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1、学习必备欢迎下载泰山高 联培训学校 2011 秋季初三英 语提高班 同步 辅导学 案 2 学案作业_ 学案检查家长签名_ 学案检查教师签 名_ 学案 检查 主要 内容: 1.学 案完成情 况; 2.学 案整 洁与 完整情 况;3.学案书写 情况4.学 案使用后疑 难问题 情况;5.教师 布置的涉及 学案作 业完成情 况家长 在本次高 联放 学后和下次 学生到校前 检查 , 并签 名; 教师 在学 生下次上 课时检查并签 名。一、学习内 容:Unit 1 Will people have robots self check & reading Unit 2 What should I do? S

2、ection A (1) 二、学习目标 :1、订正测试题 中的出现的错误。2、学会对 未来进行预测。3、能谈论遇到的 问题并 提出相 应的建议。三、重点难点:重要的 词汇、短语、句子以及 灵活使用提建 议。四、学习方法:自主学习、合作探究、 师生互动五、使用课时:2 课时六、学习导 航Task 1 订正试卷。Task 2 self check & reading 1.Words I (反身代 词)_ interview( 表人 )_ predict(n.)_ come( 过去式 )_ company( 复数 )_ think( 过去式 )_ pleasant(反义词 )_ science(科学

3、家)_ make( 过去式 )_ factory( 复数 )_ bore(形容 词)_/_ everywhere(同义词 )_ human(复数 )_ huge(同义词 )_ possible(反义词)_electricity( 形容 词)_ same(反 义词 )_ 2.Expressions 实现在 将来几百年300 年穿校服去上 学飞到月球最大的公司之一科幻 电影帮助做家 务精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 8 页学习必备欢迎下载看起 来像做和 相同的事重复做感到 厌倦有更少的工作去做一些 另一些寻找帮助做 让、使某

4、人做 醒来看见 某人做某事 /看见某人正在做某事3.Sentences (1)总有一天人 们将会飞 到月球上去度假。_ _ people _ _ _the moon _ vacation. (2)预知未 来可能很 难。 _ _ _ can be _. (3)He _(原以 为) that computers _ never _ _(被使用) by most people (4)他们帮 助做家 务和做那些最令人不愉快的工作。They _ _ the housework and _ _ _unpleasant jobs. (5)然而,他 们认为这样 可能要花 费几百年的 时间 。However ,

5、they agree it may _ _ _ years. (6)他们认为 机器人在25-50 年之后能同人 类进 行对话 。They think the robots will _ _ _talk _people _ 25 to 50 years. (7)在将来 ,机器人 将遍布各地,人类将没 有很多要做的工作。_ _ _,they will _ _ robots everywhere, and humans will have _ work. 4.考点 实练(1) 明天下午有一场足球 赛。There _ _ a football game tomorrow afternoon. (2)

6、你越是仔 细,犯的 错误 就越少。 The _careful you are, the_ _you will make mistakes (3) I will come back_( 一周后 )。( 划线 提问)(4) 北海公 园是北京最漂亮的公园之一。( 汉译 英)(5) I _ look smart for my job interview.(need) (6) For example, there are robots _(work) in factories. (7) _ is easy _ a child _ (wake)up and know where _ _. 5. 达标检测一

7、根据句意和首字母补全单词 。1. As we know, Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng are both a_ in China. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 8 页学习必备欢迎下载2. They enjoyed t_ at the party last night. It s really a great party.3. In fact, in some cities, the air p_ in quite serious(严重的 ). What s your opinion, Ma

8、ry? 4. -I think Mr Smith likes wearing a u_ to work. - Yes. Because he is a manager( 经理 ). 5. Of course, my brother can look after himself and d_ himself now. 6. R_ can do many things for human beings. 7. Maybe in 50 years, books will be on c_, not on paper, I think. 8. No one wants to hang out with

9、 me today, so I have to go out a_. 9. My sister is only an engineer at a computer c_, but she doesn t make much money.10.- Would you like to keep a Zang-ao dog as a p_ ? - Oh, no. It s really dangerous. 二用所 给单词 的适 当形式 填空。A. 1. I believe that I can work for_(I) when I am 30 years old. 2. Look! There

