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1、新希望辅导中心初中英语冠词专项训练I.冠词填空:在下列句中空白处填入适当冠词,不需用冠词处划/ 。1There is _ picture of _ elephant on _ wall 2This is _ useful book Ive read it for _ hour3 _ elephant is much heavier than _ horse4 _ doctor told him to take _ medicine three times _ day5Lets go out for _ walk6Its too hotOpen _ door ,please 7There is

2、_ woman over there _ woman is Meimeis mother 8 _ sun rises in _ east 9 _ Changjiang River is _ longest river in _ China 10Are you going to do it _ second time ?11Washington is _ capital of _ USA 12 _ Turners are living at the end of _ Turner Street 13He joined the army in _ spring of _ 1995 14 _ old

3、 man is _ teacher He likes playing _ basketball after _ supper 15After I had _ quick breakfast ,I hurried to school16Are _ sheep kept by _ farmers for producing _ wool and _ meat?17They went to _ Peoples Park ,but we both went to _ Peoples Cinema yesterday18I often watch _ TV in _ evening 19 _ day o

4、f _ December 20 ,1999 is Monday20Tomorrow is _ Christmas Day and my father and I went to choose _ Christmas tree today21I think _ maths is more important than any other subject 22He often goes to _ school by _ bike 23What does this _ word mean , _ Father ?24What _ important news !II.选择填空。1Does Jim h

5、ave _ ruler ?Yes,he has _ Aan;some Ba;one Ca; Dany;one 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 24 页新希望辅导中心2There is _ old bike _ old bike is Mr Zhaos Aan ;The Bthe;An Ca;The Dthe;The 3 _ apple a day keeps the doctors aw ay AThe BA CAn DTwo 4How many books do you have ?I have _ book That

6、s _ English book Aa;an Ba;one Cone;an Done;one 5At that time Tom was _ one-year-old baby Aa Ban Cthe D6 _ tiger is _ China AThe;a BA;the CThe;from DThe;the 7We cant see _ sun at _ night Athe;the Bthe; Ca; D;8 _ useful book it is! AWhat an BHow a CWhat a DWhat 9 One afternoon he found _ handbag There

7、 was _ “s”on the corner of _ handbag Aa;an;the Ba;a;the Can;an;an Dthe;a;a 10 _ old lady with white hair spoke _ English well at _ meeting AAn;an;a BThe; an CThe; a DThe; the 11 _ Great Wall is _ longest wall in the world AA;a BThe;the CA;the DThe;a 12 _ new bridge has been built over Huangpu River

8、AThe;a BA;CA;the DAn;the 13 _ woman over there is _ popular teacher in our school AA;an BThe;a CThe;the DA;the 14He used to be _ teacher but later he turned _ writer Aa;a Ba;the C; a Da;15They made him _ king Aa Bthe Can D16His father is _ English teacher He works in our school Aa Ban Cthe D精选学习资料 -

9、 - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 24 页新希望辅导中心17Is he _ American boy ? Aan Ba Cone D18Does Tom often play _ football after _ school ? A; B; the Cthe; Da;19They passed our school _ day before yesterday Aan Bone Ca Dthe 20Australia is _ English-speaking country Aa Ban Cthe D21She has _ orang

10、e skirt _ skirt is nice Aa;The Ban;The Can;A Dthe;The 22This is _ apple Its _ big apple Aan;a Ba;the Ca;an Dan;the 23Look at _ horse over there Aa Ban Cthe D24Dont play _ basketball here Its dangerous Aa Ban CDthe 25There is _ old woman in the car A Bthe Ca Dan 26Beijing is _ beautiful cityIts _ cap

11、ital of China Aa;a Bthe;the C; the Da;the 27Shanghai is in _ east of China A Ban Ca Dthe 28Ive been a student there for nearly two and _ half years Aa Ban Cthe D29Bill is _ English teacherHe likes playing _ football Aa;the Ban;the Ca;Dan;30The museum is quite far It will take you half _ hour to get

12、there by _ bus Aan; Ban;a Ca;D;精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 24 页新希望辅导中心初中英语冠词用法专项练习答案与详解I1a;an;the 2a;an。第一个空的 a是泛指,第二个空的an是指“一小时”。3An;a。这两个空都是泛指,故都用不定冠词。4The;the;a。前两个空都是特指,故填the;后一个空中的 a 相当于 every或 each ,three times a day意为“一天三次”。5a。go out for a walk 意为“出去散步”。6the 7a;The。前者

