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1、Unit1 1. playground操场2. garden 花园3. teacher s office教师办公室4. library图书馆5. canteen食堂6. first第一7. floor层【楼】8. welcome欢迎9. to给;对10. our我们的11. many很多的12. visitor客人;参观者13. there那儿;那里14. class班级15. lunch午餐16. at 在17. this way这边18. please请19. beautiful 美丽的20. computer计算机21. board 写字板22. fan风扇23. light灯24. t

2、his这;这个25. is 是26. my我的27. that那;那个28. your你的29. art room绘画教室30. computer room计算机教室31. washroom卫生间32. music room音乐教室33. gym体育馆34. TV room电视机房35. second 第二36. cool顶好的;酷的37. teacher s desk讲台38. picture 图画;照片精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 11 页39. wall 墙壁40. floor 地板41. yes是;是的42.

3、it 它Unit2 43. lunch午餐44. English class英语课45. music class音乐课46. breakfast早餐47. dinner晚餐;正餐48. P.E. class体育课49. over 结束50. go to the playground去操场51. now 现在52. just a minute再多一会53. go home 回家54. kid小孩;孩子55. run跑56. one 一57. two二58. three三59. four四60. five五61. six六62. seven七63. eight八64. nine九65. ten十6

4、6. what什么67. time时间68. it s = it is它是69. oclock点钟70. get up起床71. go to school上学72. go home回家73. go to bed上床睡觉74. ready准备好的75. hurry抓紧;赶快76. math数学精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 11 页77. Chinese语文78. English英语79. P.E. 体育80. music音乐81. for为;给82. class课Unit3 83. jacket夹克衫84. shirt衬

5、衫85. skirt 裙子86. dress连衣裙87. sweater毛衣88. T-shirtT 恤衫89. whose谁的90. red红色的91. blue 蓝色的92. yellow 黄色的93. green绿色的94. white白色的95. no不;不是96. not不;不是的97. jeans牛仔裤98. pants长裤99. socks袜子100. shoes鞋子101. shorts短裤102. these 这些103. so如此;这样104. they re = they are他们是105. those那些106. but但是107. what for为什么108. n

6、eighbour邻居109. clour 颜色Unit4 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 11 页110. warm暖和的111. cold寒冷的112. cool凉爽的113. hot炎热的114. weather天气115. weather report天气预报116. wear穿117. today今天118. cant = can not不能119. put on穿上120. jeans牛仔裤121. pants 长裤122. socks袜子123. shoes鞋子124. let s = let us让我们12

7、5. play玩;踢126. football足球127. rainy下雨的128. snowy下雪的129. windy有风的130. cloudy多云的131. sunny 晴朗的132. hello喂;你好133. hi喂;你好134. not much没什么135. New York纽约136. matter事情;麻烦137. have to必须;不得不138. close关;关上139. bye 再见Unit5 140. colourful色彩丰富的精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 11 页141. pretty

8、漂亮的;可爱的142. cheap便宜的143. expensive昂贵的144. sixty六十145. seventy七十146. hundred百147. assistant售货员148. help帮助149. how much多少钱150. ninety-nine九十九151. that s = that is那是152. big大的153. small小的154. long 长的155. short短的156. sneakers网球鞋157. slippers拖鞋158. sandals凉鞋159. boots靴子160. want想要161. pair一双;一对162. a pai

9、r of一双163. for 为;给164. son儿子165. size尺码166. all right 好吧;好的167. well = we will我们将168. take买;拿走169. them他们170. apple苹果171. banana香蕉172. pear梨173. orange橙子174. watermelon 西瓜175. are是【复数】176. they 他们【主格】Unit 1 1. playground(操场)精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 11 页2. garden (花园)3. te

10、acher s office(教师办公室)4. library(图书馆)5. canteen (食堂)6. first(第一)7. floor(层【楼】)8. welcome(欢迎)9. to(给;对)10. our(我们的)11. many(很多的)12. visitor 客人;参观者13. there (那儿;那里)14. class (班级)15. lunch(午餐)16. at (在)17. this way(这边)18. please (请)19. beautiful (美丽的)20. computer(计算机)21. board (写字板)22. fan(风扇)23. light(

11、灯)24. this(这;这个)25. is (是)26. my(我的)27. that(那;那个)28. your(你的)29. art room(绘画教室)30. computer room(计算机教室)31. washroom (卫生间)32. music room(音乐教室)33. gym(体育馆)34. TV room 电视机房35. second (第二)36. cool(顶好的;酷的)37. teacher s desk(讲台)38. picture (图画;照片)39. wall (墙壁)40. floor (地板)41. yes (是;是的)42. it (它)精选学习资料

