the students in his class. 21. She doesn t w

19、ant to drink milk now. She doesn t _ _ _ milk now. 22. Its time for our lunch. Its time for _ _ _ lunch. 23. Dont worry. Ill look after your baby carefully. Dont worry. I ll _ _ _ _ your baby. 24. People in Japan eat a lot of fish. We eat a lot of fish, too. People in Japan eat a lot of fish. _ _ _.

20、 25. All the other girls are standing behind the tallest one. The tallest girl is standing _ _ _ _ the line. 26. It takes about fifteen minutes on foot. It is about _ _ _. 27. I didnt have a rest. I went on writing. I went on writing _ a rest. 28. If you dont study harder, you wont catch up with the

21、 others. If you don t study harder, _ _ _ the others. 29. Lin Tao runs faster than the other two boys. Lin Tao runs _ of the _ boys. 30. He was surprised to find the girl was blind. _ _ _, he _ the girl was blind. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 10 页4 31. I bought this dictionar

22、y for 58 yuan. I _ 58 yuan _ this dictionary. 32. Whats the matter with him? Whats _ _? 33. Everyone is healthy. _ one is _. 34. Math is more difficult than physics. Physics is _ difficult than math. Physics isn t _ _ _ math. 35. I can help my father with the farm work, or my brother can help him wi

23、th it. _ my brother _ I _ _ my father with the farm work. 36. My father is working here. My uncle is also working here. _ my father _ my uncle _ _ _. 37. Jim doesn t know how he can swim. Jim doesn t know _ _ _. 38. Hangzhou is very famous, because of its beautiful West Lake. Hangzhou is _ _ _ beaut

24、iful West Lake. 39. Bruce will have to go back to Beijing next week. Bruce will have to _ _ _ next week. 40. He lent me a ruler last week. I _ a ruler _ him last week. 41. He was too tired to walk. He was _ tired _ he _ _. 42. I dont know how to call it in English. I don t know _ Englishmen _ it. 43

25、. Mary doesnt know much about China. Mary _ _ about China. 44. His father took a plane to the USA three days ago. Three days ago his father _ _ the USA. 45. Every one of us had a nice time last night. _ of us _ _ last night. 46. To learn a foreign language is not easy. _ _ _ _ learn a foreign langua

26、ge. 47. What do you think of the TV play? _ _ _ _ the TV play? 48 “Dont play with the cat any more, Jim,” Mum asked. Mum told Jim _ _ _ _ the cat any more. 49 The boy was very clever. He could make a model plane alone. The boy was clever _ to make a model plane _ _. 50. How is the weather in Nanjing

27、? _ the weather _ in Nanjing? 四时态练习题一般过去时专练:一、单项选择:( ) 1. Lee _ his mobile phone at home. A. leave B. leaves C. leaved D. left ( ) 2. _ he _ a good rest? No, he didnt. A. Do, had B. Did, have C. Did, had D. Was, had ( ) 3. As soon as he _, he _ to his family. A. arrived, writes B. arrived, written C

28、. arrived, wrote D. arriveds, write ( ) 4. Mr. Black was late because he _ his way. A. losted B. lose C. loses D. lost 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 10 页5 ( ) 5. When _ Lee _ school this morning? A. did, got to B. did, get to C. did, get D. did, got ( ) 6. Will you please say

29、it again? I _ quite _ you. A. didn t, hear B. dont, heard C. didn t, heard D. don t, hear( ) 7. _ you _ at six oclock yesterday? A. Do ,get up B. Did, get up C. Do, got up D. Did, got up ( ) 8.What did you see _? A. now B. every day C. these days D. just now ( ) 9.He went into the room and _ the doo

30、r. A. lock B. locking C. locks D. locked ( ) 10. What _ you _ last week? I bought a bag. A. did ,buy B. did , bought C. do, buy D. do, bought ( ) 11. _ he _ his lunch? Yes, he did. A. Does ,has B. Does, have C. Did, have D. Did, had ( )12.Did the thief thieves _ into the car? No, they_. A. fell, did