10、are _ (hundred) of people planting trees on the hill. 3. Of course, computers will _(use) by most people in the future. 4. Do you know the Changjiang River is one of the _(long) rivers in the world? 5. In fact, they _(build) 7 tall modern _(build) last year. 6. Computer control( 控制 ) seemed _(possib

11、le) 100 years ago. 7. In the future, _(human) will still have much knowledge to learn. 8. Jack wants to be a _(science) when he grows up. 9. My mother planned to buy an _(electricity) bike for me and she did that. 10. Sometimes doing too much homework will make students get _ (bore). B. 1. Why did y

12、ou make your little sister _ this morning? 2. Really, I hope your dream will _true. It s so important to you.3. It is possible for people to live in the _station. 4. Li Lei went _ this morning. How about you? 5. - Larry, would you help _ in the kitchen? - OK, mum. I m coming.6. I am only a student n

13、ow, but _ten years, I will be a policeman. 7. The little boy _ like his mother, but his father. 8. Mr Brown soon _ in love with China after he came here last year. 9. Do you think it is good for animals _ in a zoo? 10. Look. Jim is really tall, but Jack is _ taller. 三选择填空。1. If I am an astronaut in

14、the future, I ll _ to the moon._ a rocket.A. can fly, by B. be able to fly, in C. to fly, on D. flying, by 2.When the baby saw her mother, she cried( 哭 ) _. not look, come, space, live, skate, fall, even, in, anger, cook 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 8 页学习必备欢迎下载A. harder and h

15、arder B.more and more hard C.hard and hard D. hardly and hardly 3. - _ will she get to Shanghai today? - In three hours. A. How long B. How soon C.How often D. How far 4. This year I think I will have _ friends and spend _ time in playing computer games. A. more, less B.less, more C.fewer, fewer D.

16、more, fewer 5. We all know that Hainan is _the south of Guangdong while Sanya is _the south of Hainan Province. A. to, in B.in, to C.to, to D.in, in 6. I hear that the small river is very dirty, and _ people go to swim in it. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little 7. Yes, I have _ money than Li Lei,

17、but I m _ than him.A. fewer, happier B. less, happier C. more, richer D. much, richer 8. _ the three brothers, Jack is _. A. In, the taller B. Of, the taller C. Of, the tallest D.In, the tallest 9. - My math is kind of poor. Would you like _ it? - Sure. I d love to.A. to help with B. to help to C. f

18、or helping to D. help with 10. Can you believe that in _ a rich country some people are _poor? A. such, so B. such, such C. so, so D. so, such 11.Listen carefully, and you will hear a little girl _in the next room. A. sing B singing C to sing D. sang 12. It is said that SARS has killed _ people all

19、over the world. A. nine hundreds B. 15 hundreds C. hundreds of D. 8 hundreds of 13. Although my uncle lives in a small village in Guizhou _, he doesn t feel _.A. lonely, lonely B. alone, alone C.lonely, alone D. alone, lonely 14. Look! There are some children _ games on the playground. A. play B. pl

20、aying C. to play D. are playing 15. - Mum, could you buy me a dress like this? - Certainly, we can buy _than this, but _this. A. a better, better than B. a worse, as good as C. a cheaper, as good as D. a more important, not as good as 四、句型转换, 一空一词 . 1. Maria is just 4 years old. She can t go to scho

21、ol now.(改为同义句)Maria is _ _ _ go to school now. 2. Action movies are really very interesting.(对划线部分提问)_ _ you _ _ Action movies ? 3. Harbin is the coldest city in China. ( 改为同义句 ) Harbin is _ than _ _ _ in China. 4. Mike isn t very intellectual in our class, I think. (改为同义句)I _ _ Mike is very intelle

22、ctual in our class. 5. The red flowers are not the same as the purple flowers. (改为同义句)精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 8 页学习必备欢迎下载The red flowers are quite _ _ the purple flowers. 五. 根据中文提示完成下列句子。1. 十年后,我们学校将会有更多的学生、更多的教室。There _ _ _ students and classrooms _ 10 years.2. 妈妈给孩子们穿好

23、了衣服,然后她才去上班。 The mother _ _ to work _ she _ her kids.3. 我真的不想反复做那些简单事情。I really don t want to do the simple things over _ _ _. 4 He went to Shanghai and soon _ _ _ _ it.(爱上 )5. What do you think the weather _ _ _( 怎么样 ) tomorrow? Task 3 What should I do? (Section A ) 1. The usage of words. 1.play(单三

