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1、taking-restaurant-taking-restaurant-reservation(HOTEL-reservation(HOTEL-MANAGEMENT)MANAGEMENT)h预定a.beclosedc靠窗的桌子b.checkf包厢c.atablebythewindowg非吸烟区d.guaranteeb核查e.beopend保证f.aprivateroome营业g.non-smokingareaa打烊h.reserveReservationpreparingKey Word matchingSome related words and phrases:Banquet宴会Priva

2、teroom包房Cuisine菜系Minimum最低Consumption消费Lounge休息室Thelayoutofrestaurantspacecanbedividedintothefollowingsections:Circulationspace(corridor)Managementspace(helpdesk,office,etc.)Preparationspace(preparationarea,displayarea)Publicspace(welcomearea,diningarea,lounge,toilet,etc. What kind of cuisine do you

3、 offerWhat kind of cuisine do you offer What style of service do you offerWhat style of service do you offer What is the capacity of dining room? What is the capacity of dining room? When are you open? For both lunch and dinnerWhen are you open? For both lunch and dinner Menu styleMenu style How do

4、I find your establishment?How do I find your establishment? Special viewsSpecial views Are children welcomeAre children welcome Can you cater for disabled people in wheel chairsCan you cater for disabled people in wheel chairs Are you air conditioned? Is there a non-smokingAre you air conditioned? I

5、s there a non-smoking Do you have car-parking facilities Do you have car-parking facilities Do you cater for functionsDo you cater for functions Do you accept cheques? Or credit cards? which Do you accept cheques? Or credit cards? which cardscardsBefore you take a booking make sure you know the answ

6、ers to the types of questions you are likely to be asked? PostalMailE-MailViaInternetonwebsiteTelephoneInpersonHow a reservation made?ReservationBookNumberofcoversNameofcustomerDate&TimeSpecialRequirementContacttelephonenumberHowmanypeopleintheparty?MayIhaveyourname?Whenwilltheguestarrive?MayIhaveyo

7、urtelephonenumber?Smokingornonsmokingarea,tablewithaviewSpecialdiet,anniversarycelebrationRreservationist is the first people who contact with the customers.预订是与客户第一个接触预订是与客户第一个接触 !The primary goal of the reservationists is to fill the dining room to capacity while staggering the timing of the seati

8、ng to ensure the best service from the kitchen and dining room staff.预订人员的主要目标是增加餐厅入座率预订人员的主要目标是增加餐厅入座率,错开客人上座时间,确保餐厅错开客人上座时间,确保餐厅服务员及厨房能为客人提供更好的服务。服务员及厨房能为客人提供更好的服务。Telephone reservation电话预定电话预定 Reservation Service预订服务程序预订服务程序 1 12 23 34 4ReceiveareservationTakeareservationConfirm a reservationGree

9、tingHowtoreceiveatelephonereservation接听电话技巧If the reservationists sounds pleasant and helpful, the guest would look forward to a good experience. 预定员如果声音和悦并且乐于提供帮助,客人将会期待一次愉快的经历.Answer within 3 rings,give greeting声内接听,声内接听,问候客人问候客人Use callersName,positive words用姓氏称呼,用姓氏称呼,措辞礼貌措辞礼貌Waiting time 17 s让客

10、人等待时间让客人等待时间不得超过秒不得超过秒Positive,leaveaccurate Message掌握主动权,掌握主动权,留言准确留言准确Dont hang up first延长接触时间,延长接触时间,让客人先挂机让客人先挂机House rule:Goodafternoon.BluemountainsRestaurant,Janespeaking,howmayIhelpyou?Reservation Service预订服务程序预订服务程序 1 12 23 34 4TakeareservationGreetingConfirm a reservationReceiveatelephone1

11、 12 23 34 4TakeareservationGreetingConfirm a reservationReceiveatelephoneChecklist of reservation information预订信息列表预订信息列表Date日期日期Number人数人数Smoking 吸烟吸烟Name 姓名姓名Special requests 特殊要求特殊要求Reservation number预订号码预订号码Date and time of reservation and预订日期及时间预订日期及时间Time时间时间Telephone number电话号码电话号码 Name预订员姓名预

12、订员姓名Nonsmoking不吸烟不吸烟Kid儿童儿童Place地点地点Repeat重复重复Special requests 特殊要求特殊要求1 12 23 34 4TakeareservationGreetingConfirm a reservationReceiveatelephoneConfirm a reservation确认预定确认预定Number of Persons Name、Company name Look forward toConfirm a reservation确认预定确认预定Number of Persons Name、Company name Look forwa

13、rd toGiving information about the restaurant hours 1) Were open around the clock. / Were open 24 hours.2) We shall keep your table for one hour. 3) A 10% discount will be offered to those holding a VIP card issued by our restaurant.Refusing a reservation1)Imsorry,therearentanytablesleftfor(time),but

14、wecangiveyouatableat(time).2)Imsorry,therestaurantsfull.3)Sorry,wedonothavereservationserviceformorningtea.KeySentencesId like to make a reservation for tonightA table for two,pleaseFor what time,sir?Around 8 30May I have your name please, sir?Any chance of table by window?We look forward to having

15、you with us tonightThank you for calling 1. (check)1. (check)Just a moment, please. Ill check the availability for you.Just a moment, please. Ill check the availability for you.2. ( full)2. ( full)Im afraid were fully booked for that time.Im afraid were fully booked for that time.3. (change time)3.

16、(change time)Is it possible for you to change the time?Is it possible for you to change the time?4. 4. (select seat )(select seat )Would you like a table in the hall or in a private room?Would you like a table in the hall or in a private room?5 5 (deposit)(deposit)A deposit of RMB100 is required to

17、secure your booking.A deposit of RMB100 is required to secure your booking.Some related sentence:* *6. 6. (seat requirement)(seat requirement)And can I stand a chance of getting a table by the window?And can I stand a chance of getting a table by the window?*7. ( special requirement)And special requ

18、irement?*8. (opening hour)Im sorry, were not open on Saturdays.*9. (full)Im afraid that table is reserved for 8 p.m.Some related sentence:RolePlay(C=ReservationClerkG=Guest)C:Goodafternoon.FlowerRestaurant.MayIhelpyou?G:IdliketoreserveatableforthedinneronValentinesDay,please.C:Certainly,sir.Forhowma


20、numberis13789014598.C:Mr.Ramsay,13789014598thankyou.Bytheway,wecanonlykeepyourroomtill9:00p.m.sincethatwillbethepeakseason.G:OK,Isee.C:Idliketoconfirmyourreservation:RoseHallforMr.RamsayonValentinesDay;arrivaltime,around8p.m.;cellphonenumber,13789014598.Isthatcorrect?G:Exactly,correct.C:Welookforwardtoservingyou,Mr.Ramsay.Thanksforcalling. Discuss with your classmates after the class: What should be included in the basic information of the guest? What might be the requirements of the guest? Thank you!结束结束



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