广东省中考英语专项复习 第五部分 考前提分冲刺训练 考前难题提分冲刺训练(十八)课件

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广东省中考英语专项复习 第五部分 考前提分冲刺训练 考前难题提分冲刺训练(十八)课件_第1页
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广东省中考英语专项复习 第五部分 考前提分冲刺训练 考前难题提分冲刺训练(十八)课件_第3页
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《广东省中考英语专项复习 第五部分 考前提分冲刺训练 考前难题提分冲刺训练(十八)课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《广东省中考英语专项复习 第五部分 考前提分冲刺训练 考前难题提分冲刺训练(十八)课件(22页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、考前难题提分冲刺考前难题提分冲刺训练训练( (十八十八)第五部分第五部分考前提分冲刺考前提分冲刺训练考前难题提分考前难题提分冲刺训练冲刺训练( (十八十八)一、完形填空一、完形填空One day Joseph sat in front of a fire and looked at the smoke.Thensomethingcametohismindexcitedly.“Hot air is 1 thancoldair.”Hethought.“Ifabagisfilledwithhotair,the bag will rise.A very large bag of 2 mayevenli

2、ftapersonperhaps.”考前难题提分考前难题提分冲刺训练冲刺训练( (十八十八) Quickly he found a paper bag and put hot air into it.The bag 3 in the sky.Josephranfasttofindhisbrotherandtoldhimabouthisfinding.“Ivefoundit,”he shouted 4 .“Foundwhat?”askedhisbrotherinsurprise.“A way to 5 ,”Josephsaid,“Ithinkwearegoingtofly.”考前难题提分考前难题

3、提分冲刺训练冲刺训练( (十八十八) Soon the two brothers started to work. 6 they made a bag of thin cloth and paper.Then they made a small fire 7 the bag.They filled the bag with heated air.The bag 8 .But it didnt go very high.So they made a bigger bag.It could go high up into the sky.It was 9 a hot air balloon(气球气

4、球).In 1783 their balloon finally carried two men into the air考前难题提分考前难题提分冲刺训练冲刺训练( (十八十八)successfully.The 10 traveled about five miles over Paris.It stayed in the air for 25 minutes.Thatstheinventionoftheflyingballoon.考前难题提分考前难题提分冲刺训练冲刺训练( (十八十八)( )1.A.colder B.cooler C.lighter D.heavier( )2.A.smoke

5、 C.air D.rice( )3.A.rose up B.jumped up C.ran down D.rushedto( )4.A.happily B.angrily C.sadly D.worriedly( )5.A.go B.rise )6.A.First B.Second C.Third D.Fourth( )7.A.of B.under C.into D.over( )8.A.went down B.went on C.went over D.wentup( )9.A.reported B.called C.telephoned D.inve

6、nted( )10.A.air B.plane C.balloon D.bagC CC CA AA AD DA AB BD DB BC C考前难题提分考前难题提分冲刺训练冲刺训练( (十八十八)二、短文填空二、短文填空Roseisacarelesswomansosheoftenhastroubleinherdailylife.One day she had nothing to eat at home.So she went to the 1 to buy some.Onherwaytothesupermarket,there was a traffic light which told pe

7、ople when to go and when to 2 .But someone often paid no 3 to考前难题提分考前难题提分冲刺训练冲刺训练( (十八十八)it.WhenRosewentpastit,the light turned 4 .She must stop and wait until it was green.But Rose was thinking something else and didnt realize this.She ran past the traffic light 5 looking at it and looking around.A

8、 car ran by fast.It hit her and knocked her down.But the 6 of the car didnt stop to save her.He ran考前难题提分考前难题提分冲刺训练冲刺训练( (十八十八)away as fast as 7 .Soon the car was out of the sight.Roses legs were badly hurt.She couldnt 8 .Atfirst,nobody came to help her.She took out her mobile phone and 9 the traffi

9、c police by herself.Soon the traffic police arrived with an ambulance.TheysentRosetothehospital.考前难题提分考前难题提分冲刺训练冲刺训练( (十八十八) From this story we learned that we must be 10 when we get across the traffic light.We must obey the traffic rules all the time.Atthesametime,ifyouhitsomebodycarelessly,you mus

10、t try your best to save the injure.Youcant run away.考前难题提分考前难题提分冲刺训练冲刺训练( (十八十八)1._ 2._3._ 4._5._ 6._7._ 8._9._ 10._supermarketsupermarketstopattentionredwithoutdriverpossiblemovecalledcareful考前难题提分考前难题提分冲刺训练冲刺训练(十八十八)三、读写综合三、读写综合 A.A.信息归纳信息归纳 Sometimes it can be very difficult to predict the result

11、 of your exams,whether you are in a secondary school or even a university.This is probably because exams are one of考前难题提分考前难题提分冲刺训练冲刺训练(十八十八)the most anxious things in education for students.Whether a student is confident in their abilities or not,exams can be often both predictable( (可预测的可预测的) and

12、unpredictable.If the worst does happen,failing the exams can be one of the most disappointed experiences for students,especially when they were not expecting to fail考前难题提分考前难题提分冲刺训练冲刺训练(十八十八)their exams. One way to deal with exam failure is to talk to people.Talk to your family,talk to your friends,

13、discuss with them what you can do to get good grades.One thing you must remember is that failing your exams is not the end of the world.Exam failure is one of the many difficulties考前难题提分考前难题提分冲刺训练冲刺训练(十八十八)youll have to overcome(克服) in your life,and there are always possibilities to learn from failu

14、re.After all,Im sure most of you have heard of a famous saying,“failure makes you stronger”.Actually,it is really true.It gives you an understanding of what it means to fail,to lose,to receive a negative 考前难题提分考前难题提分冲刺训练冲刺训练(十八十八)result that you may not have expected to get.In addition,from failure,

15、you can learn why you fail.Then,next time,you can avoid this mistake,and can get better grades.考前难题提分考前难题提分冲刺训练冲刺训练(十八十八)Information CardThe students most anxious thing 1.The students most disappointed experience 2.One way to deal with exam failure 3.A famous saying about failure 4.The thing you can

16、 learn from failure 5.examsfailing the exams talking to people failure makes you strongerwhy you fail 考前难题提分考前难题提分冲刺训练冲刺训练(十八十八)B.书面表达 从小到大,我们经历了很多次考试。请就最近你最难忘的一次考试写一篇小短文。内容包括: 1.考试的日期、科目。 2.难忘的原因。 3.考后的感想。考前难题提分考前难题提分冲刺训练冲刺训练(十八十八)作文要求: 1.不能照抄原文,不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和学生的真实姓名。 2.语句连贯,词数80左右。作文的开头已经给出,不计入总

17、词数。考前难题提分考前难题提分冲刺训练冲刺训练(十八十八) From child to now,I have experienced many tests._ Last week,I had a chemistry exam.When I finished my exam,I felt very happy because I could do most of the exercises.I even told my friends that I could get around 90 points.However,I met my chemistry teacher today only to learn that I just got 70 points.Suddenly,I felt so sad考前难题提分考前难题提分冲刺训练冲刺训练(十八十八)_because I never imagined having got such bad grades.Luckily,my chemistry teacher asked me to try my best and he believed I could make it. So,from now on,I will not be proud but be careful. 谢谢观看!



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