24、)_(过去式) _2.loud(副词)_ 3.argue (名词) _与某人争吵 _ 4.wrong(反义词 )_你怎么了? _ 我的电脑坏了。 _ 5.style(形容词) _ 过时的_ 流行的 _ 6.pay for ,cost, take, spend( 辨析) 7.should 情态动词She should _(talk) more with her parents. 8.给某人打电话 _9. 电影票 _ 10.兼职工作 _11. 和借_ 12. 把东西借给 _ Task2重点词组1.想让我呆在家里 _2. 足够的钱 _ 3.与某人争吵 _4. 给她写封信 _ 5.一张球票 _ 6.

25、通过电话谈谈它 _ 7.有空_ 8.不让。 。 。进入9.向你哥哥借钱 _10向你父母要钱 _ 11.做烧烤 _12参加俱乐部 _ Task3重点句子( 总结 need用法: _ Eg: 1.The boys need _ (relax) after 4 classes. 2.Do you need _(have) some tea? 3.Need they _(leave) at once? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 8 页学习必备欢迎下载4.The flowers need _(water). 5.Must h

26、e come back soon?( 作否定回答 ) _ Task4 根据句意或首字母填空,完成句子。1What s w with you? 2Mary didn t do her homework, (也) . 3I m sorry you f the exam again. 4No one knows the news e Tom. 5Don t leave the classroom u Mr. Hu comes back. 用所给动词的正确形式填空1You should _ (go) to see a doctor. 2Mother asked me_ (get) up early.

27、3They are (plan) how to spend the summer holiday. 4Let s _ (try) our best to make our world more beautiful. 5He _ (leave) his bag at school yesterday. 完成句子1.我弟弟播放音响的声音太大. My brother _ his CDs too _. 2.他的衣服过时了 . His clothes _ _ _ _. 3.我不想在电话里谈论它 . I don t want _ _ _ it _ _ _.4.我没有足够的食物 . I dont have

28、_ _.5.他把他的书包忘在学校了. He _ his bag _ _. 6 她从不向父母要钱花 .She _ _ her parents _ money. 7.我们不应该跟老师争吵 .We _ _ _ our teacher. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 8 页学习必备欢迎下载答案Task 2 1. myself interviewer prediction came companies thought unpleasant scientist made factories bored/boring here an

29、d there humans big/large impossible electric different 2. come true in the future hundreds of three hundred years wear a uniform to school fly to the moon one of the biggest companies science fiction movies help with the housework look like do the same things as over and over again get bored have le

30、ss work to do some otherslook for help with/do/to do make sb. do wake up 3. (1) one day will fly to, for (2)Predicting the future , difficult (3) thought, would, be used (4) help with, do the most (5) take hundreds of (6) be able to , to, in (7) In the future, be more, less 4. 考点实练(1) will be (2) mo

31、re, fewer (3)in a week How soon will you come back (4). Bei Hai park is one of the most beautiful parks in Beijing. (5)need to (6)working 5 达标测试一、1. Astronauts 2. themselves 3. pollution 4. uniform 5. dress 6. robots 7. computers 8. alone 9. company 10. pet 二、1. myself 2. hundred 3. be used 4. longe

32、st 5. built, buildings 6. impossible 7.humans 8.scientist 9 electric 10.bored 1. 2. come 3. space 4. skating 5. cook 6. in 7. doesn t look 8. fell 9. to live 10. even 三、1-5 BABAA 6-10 ABCAA 11-15 BCDBC 四、 1、 too young to 2. what do you think of 3. colder, any other city 4. don t 精选学习资料 - - - - - - -

33、 - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 8 页学习必备欢迎下载think 5. different from 五、 1. will be more, in 2. didn t go, until, dressed 3. and over again 4. fell in love with 5. will be like Task 4 1. wrong 2. either 3. failed 4. except 5. until 1. go 2. to get up 3. planning 4. try 5. left 1. plays, loud 2. are out of style 3. to talk about it on the phone 4. enough food 5. left at school 6. never asks for 7. shouldn t argue with 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 8 页



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