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1、学习必备欢迎下载五年级英语下册总复习资料(注意:四会单词、词组、句子指都要会听、说、读、写。划线部分指可以用同类型的词汇进行替换) Unit 1 My day 一、四会词组do morning exercises 晨练eat breakfast吃早饭have class上课play sports进行体育运动eat dinner吃晚饭clean my room打扫我的房间go for a walk散步 go shopping 去买东西;购物take a dancing class 上舞蹈课二、四会句子1、When do you finish class in the morning? 你们上午的

2、课到几点结束?We finish class at 1 o clock. 我们一点钟结束上午的课。2、What do you do on the weekend? 你周末做什么?I often watch TV and play ping-pong with my father. 我经常看电视,也常和我爸爸一起打乒乓球。三、重要知识点1. 其他日常活动go go swimming 去游泳 go running去跑步 go fishing去钓鱼go hiking去远足 go boating去划船play play ping-pong打乒乓球play football踢足球 play basket

3、ball打篮球play the pipa弹琵琶play the erhu 拉二胡have have breakfast 吃早饭 have lunch 吃午饭 have dinner吃完饭have English class 上英语课 have Chinese class 上语文课do do homework 做作业 do kung fu练武术2. 频度副词always 总是,一直(100% ) usually通常( 80% ) often 经常( 60% ) sometimes(30% )有时语法考点:1When 引导的特殊疑问句,就作息时间进行问答:- When do you + 行为活动?

4、 - I + 行为活动+ 具体时间。例:-When do you eat dinner? -I eat dinner at 7: 00. 2What 引导的特殊疑问句,就活动内容进行问答:- What do you do + 时间?(教材主要是周末on the weekend )- I + 频度副词 (always / usually/ often / sometimes )+ 行为活动+ 时间。例:-What do you do on the weekend? -I often play football. Unit 2 My favourite season 一、四会词组spring春天

5、summer夏天 autumn 秋天 winter 冬天 season季节 go on a picnic 去野餐 pick apples 摘苹果make a snowman堆雪人go swimming 去游泳二、四会句子精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 9 页学习必备欢迎下载1、Which season do you like best? 迈克,你最喜欢哪个季节?Winter . 冬天。2、Why? 为什么?Because I like summer vacation ! 因为我喜欢暑假 ! 三、重要知识点1、形容天气的形

6、容词warm 暖和的hot 炎热的cool凉爽的cold 寒冷的sunny晴朗的cloudy 多云的rainy 多雨的windy 多风的snowy下雪的2. 特殊疑问词what“什么”对事物进行提问(what color,what time)where“在哪儿”对地点状语进行提问which“哪一个”对具体事物提问why“为什么”对 because 引导的原因状语从句进行提问when “什么时候”对时间状语进行提问(who “谁”对人物名字或身份进行提问whose “谁的”对名词所有格或物主代词提问)语法考点:1which 引导的特殊疑问句,询问别人最喜欢的季节句型及回答。句型结构:问: whi

7、ch season do you like best? (你最喜欢的季节是哪一个?)答:I like+季节+best或直接说季节名称。同义句还有: What syour favourite season?( 你最喜爱的季节是什么?) My favourite season is + 季节或直接说季节名称。例:-Which season do you like best? -I like spring best./Spring -What s your favourite season? - My favourite season is spring./Spring. 2. why引导的特殊疑问

8、句,询问别人喜欢某个季节的原因的句型及回答。句型结构:问: Why do you like+季节名称?或直接用Why?答:一般要用 “because ”引导的句子来说明理由,可以从天气或相关的活动等方面来说。例:-Why do you like summer? -Because I can go swimming every day. (你为什么喜欢夏天?)(因为我每天都能去游泳。)-Why do you like autumn? -Because the weather is cool. (你为什么喜欢秋天?)(因为天气凉爽。)3询问别人天气怎么样的句型及回答。句型结构:问: What st

9、he weather like+时间+地点?( 天气怎么样?)答:It s + 表示天气的形容词例如: -What s the weather like in winter in Beijing? (北京冬天的天气怎么样?)-It s cold and windy. (有风而且寒冷。)Unit 3 My school calendar 一、四会单词:Jan./January一月Feb./February 二月Mar./March 三月Apr./April 四月May 五月June六月July 七月Aug./August八月精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - -

10、- - - - -第 2 页,共 9 页学习必备欢迎下载Sept./September九月 Oct./October 十月 Nov./November十一月 Dec./December十二月二、四会句子1When is the party? 聚会什么时候举行?It s in April . 在 4 月。2When is the trip this year? 今年的(秋)游在什么时候?It s in October . We ll go to the Great Wall . 在 10 月。我们将去长城。三、重要知识点:1、关于月份:(1)五月 May , 六月 June, 七月 July,没

