广东省中考英语 第一部分 教材重点难点梳理 第3节 七上 Unit 5Unit 6课件 牛津深圳版

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《广东省中考英语 第一部分 教材重点难点梳理 第3节 七上 Unit 5Unit 6课件 牛津深圳版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《广东省中考英语 第一部分 教材重点难点梳理 第3节 七上 Unit 5Unit 6课件 牛津深圳版(42页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第三节第三节七年级(上)七年级(上)Unit 5Unit 6第一部分第一部分 教材重点教材重点难点梳点梳理理目录contents重难点梳理重难点梳理重点单词重点单词 重点短语重点短语 重点句型重点句型巩固练习巩固练习语法选择语法选择 完形填空完形填空 阅读理阅读理解解 阅读填空阅读填空 单词拼写单词拼写 完完成句子成句子重难点梳理重难点梳理重点单词重点单词重点短语重点短语重点句型重点句型目录contents1.日记;日记簿_ 2.太空_3.宇宙飞船_ 4.宇航服;航天服_5.紧张的_ 6.离开_ 7.重力_ 8.能;能够_9.漂浮;浮动_ 10.系;捆;绑_ 11.我们自己_ 12.没有;缺乏

2、_重难点梳理Listen attentivelyUnit5一重点单词diaryspacenervous spaceshipspacesuitgravityleave without ourselvestieablefloat 13.虚弱的_ 14.呼吸_ 15.如果_ 16.照相机_17.运转;运行_ 18.花园_ 19.岩石_ 20.明信片_21.机器_ 22.返回_重难点梳理Listen attentivelyUnit5一重点单词weak breathe work if camerarockgardenreturnpostcard machine1.亚洲_ 2.手册;指南_3.地域;地区_

3、 4.传统的_ 5.现代的;近代的_ 6.观光;游览_7.中心点;中心_ 8.喷泉_9.建筑_ 10.正好;恰好_ 11.在对面_ 12.照亮;使明亮_重难点梳理Listen attentivelyUnit6一重点单词Asia guidemodernareatraditional centre sightseeinglightacross just fountainbuilding13.方向_ 14.自然的;天然的_ 15.美;美丽_16.桥_ 17.池塘_ 18.小吃_19.在外面_ 20.饺子;汤团_ 21.庙;寺_重难点梳理Listen attentivelyUnit6一重点单词dire

4、ctionnaturalpondbridgebeauty snack outsidedumplingtemple1.多于_ 2.能够_ 3.不得不;必须_4.把系在_ 5.帮助某人做某事_ 6.在月球上_7.拍照_8.像一样;如同_ 9.也就是说;即_重难点梳理Listen attentivelyUnit5二重点短语more than(be) able tohave sb. do sth.on the moon take photos that is 10.对感到兴奋_ 11.带回_ 12.例如_13.在学校门口_ 14.目前_15.大量_16.变得虚弱

5、_ 17.以便_重难点梳理Listen attentivelyUnit5二重点短语be excited aboutbring back such asat the school gateat the momenta large amount of get weak so that1.旅游手册_ 2.名胜_ 3.在的中心_4.沿着走_ 5.在夜晚_ 6.点亮;照亮_7.四面八方_ 8.涉及_ 9.到处游玩_重难点梳理Listen attentivelyUnit6二重点短语travel guideplace of interestin the centre ofwalk along at nigh

6、tlight upin every directionrefer to travel around 10.在的西北部_ 11.鸟瞰_ 12.美食_13.乘坐缆车_ 14.海豚表演_ 15.玩得尽兴_重难点梳理Listen attentivelyUnit6二重点短语in the northwest ofget a birds eye view ofdelicious foodride in a cable cardolphin showhave a wonderful time重难点梳理Listen attentively三重点句型1.Tomorrow Ill be one of the fir

7、st students to travel into space.明天我将成为去太空旅行的首明天我将成为去太空旅行的首批学生中的一员。批学生中的一员。句型句型: one of+可数名词复数形式或人称代词宾格+to do,to do 作后置定语,修饰students。重难点梳理Listen attentively2.Itll take us about four days to get there.到达到达那里将花费我们四天时间。那里将花费我们四天时间。句型句型: It takes sb.some time to do sth.意为“某人花费多少时间做某事”,主语it 是形式主语。重难点梳理Li

8、sten attentively3.Well have to tie ourselves to our beds so that we wont float away in our sleep!我们将不得不我们将不得不把自己绑在床上,那样睡觉时就不会浮起来。把自己绑在床上,那样睡觉时就不会浮起来。句型句型:so that+目的状语从句,从句中谓语常用情态动词may/might/can/could/should/would等。重难点梳理Listen attentively4.Thats a good idea.那是个好主意。那是个好主意。这个句型用来表示赞同、同意某人的建议、看法等。有时也说 “

