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1、学习必备欢迎下载初中英语知识要点汇总(一)1.宾语从句:怎样判断出一个从句是宾语从句?1在动词后作宾语(动宾 ):Do you know where he comes from? 划线部分是动词know 的宾语 . 2.在有些接双宾结构的动词后作宾语:He asked me when we would leave. 此句中 me 与从句 when-分别是 ask的宾语 。3在介词后作宾语(介宾 ):Let s talk about how we solve this problem. 4在 I m sorry , I m afraid , I m sure 等结构后的句子也被认为是宾语从句.

2、宾语从句需注意的时态问题: 1主句若是一般现在时,从句根据不同情况用不同时态。He says (that) he will have a walk soon. (soon 指将来,从句用将来时)The teacher asks who is the cleverest in the school. ( 暗指目前谁最聪明,从句用现在时)I want to know who came here late this morning. ( 今早已过去,从句用过去时)2主句若是一般过去时,从句也要用过去时。He wondered if I would come. She told me that her

3、 son had got well. She said that she liked watching TV . We thought Jim was wrong. 3无论主句是何时态,从句若表客观真理,要用一般现在时。Mr. Li said the moon is smaller than the earth. 4宾语从句无论有何引导词,句子都要用陈述句语序。Could you tell me when you will get back to Wuhan?(不是 will you )Do you know which sweater she is wearing? ( 不是 is she)

4、 2.状语从句:此处所说的状语从句用法仅包括条件(if 和 unless 引导 )状语从句和时间(when 等引导 ,见下文 )状语从句。状语从句需注意以下问题:1主句若是一般将来时、祈使句或含不表过去的情态动词等,则if( 如果 ), unless(除非 ),when(当的时候 ), as soon as(一就), before, after, until, till, as( 当 的时候 )所引导的状语从句用一般现在时。You may take a rest when you finish doing your work. (主句有情态动词)Could you look after my

5、son after I leave home? (情态动词could 是为了让语气委婉,并不指过去时,从句仍用一般现在时)I will go out as soon as it stops raining this afternoon. (主句是将来时)Wait for your brother at the bus station until he arrives. (主句是祈使句)精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 12 页学习必备欢迎下载2而主句若是一般过去时,从句也要用表过去时的适当时态,如:I would give

6、 the money to the charity if I had a million dollars. When he got to the park, his classmates had left. My son ran towards me as soon as he saw me on the street. 3.定语从句 :定语从句是指修饰前面名词或代词的句子。从句前面的名词或代词叫先行词,从句中的引导词叫关系代词或关系副词。关系代词who 只指人 ,which 只指物。 that 既可指人又可指物 。whose 后必须跟有名词,既指人,也可指物。关系词作主语时,不可省略,作宾语

7、时可省略。whom 只指人, 只作宾语。 关系副词where 指“ 在那里 ” ,when 指 “ 在那时 ” 。(以下所给例子凡斜体字部分均作定语从句。 )She is a girl who / that is beautiful and kind-hearted . The girl who / that is tall is my sister . (以上关系词作主语,不可省略 。 )She is a girl (who / whom / that ) I know very well.(关系词做know 的宾语 ,可以省略 。 )That boy whose hair is very

8、long is my brother. I own a bike whose price is high . (关系词 whose 表所属 ,后需接名词 。前句指人 ,译为 “ 这个孩子的 ” ;后句指物 ,译为 “ 这个自行车的 ” 。 )I bought a watch ( which / that ) I paid 100 yuan for.( 指物 , 作 pay 的宾语 , 可以省略 。 )I prefer a place which / that is clean and quiet . (关系词译为 “ 这个地方 ” ,主语 ,不可省 )I prefer a place wher

9、e I can live a quiet life . (关系词译为 “ 在这个地方 ” ,是地点副词 。 )I shall never forget the day when a boy helped me find my dog. (“ 在这一天 ” , 是时间副词 )4.wish 和 hope:1wish 既可接 to do sth. 也可接 sb + to do sth. 也可接 that 从句 . I wish to spend my summer holiday in Qingdao. I wish you to join my party this Sunday. I wish

