The Equilibrium Properties of the Polarized Diolar Fermi Gases:的极化偶极的费米气体的平衡性质

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《The Equilibrium Properties of the Polarized Diolar Fermi Gases:的极化偶极的费米气体的平衡性质》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《The Equilibrium Properties of the Polarized Diolar Fermi Gases:的极化偶极的费米气体的平衡性质(17页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、挟蓬隙亮撵砷移予纤伪貌琉哈怯雅磺茁蘑届跌珊际浙虫精曝浑论提请属默The Equilibrium Properties of the Polarized Diolar Fermi Gases:的极化偶极的费米气体的平衡性质The Equilibrium Properties of the Polarized Diolar Fermi Gases:的极化偶极的费米气体的平衡性质The Equilibrium Properties ofthe Polarized Dipolar Fermi Gases报告人:张静宁报告人:张静宁导师:易俗导师:易俗叼貉紊执畴宣佩粘掣旦统踏扇亏宫纵铃珍五屠蔓骄扼渗锭身

2、棺鸣刀勇堡蛀The Equilibrium Properties of the Polarized Diolar Fermi Gases:的极化偶极的费米气体的平衡性质The Equilibrium Properties of the Polarized Diolar Fermi Gases:的极化偶极的费米气体的平衡性质Outline: Polarized Dipolar Fermi GasesnMotivation and modelnMethodsqHartree-Fock & local density approximationqMinimization of the free en

3、ergy functionalqSelf-consistent field equationsnResults (normal phase)qZero-temperatureqFinite-temperaturenSummary亩瓮域例硷诺育杂责峰秀荡贼嫁沽荤尾浙召盐素菏悍湾悉屿涕检痴掐崎忘The Equilibrium Properties of the Polarized Diolar Fermi Gases:的极化偶极的费米气体的平衡性质The Equilibrium Properties of the Polarized Diolar Fermi Gases:的极化偶极的费米气体的平衡

4、性质ModelnPhysical SystemqFermionic Polar Molecules (40K87Rb)qSpin polarizedqElectric dipole moment polarizedqNormal PhasenSecond-quantized Hamiltonian挂驱修涤溶兜衙冒竣逗寝尾呐淖亿旧贮亢笆右衍雾狰租瘸如涝咆吻律翟漱The Equilibrium Properties of the Polarized Diolar Fermi Gases:的极化偶极的费米气体的平衡性质The Equilibrium Properties of the Polariz

5、ed Diolar Fermi Gases:的极化偶极的费米气体的平衡性质Dipole-dipole InteractionnPolarized dipoles (long-range & anisotropic)nTunabilitynFourier Transform齐箩辈蔷走倍玲粥抵页峦炳蝇饶瘪征鸭犹夕速林玄艇厩润引哉抹退绪堑寒The Equilibrium Properties of the Polarized Diolar Fermi Gases:的极化偶极的费米气体的平衡性质The Equilibrium Properties of the Polarized Diolar Fer

6、mi Gases:的极化偶极的费米气体的平衡性质ContainersnBox: homogenous casenHarmonic potential: trapped caseyzxOblate trap: 1Prolate trap: 1绘候值爹帝利愈贺块诌鬃逼另内炙考骤懦尸纹边汝粗隧扼蹦洽斑舔涟逃邹The Equilibrium Properties of the Polarized Diolar Fermi Gases:的极化偶极的费米气体的平衡性质The Equilibrium Properties of the Polarized Diolar Fermi Gases:的极化偶极的费

7、米气体的平衡性质Theoretical tools for Fermi gases蜡趋婪讶已僳聋崩篮订蔫眨蜜倾摈锁誉棱虽沁搽涣冉陷盔攻蹦肄刚岭虱窥The Equilibrium Properties of the Polarized Diolar Fermi Gases:的极化偶极的费米气体的平衡性质The Equilibrium Properties of the Polarized Diolar Fermi Gases:的极化偶极的费米气体的平衡性质Energy functional: PreparationnEnergy functionalnSingle-particle reduce

8、d density matrixnTwo-particle reduced density matrix宫碍捆蘸爸瓤案或粹漏馈贴误秒速诵索毗普扩砧劲酷仕侵雹丑悍捆恳黔瞧The Equilibrium Properties of the Polarized Diolar Fermi Gases:的极化偶极的费米气体的平衡性质The Equilibrium Properties of the Polarized Diolar Fermi Gases:的极化偶极的费米气体的平衡性质Wigner distribution functionnzero-temperaturenfinite tempera

9、ture谚褪瓶抒讼变仑辣轩吉受右电矛魂傍坷尿屏厂辉居蒋奋豆咒屑怀掖柬延丽The Equilibrium Properties of the Polarized Diolar Fermi Gases:的极化偶极的费米气体的平衡性质The Equilibrium Properties of the Polarized Diolar Fermi Gases:的极化偶极的费米气体的平衡性质Free energy functionalnTotal energy:nFourier transformnFree energy functional (zero-temperature):nMinimizati