11、有简写形式。九月September 的简写形式是前四个字母加点Sept. 其他八个月的简写形式是前三个字母加点。(2)无论是完全形式还是简写形式,表示12个月的单词的第一个字母都要大写。(3)月份与季节:Season( 季节) Month(月份) Season( 季节) Month(月份) spring March April May summer June July August Autumn(fall) September October November winter December January February 2关于节日:Month(月份) Festival(节日) Month

12、(月份) Festival(节日) January New Year s Day(新年) July summer vacation (暑假)February winter vacation(寒假)August summer vacation (暑假)March Tree Planting Day (植树节)September Teachers Day(教师节)Mid-Autumn Day (中秋节)April Easter(复活节)sports meet (运动会)October China s National Day (中国 国庆节)May May Day(劳动节)Mother s Day

13、 (母亲节)November American Thanksgiving Day (美国 感恩节)June Children s Day(儿童节)Father s Day(父亲节)December Christmas(圣诞节)3介词 in at on 的用法:表示在某年、某月、某个季节,某个时候(在上午,在下午,在晚上)用in;表示在具体的某一天、星期几时用on;表示在具体的几点几分用at。语法考点:When 引导的特殊疑问句,就什么时候过节日或举行活动进行问答:精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 9 页学习必备欢迎下载-

14、When is + 节日或活动 ? - Its in +月份。或者 - Its on +具体某一天。例:- When is Tree Planting Day? - Its in March./ -It s on March 12th . -When is Teachers Day? -It s in September./ -It s on September 10th. Unit 4 When is Easter? 一、四会单词first(1st)第一(的) second(2nd) 第二(的) third(3rd) 第三(的) fourth(4th) 第四(的) fifth (5th) 第

15、 五 ( 的 ) twelfth(12th) 第 十 二 ( 的 ) twentieth(20th)第 二 十 ( 的 ) twenty-first(21st)第二十一 (的)twenty-third(23rd)第二十三 (的) thirtieth(30th)第三十(的) 二、四会句子1When is April Fool s Day? 愚人节是哪天?It s on April 1st. 它在 4 月 1 日。2When is your birthday? 你的生日是哪天?My birthday is on April 4th. 我的生日在 4 月 4 日。三、重要知识点1.回答生日的两种表达

16、: When is your birthday? My birthday is in June . 如果只说明生日在几月份,在月份前用in. My birthday is on June 9th . 如果要说明生日是在几月几日,在具体的某一天用on。2. 注意区分两个句子:What day is it today? 今天星期几?It s Monday./Today is Monday. 今天是周一。What s the date today? 今天是几月几日?It s April 24th. 今天是 4 月 24 日。3. 1-31 的基数词与序数词数字基数词序数词数字基数词序数词1 one

17、first(1st) 17 seventeen seventeenth(17th) 2 two second(2nd) 18 eighteen eighteenth(18th) 3 three third(3rd) 19 nineteen nineteenth(19th) 4 four fourth(4th) 20 twenty twentieth(20th) 5 five fifth (5th) 21 twenty-one twenty-first(21st) 6 six sixth(6th) 22 twenty-two twenty- second(22nd) 7 seven sevent

18、h(7th) 23 twenty- three twenty-third(23rd) 8 eight eighth(8th) 24 twenty- four twenty- fourth(24th) 9 nine ninth(9th) 25 twenty- five twenty- fifth(25th) 10 ten tenth(10th) 26 twenty-six twenty- sixth(26th) 11 eleven eleventh(11th) 27 twenty- seven twenty- seventh(27th) 12 twelve twelfth(12th) 28 tw

19、enty- eight twenty- eighth(28th) 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 9 页学习必备欢迎下载13 thirteen thirteenth(13th) 29 twenty- nine twenty- ninth(29th) 14 fourteen fourteenth(14th) 30 thirty thirtieth(30th) 15 fifteen fifteenth(15th) 31 thirty-one thirty-first(31st) 16 sixteen sixteenth(16

20、th) 基数词变序数词规律:一、二、三,特殊记;th 从四起;八加h,九去 e ; ve要用 f 替;整十基数变序数,先把ty 变成 tie;要是遇到几十几,前半基数后半序。语法考点:When 引导的特殊疑问句,就别人什么时候过生日进行问答:- When is + 人称( my/your/his/her/人名 s/称呼 s)+birthday? - 人称+birthday is on +具体日期。例:- When is my birthday? - Your birthday is on March 20th. -When is your birthday? -My birthday is o

21、n March 20th. -When is his birthday? -His birthday is on March 20th. -When is Amy s birthday? -Her birthday is on March 20th. Unit 5 Whose dog is it ? 一、四会单词mine我的 yours你(们)的 his他的 hers她的 theirs他们的;她们的;它们的ours 我们的 climbing(climb的-ing 形式)(正在)攀登;攀爬eating(eat的-ing 形式) (正在)吃 playing(play 的-ing 形式 ) (正在

22、) 玩耍jumping(jump 的-ing 形式 )(正在 )跳drinking (drink 的-ing形式 )(正在)喝(水) sleeping(sleep 的-ing形式)(正在)睡觉二、四会句子1. The yellow picture is mine. 那幅黄颜色的画是我的。2. Are these all ours? 这些都是我们的画吗?3. Whose is it? 这是谁的?It s Zhang Peng s. 是张鹏的。4. Is he drinking water? 它在喝水吗?No, he isn t. He s eating. 不是。它在吃东西。三、重要知识点:1.