31、n t B. fall (落下 ), did C. jump(跳) , didnt D. jump, did ( ) 13. -When did May come back from Hong Kong? -She _ from Hong Kong last Friday. A. come back B. comes back C. returned back D. came back ( ) 14. _ she _ this dictionary in the bookshop nearby last week? A. Did, buy B. Does, buy C. Did, bought

32、 D. Does, buys ( ) 15. He _ to the station this morning and was_ for the train. A. hurry, in time B. hurries, on time C. hurried, in time D. hurried, at time ( ) 16. Where _ Uncle Sun yesterday? A. was B. were C. did D. does ( ) 17. Have you seen him today? Yes, I _ him this morning. A. seeing B. se

33、e C. sees D. saw ( ) 18. He _ worried when he heard the news. A. is B. was C. does D. did ( ) 19. There _ a telephone call for my brother Steven yesterday? A. is B. are C. was D. were ( ) 20. Liu Fengwei _ three yuan for the lost library book. A. paid B. pay C. spent D. lost ( ) 21. He _ in this sch

34、ool in 1958. A. taught B. teach C. teaches D. teaching ( ) 22. They _ tired so they stopped _ a rest. A. are, have B. were, have C. were, to have D. are, having ( ) 23. Yesterday I _ in bed all day because I had a fever. A. lay B. lie C. laid D. lied ( ) 24. It was raining hard when he _ home. A. go

35、t B. get C. gets D. was getting ( ) 25. She said her brother _ in Beijing. He _ to Japan on business last week. A. wasn t, went B. hasn t, went C. wasnt, go D. isnt, went( )26 My father ill 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 10 页6 yesterdayA isnt B arent C wasnt D werent ( )27your

36、parents at home last weekA Is B Was C Are D Were ( )28 The twins in Dalian last year Theyhere nowA are; were B were; are C was; are D were; was ( )29 your father at work the day yesterday(前天)A Was; before B Is; before C Was; after D Is; after ( )30 Who was on duty last Friday A I am BI was C Yes, I

37、was D No, I wasnt 二、请用正确动词形式填空。1. I _ (have) an exciting party last weekend. 2. _ she _(practice) her guitar yesterday? No, she _. 3. What _ Tom _ (do) on Saturday evening? He _(watch) TV and _(read) an interesting book. 4. They all _(go) to the mountains yesterday morning. 5. She _(not visit) her a

38、unt last weekend. She _ (stay) at home and _(do) some cleaning. 三改写句子:1、Lucy did her homework at home.(改否定句) Lucy _ _ her homework at home. 2、He found some meat in the fridge(冰箱) .(变一般疑问句 ) _ he _ _ meat in the fridge? 3、There was some orange in the cup.( 变 一 般 疑 问 句 )_ there _ orange in the cup? 4.

39、 Frank read an interesting book about history. (一般疑问句)_ Frank _ an interesting book about history? 5. Why not go out for a walk? (同义句) _ _ _ out for a walk? 一般现在时与现在进行时专练( ) 1. Father usually _ his newspaper after dinner. A. read B. reads C. reading D. is reading ( ) 2. The Blacks often _ to the cin

40、ema on Saturday evenings. A. go B. goes C. is going D. are going ( ) 3.Look! The boy _ with his mother in the pool. A. is swimming B. is swimming C. are swimming D. are swiming ( ) 4.- What is Tom doing in the classroom? - He _ something on the blackboard. A. draws B. draw C. is drawing D. are drawi

41、ng. ( ) 5.Old Tom usually _ up at six and _ sports in the garden. A. gets, dos B. gets, does C. get, does D. gets, do ( ) 6. It s ten oclock and Jack _ still(仍然) _ his homework. A. is, do B. is, doing C. are, do D. are, doing 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 10 页7 ( ) 7. The wait

42、ers _ to work at five every morning. A. start B. starts C. starting D. are starting ( ) 8.I _ a letter, so I cant go out with you. A. is writing B. am writing C. am writeing D. am writting ( )9.A hundred days _ quite a long time. A. is B. are C. have D. has ( )10. -_ late for the meeting next time.

