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1、Task-9-ShippingTask-9-Shipping资料资料Knowledge & Skill TargetsTo know some Terms about shippingTo be able to write letters Sending shipping advice (focus)Section A Work TasknTerms concerning shipping:Shipping instruction :装运指示,是买方给卖方的,说明其对货物装运的要求,卖方一般应按照买方的SHIPPING INSTRUCTION 来办理货物装运事宜 .Shipping advic

2、e:装运通知,是卖方给买方的,通知买方货已装船等情况,好让买方及时接货,办理相关手续Shipping documents:背景介背景介绍Section A Work TasknShipping Document- Bill of Lading提单l1. Definition 货物的承运人承运人或其代理人收到货物后,签发给托运人的一种证件证件。提单说明了货物货物及及运输运输有关当事人有关当事人(如承运人、托运人和收货人)之间的权利与义务等情况。提单的合法持有人合法持有人就是货物的主人,因此提单是各项货运单据中最重要的单据。背景介背景介绍Contents of the B/L1)货物货物的品名、标

3、志、包数或者件数、重量或体积2)承运人承运人的名称和主营业所 3)船舶船舶的的名称(Name of the ship);4)托运人托运人的名称(Name of the shipper);5)收货人收货人的名称(Name of the consignee);6)装货港装货港和在装货港接收货物的日期日期 ; 7)卸货港卸货港( destination / Port of discharge )8)提单提单的签发日期、地点和份数 9)运费运费的支付(Payment of freight) Types of B/L lThere are different types of B/L, among wh

4、ich are Clean B/L and Unclean/Dirty/ Foul B/L.l清洁提单清洁提单(Clean BL),是指货物装船时,表面状况良好,承运入在签发提单时末加上任何货损、包装不良或其他有碍结汇批注的提单。 l不清洁提不清洁提单(Unclean BL or Foul BL),是指承运人收到货物之后,在提单上加注了货物外表状况不良或货物存在缺陷或包装破损的提单。例如在提单上批注:“铁条松失”、“包装不固”、“件损坏”等。 Background informationLetters concerning shipmentLetters concerning shipment

5、 usually have several purposes:1. Sending shipping instructions (装载指示);2. Sending shipping advice (装船通知);3. Urging delivery/shipment 4. Reply to complaints about late shipment;5. Amending shipping clauses;6. Buyers acknowledgement of receipt of the consignment.Background informationSection A Work Ta

6、skBeijing Kaida Import & Export Corporation has shipped the goods ordered by Global Trade Co. Ltd. and is now writing to inform Global Trade Co. Ltd. the following: 对方第146号信用证下的3000件丝织女士衬衣已按要求包装并装上7月18号开往英国加的夫港的“阿波罗”号货轮;相信货物到达贵处时情况良好;全套装运单据(清洁提单正本、商业发票、保险单、产地证、装箱单)已通过中国银行北京分行至英国“巴克莱银行”待付款交单。写作要求:格式正

7、确、内容完整、语言规范简练、有创新 工作任务工作任务Section A Work Task nA. Shipping Advice.uRead Sample 1 in your textbook;uTell the structure and pay attention to the technical terms used.范文分析范文分析Section A Work TaskuOrganization of the shipping advice as a letter The opening-inform that shipment has been completed. The mid

8、dle partmaking mention of the shipping documents or other relevant point such as packing. The closing-assuring satisfaction or offering further services. 格式及常用语格式及常用语Section A Work TaskBeijing Kaida Import & Export Corporation has shipped the goods ordered by Global Trade Co. Ltd. and is now writing

9、 to inform Global Trade Co. Ltd. the following: 对方第146号信用证下的3000件丝织女士衬衣已按要求包装并装上7月18号开往英国加的夫港的“阿波罗”号货轮;相信货物到达贵处时情况良好;全套装运单据(清洁提单正本、商业发票、保险单、产地证、装箱单)已通过中国银行北京分行至英国“巴克莱银行”待付款交单。写作要求:格式正确、内容完整、语言规范简练、有创新 完成任务完成任务Section A Work TaskComments:Evaluation:Speed(速度)(10%)Pertinence(相关性)(30%)Language (语言)(30%)Maneuverability (可操作性) (20%)Cooperation(能力)(10%) 评估任务评估任务Section B Building up the skillsConclusionExercise 2结束!结束!



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