23、人称代词和物主代词总结人称数主格宾格形容词性物主代词名词性物主代词第一人称单数I(我) me(我) my(我的) mine(我的东西 ) 复数we(我们) we(我们) our(我们的 ) ours(我们的东西 ) 第二人称单数you(你) you(你) your(你的 ) yours(你的东西 ) 复数you(你们) you(你们) your(你们的 ) yours(你们的东西 ) 第三人称单数he(他) him(他) his(他的) his(他的东西 ) she(她) her(她) her(她的 ) hers(她的东西 ) 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 -

24、 - - - - - -第 5 页,共 9 页学习必备欢迎下载it(它) it(它) its(它的) its(它的东西 ) 复数they(他们/她们 /它们) them(他们/她们/它们 ) their(他们的 /她们的 / 它们的 ) theirs(他们的东西 /她们的东西 / 它们的东西 ) 2. 动词变为现在分词(加ing)的规则:(1)一般情况下,在动词的后面直接加ing. 如:playplaying clean cleaning drawdrawing cookcooking (2) 以单个不发音的字母e结尾的动词,去掉不发音的字母e,再加 ing . 如:writewriting

25、taketaking makemaking dancedancing havehaving 注意:如果单词结尾的e 发音,则不能去掉,也直接加ing. 例如: see -seeing(3) 以重读闭音节结尾的动词, 如果词尾只有一个辅音字母, 则要先双写这个辅音字母,再加 ing. 如: runrunning swimswimming putputting sitsitting setsetting 语法考点:1What 引导的特殊疑问句,谈论人或物的动作:单数: - What is it / he / she doing? - Its / Hes / Shes + 动词的 ing 形式。例:

26、- What is it doing? -Its eating bananas. 复数: - What are they doing? - They are +动词的 ing形式。例:- What are they doing? -Theyre swimming. 2. What 引导的特殊疑问句,直接提问对方正在干什么:- What are you doing? - Im +动词的 ing形式。例:- What are you doing? - Im singing 。3. Is 引导的一般疑问句,谈论单数的人或物是否正在进行某活动。- Is he/she/it+动词的 ing形式 ? -

27、Yes, he/ she /it is. 或-No, he/she/it isnt. 例:-Is he playing football? -Yes, he is. - Is it drinking water? -No, it isn t. 4. Are 引导的一般疑问句,谈论复数的人或物正在进行的活动:- Are you /they/ +动词的 ing形式? - Yes, we/theyare. / No, we /they arent. 例:- Are you eating lunch? - No, we arent. -Are they eating lunch ?-Yes, they

28、 are. Unit 6 Work quietly! 一、四会单词doing morning exercises (正在)做早操having class ( 正在)上课eating lunch(正在)吃午饭reading a book (正在)看书listening to music( 正在)听音乐keep to the right 靠右 keep your desk clean保持你的课桌干净talk quietly 小声讲话take turns 按顺序来二、四会句子1. What are they doing? 它们在干什么?精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结

29、- - - - - - -第 6 页,共 9 页学习必备欢迎下载They re eating lunch. 它们在吃午饭。2. What s the little monkey doing? 那只小猴子在干什么?It s playing with its mother. 它在和妈妈玩耍。3. Shh. Talk quietly. 嘘,小声讲话。4. Keep your desk clean. 保持桌面整洁。2. 现在进行时: 现在进行时表示动作发生的时间是“ 现在” ,动作目前的状态是 “ 正在进行中 ” 。可用来表示现在进行时的时间状语(now / Look! / Listen!) 三、重要

30、知识点:现在进行时的构成是 : 主语+be+动词的 ing形式现在分词)第一人称单数 I+am+动词的 ing 形式. 例: I am walking. 第一人称复数 We+are+动词的 ing形式. 例:We are walking. 第二人称单 (复)数 You+are+动词的 ing 形式例:You are walking. 第三人称单数He(She,it)+is+动词的 ing形式例:He(She/it) is walking. 第三人称复数They+are+动词的 ing 形式例:They are walking. 肯定句 :主语+be(am/is/are)+现在分词(动词ing形