13、泛指,后者特指。8The;the。第一个空用 the 表示太阳是世界上独一无二的物体;第二个空用the 是因为在方位词的前面一般用定冠词。9The;the,。第一空用 the是因为在河流名称的前面用定冠词;第二空用the 是因为在形容词最高级前面用定冠词;第三空“零”冠词是因为专有名词前一般不加冠词。10a。a second time意为“再一次”、“另一次”。the second time意为“第二次”。此句填a 是表示动作的重复,而不能用the(表顺序)。11the;the。第一个 the是特指美国的首都。第二个the 是在由普通名词构成的专有名词前应加定冠词。12The。“the 姓氏的

14、复数”表示“一家人”或“夫妻二人”。由普通名词构成的专有名词前应加 the。13the;。表示在某一年的季节名称前应加定冠词。14The a;。在球类名称前不加冠词。泛指的三餐名称前不加冠词。15a。三餐名称前若有形容词,则可在形容词前加冠词,此处是泛指,故用a。16;。此句意为“农民养羊是为了产毛和肉吗?”前两个空也可填定冠词,意为:“那些农民养的那些羊是为了产毛和肉吗?”17the;the。普通名词构成的专有名词前应加the。18; the。TV 前不加冠词。“早、午、晚”名词前加冠词。19The;。第一空是特指。日期名词前不加冠词。20;a21。学科名称前一般不加冠词。22;。 go t

15、o school上学。 by bike 骑自行车。23;。指示代词不能与定冠词连用。24。注意 news是不可数名词,故不能加a。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 24 页新希望辅导中心II1B。第一空是泛指;第二空的one是不定代词,用以替代前面的ruler。2A 3C。这是一句谚语,意思是“一天吃一个苹果,用不着看医生。”4C。one强调数量,用以回答“ Howmany?”问句;第二个空是泛指,故用an。5A。one 虽以元音字母开头,但以辅音音素w开头,故填 a。6C。此句意为:“这只老虎来自中国。”7B。在“太阳、

16、月亮、地球”的前面一般都加定冠词the;at night“在夜晚”,注意该短语中没有冠词。8C 9A。“s”虽为辅音字母,但却以元音音素e开头,故填 an。10D。第一个空填the,是特指那个“白发老太太”;第二个空不填冠词,是因为在语言名称前面一般不加冠词。 English 后面如有 language ,就得说 the English language 。“在会议上”应为at the meeting。11B。the Great Wall 长城。12C。第一个空是泛指,用a;第二个空是河流名称,故用the。13B。第一个空:“那边的那个妇女”,是特指;第二个空是指那个妇女的身份、职业,是泛指。

17、14D。第一个空是泛指;第二个空用“零冠词”是因为turn 后面的名词前一般都不加冠词。15D。表示某人的职位时可用“零冠词”。16B17A 18A。after school放学以后。19D。the day before yesterday 前天。20B21B。第一空泛指,第二空特指。22A。两个空都是泛指。23C 24C 25D 26D 27D。in the east of在某地区(内)的东部。28A。two and a half years也可说成 two years and a half ,意思都是“两年半”。29D 30A。half an hour半小时, by bus乘公共汽车。精选

18、学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 24 页新希望辅导中心冠词专项练习解析不定冠词1. My cousin, Peter has become _university student. A. a B. an C. the D. 不填 解析:不定冠词考点,表示一的数量概念用不定冠词,其后第一音素为辅音/j/, 用 a 答案为A 2. The girl with _umbrella in hand is studying in _university. A. a, a B. a, an C. an, an D. an, a 解析:不

19、定冠词考点,前一空其后第一音素为元音, 其前用 an,后一空其后第一音素为辅音,其前用a, 答案为 D 3. It had been dry for so long a time, so everyone is looking forward to _ heavy rain at time. A. a B. an C. the D. 不填 解析:不定代词考点,表示“ 一场,一次,一阵,一缕 ” 等一的数量问题要采用不定冠词,其后第一音素为辅音,其前用a , 答案为 A 4. Without _penny( 分,英国货币单位 ) with him, he had traveled for hal

