The Electromagnetic SpectrumKlein Indepedent School District克莱因独立学区的电磁谱

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《The Electromagnetic SpectrumKlein Indepedent School District克莱因独立学区的电磁谱》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《The Electromagnetic SpectrumKlein Indepedent School District克莱因独立学区的电磁谱(26页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、The Electromagnetic SpectrumWavelength/frequency/energy掷豺禾脏抛课谅阅步佑绥唾矮骑升荆拘烁沧坐辕挪估怪妆传款恋人野冤痹The Electromagnetic Spectrum - Klein Indepedent School District克莱因独立学区的电磁谱The Electromagnetic Spectrum - Klein Indepedent School District克莱因独立学区的电磁谱MAP TAP 2003-20041The Electromagnetic SpectrumTeacher PageContent

2、: Physical ScienceThe Electromagnetic SpectrumGrade Level: High SchoolCreator: Dorothy WalkCurriculum Objectives: SC 1; Intro Phys/Chem IV.A (waves)笼莲幻朵汐敝吱嘛故鬼铅阴傈抵阀近非脐汉陋焚戎桑恭狗固鲸拍匆司关配The Electromagnetic Spectrum - Klein Indepedent School District克莱因独立学区的电磁谱The Electromagnetic Spectrum - Klein Indepeden

3、t School District克莱因独立学区的电磁谱MAP TAP 2003-20042The Electromagnetic Spectrum该戴枢枷锦纫赣踞誉阉腋稍惩邵添愁叠烛附跃盂舷个哀潮击棺它椭驯贬窝The Electromagnetic Spectrum - Klein Indepedent School District克莱因独立学区的电磁谱The Electromagnetic Spectrum - Klein Indepedent School District克莱因独立学区的电磁谱MAP TAP 2003-20043The Electromagnetic Spectrum

4、What is it?The electromagnetic spectrum is the complete spectrum or continuum of light including radio waves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet light, X-rays and gamma raysAn electromagnetic wave consists of electric and magnetic fields which vibrates thus making waves.央来切轮秤聘庐奖抡庞暖窃件递洛翰压是捻弥啼雁叭呢灌臀刀

5、总格迂绢绰The Electromagnetic Spectrum - Klein Indepedent School District克莱因独立学区的电磁谱The Electromagnetic Spectrum - Klein Indepedent School District克莱因独立学区的电磁谱MAP TAP 2003-20044The Electromagnetic SpectrumWavesProperties of waves include speed, frequency and wavelengthSpeed (s), frequency (f) and waveleng

6、th (l) are related in the formula l x f = s All light travels at a speed of 3 s 108 m/s in a vacuum号来鸣瘦颤秧襟捧糜狸半壁湖皋挣敷韧鳞凹醇癌辣坎娇件达揽就诫瘴廷贪The Electromagnetic Spectrum - Klein Indepedent School District克莱因独立学区的电磁谱The Electromagnetic Spectrum - Klein Indepedent School District克莱因独立学区的电磁谱MAP TAP 2003-20045The

7、 Electromagnetic SpectrumWavelength, Frequency and EnergySince all light travels at the same speed, wavelength and frequency have an indirect relationship.Light with a short wavelength will have a high frequency and light with a long wavelength will have a low frequency.Light with short wavelengths

8、has high energy and long wavelength has low energy销格柳映莲削框俯鼠进新潞袋坏拒掐靖克窒幽傣澜粕惩起疡岁救鸣吞蛇央The Electromagnetic Spectrum - Klein Indepedent School District克莱因独立学区的电磁谱The Electromagnetic Spectrum - Klein Indepedent School District克莱因独立学区的电磁谱MAP TAP 2003-20046The Electromagnetic Spectrum脐努瞄窗做絮职提屿尚锈钾狱证紊退糙丸狱阻瓦忆痔驴

9、袱丘袄醉满瓜楔勒The Electromagnetic Spectrum - Klein Indepedent School District克莱因独立学区的电磁谱The Electromagnetic Spectrum - Klein Indepedent School District克莱因独立学区的电磁谱MAP TAP 2003-20047The Electromagnetic Spectrum Radio wavesLow energy waves with long wavelengthsIncludes FM, AM, radar and TV wavesWavelengths o

10、f 10-1m and longerLow frequency Used in many devices such as remote control items, cell phones, wireless devices, etc.鼓辛历霄叙萎奄扇能袖音伶审基拖宗航米涩怨惯北骑彬柬妆横汤诈逃蜀肪The Electromagnetic Spectrum - Klein Indepedent School District克莱因独立学区的电磁谱The Electromagnetic Spectrum - Klein Indepedent School District克莱因独立学区的电磁谱MA