9、Good idea!”Lets go to the cinema!让我们一起去看电影吧!Thats a good idea!那是个好主意!重难点梳理Listen attentively5.Im going to tell you something exciting!我打我打算告诉你令人兴奋的事情!算告诉你令人兴奋的事情!句型句型:be going to do sth.意为“打算做某事”。We are going to climb the hill tomorrow.我们打算明天去爬山。重难点梳理Listen attentively6.If you like sightseeing,you w

10、ill love it! 如果你如果你喜欢观光,你会爱上它的!喜欢观光,你会爱上它的!句型句型:if (表示“如果”)引导条件状语从句。从句用一般现在时,主句要用一般将来时,简称“主将从现”。主句有时也用祈使句或含有情态动词的句子。翻译:如果不下雨,我就会跟你去钓鱼。_ _ _ _,Ill go fishing with you.If it doesnt rain重难点梳理Listen attentively7.其他好用的常用句型其他好用的常用句型:1)I cant wait! 我等不及了!2)There can be more than one answer.(题目的)答案可以多于一个。3)

11、If you make the wheels round,they will turn easily.如果你让轮子变圆,它们会转得容易些。4)Dont worry.别担心。重难点梳理Listen attentively5)China has the third most heritage sites in the world after Italy and Spain.在世界上继意大利和西班牙之后,中国有第三多的遗产故址。6)Without gravity,our bodies may get weak,so well have to do exercises every day.没有重力,我

12、们的身体会变弱,所以我们得每天锻炼。巩固练习Listen attentively一、语法选择How many things can you see in the night sky? A lot!_1_ a clear evening you might see the moon and some planets.And thousands of sparkling stars _2_,too.You can see even more _3_ a telescope.You might see stars where you only saw dark space before.You mi

13、ght see that many stars look larger than _4_.You might see that some stars _5_ look white are really red or blue.But scientists believe there are some things in the sky that we _6_.巩固练习Listen attentivelyWe cant see them with the biggest telescope in the world,even when it is _7_ night of the year.Th

14、ats _8_ theyre invisible.Theyre the mysterious dead stars _9_ black holes.You might find _10_ hard to imagine that stars die.After all,our sun is a star.Year after year we see it up in the sky,burning _11_,giving us heat and light.The sun certainly doesnt seem _12_ getting old or weak. But stars do

15、burn out and die after billions of years.As a stars gases burn,they give off light and heat.But when the gas runs out,the star stops _13_ and begins to die.巩固练习Listen attentively So the next time you stare up at the night sky,remember: theres _14_ in the sky than that meets the eye._15_ amazing spac

16、e it is! ( ) 1.A.On B.In C.At D.For( ) 2.A.see B.were seen C.can be seen D.can see( ) 3.A.for B.on D.with( ) 4.A.the other B.others C.other D.the others( ) 5.A.what B.which C.who D.whereDACBB( ) 6.A.have never seen B.never saw C.will never see D.had never seen( ) 7.A.clear B.clearer C.clearest

17、D.the clearest( ) 8.A.when C.because ) B.called C.are called D.calls( ) C.that D.itself( ) 11.A.bright B.brightly C.brighter D.most brightly巩固练习Listen attentivelyCBABCD( ) be B.being C.been ) 13.A.burning burn C.burns D.burn( ) 14.A.much B.many C

18、.most D.more( ) 15.A.How B.What C.What an D.How an巩固练习Listen attentivelyAADB巩固练习Listen attentively二、完形填空This morning,I was cleaning the windows when I saw Don.He was walking along the street with his new toy car.He asked me to come and _1_ it,so I did.It had really big tires(轮胎) and was bright red.I

19、 looked as if it would go very _2_. Don made it race up the street and I had to _3_ very fast to keep up with it.He showed me how to use the _4_ and then let me try. I soon got used to the controls.I decided to make it a bit _5_.We were going further and further away from the house,but I had _6_ all

20、 about cleaning the windows.巩固练习Listen attentivelyIt was _7_ to make it go fast in one direction and then turn around to the opposite direction without stopping first.Just then,it went onto the road,right in front of a real car.The car ran over it and made it _8_ !Don was _9_ and asked me to buy him

21、 a new one.I was saving for a new bike,but had to give all the _10_ to Don,and I still had to clean the window.What a day!( ) 1.A.look for B.look at C.look into D.look after( ) 2.A.strangely B.noisily C.slowly D.quickly( ) B.look C.speak D.walk( ) C.controls D.wires( ) 5.A.fa

22、ster B.higher C.slower D.safer( ) 6.A.thought B.written C.called D.forgotten( ) 7.A.happy C.easy D.difficult巩固练习Listen attentivelyBDABADC( ) 8.A.flat B.small C.useful ( ) 9.A.sad B.surprised C.worried D.angry( ) B.tire D.control巩固练习Listen attentivelyADC巩固练习Listen atten