10、(that) I could be a scientist. ( 注:接 that 从句时 ,从句用虚拟语气。 )2hope 接 to do sth. 或 that 从句 . 但不接 sb to do sth. I hope to receive a letter from you some day. I hope you will get well soon. I hope (that) everything goes well. (接从句时不用虚拟)5.thanks for 和 thanks to: Thanks for your helping me with the work. (此句

11、表达对对方为自己做了某事的感谢,后无补充的结果。) Thanks to your suggestion, I didn t make such mistakes.(此句表达感谢由于某方所做的有利的事,出现了后面的结果。) 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 12 页学习必备欢迎下载6.感官动词用法之一:see, hear, listen to, watch, notice等词 ,后接宾语 ,再接动词原形或ing形式 。 前者表全过程, 后者表正在进行。 句中有频率词时, 以上的词也常跟动词原形。 I heard someon

12、e knocking at the door when I fell asleep. (我入睡时有人正敲门) I heard someone knock at the door three times. (听的是全过程) I often watch my classmates play volleyball after school. ( 此处有频率词often) 若以上词用于被动语态,后面原有动词原形改为带to 不定式 :We saw him go into the restaurant. He was seen to go into the restaurant. I hear the b

13、oy cry every day. The boy is heard to cry every day. 7.感官动词用法之二:look, sound, smell, taste, feel 可当系动词 , 后接形容词 。He looks angry. It sounds good. The flowers smell beautiful. The sweets taste sweet. The silk feels soft. I felt tired. They all looked tired. 这些动词都不用于被动语态。如 :The sweets are tasted sweet. 是

14、错误的 。注意 :如果加介词like, 则后不可接形容词,而接名词或代词:He looks like his mother. That sounds like a good idea. It sounds like great fun. It smells like a flower. It tastes like salt. 8.find 和 think 部分用法 : find / think + 宾语+ 宾语补足语 。(代替宾从 ) 宾补有以下情况:1.名词短语John found his son a clever boy. 2.形容词短语Mrs. Smith thinks her hus

15、band kind of lazy. 3.有时宾补后可接带to 不定式I found it hard to fool the girl. 4find 后也有 v-ing 形式作宾语补足语。I found him reading a book just now. 9.would like / want / feel like:1would like ,和 want 类似 :都可接名词短语: I would like / want another three desks. 都可接带to 不定式 :I would like / want to go out for a walk. 都可接 sb,然后

16、再跟带to 不定式 : I would like you to give me a hand. 2feel like: 后也可接名词短语:Do you feel like some tea? 后若接动词 ,须用动词ing 形式 :Do you feel like having a walk? I don t feel like drinking tea. 【注:feel like 常用于疑问句或否定句中。 】10.词序易错的短语:1形容词修饰不定代词或不定副词,形容词在后面。Is there anything delicious in the fridge? Nothing serious.

17、There is something wrong with the computer. I want to go somewhere warm. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 12 页学习必备欢迎下载2else修饰疑问词和不定代词、不定副词 , 也放在后面 。What else can you see in the picture? Who else is in the room? Do you have anything else to say? Where else can you see it? 3enough

18、修饰形容词和副词,enough 放在后面 。This sweater is cheap enough. Nemo is old enough to work. He ran fast enough to catch up with the do g. She doesn t listen carefully enough. 11.对“ 评价 ” 、“ 天气 ” 的提问之区别:1What do you think of ?=How do you like ? =How / What do you feel about?“ 你对 怎么看 ?” (How? 句中有 like,是动词 。) 2What

19、sthe weather like in ? = How is the weather i n ?“ 的天气什么样?”(What ?句中有 like,是介词 ,“ 像 ” 。而 How? 句中无 like.) 12.take, cost, pay, spend区别 :1It + take + sb + some time + to do sth :It took us half an hour to cut down the tree. 2物 + cost + sb + 钱:The bag cost me thirty yuan. 若 cost 后无 sb, 则译作 “ 价钱是 ” :The