31、式)否定句:主语 +be(is/am/are)+not+现在分词(动词ing形式)一般疑问句 :be(is/am/are)+主语+现在分词(动词ing形式)例:Is he eating? Are you sleeping? 特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+相应 be动词+主语+现在分词 +其他? 例:What are you doing? What is your mother doing? 语法考点:同第五单元语法考点作文范文My day 我的一天Hi,I m .(你好,我是 .) I often get up early.( 我经常起得很早 .) I eat breakfast at 7:00 i

32、n the morning.( 早上 7 点我吃早饭。 ) Then I do my homework.( 然后我做家庭作业。 ) After lunch,I can watch TV with my father.( 午饭后 ,我可以和我父亲看电视。) I can play ping-pang with my friends. (我可以和我的朋友打乒乓球。)I can listen to music in the evening. ( 晚上我可以听歌。)I think it is so funny. (我想那太有趣了。)This is my day. (这是我的一天。 ) My weeken

33、d 我的周末There are two days on the weekend, Saturday and Sunday.( 周末有两天 ,星期六和星期天。 ) On Saturday, I often do morning exercises at 8:00 in the morning,and do my homework at 3:00 in the afternoon.( 星期六,我经常在早上8 点做晨练,下午 3 点做家庭作业。 ) On Sunday, I always play sports in the morning and read some books in the 精选

34、学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 9 页学习必备欢迎下载afternoon.(星期天,我总是在早上做体育运动,下午看书。) After dinner, I often watch TV with my parents.(晚饭后, 我经常和我的父母看电视。 ) At that time, I can talk with my parents.(在那个时候,我可以跟父母交谈。 ) We often have a good time.(我们经常玩得很愉快。) My favorite Season我最喜欢的季节My favorite

35、season is spring. (我最喜欢的季节是春天。)In spring, the weather is warm and windy.(在春天,天气温暖多风。)I can fly kites.(我可以放风筝。 )And I can go on a picnic with my family .( 我可以和我的家人去野餐。)There are beautiful flowers everywhere.( 到处有漂亮的花。 )Spring is the first season in a year. (春天是一年里的第一个季节。 ) People often feel very happ

36、y.( 人们经常很开心。 ) It makes me happy, too.( 它也使我开心。 )So I like spring best.( 因此我最喜欢春天。 ) My favorite season My favorite season is summer, summer is very hot.(我最喜欢的季节是夏天,夏天很热。) But its good for sports.( 但是它很适合运动。 ) I like swimming best.( 我最喜欢游泳。 )I often go swimming with my friends in summer.( 夏天我经常和我的朋友

37、去游泳。) In summer we can eat ice cream and some fruit.( 夏天我们可以吃冰淇淋和水果。 ) In summer we have the longest holiday.(夏天我们有最长的假期。) It s summer .(它是暑假。 ) In summer vacation we can go swimming, play basketball, go to the park and so on. (暑假我们可以游泳, 打篮球,去公园等等。) I think summer is the best season of a year.(我想夏天是

38、一年中最好的季节。) Mother s Day 母亲节I like Mother s Day best.(我最喜欢母亲节。 )When Mother s Day coming.(母亲节到来时。 )I will make a card for my mother.( 我会为妈妈制作一张卡片。)In the card I will draw a picture and say “ Thank you” .(在卡片上我会画画并说谢谢。)My sister will play the pipa for her.(我妹妹会为妈妈弹琵琶。 )We will sing a song to her.( 我们会

39、为她唱首歌。 )I love my mother,I love my family.( 我爱我的妈妈,我爱我的家人。) My Birthday Party 我的生日宴会Every year, when it s birthday, my parents will have a party for me. ( 每年, 到生日的时候,我父母都为我举行聚会。)My friends will come to my birthday party. ( 我的朋友们会来参加我的生日聚会。)I can get many beautiful gifts every year.(每年我可以获得很多漂亮的礼物。)

40、In my party, we can do many things:Light the candles,eat the cake,sing and dance.( 在我的宴会上,我们可以做许多事情:点蜡烛,吃蛋糕, 唱歌和跳舞。)Thats my birthday party, is it interesting?( 我的生日宴会 ,是不是很有趣呢?) 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 9 页学习必备欢迎下载My family 我的家庭There are five people in my family.( 我家有五个人

41、。 ) They are my grandma, grandpa, dad, mom and I.(他们是我的奶奶,爷爷,爸爸, 妈妈和我。) Look! Grandma is watching TV .(看! 奶奶正在看电视。 )Grandpa is reading a book.( 爷爷正在看书。 ) Dad is drinking tea. ( 爸爸正在喝茶。 )Mom is cooking dinner. (妈妈正在做晚饭。)I am doing my homework.(我正在做家庭作业。)I love my family!(我爱我的家人!)精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 9 页



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