20、f _year. A. a, a B.不填, 不填C. an, an D. a, an 解析:不定冠词考点, 前后两空均表示为一的数可以用基数词 one, 也可以用不定冠词表示,两空后的第一音素均为辅音,其前用a,答案为 A 5. He published _ one-million-word thick book last year. A. a B. an C. the D. 不填解析:不定代词考点,表示一的数量用不定冠词,复合式形容词的第一音素为辅音/w/,其前用 a,答案为 A 6. Take this medicine three times _ day and you will be

21、 better tomorrow. A. a B. an C. the D. 不填解析:不定冠词考点,在频度表达结构中表示频率每一用不定冠词,其后的第一音素为辅音,其前用a, 答案为 A 7. _ orphan is _ child one of whose parents were died when he was born. A. a, a B. an, a C. the, the D. 不填, 不填解析: 不定代词考点,用单数可数名词表示一类事物或一类人用不定冠词,前一空,其后第一单素为元音用an, 后一空其后第一音素为辅音,其前用a, 答案为 B 8. I have to get my

22、 English book in the classroom. Please wait for me for _ moment. A. a B. an C. the D. 不填 解析:不定代词考点,固定短语中用不定冠词,其后第一音素为辅音,答案为 A 9. Have you seen _ pencil? I left it on _table this morning. A. a, a B. a, the C. the, the D. the, a 解析: 不定代词考点,表示一的数量用不定冠词,其后第一音素均为辅音,答案为 A 10. I am afraid of _dog. Can I go

23、 behind you? A. the B. a C. an D. 不填解精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 24 页新希望辅导中心析:不定代词考点,用单数可数名词表示一类人或事物,其前用不定冠词,答案为 B 11. There used to be _ lot of birds in the trees. But now there is _few birds there because they are killed by foolish men. A. a, a B. a, 不填C. 不填, 不填D. 不填, a 解析

24、:前一空为不定代词考点,后一空为零冠词考点,固定短语 a lot of = lots of 其后可加可数名词复数或不可数名词,表示许多;固定短语a few 或 few,其后加复数可数名词 , a few 表示肯定的几个,few 表示否定期几乎没有。前一空选不定冠词无异议,后一空的选择要根据句中的因果关系进行肯定与否定的判别,答案为B 12. I bought _English dictionary yesterday and _English dictionary is _useful guidance book ( 参考书 ) for me to learn English. A. a, t

25、he, a B. an, the, an C. an, the, a D. a, the, an 解析:第一空和第三空为不定冠词考点,第二空为定冠词考点。第一空表示一的数量一本,其后第一音素为元音码,第二空表示特指那本,第三空表示一的数量一本,其后第一音素为辅音,一的数量为不定冠词用法,特指为定冠词用法。第案为 C 13. In this way, you can shoot two birds with _stone. A. a B. an C. the D. 不填 解析:不定冠词考点,英语谚语中名语的本义为一块石子,表示一的数量用不定冠词,其后第一音素为辅音,答案为A 定冠词与零冠词1.

26、Look, _ water in this river is so polluted that the fish cant live in it. A. aB. an C. the D. 不填解析:定冠词考点,将普通名词进行范围限定为特指用法,用定冠词, 答案为 C 2. Open _door and _windows please. We need some fresh air. A. a, the B. a, 不填C. the, the D. 不填, the 解析:定冠词考点,表示说话人与听话人均明确的事物或人为特指用法,用定冠词,答案为C 3. _Great Wall is _wonde

27、r(奇观) in _world. A. the, the, the B. a, a, a C. the, a, the D. 不填, the, the 解析:第一空和第三空为定冠词考点,第二空为不定冠词考点,第一空专用名词前固定的定冠词;第二空表示一的数量一个用不定冠词;第三空固定表达式中的定冠词。 答案为 C 4. _Yangtze River is _ first longest river in China. A. the, the B. a, the C. a, a D. the, a 解析:两空均为定冠词考点:前一空为表示山川,河流,湖泊,海洋的专有名词前用定冠词,后一空为序数词前用

28、定冠词。答案为A 5. _paper was invented by _Chinese people a long time ago. A. 不填, the B. 不填,不填C. the, the D. the, 不填解析:前一空为零冠词考点,后一空为定冠词考点,精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 24 页新希望辅导中心前一空为不可数名词表示泛指的一数事物时用零冠词,后一空为将普通名词的范围进行限定为特指。答案为 A 6. _Asia and _America are separated( 分开) by _Pacific O