20、bag costs 30 Yuan. 3人+ pay + sb + 钱 + for sth :I paid the seller 200 Yuan for the bike. (pay 后所加内容可视具体情况取舍。切记 for 后接的是物 , 而不是人或钱。) 4人 + spend + 时间 / 钱 + on sth / (in) doing sth. The girl spent two hours (in) searching the Internet. The girl always spends much money on her clothes. spend 有时可指 “ 度过 ”

21、:spend holiday / weekends / winter 13.双宾结构 : pass / give / teach / offer / lend / send / sell / call / show / buy / ask / tell 等可加双宾结构 。也就是接sb + sth. Pass me the book, please. He gave us some pens. 其中 pass, give, offer, lend, send, sell, show 等也可接sth + to sb. 如: lend the book to me. buy, build 等可接 s

22、th + for sb. My brother bought a dictionary for me. 另外 ,若 sth 是代词时 , 不用双宾结构。Please show it to me. 而不说 show me it. 14.部分词作连词与介词: (连词接句子 ,介词接名词或代词)Keep careful when you are listening to the teacher . (斜体部分是句子,when 是连词 )Keep careful when listening to the teacher . (斜体部分是名词短语,when 是介词 )精选学习资料 - - - - -

23、- - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 12 页学习必备欢迎下载类似的 ,while, than, before, after, as, since, until 等。如: I ll wait until I hear from her. (连词 ) I ll wait until hearing from her. ( 介词 ) I ll wait until next Friday / September / 11:00. (接的都是表时间的短语,until 是介词 )15.动词 ed 与动词 ing 作形容词用法之一: 1. 动词 ed 作形容词 :表示被

24、动或已发生,常作定语。 The boy named Peter is my friend. 那个叫做彼得的男孩是我的朋友。此处是后置定语,划线部分起修饰作用,下同 。He s eating fried chicken. “他在吃炸鸡 。” 做 chicken 的前置定语 。There is no time left . “没时间剩余了。” 做 time 的后置定语 。I have read a novel written by Lu Xun. 我读了一部鲁迅写的小说。做后置定语 。下同 。He lives in a house built twenty years ago. 他住在一个二十年前

25、被建造的房子里。一般来说 ,定语部分不只一个词时, 常放在名词的后面。2动词 ing 作形容词 :表示正在进行或表示功能,常作定语 。the crying boy, a running bus, the rising sun, a bus running on the road, the boy crying in the corner (以上表示正在进行) a sitting room, the bathing suit, a cutting machine, writing paper ( 本行表示功能) 16.动词 ed与动词 ing 作形容词用法之二: 由一些及物动词派生而来,和心理感

26、受有关,但ed 修饰人 ,ing 常修饰物 。 以下词凡是译为“ 使” 的及物动词 , 其 ed 形式的形容词都译为“ 感到 的” ,其 ing 形式的形容词都译为“ 令人 (感到 ) 的 ” 。以下带 -ed形式的词的各个短语一般都译为 “ 对感到 ” 。及物动词 , 后接人ed 形式及常见短语ing 形式excite(使兴奋 ,使激动 )surprise(使惊讶 ,使吃惊 )amaze(使吃惊 )embarrass(使尴尬 )encourage(使受鼓舞 , 鼓励 )frustrate(使失望 ,使沮丧 )interest(使感兴趣 )thrill (使激动 / 紧张 )terrify (

27、使恐怖 ,使害怕 )excited (be d about) surprised (be d at) amazed (be d at) embarrassed(be ed in) encouraged(be ed at / by) frustrated (be d of) interested (be ed in) thrilled (be ed at) terrified (be terrified at/ of / with) pleased (be d with) satisfied(be satisfied with) frightened (be ed at / of ) tired

28、 (be d of) bored (be d with) relaxed (无固定搭配 ) fascinated (be d by) annoyed (be ed with) moved (be d by) worried (be worried about) confused (be confused about)excitingsurprisingamazingembarrassing encouraging frustratinginterestingthrillingterrifyingpleasing, = pleasant satisfyingfrightening tiring