43、Sorry, I wont.A. Dont B. Dont be C. Won t be D. Be not ( )11. My mother _ noodles, but my father _. A. likes, doesnt B. don t like, do C. likes, didnt D. didn t like, do( )12. The picture _ nice. A. looks B. is looked C. look D. is looking ( )13. The students will go to the Summer Palace if it _ tom

44、orrow. A. don t rain B. doesn t rain C. won t rain D. isnt rain( )14. We are always ready _ others. A. to helping B. to help C. help D. helping ( )15. I often hear her _ about the boy. A. talking B. talk C. to talk D. talked ( )16. Hes already a little weak in Chinese, _ he ? A. is B. isn t C. has D

45、. hasnt ( )17.Potatoes are _ in the field by the farmers. A. grow B. growing C. grown D. grew ( )18. Does she have a watch? Yes, she _. A. have B. do C. has D. does ( )19. She _ English very much now. A. is liking B. likes C. liked D. is teaching ( )20. She has no paper to _ . Why not give her some?

46、 A. write B. be writing C. write on D. write in ()21. Does Mr Know-all know _ keys? A. to make B. how to make C. how make D. making ( )22. Does your mother _ English now? A. teaches B. teach C. taught D. is teaching ( )23. Jack usually _ mistakes last term. But this term he does better. A. makes B.

47、made C. does D. did ( )24. The boy is too young, please _ carefully. A. look after him B. look him after C. look at him D. look him at ( )25. She _ you to come to my birthday party. A. hopes B. wishes C. want D. lets ( )26. -Where is Frank now? - He _ his bike in the yard. A. fixes up B. fixing up C

48、. is fixing up D. fixed ( )27. Bob often _ his mother with the housework on Sundays. A. help B. helping C. helps D. helped 3.一般将来时专练( )1. Her hope _ the 2008 Olympic Games. A. to take part in B. is to take part in C. taking part in D. will take part in ( )2. - Can I go to Beijing for my holiday, Dad

49、? - You can when you _ a bit older. A. will get B. get C. are getting D. got 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 10 页8 ( )3. If he _harder, he will catch up with us soon. A. study B. studies C. will study D. studied ( )4. - Dont forget to ask him to write to me. - I won t. As soon a

50、s he _, I ll ask him to write to you.A. will come B. came C. comes D. is coming ( )5. - Jimmy is leaving for a holiday. - Really? Where _ he _? A. has; gone B. will; go C. did; go D. would; go ( )6. Frank _ to see his grandma if he _ free tomorrow. A. will come; will be B. comes; is C. will come; is

51、 D. comes; will be ( )7. There _ a talk on science in our school next Monday. A. will give B. will be C. is going to give D. is ( )8. - Shall we go shopping now? - Sorry, I cant. I _ my shirts. A. wash B. washes C. washed D. am washing ( )9. I believe that those mountains _ with trees in a few years

52、 time.A. are covered B. will be covered C. are covering D. will cover ( )10. It is said that about 400 cars _ in the factory next month. A. were produced B. will produce C. are produced D. will be produced ( )11. - Are you free this afternoon? - No. I ll have an English composition _ this afternoon.

53、 A. to write B. wrote C. to be writing D. to be written ( )12. - Come back home every month. - I _. A. will B. must C. should D. can ( )13. A robot _ think of itself; it _ be told what to do. A. can t; must B. couldnt; can C. may not; will D. mustn t, may五 句型转换 : 1.Did you enjoy yourself last night?