23、tively三、阅读理解Welcome to this short tour of London.In this square we are standing in the middle of London.Opposite is the National Gallery, a museum with lots of famous paintings.Go along the Red Street to Buckingham Palace.The queen lives here.巩固练习Listen attentivelyTurn left and go to the Houses of P

24、arliament and Big Ben.Opposite you can see the London Eye.It takes you 135 meters above the River Thames.You can see most of London on a clear day.When you are tired,the best way to see London is by boat.You can get the boat near Big Ben.As you go along the river,the London Eye is on your right.Get

25、off the boat at Tower Bridge.Then you can see the Tower of London next to the bridge.The Tower of London is the citys oldest palace.It is nine hundred years old.巩固练习Listen attentivelyTake the boat back along the river.Get off the boat and go past the station and walk along the street.Opposite is the

26、 old fruit and vegetable market.They dont sell fruit and vegetables now.There are stores and restaurants,and lots of street musicians.Turn left into Kings Street,and go past the church.Youre now back where you started,at the square.Now you finish your tour.巩固练习Listen attentively( ) 1.If you go to vi

27、sit the National Gallery,what will you find?A.Lots of lovely animals. B.Lots of valuable plants.C.Lots of famous paintings. D.Lots of interesting books.( ) 2.Where can you get the boat?A.Near Buckingham Palace. B.Near Big Ben.C.Near Tower Bridge. D.Near Kings Street.CB巩固练习Listen attentively( ) 3._is

28、 Londons oldest palace.A.The Tower of London B.The National GalleryC.Buckingham Palace D.The Houses of Parliament( ) 4._is the London Eye.A.b B.c C.d D.e( ) 5.You will NOT go past _ on your way back.A.the station B.the square C.the park D.the churchACC巩固练习Listen attentively四、阅读填空Tahiti is the larges

29、t island of the French Polynesia in South Pacific.It covers 1,045 km and has a population of 183,600. 1._ Its always warm and humid.Tahitian people are very friendly and welcoming.They welcome visitors with music,dance and flowers.2._ In Tahiti,there are always a lot of things to do and to see.In th

30、e waters,you can meet all kinds of colorful fish and many other living things that you cant name.BA巩固练习Listen attentively3._ You can stand in the water behind a safe rope to watch a shark trainer handfeed the sharks,or enjoy this fantastic scene from the boat.If you want to find a place to swim,have

31、 a sun bath or admire the beautiful sunset,a black sand beach is a great choice.In the evening,you can have delicious food at a square with many small restaurants.4._ Some hotels in Tahiti are built above the waters.5._ They are really wonderful places to relax and refresh you.Tahiti, an amazing pla

32、ce to do everything or nothing at all,is waiting for you.CED巩固练习Listen attentivelyA.Its popular for women and men to wear flowers behind their left ears.B.The weather there is neither too hot nor too cold.C.Feeding sharks is an exciting popular activity.D.Beautiful fish swimming below can be seen th

33、rough the glass floor or coffee table.E.All kinds of fruit juice can be found here.1.I forgot to take my c_ when traveling.It is a pity that I cant take photos.2.We planted a lot of flowers in our g_.3.People in the north like eating d_ in the Spring Festival.4.In 1969,two Americans got to the moon

34、by s_.5.I want to go s_ in France.That is really an amazing country.巩固练习Listen attentively五、单词拼写ameraardenumplingspaceshipightseeing 6.When I called Jack,he was j_ out.7.You can use a candle to l_ up the dark room.8.Which kind of picture do you prefer,the t_ one or the modern one?9.The choice is you

35、rs,Sam,l_ or stay?10.I will feel n_ if I speak in front of so many people.巩固练习Listen attentivelyust ightraditionaleaveervous1.这些名胜古迹吸引了很多游客。These _ _ _ attract many visitors.2.在去云南的旅途中,我们每个人都得到了一本旅游指南。On the trip to Yunnan,everyone of us got a _ _.3.为了赶上火车,我快速奔跑。I run fast_ _I can catch the train.巩固

36、练习Listen attentively六、完成句子places of interest so thattravel guide4.我们将要花4天时间到达那里。It will _us four days _ _there.5.我打算和妈妈明天一起去购物。I _ _ shopping with Mum tomorrow.6.如果你明天回来,我会去拜访你。If you come back tomorrow,I _ _you.巩固练习Listen attentivelytakewill goto getwill visit 7.据说两个小时后会下雨。It is said that it_ _ _ _two hours later.8.外面天已经黑了,我们要走了。It is dark outside.We _ _ _ _.9.如果明天不下雨,我就和你去公园。If it _ _ tomorrow,I _ _ to the park with you.10.我拍的照片和你一样多。I take _ _ _ _ you.巩固练习Listen attentivelyis going to rainare going to leavedoesnt rainwill goas many photos as 谢谢观看!



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