29、boringrelaxingfascinatingannoyingmovingworryingconfusing精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 12 页学习必备欢迎下载please (使高兴 ,使满意 )satisfy (使满意 )frighten (使害怕 ,使惊惧 )tire(使厌烦 )bore( 使厌烦 )relax(使放松 )fascinate( 使着迷 )annoy(使烦恼 )move(使感动 )worry (使担忧 )confuse(使困惑 )His words amazed me. The news fru

30、strated us very much. (都是及物动词,后接人 ) His words were amazing. (修饰物 ) I was amazed at his words. (修饰人 ) How exciting the film is! ( 修饰物 )He was moved by the movie. ( 修饰人 ) 17.动词 ing 和带 to 不定式作主语:To be a teacher is my dream. Working hard brings you success. Taking care of our environment is very importa

31、nt. To plant trees makes me happy. Reading books gives you knowledge. (以上各句谓语都用单数,见黑体部分 ) Listening and writing are both difficult. (此句主语因指两件事,谓语用复数 ) 18.later / after / ago / before:1later“时间后 ” 结构 :时间段 +later 常用于一般过去时。They went to Beijing five days later. (later 前无时间段 ,单独在句尾 ,常用于将来时:I ll see you l

32、ater.)2after“时间后 ” 结构 :after+时间段 , 常用于一般过去时,和1相同 。They went to Beijing after five days. The dog died after a week. (after 也可加句子 , 但主句不一定用一般过去时:I ll send you an e-mail after I get home. Return it to me after you finish it. 见 2.) 3ago“ 时间前 ” 结构 :时间段 +ago, 用于一般过去时。The Greens moved to Shanghai four week

33、s ago. I saw it ten minutes ago. (若有 since+时间段 +ago,常用现在完成时:Mr. Li has worked here since 5 years ago.) 4before 单独放在句尾 ,常用现在完成时:“ 以前 ”精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 12 页学习必备欢迎下载I have been to London before. He has seen the film before. (若是时间段 +before,常用过去完成时, “ 前” : I had seen t

34、he film two weeks before. We had found out the answer to the problem an hour before.) 19.四季 :spring 春 ;summer 夏;autumn 秋;winter 冬;season季20.月:January, 一月 ; February, 二月 ; March, 三月 ; April, 四月 ; May, 五月 ;June, 六月 ; July, 七月 ; August, 八月 ; September, 九月 ; October, 十月 ;November, 十一月 ; December, 十二月 。2

35、1.星期 :Sunday, 周日 ;Monday, 周一 ;Tuesday, 周二 ;Wednesday, 周三 ;Thursday, 周四 ;Friday, 周五 ;Saturday, 周六 。Sunday 是一周的第一天, Saturday 是最后一天 。22. “也” :either, 用于否定句的末尾。 also, 通常挨着动词,少用于句尾 。too, 通常在句尾 ,前常有逗号 。as well, 只用于句尾 , 前无逗号 。注意 :后三个词都不用于否定句。23.带 to 不定式用法之一:带 to 不定式有逻辑宾语在前时, to 后动词用及物动词;不及物时需跟介词 。The work

36、is too hard for me to do. (work 做及物动词do 的逻辑宾语 )I have nothing to say. (nothing 做及物动词say 的逻辑宾语 )I have a letter to write. (letter 是及物动词write 的逻辑宾语 ) 而以下情况有介词:I have a pen to write a letter with. ( 用钢笔写信 ,所以要有 “ 用” 字,故加 with. )The zoo is not a good place for animals to live in. (“ 住在动物园里” , zoo是 live

37、in 的逻辑宾语 ,故不及物动词live 加介词 in. )Tom has no friends to talk to. (friends 是 talk to 的逻辑宾语 ,to 不可少 。 )He runs too fast for us to catch up with. (he 是 catch up with 的逻辑宾语 , 带 with. )There are no seats to sit on. (坐在座位上 ,故 sit 后要加 on.)24.(a) little / (a) few:1few,little“几乎没有 ;少” 否定词 。few 加可数名词复数, little 加不