29、cean. A. the, the, the B. the, the, 不填C. 不填,不填,the D. the, 不填, the 解析:前两空为不定冠词考点,后一空为定冠词考点,前两空为表示七大洲的专有名词前用零冠词,后一空为表示山川,河流,湖泊,海洋的专有名词前用定冠词,答案为 C 7. Alexander Graham Bell invented _telephone in 1876. A. 不填B. a C. the D. one 解析:定冠词考点,谓语动词为invent 发明,其句中的普通名词telephone 表示具体的发明物,其前用定冠词。答案为C 8. Where is my

30、 dad, mum? He is in _hospital and he has _ headache. A. the, the B. the, a C. 不填, a D. 不填, the 解析:前一空为零冠词考点,后一空为不定冠词考点。前一空普通名词 hospital 与介词连用表示抽象动作住院,其前用零冠词, 后一空为固定表达中表示患何种病,病名词用不定冠词。答案为C 9. _girl who is dressed in a red skirt over there is my sister. A. the B. a C. this D. 不填 解析:定冠词考点,普通名词后有限定性定语从句

31、对其限定,表示固定的一个时为特指概念,名词前用定冠词。答案为A 10. After _supper, we often go for _walk in _nearby woods. A. the, a, the B.不填, a, the C. the, a, 不填D. 不填, a, 不填解析:前一空为零冠词考点, 第二空为不定冠词考点,第三空为定冠词考点。 第一空为三餐名词前用零冠词, 第二空为固定表达式中用不定冠词,第三空为普通名词前有范围限定为特指,用定冠词。答案为B 11. _good advice you have given me when I am in _trouble! A.

32、What a, the B. How a, the C. What, 不填D. How, 不填解析:前一空为感叹结构中的冠词用法考点,后一空为零冠词考点。前一空为What+adj.+ 不可数名词的感叹结构,其中名词前用零冠词;第二空为固定表达结构中用零冠词。答案为C 12. I like playing _football and _piano in my free time. A. 不填, the B. 不填, 不填C. the, the D. the, 不填解析:第一空为零冠词考点,第二空为定冠词考点。第一空为球类名词前用零冠词,后一空为乐器名词前用定冠词。答案为A 13. This so

33、ng is very popular with _young. A. a B. an C. the D. 不填解析:定冠词考点,the+adj. 表示一类人或一类事物。答案为 C 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 24 页新希望辅导中心初中英语冠词专项练习题1. I read _story. It is _interesting story. A. a, an B. a, a C. the, the D. /, an 2. Britain is _ European country and China is _ Asian

34、 country. A. an, an B. a, a C. a, an D. an, a 3. _China is _ old country with _ long history. A. The, an, a B. The, a, a C. /, an, the D. /, an, a 4. _elephant is bigger than _ horse. A. /, / B. an, a C. An, a D. /, the 5. We always have _rice for _lunch. A. /, / B. the, / C. /, a D. the, the 6. It

35、took me _ hour and _ half to finish _ work. A. a, a, a B. an, a, a C. an, a, the D. an, a, / 7. _ doctor told me to take _ medicine three times _day, stay in _bed, then I would be better soon. A. /, a, a, the B. A, the, the, / C. The, the, a, / D. A, /, a, / 8. There is _ picture on _ wall. I like _

36、 picture very much. A. a, the, the B. a, the, a C. the, a, a D. a, an, the 9. January is _first month of the year. A. a B. / C. an D. the 10. Shut _door, please. A. a B. an C. the D./ 11. Einstein won _ Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921. A. a B. an C. the D. / 12. What _ fine day it is today! Lets go t

37、o the Summer Palace. A. a B. an C. the D. / 13. I like music, but I dont like _ music of that TV play. A. a B. an C. the D. / 14. _ girl over there is _ English teacher. A. The, an B. A, / C. The, / D. A, a 15. Its _ exciting way to shop on the Net. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页

38、,共 24 页新希望辅导中心A. a B. an C. the D. / 16. She was _ founder of _ order of nuns called the Missionaries of Charity. A. a, an B. a, / C. the, / D. the, an 17. Xian is _ old city with _ long history, isnt it? A. a, an B. an, a C. the, the D. the, a 18. Nancys sister is _ English teacher, isnt she? A. a