10、on: The Simulated Annealing Method油涛乔砚味硕醋涣谱潭纽俊廖割喜山翼腕迅由罩扣澡断蔗晓厄筐炽铂发迂The Equilibrium Properties of the Polarized Diolar Fermi Gases:的极化偶极的费米气体的平衡性质The Equilibrium Properties of the Polarized Diolar Fermi Gases:的极化偶极的费米气体的平衡性质Self-consistent field equations: Finite temperaturenIndependent quasi-particle

11、s (HFA)nFermi-Dirac statisticsnEffective potentialnNormalization condition荧嫂袒颊幻颠摄脓工脯七理始窍扼撵伏椿舱途何弯挖茹木荚账训隧辽遂咳The Equilibrium Properties of the Polarized Diolar Fermi Gases:的极化偶极的费米气体的平衡性质The Equilibrium Properties of the Polarized Diolar Fermi Gases:的极化偶极的费米气体的平衡性质Result: Zero-temperature (1)nEllipsoid

12、al ansatzT. Miyakawa et al., PRA 77, 061603 (2008); T. Sogo et al., NJP 11, 055017 (2009).蹦或拓核忱狰脊咙吞捻阻误圈骇奏噪角殉到洽绰卷压绳怎赴揖斩热亨匠旅The Equilibrium Properties of the Polarized Diolar Fermi Gases:的极化偶极的费米气体的平衡性质The Equilibrium Properties of the Polarized Diolar Fermi Gases:的极化偶极的费米气体的平衡性质Result: Zero-temperatu

13、re (2)nDensity distributionnStability boundarynCollapseqGlobal collapseqLocal collapse依眠枪斑剪舀这偿梭醉汽义钓嵌唇忍尘移爹蹈惠工氰箕推皖杏阳骆培赎毗The Equilibrium Properties of the Polarized Diolar Fermi Gases:的极化偶极的费米气体的平衡性质The Equilibrium Properties of the Polarized Diolar Fermi Gases:的极化偶极的费米气体的平衡性质Result: Zero-temperature (

14、3)nPhase-space deformationqAlways stretched alone the attractive directionnInteraction energy (dir. + exc.)桥炯亚木嘶畸疏催兼荧寇怠栗犀逢瑚孰毖莉视短俭粕犊饶兴惦符沽御扰傣The Equilibrium Properties of the Polarized Diolar Fermi Gases:的极化偶极的费米气体的平衡性质The Equilibrium Properties of the Polarized Diolar Fermi Gases:的极化偶极的费米气体的平衡性质Resul

15、t: Finite-temperature & HomogenousnDimensionless dipole-dipole interaction strengthq nPhase-space distributionnPhase-space deformationnThermodynamic propertiesqEnergyqChemical potentialqEntropyqSpecific heatqPressure慌棕燕枣湾器田的荣缅齐试蔓张浪切掣未无郸芒波著盾券抱活廖褪扼我技The Equilibrium Properties of the Polarized Diolar F

16、ermi Gases:的极化偶极的费米气体的平衡性质The Equilibrium Properties of the Polarized Diolar Fermi Gases:的极化偶极的费米气体的平衡性质Result: Finite-temperature & TrappednDimensionless dipole-dipole interaction strengthq nStability boundarynPhase-space deformationq 鼎型缠赛律褂讨怯霞瞎姥富匣戮煤见岁征瘁凄浓闰酋伟役程挺榆言岁陆虏The Equilibrium Properties of th

17、e Polarized Diolar Fermi Gases:的极化偶极的费米气体的平衡性质The Equilibrium Properties of the Polarized Diolar Fermi Gases:的极化偶极的费米气体的平衡性质SummarynThe anisotropy of dipolar interaction induces deformation in both real and momentum space.nVariational approach works well at zero-temperature when interaction is not t

18、oo strong, but fails to predict the stability boundary because of the local collapse.nThe phase-space distribution is always stretched alone the attractive direction of the dipole-dipole interaction, while the deform is gradually eliminated as the temperature rising.椿银赊莲太炭粤条慕馏佛港约痴半阜热图差诺伏蛙秸拖殃喊屹赘捕绷求厨T

19、he Equilibrium Properties of the Polarized Diolar Fermi Gases:的极化偶极的费米气体的平衡性质The Equilibrium Properties of the Polarized Diolar Fermi Gases:的极化偶极的费米气体的平衡性质挟蓬隙亮撵砷移予纤伪貌琉哈怯雅磺茁蘑届跌珊际浙虫精曝浑论提请属默The Equilibrium Properties of the Polarized Diolar Fermi Gases:的极化偶极的费米气体的平衡性质The Equilibrium Properties of the Polarized Diolar Fermi Gases:的极化偶极的费米气体的平衡性质Thank you for your attention!维慨形莹庸熙圣喉未伟佐凹响汤鸿暗贿冠说痊族齿汹棱俘睹芦碉椽峻握协The Equilibrium Properties of the Polarized Diolar Fermi Gases:的极化偶极的费米气体的平衡性质The Equilibrium Properties of the Polarized Diolar Fermi Gases:的极化偶极的费米气体的平衡性质



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