38、可数名词 。There is little water in the bottle, is there? (前否定 ,后肯定 ) Tom is so shy that he has few friends. 2a few “ 一些 ” 肯定词 ,加可数名词复数; a little“一些 ;一点 ” 也是肯定词 , 加不可数名词。Tom is not an Englishman , but he knows a little English. 3另外 , 在 too, very, so 等词后用few, little; 在 only, just, still 等词后用a few, a littl

39、e. 而 quite a few / a little 都译为 “ 很多 ” ,分别相当于many 和 much. (注 :有时 a little.并不是固定短语。如: a little sheep 译为 “ 一只小羊 ” )25.及物动词 +副词 :put on (穿上 ) / put off ( 推迟 ) / put away (把整理好 ) / put up (举起 ,搭起,精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 12 页学习必备欢迎下载挂起 ,张贴 ) / put down ( 放下 ) / put out(扑灭 );

40、break down(损坏 ,倒塌 ); turn on(打开 ) / turn off ( 关闭 ) / turn up (调大 ) / turn down( 关小 ); get back(取回 ); use up(用光 ); cut up(切碎 )eat up(吃光 )sell out(卖完 )cheer up(振作 )give away(赠送 ) / give out( 发放 ) / give up( 放弃 ) / give back( 归还 ); pick up( 捡起 、拿起 ) try out(验证 ) / try on(试穿 ); ring up/ call up(打电话 );

41、clean up / out (打扫干净 ); set up(成立 ); think up (想出 ;想起 ); hand in (上交 ) / hand out(分发 ;散发 ); fix up( 修理 ); work out( 算出 ) dress up(打扮 ); help out(帮人解决 ); keep off / keep out( 阻止 ;挡住 );take off(脱下 ) / take away(拿走 ) / take out(拿出 ); look up( 查找 ) / look over( 仔细查看 ); throw away / off (抛弃 ) wake up( 叫醒

42、 ); write down(写下 ); let down( 使沮丧 ); make up(编造 、 组成 );set off(激起 、触发 ) 注:名词做以上短语的宾语,可放在它们中间或后边;而代词做宾语,只放在中间 。26.as as 用法 :中间加形容词和副词原级。1和一样 His room is as big as mine. He runs as fast as I do / me / I. You should keep the room as clean as your brother s.2as as possible / sb can “尽可能 ” We went there

43、 as soon as possible. Listen to the teacher as carefully as you can. He went there as quickly as he could. 3有些短语有几个意思:as soon as 和一样快 ;一 就; as much as和一样多 ;多达 ;as long as和一样长 ;长达 ;只要 ; as well as 和一样好 ;和一样 ;as far as远达 ;就来说(as as在否定句中也可说so as .)也可表示倍数: This room is twice as big as that one. 这个房间是那个房

44、间的两倍大。27.prefer 用法 :prefer sth to sth 或prefer doing sth to doing sth.“比起 更喜欢 ”prefer to do sth rather than do sth 宁愿 也不愿 若单独一个prefer,和 like 用法类似 ,后接to do sth 或 doing sth “更喜欢做某事”28. some-, any-, every-用法 :1some-“ 某, 一些 ” ,用于肯定的陈述句中。I have something to tell you. Maybe somebody has taken it. 若用于疑问句中表示

45、期待对方肯定的回答或表示请求或建议. Why not ask somebody to help you? Shall we give him something to eat? What about some milk? Could you please lend me some chairs? Will you buy me some books? May I give you some tea? Would you like some milk? 在一些 ”do some”短语中 , 即使是疑问句中, some也不变为any. 如:Will you do some washing next

46、 Sunday? 这些短语有 :精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 12 页学习必备欢迎下载do some shopping / cleaning / cooking / sweeping / washing 等。2any-, 在疑问句中仍译为“ 某, 一些 ” Do you have anything to say?Is anybody in the house?Have you seen it anywhere? 在 if 引导的句中 ,常用 any. 如: If you have any water, please g