39、B. an C. the D. / 19. Chaffs is_ boy, but he can play the guitar very well. A. an eight-years old B. a eight-year-old C. a eight-years-old D. an eight-year-old 20. We often have sports after class, and I like to play _ basketball. A. a B. an C. the D. / 21.More college graduates would like to work i

40、n _ west part of our country _ next year. A. the, the B. /, / C. /, the D. the, / 22.We work five days _ week. A. a B. an C. the D. / 23.-In which class is _ boy in white? -Hes in class 4. A. the B. a C. an D. / 24.-Where do you usually have _ lunch? -At home. A. a B. an C. the D. / 25.He hit his si

41、ster in _ face. A. the B. her C. D. his 26.-Have you seen _ book? I left it here this morning. -Is it _ Chinese book? I saw it. A. a, the B. the, the C. the, a D. a, a 27.Theres _“u” and _ “s” in _word “use”.A. an, a, the B. a, an, C. a, a, a D. a, an, the 28.-Did you see my grandmother? 精选学习资料 - -

42、- - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 24 页新希望辅导中心-Oh, I saw _old woman sitting on a chair by the lake. Maybe she is. A. a B. an C. the D. 29.-Do you see _man with dog? -Oh, Yes, dog is yellow. A. the, a, The B. a, a, the C. a, a, A D. a, the, A 30.Who is _better, Li Ping or Wang Dong? A. the B.

43、 a C. an D. 参考答案:1-5 ACDCA 5-10 CCADC 10-15 CACAB 16-20 DBBDD 21- 25 DAADA 26-30 DDBBD 冠词用法专项练习与解析I.冠词填空:在下列句中空白处填入适当冠词,不需用冠词处划。1There is _ picture of _ elephant on _ wall 2This is _ useful bookIve read it for _ hour3 _ elephant is much heavier than _ horse 4 _ doctor told him to take _ medicine thr

44、ee times _ day5Lets go out for _ walk 6Its too hotOpen _ door ,please 7There is _ woman over there _ woman is Meimeis mother8 _ sun rises in _ east 9 _ Changjiang River is _ longest river in _ China 10Are you going to do it _ second time ?11Washington is _ capital of _ USA 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名

45、师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 24 页新希望辅导中心12 _ Turners are living at the end of _ Turner Street13He joined the army in _ spring of _ 199514 _ old man is _ teacher He likes playing _ basketball after _ supper 15After I had _ quick breakfast,I hurried to school16Are _ sheep kept by _ farmers for producin

46、g _ wool and _ meat?17They went to _ Peoples Park,but we both went to _ Peoples Cinema yesterday 18I often watch _ TV in _ evening 19 _ day of _ December 20,1999 is Monday 20Tomorrow is _ Christmas Day and my father and I went to choose _ Christmas tree today21I think _ maths is more important than

47、any other subject22He often goes to _ school by _ bike 23What does this _ word mean, _ Father ?24What _ important news!II. 选择填空。1Does Jim have _ ruler ?Yes,he has _ Aan;some Ba;one Ca; Dany;one 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 12 页,共 24 页新希望辅导中心2There is _ old bike _ old bike is Mr Zha

48、os Aan ;The Bthe;An Ca;The Dthe ;The 3 _ apple a day keeps the doctors aw ay AThe BA CAn DTwo 4How many books do you have ?I have _ book Thats _ English book Aa;an Ba;one Cone;an Done;one 5At that time Tom was _ one-year-old baby Aa Ban Cthe D6 _ tiger is _ China AThe;a BA;the CThe;from DThe;the 7We

49、 cant see _ sun at _ night Athe ;the Bthe ; Ca; D;8 _ useful book it is! AWhat an BHow a CWhat a DWhat 9One afternoon he found _ handbagThere was _ “s”on the corner of _ handbagAa;an;the Ba;a;the Can;an;an Dthe ;a;a 10 _ old lady with white hair spoke _ English well at _ meeting AAn;an;a BThe; an CT

50、he; a DThe; the 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 13 页,共 24 页新希望辅导中心11 _ Great Wall is _ longest wall in the world AA;a BThe;the CA;the DThe;a 12 _ new bridge has been built over Huangpu River AThe;a BA; CA;the DAn;the 13 _ woman over there is _ popular teacher in our school AA;an BThe;