12、- - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 11 页Unit 2 43. lunch(午餐)44. English class (英语课)45. music class (音乐课)46. breakfast (早餐)47. dinner(晚餐;正餐)48. P.E. class (体育课)49. over (结束)50. go to the playground (去操场)51. now (现在)52. just a minute(再多一会)53. go home (回家)54. kid(小孩;孩子)55. run(跑)56. one (一)57

13、. two(二)58. three(三)59. four(四)60. five(五)61. six(六)62. seven (七)63. eight(八)64. nine(九)65. ten(十)66. what(什么)67. time(时间)68. it s = it is(它是)69. oclock (点钟)70. get up(起床)71. go to school (上学)72. go home (回家)73. go to bed (上床睡觉)74. ready(准备好的)75. hurry(抓紧;赶快)76. math(数学)77. Chinese (语文)78. English(英

14、语)79. P.E. (体育)80. music(音乐)81. for(为;给)精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 11 页82. class (课)Unit 3 83. jacket(夹克衫)84. shirt(衬衫)85. skirt (裙子)86. dress (连衣裙)87. sweater (毛衣)88. T-shirt(T 恤衫)89. whose (谁的)90. red(红色的)91. blue (蓝色的)92. yellow (黄色的)93. green (绿色的)94. white(白色的)95. no(不

15、;不是)96. not(不;不是的)97. jeans (牛仔裤)98. pants (长裤)99. socks (袜子)100. shoes (鞋子)101. shorts (短裤)102. these (这些)103. so(如此;这样)104. they re = they are(他们是)105. those (那些)106. but(但是)107. what for(为什么)108. neighbour(邻居)109. clour (颜色)Unit 4 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 11 页110. warm

16、(暖和的)111. cold(寒冷的)112. cool(凉爽的)113. hot(炎热的)114. weather (天气)115. weather report (天气预报)116. wear(穿)117. today(今天)118. cant = can not(不能)119. put on(穿上)120. jeans (牛仔裤)121. pants (长裤)122. socks (袜子)123. shoes (鞋子)124. let s = let us(让我们)125. play(玩;踢)126. football(足球)127. rainy(下雨的)128. snowy(下雪的)1

17、29. windy(有风的)130. cloudy(多云的)131. sunny (晴朗的)132. hello(喂;你好)133. hi(喂;你好)134. not much(没什么)135. New York(纽约)136. matter(事情;麻烦)137. have to (必须;不得不)138. close (关;关上)139. bye (再见)Unit 5 140. colourful(色彩丰富的)141. pretty(漂亮的;可爱的)142. cheap (便宜的)143. expensive (昂贵的)144. sixty(六十)145. seventy (七十)146. h

18、undred (百)精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 11 页147. assistant (售货员)148. help(帮助)149. how much(多少钱)150. ninety-nine(九十九)151. that s = that is(那是)152. big(大的)153. small(小的)154. long (长的)155. short(短的)156. sneakers (网球鞋)157. slippers (拖鞋)158. sandals (凉鞋)159. boots(靴子)160. want(想要)1

19、61. pair(一双;一对)162. a pair of一双163. for (为;给)164. son(儿子)165. size(尺码)166. all right (好吧;好的)167. well = we will(我们将)168. take (买;拿走)169. them(他们)170. apple (苹果)171. banana (香蕉)172. pear (梨)173. orange (橙子)174. watermelon (西瓜)175. are (是【复数】)176. they (他们【主格】)精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - -

20、 - -第 10 页,共 11 页Unit 6 177. sheep (绵羊)178. horse (马)179. hen (母鸡)180. lamb(小羊;羔羊)181. goat (山羊)182. cow(奶牛)183. farm (农场)184. farmer(农民)185. aren t = are not(不是【复数】)186. donkey (驴子)187. fat(胖的)188. cat (猫)189. rabbit(兔子)190. pig(猪)191. duck(鸭子)192. dog (狗)193. tomato(西红柿)194. cucumber (黄瓜)195. potato(土豆)196. onion(洋葱)197. carrot(胡萝卜)198. fresh (新鲜的)199. eleven (十一)200. twelve (十二)201. thirteen(十三)202. fifteen(十五)203. twenty(二十)204. how many(多少)205. there(那儿;那里)精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 11 页



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