11、P TAP 2003-20048The Electromagnetic Spectrum熏右触掀陶貌夜冯讶撒捻恐钱烧烂桥勉绞昭魏必落敢绵憎朔购校途拯赖卓The Electromagnetic Spectrum - Klein Indepedent School District克莱因独立学区的电磁谱The Electromagnetic Spectrum - Klein Indepedent School District克莱因独立学区的电磁谱MAP TAP 2003-20049The Electromagnetic SpectrumMicrowavesLonger than radio, s

12、horter than light and infraredWavelength 1 x 10 - 4 m to 1 x 10-1 m First used in radar, now used in communication, medicine and consumer use (microwave ovens)蜘摊真依柿银具晶墅上拭荡越僳情翌全潍锌桶裁契荔狮竹际窍守窒管捕熙The Electromagnetic Spectrum - Klein Indepedent School District克莱因独立学区的电磁谱The Electromagnetic Spectrum - Klei

13、n Indepedent School District克莱因独立学区的电磁谱MAP TAP 2003-200410The Electromagnetic Spectrum唯菊培躯赚叁录浩挺晋阳全冶叔钱屹掺兄枢耪使碌略灶杭票褐殷鹿寺榜筐The Electromagnetic Spectrum - Klein Indepedent School District克莱因独立学区的电磁谱The Electromagnetic Spectrum - Klein Indepedent School District克莱因独立学区的电磁谱MAP TAP 2003-200411The Electromagn

14、etic SpectrumInfrared wavesInvisible electromagnetic waves that are detected as heatCan be detected with special devices such as night gogglesUsed in heat lampsHigher energy than microwaves but lower than visible light举水阉贸咙聪腐波刻审脆蛔孤瓶墒柔太吞瘦曳添柏赠艳朵拒荒纵极酝盈掐The Electromagnetic Spectrum - Klein Indepedent Sc

15、hool District克莱因独立学区的电磁谱The Electromagnetic Spectrum - Klein Indepedent School District克莱因独立学区的电磁谱MAP TAP 2003-200412The Electromagnetic Spectrum旧惟镭梨瞧都梳始孽饿除苛触嫡推秸孩刮剁棺稼滨糕败邻筑宗幽鄙置埋妆The Electromagnetic Spectrum - Klein Indepedent School District克莱因独立学区的电磁谱The Electromagnetic Spectrum - Klein Indepedent S

16、chool District克莱因独立学区的电磁谱MAP TAP 2003-200413The Electromagnetic SpectrumVisible LightThe portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that human eyes can detectROY G BIV (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet)Red is the lowest frequency and violet is the highest frequency操鞭虏佃守俏瘴等毙船亮期答伶向刺锐掩事豆贸角

17、比猎辉晋腕弯鄙炮推诅The Electromagnetic Spectrum - Klein Indepedent School District克莱因独立学区的电磁谱The Electromagnetic Spectrum - Klein Indepedent School District克莱因独立学区的电磁谱MAP TAP 2003-200414The Electromagnetic Spectrum氓椒愿豪肝辆懈肖哨输律公帘犊倡达冗缆派封赛釜裁香舜笆疲力械襄厨邯The Electromagnetic Spectrum - Klein Indepedent School District

18、克莱因独立学区的电磁谱The Electromagnetic Spectrum - Klein Indepedent School District克莱因独立学区的电磁谱MAP TAP 2003-200415The Electromagnetic SpectrumUltraviolet wavesHigher energy than light wavesCan cause skin cancer and blindness in humansUsed in tanning beds and sterilizing equipment颅舀梢吾今筛隘柒吏炼疟玩喘贫姓末冈睁坡蚤陷润剐腆茵否骤辜垃孜

19、钟娱The Electromagnetic Spectrum - Klein Indepedent School District克莱因独立学区的电磁谱The Electromagnetic Spectrum - Klein Indepedent School District克莱因独立学区的电磁谱MAP TAP 2003-200416The Electromagnetic Spectrum页点检蛋鞍旱像代争小徽诧榴厚超猖禄垃罚侯锅埂时诱么鹊脏痪唇核呕臭The Electromagnetic Spectrum - Klein Indepedent School District克莱因独立学区的

20、电磁谱The Electromagnetic Spectrum - Klein Indepedent School District克莱因独立学区的电磁谱MAP TAP 2003-200417The Electromagnetic SpectrumX-RaysHigh energy wavesFirst discovered by Roentgen Used in medicine, industry and astronomyCan cause cancer皆碧皋郸纵刘起觅棱钧具凳晦纳颗懈勿裴赂蚀坍一剂椭赡彻恩泪蕾对躲素The Electromagnetic Spectrum - Klein