47、ive me some. 在肯定句和否定句中译为“ 任何 ” You may put the box anywhere in the room. He is taller than any other student in the class. We won t have anything to eat now. 3every-“ 每 ” ,强调所有 ,既包括此也包括彼。Is everybody here? -No, Tom and Lucy have asked for leave. The glass was broken, and the water went everywhere. 2

48、9.动词时态和形式:八个时态:一般现在时 、现在进行时 (am / is / are + v.ing) 、一般将来时 (will / shall / be going to+动词原形 )、一般过去时 、过去进行时 (was / were + v.ing)、 现在完成时 (have / has + v. 过去分词 )、过去完成时 (had + v. 过去分词 )、过去将来时 (would + v. 原形 ) 六个形式: 原形 ; 过去式 (规则的加ed);过去分词 (规则的加ed); 第三人称单数(加 s / es); 现在分词 (v.ing); 带 to 不定式 。30.if / whethe

49、r 区别 : if 如果 (引导条件状语从句) / 是否 (引导宾语从句) Do you know if he will go to the post office? If he goes there, I will ask him to buy me some stamps. 两个 if, 前者 “ 是否 ” ;后者 “ 如果 ” ,观察其后时态的不同。(各见语法1、2) whether “无论 ” 引导让步状语从句/ “是否 ” 引导宾语从句(相当于 if)都译为 “ 是否 ” 时,whether 可接 or not, 也可接带 to 不定式 。而 if 则不可 。另外 ,if 可接 an

50、y-单词 ,常不接 some-单词 。(见语法 28.) 31.因为 :because, 常是对 why 的回答 ,语气最强 。 位置 :Because , 或 , because. since, 表显然的或已知的理由Since it s already late, I must go now.for, 位置 :,for .语气最弱 。 I drove carefully, for it s snowing.as 有时也指 “ 因为 ” ,用法基本无限制。As I am ill, I won t go.32.表推测 :must, may, might, could, can, cantmust

51、 “ 一定 ” ,可能性最大 ,常用于肯定句。There is the door bell, it must be Tom. 门铃响了 ,一定是汤姆 (来了 )。may / might“也许 ” 一般用于肯定句, may 比 might 可能性大 。She is coming to us. She might be our new teacher. can / could“可能 ”could 比 can 语气更委婉 。但 can 多用于否定 。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 12 页学习必备欢迎下载You could b

52、e right, but I don t think you are.The light in the office is off. The teacher cant be there now. 33.so与 such区别 :so 是副词 ,后跟形容词 /副词 ,so tall / slowly / carefully / youngsuch 是形容词 ,后跟名词短语。 such bad weather / good news /beautiful music;such a beautiful girl / an important lesson / a heavy stone / an in

53、teresting lesson ; such kind boys / new desks / friendly people / amazing movies / clever children;若名词前形容词是many, much, few, little 时,不用 such, 而用 so. so many flowers / much rain / few friends / little water 也常有 “so / such that ”句型 , 译为 “ 如此 以致于 ” 。34.so的另两个用法 :1so + be / 情态动词/ 助动词+ 主语 , “ 也”上下文所指不是同一

54、个人或物。The twins are working, so am I. I will leave tonight, and so will Peter. If you go there, so will I . ( 最后一句参见语法2) 又如 :A: I woke up late this morning. B: So did I. 2so + 主语+ be/情态动词/ 助动词 ,“ 的确 是 ” 上下文所指是同一个人或物。A: We have lunch at school. B: So you do. 又如 :A: Bruce can work out the problem. B: S

55、o he can. (注意以上黑体字的照应)35.neither / nor 用法之一 :neither / nor + be / 情态动词/ 助动词+ 主语“ 也不 ” 上文是否定句。She didn t get well, nor did her brother. Tim isn t going to do his work, neither is John. 又如 :A: Jim hasnt had breakfast. B: Neither have I. (注意以上黑体字的照应)36.keep, make, get, have 用法 :1keep + sb / sth doing s