51、a C The;the DA;the 14He used to be _ teacher but later he turned _ writer Aa;a Ba;the C; a Da;15They made him _ king Aa Bthe Can D16His father is _ English teacherHe works in our school Aa Ban Cthe D17Is he _ American boy ?Aan Ba Cone D18Does Tom often play _ football after _ school ? A; B; the Cthe

52、 ; Da;19They passed our school _ day before yesterday Aan Bone Ca Dthe 20Australia is _ English-speaking country Aa Ban Cthe D精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 14 页,共 24 页新希望辅导中心21She has _ orange skirt _ skirt is nice Aa;The Ban;The Can;A Dthe ;The 22This is _ apple Its _ big apple Aan

53、;a Ba;the Ca;an Dan;the 23Look at _ horse over there Aa Ban Cthe D24Dont play _ basketball hereIts dangerous Aa Ban C Dthe 25There is _ old woman in the car A Bthe Ca Dan 26Beijing is _ beautiful cityIts _ capital of China Aa;a Bthe ;the C; the Da;the 27Shanghai is in _ east of China A Ban Ca Dthe 2

54、8Ive been a student there for nearly two and _ half years Aa Ban Cthe D29Bill is _ English teacherHe likes playing _ football Aa;the Ban;the Ca; Dan;30The museum is quite farIt will take you half _ hour to get there by _ bus精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 15 页,共 24 页新希望辅导中心 Aan; Ban;a

55、 Ca; D;初中英语冠词用法专项练习答案与详解I1a;an;the 2a;an。第一个空的 a是泛指,第二个空的an是指“ 一小时 ” 。3An;a。这两个空都是泛指,故都用不定冠词。4The;the;a。前两个空都是特指,故填the;后一个空中的 a 相当于 every或 each ,three times a day意为 “ 一天三次 ” 。5a。go out for a walk 意为“ 出去散步 ” 。6the 7a;The。前者泛指,后者特指。8The;the。第一个空用 the 表示太阳是世界上独一无二的物体;第二个空用the 是因为在方位词的前面一般用定冠词。9The;the,

56、 。第一空用 the是因为在河流名称的前面用定冠词;第二空用the是因为在形容词最高级前面用定冠词;第三空“ 零” 冠词是因为专有名词前一般不加冠词。10a。a second time意为“ 再一次 ” 、“ 另一次 ” 。the second time意为“ 第二次 ” 。此句填 a是表示动作的重复,而不能用the(表顺序)。11the;the。第一个 the是特指美国的首都。第二个the 是在由普通名词构成的专有名词前应加定冠词。12The。“the 姓氏的复数 ” 表示“ 一家人 ” 或“ 夫妻二人 ” 。由普通名词构成的专有名词前应加the。13the; 。表示在某一年的季节名称前应加

57、定冠词。14The a; ; 。在球类名称前不加冠词。泛指的三餐名称前不加冠词。15a。三餐名称前若有形容词,则可在形容词前加冠词,此处是泛指,故用a。16 ; ; ; 。此句意为 “ 农民养羊是为了产毛和肉吗?” 前两个空也可填定冠词,意为:“ 那些农民养的那些羊是为了产毛和肉吗?” 17the;the。普通名词构成的专有名词前应加the。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 16 页,共 24 页新希望辅导中心18 ;the。TV 前不加冠词。 “ 早、午、晚 ” 名词前加冠词。19The; ; 。第一空是特指。日期名词前不加冠词。2

58、0 ;a21 。学科名称前一般不加冠词。22 ; 。go to school上学。by bike 骑自行车。23 ; 。指示代词不能与定冠词连用。24 。注意 news是不可数名词,故不能加a。II1B。第一空是泛指;第二空的one是不定代词,用以替代前面的ruler。2A 3C。这是一句谚语,意思是 “ 一天吃一个苹果,用不着看医生。” 4C。one强调数量,用以回答 “Howmany ? ” 问句;第二个空是泛指,故用an。5A。one 虽以元音字母开头,但以辅音音素w开头,故填 a。6C。此句意为: “ 这只老虎来自中国。 ” 7B。在“ 太阳、月亮、地球 ” 的前面一般都加定冠词the