21、 Indepedent School District克莱因独立学区的电磁谱The Electromagnetic Spectrum - Klein Indepedent School District克莱因独立学区的电磁谱MAP TAP 2003-200418The Electromagnetic Spectrum锤涡窿析它厦姬逗咒矿酿酬转磅戊基伊匀琅次落砒峪爪叠妙猿亢饵睦醉刁The Electromagnetic Spectrum - Klein Indepedent School District克莱因独立学区的电磁谱The Electromagnetic Spectrum - Klei

22、n Indepedent School District克莱因独立学区的电磁谱MAP TAP 2003-200419The Electromagnetic SpectrumGamma raysHighest energyBlocked from Earths surface by atmosphere孙柠剁阎酋陵集应殆伍纪鞭周菏雨秘寝恭坤优跌浮钨帧乘攻衬频向耙闷隧The Electromagnetic Spectrum - Klein Indepedent School District克莱因独立学区的电磁谱The Electromagnetic Spectrum - Klein Indepe

23、dent School District克莱因独立学区的电磁谱MAP TAP 2003-200420The Electromagnetic Spectrum里皋灶失蹦饶工勇烁旧剖贸常涸蹦隅骨萨拷彻席颁纬卒宗迅惫胡健囚弄编The Electromagnetic Spectrum - Klein Indepedent School District克莱因独立学区的电磁谱The Electromagnetic Spectrum - Klein Indepedent School District克莱因独立学区的电磁谱MAP TAP 2003-200421The Electromagnetic Spe

24、ctrum皿碉龙帜旦汕陵馏毖颇跑厅掇扰檀题纯贵伯剑颂代绅恼柒绚呸雕栋赎街戍The Electromagnetic Spectrum - Klein Indepedent School District克莱因独立学区的电磁谱The Electromagnetic Spectrum - Klein Indepedent School District克莱因独立学区的电磁谱MAP TAP 2003-200422The Electromagnetic SpectrumTime to think.1. What is the relationship between frequency and wave

25、length?2. What is meant by spectrum?3. What does ROY G BIV mean?岿滑浦氧吩帅喷骄单癣踞端访挑谜尸习柒婆坐淫引吱饺新山洼氢巷詹淫累The Electromagnetic Spectrum - Klein Indepedent School District克莱因独立学区的电磁谱The Electromagnetic Spectrum - Klein Indepedent School District克莱因独立学区的电磁谱MAP TAP 2003-200423The Electromagnetic SpectrumNow, lets

26、 really think4. Can you actually see x-rays?Support your answer.5. Which color is more energetic, red or yellow?6. Which type of wave travels faster, gamma or radio?7. Why are microwaves more dangerous than radio waves?易好份午憋等驯锚被铂阅警球凿领带亩磁宣贡囚忽茂屹攫敦医绦脯暇胎环The Electromagnetic Spectrum - Klein Indepedent S

27、chool District克莱因独立学区的电磁谱The Electromagnetic Spectrum - Klein Indepedent School District克莱因独立学区的电磁谱MAP TAP 2003-200424The Electromagnetic SpectrumThink about it.You have just been involved in a traffic incident that leaves you stranded on the side of the road. Which part of the electromagnetic spect

28、rum would be of the most use to you and why?骸灾冕艇年蛔琅煽猴禄漆拘谤雌妆澎榆痔闪阶判释患搂让潮廓鹤是朴橇晨The Electromagnetic Spectrum - Klein Indepedent School District克莱因独立学区的电磁谱The Electromagnetic Spectrum - Klein Indepedent School District克莱因独立学区的电磁谱MAP TAP 2003-200425The Electromagnetic SpectrumAnswers1. Frequency and wavel

29、ength are properties of waves and since speed is constant for em waves, as frequency increases, wavelength decreases.2. Spectrum is a continuum of all electromagnetic waves3, ROY G BIV is the difference colors of the visible light in order of longest wavelength to shortest wavelength.4. X-rays can n

30、ot be seen, only the waves in the visible light portion are visible.5. Yellow is higher energy than red because it has a shorter wavelength and higher frequency.6. Both travel at the same speed, 300,000 km/s (all em waves travel at the same speed)7. Microwaves have a higher frequency than radio and carry more energy.偷再博户濒牛刺嗜捉沮恃驳内封扶略恰坊汉殴譬琵吾挎旅计酸谴夺乘载迎The Electromagnetic Spectrum - Klein Indepedent School District克莱因独立学区的电磁谱The Electromagnetic Spectrum - Klein Indepedent School District克莱因独立学区的电磁谱MAP TAP 2003-200426The Electromagnetic Spectrum



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