56、th “让一直做 ” I m sorry for keeping you waiting so long. (区别 :keep + doing sth “坚持做某事 ,一直做某事 ”)2make + sb / sth do sth 让 做某事 (接动原 ) I ll try to make you understand what I mean. I feel sorry that I have made him wait for long. make 若用于被动语态,原有后接动词原形要改为带to 不定式 (另见语法6 的类似说法 ):I made him wait for long. He w

57、as made to wait for long. 3get + sb / sth to do sth.让 做某事 。He got Peter to buy him a pen. 4have + 宾语 + 动词原形/ ing / 过去分词Have him do it, please. 让他做它吧 。 (him 和 do 逻辑上形成主谓关系,do 用原形 。 )精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 12 页学习必备欢迎下载We had the machine working. 我们让机器一直工作着。 (让某物一直在进行着某事。

58、 )We had the machine repaired.我们让人修理了那台机器(让机器被修理了,表被动 。 )5也都可接形容词:keep safe / busy, keep the door closed / open, make us happy, get the door closed, have everything ready. get her ears pierced. 37.used 短语 :used to + 动原 ,“ 过去常常 ” He used to smoke. be used to 译为 “ 被用于 ” ,后接动原 。It is used to cut things

59、. (主语是物 )be used to 译为 “ 习惯于 ” ,后接动词ing 或名词/ 代词 . (主语常是人 )如: He s used to working late. We are used to the country life. Are you used to it? be used for “被用于 ” ,后接名词或动词ing (主语也是物 )如:English is used for business. Knives are used for cutting things. 38. through / past / across 区别 : 都可作介词 ,“ 穿过 ” ,前常有位

60、移动词(以下黑体部分)。He climbed through the window and saw what he could take away. (从窗户内部经过)He went past me without saying any words. (从我旁边经过)He swam across the river. ( 从河的表面经过) 【through,内部 ; past,旁边 ; across,表面 】位移动词+ past 有时相当于动词pass; 位移动词+ across有时相当于动词cross. 39.the number of / a number of: 前者 “ 的数量 ” ;

61、后者 “ 许多的 ”都跟可数名词复数。前者作主语 ,谓语用单数 ;后者作主语 ,谓语用复数 。The number of the trees is two thousand. (用单数谓语 . 另注意 trees 前有限定词 )A number of trees have been cut down. (用复数谓语 . 另注意 trees前无限定词 )40.延续性动词 :how long ,since,for, (以上见 84)until / till等所在肯定句中的主句谓语要用延续性动词(以下划线部分): We have been in Zhengzhou for ten years. Ho

62、w long may I keep this novel? I ve lived here since 2002. Let s wait until he comes back. 但否定句中可用短暂性动词,如下面的see与 leave:I haven t seen you for a long time. They won t leave until it stops raining. 另外 ,请观察以下短暂性动词转换成延续性动词的常见表达:lose be lost. start / begin to do do go off be offstart, begin be on turn on

63、be on move to live inend be over get, buy have, own borrow keepdie be dead go out be out fall asleep be asleepget / become + adj be + adj. open(动词 ,“ 打开 ” ) be open(形容词 ,表状态 ) 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 12 页学习必备欢迎下载arrive in, get to, reac h be in, stay in leave, go away (f

64、rom) be away (from)如以下例子的划线部分(并注意黑体部分的变化):The dog died five hours ago. The dog has been dead for five hours. I lost my dictionary two weeks ago. My dictionary has been lost since two weeks ago . He began to teach English last year. .He has taught English for one year. Lucy arrived in Beijing the day

65、 before yesterday. Lucy has been in Beijing for two days. I bought this bike six months ago . I have owned this book since six months ago . My friend borrowed the book last month. My friend has kept the book for a month. He left Beijing in 1990. He has been away from Beijing since 1990. (注意以上的 “ for + 时间段 ” 与“since + 时间段+ ago ”或“ since + 时间点 ” 可互换 ) 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 12 页,共 12 页



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