59、;at night“在夜晚 ” ,注意该短语中没有冠词。8C 9A。“s”虽为辅音字母,但却以元音音素e开头,故填 an。10D。第一个空填 the,是特指那个 “ 白发老太太 ” ;第二个空不填冠词,是因为在语言名称前面一般不加冠词。 English 后面如有 language ,就得说 the English language 。“ 在会议上 ” 应为 at the meeting。11B。the Great Wall 长城。12C。第一个空是泛指,用a;第二个空是河流名称,故用the。13B。第一个空: “ 那边的那个妇女 ” ,是特指;第二个空是指那个妇女的身份、职业,是泛指。精选学习

60、资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 17 页,共 24 页新希望辅导中心14D。第一个空是泛指;第二个空用“ 零冠词 ” 是因为 turn 后面的名词前一般都不加冠词。15D。表示某人的职位时可用 “ 零冠词 ” 。 16B17A 18A。after school放学以后。19D。the day before yesterday 前天。20B21B。第一空泛指,第二空特指。22A。两个空都是泛指。23C 24C 25D 26D 27D。in the east of在某地区(内)的东部。28A。two and a half years也可说成 t

61、wo years and a half ,意思都是 “ 两年半 ” 。29D 30A。half an hour半小时, by bus乘公共汽车。初中英语冠词专项练习题1. I read _story. It is _interesting story. A. a, an B. a, a C. the, the D. /, an 2. Britain is _ European country and China is _ Asian country. A. an, an B. a, a C. a, an D. an, a 3. _China is _ old country with _ lo

62、ng history. A. The, an, a B. The, a, a C. /, an, the D. /, an, a 4. _elephant is bigger than _ horse. A. /, / B. an, a C. An, a D. /, the 5. We always have _rice for _lunch. A. /, / B. the, / C. /, a D. the, the 6. It took me _ hour and _ half to finish _ work. A. a, a, a B. an, a, a C. an, a, the D

63、. an, a, / 7. _ doctor told me to take _ medicine three times _day, stay in _bed, then I would be better soon. A. /, a, a, the B. A, the, the, / C. The, the, a, / D. A, /, a, / 8. There is _ picture on _ wall. I like _ picture very much. A. a, the, the B. a, the, a C. the, a, a D. a, an, the 9. Janu

64、ary is _first month of the year. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 18 页,共 24 页新希望辅导中心A. a B. / C. an D. the 10. Shut _door, please. A. a B. an C. the D./ 11. Einstein won _ Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921. A. a B. an C. the D. / 12. What _ fine day it is today! Lets go to the Summer Pala

65、ce. A. a B. an C. the D. / 13. I like music, but I dont like _ music of that TV play. A. a B. an C. the D. / 14. _ girl over there is _ English teacher. A. The, an B. A, / C. The, / D. A, a 15. Its _ exciting way to shop on the Net. A. a B. an C. the D. / 16. She was _ founder of _ order of nuns cal

66、led the Missionaries of Charity. A. a, an B. a, / C. the, / D. the, an 17. Xian is _ old city with _ long history, isnt it? A. a, an B. an, a C. the, the D. the, a 18. Nancys sister is _ English teacher, isnt she? A. a B. an C. the D. / 19. Chaffs is_ boy, but he can play the guitar very well. A. an

67、 eight-years old B. a eight-year-old C. a eight-years-old D. an eight-year-old 20. We often have sports after class, and I like to play _ basketball. A. a B. an C. the D. / 21.More college graduates would like to work in _ west part of our country _ next year. A. the, the B. /, / C. /, the D. the, /

68、 22.We work five days _ week. A. a B. an C. the D. / 23.-In which class is _ boy in white? -Hes in class 4. A. the B. a C. an D. / 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 19 页,共 24 页新希望辅导中心24.-Where do you usually have _ lunch? -At home. A. a B. an C. the D. / 25.He hit his sister in _ face.