54、(同义句转换 ) Didyou last night? 2.Do you want to come here?( 同义句转换 ) you to come here? 3.We rode bicycles to Gegetown.(同义句转换) We went to Gegetown . 4.I wonder what life was like here in the past.(同义句转换 ) I what life was like here in the past. 5.He did some sports last week.(改为否定句) He sports last week. 6

55、.What do you think of the TV play?( 同义句转换 ) do you the TV play? 7.Why dont you come to join us?(同义句 ) come to join us? 8.I always eat junk food,(改为否定句 ) I _ eat junk food. 9.I seldom(几乎不 )eat junk food.(改为同义句) I_ _ eat iunk food. 10.Mary is 16 years old.(改为同义句 ) Maryis girl.精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - -

56、名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 10 页9 期末专项复习答案:一填空: 1 will find 2 will have to 3 will happen 4 player 5 selling 6 themselves 7 teaching 8 will have , comes 9 to have, will have 10 are 11 to work 12 listening 13 third 14 bigger 15 writing 16 to see 17 will come, comes 18 Join 19 spent , playing 20 stay 2

57、1 to swim 22 lawyers 23 Watching 24 differences 25 to visit 26 differences 27 hear 28 winners 29 good 30 worst 31 is 32 walking 33 using 34 playing 35 be 36 violinist 37 angrily 38 meaning 39 beginning 40 listening 41is 42 is 43 opening 44 sports 45 to go 46 to watch 47 more educatingal 48 to watch

58、49 successful 50 famous 二 形容词专练:填空 :1 more 2 more outing 3 colder 4 better 5 the largest 6 the tallest 7 the heaviest 8 the funniest 9 the most 10 better 11 more difficult 12 serious 13 funniest 14 the healthier 15 the most expensive 三 同义句转换答案: 1.was good at 2.lends; to me 3.give your brother 4.Why

59、not go/What (How)about going 5.not the same as 6.agrees with 7.dont; any longer 8.younger than 9.the heaviest 10.What can; do 11.the other 12.may be 13.all by ourselves 14.helps; with 15.take care of 16.lend; to 17.takes; to walk 18.What; think of 19.different from 20.most; of 21.feel like drinking

60、22.us to have 23.take good care of 24.So do we 25.at the head of 26.fifteen minutes walk 27.without 28.youll fall behind 29.fastest, three 30.To his surprise, found 31.spent, on 32.his trouble 33.No, sick/ill 34.less, as/so difficult as 35.Either, or, can help 36.Both, and, are working here 37.how t

61、o swim 38.famous for its 39.return to Beijing 40.borrowed, from 41.so, that, couldnt walk 42.how, call 43.knows little 44.flew to 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 10 页10 45.Each, enjoyed ourselves 46.It isnt easy to 47.How do you like 48.not to play with 49.enough, by himself 50.

62、What s, like 四时态专练:一般过去时专练单项选择: 1.D 2.B 3.B 4.D 5.B 6.A 7.B 8.D 9.D 10.A 11.C 12.C 13.D 14.A 15.C 16.A 17.D 18.B 19.C 20.A 21.A 22.C 23.A 24.A 25.A 26-30 CDBAB 填空 1.had 2. Did; practice; didnt 3.did; do; watched; read 4.went 改写句子、 1.didnt do 2. Did; find any 3. Was; any 4. Did; read 5. Why dont you

63、go 五、1.is-was 2.go-went 3.goes-went 4.can-could 5.saw-see一般现在时与现在进行时专练1-5BAACB 6-10BABAB 11-15AABBB 16-20 BCDBC 21-25 BBBAC 26-30 CC 一般将来时专练1-5 BBBCB 6-10 CBDBD 11-13 AAA 五 句型转换答案1.have a good time 2.Would like 3.by bicycle 4.want to know 5.didn t do 6.How ,like 7.Why not 8.never 9.hardly ever 10.a

64、sixteen-year-old 19.younger than; older than; as old as; as young as 20.don t think,is 21.Both,and,enjoy 22.as old as 23.better at tennis than 24.What does, need 25.doesn t work26.the tallest 27.don t think 28.How do you like 29.close to 30.How much 31.bigger,than 32.How far 33.Why is 34.winner of 35.the tallest student 36.going on 37.maybe,aren t 38.Would,like 39.does,he 40.Why does,want 41.More than 42.How,like 43How often 44.Would, like 45.want to know 46.worse,than 47.the tallest 48.don t think, is 49.How do you like 50.How far 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 10 页



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