69、A. the B. her C. D. his 26.-Have you seen _ book? I left it here this morning. -Is it _ Chinese book? I saw it. A. a, the B. the, the C. the, a D. a, a 27.Theres _“u” and _ “s” in _word “use”.A. an, a, the B. a, an, C. a, a, a D. a, an, the 28.-Did you see my grandmother? -Oh, I saw _old woman sitti

70、ng on a chair by the lake. Maybe she is. A. a B. an C. the D. 29.-Do you see _man with dog? -Oh, Yes, dog is yellow. A. the, a, The B. a, a, the C. a, a, A D. a, the, A 30.Who is _better, Li Ping or Wang Dong? A. the B. a C. an D. 初一英语语法 -冠词语法及练习题2009-08-03 07:23:20| 分类: 英语学习| 标签: |字号大中小 订阅1. 冠词用于习语

71、中英语冠词在不少习语 (idioms) 中属于固定说法,需要靠平时多记,下面只是列出其中一部分供大家参考:1. 用不定冠词的习语:all of a sudden 突然, as a rule 通常,as a matter of fact 事实上,to have a cold 感冒了, to have a rest 休息一会儿 , in a hurry 匆忙2.用定冠词的习语:精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 20 页,共 24 页新希望辅导中心in the morning(afternoon,evening) 上午(下午,晚上),in

72、the middle of. 在.之中to put the cart before the horse 本末倒置,to break the ice 打破沉默,to tell the truth 说真话 , to go to the doctors 看病,to go to the cinema 看电影3.不用冠词的习语at noon ( night,dawn,midnight ) 中午(夜晚,黎明,午夜) ,go to school 上学,leave school 毕业,to play volleyball 打排球,in town 在城里,in bed 躺在床上 , in hospital 住院

73、, catch fire 着火, lose heart 失去信心,take place 发生, at home 在家, in fact 事实上,by chance 偶然, by heart 通过记忆,in time 及时, out of date 过时,take part in 参加 , have supper 吃晚饭2. 冠词的练习Choose the best answer (选择最佳答案) : 1. There is _ house in the picture. There is _old woman near_house. A. an; a; the B. a; an ; the C

74、. the ; a; an D. a; the; an 2. He has already worked for _ hour. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 21 页,共 24 页新希望辅导中心A. the B. an C. a D. 不填3. Alice is fond of playing _ piano. A. the B. an C. a D. 不填4. Beyond _ stars, the astronaut saw nothing but _space. A. 不填; the B. the ; the C. 不填,

75、不填D. the; 不填5. _ terrible weather weve been having these days! A. How a B. What a C. How D. What 6.- Where is Jack? - I think he is still in _ bed, but he might just be in _bathroom. A. 不填;不填B. the; the C. the; 不填 D. 不填; the 7.When do you have _breakfast every day? A. a B. an C. the D. 不填8. Many peo

76、ple are still in _ habit of writing silly things in _public places. A. the ; 不填 B. 不填 ; the C. the ; the D. 不填; 不填参考答案:1. B 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. D 6.D 7. D 8. A 同步练习1.There is _ apple on the desk. A. a B .the C. an D./ 2.The girl under _ tree is my sister. A. a B .the C .an D./ 3.Mary is from _ USA. A.

77、 a B. the C. an D./ 4.He met _ friend of his on the road. A. a B .the C .an D./ 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 22 页,共 24 页新希望辅导中心5.Mr Black will go back to England_. A .by air B .by a plane C. by trains D. at a train 6.Yesterday I went to work on foot. A. / , / B ./, the C .the, / D.

78、 the, the 7.There is “ h” in the word “hour”, but “h”doesnt make a sound.A. a , a B. a, the C. the, ,an D .an. the 8.I m going to see my mother. She is ill _.A. in hospital B. in the hospital C. in a hospital D. at a hospital 9. We have three meals day. We have breakfast at 6: 30 in morning every da

79、y. A. the, the , the B. the, / , the C. a , / , the D .a , the , the 10. This isfilm Ive told you about several times.It s great. Ive never seen _ more moving one.A. a , a B. the, the C. the, a D. a, the 11. Tina , could you please playpiano for me while Im singing ? With pleasure. A .a B. an C. the

80、 D. / 12.I want to try again. Please give me third chance again. A .a B. the C. an D. / 13. What s the matter with you? I caught bad cold and had to stay in bed. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 23 页,共 24 页新希望辅导中心A. a; / B. a; the C. a; a D. the; the 14. sun is shining brightly. A. A B. An C. The D. / 15. Swimming is in summer. A. a great fun B. great fun C. great funs D. great a fun 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 24 页,共 24 页



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