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1、WORD 格式- 专业学习资料 - 可编辑学习资料分享专项训练形容词副词1.Dont laugh at her. She is any of the others in your class. A. as clever a student as B. as a clever student as C. so clever a student as D. so a clever student like 2.Mum, this T-shirt is much too small for me. Would you buy me a one? A. nice B. large C. nicer D

2、. larger 3.She always does her homework than her brother. A. more careful B. careful C. more carefully D. carefully 4. the governments efforts, our life is becoming better and better. A. Instead of B. In memory of C. According to D. Thanks to 5. Whos the man black? Oh, hes a famous pop singer. A. in

3、 B. on C. with 6.You can improve your English reading more. A. in B. with C. by D. of 7.I study for a test working with a group. A. in B. by C. at D. to 8.The 29th Olympic Games is coming soon. It will start August 8, in Beijing. A. at B. in C. on D. for 9.This kind of machine is made America, but i

4、t can also be made Chinese. A. in; by B. by; in C. in; of D. by; for 10.My uncle is a football fan, he often all night to watch the games on TV. A. wakes up B. gets up C. stays up D. makes up 11. How are you going to the Summer Palace? Were going there bike. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - -

5、 - -第 1 页,共 4 页WORD 格式- 专业学习资料 - 可编辑学习资料分享A. for B. at C. of D. by 12.Its important the piano well. A. of him to play B. for him to play C. of him playing D. for him playing 13. the bad weather, the swimming match had been put off. A. Because B. Thanks to C. With the help of 14.We live now because w

6、e have changed the way we live. A. long B. longer C. the longest D. short 15. How will your father come back? In a week. A. long B. far C. often D. soon 16.We are going to have a party next week. A. sometime B. some time C. sometimes D. some times 17. What color is your mothers scarf? It is . A. kin

7、d B. black C. nice 18.The trees in the forest can keep rain drops from hitting the soil directly, so the soil is not washed away. A. easy B. easily C. hard D. hardly 19. Can you communicate in English? Sorry, I cant. I know English. A. well, a little B. good, little C. good, a little D. well, little

8、 20. Can you catch what the teacher said in the English class? Sorry, I can understand it. A. hardly B. almost C. nearly D. never 21. I am not sure which tie to wear for the party. God! I have no idea, . A. too B. neither C. either D. also 22.The meat has been kept in the bag for several days withou

9、t being frozen. It smells now. A. worse B. worst C. bad D. badly 23.Of the attendants, Id like to accept Tom because of his bad working records. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 4 页WORD 格式- 专业学习资料 - 可编辑学习资料分享A. first B. best C. last D. only 24.An extra 10% was added to the restau

10、rant bill for . A. shock B. shoot C. shape D. service 25. Whats wrong with your daughters ? She cant see things clearly. A. eyes B. ears C. nose 26. After Feng Xiaogang had made his last film, he invited some experts to on his film again. A. combine B. comment C. commitment D. contribute 27. How did

11、 you get to New York? By . A. station B. stone: C. strawberry D. subway 28.Over the years, hundreds of students have returned to their homeland. A. abroad B. outdoor C. overseas D. indoor 29. Can you get a piano for me, dear? But there isnt enough for it in our house. A. place B. floor C. room D. gr

12、ound 30.Look! The are watering flowers. A. man B. woman C. boy D. children 31.Im a little hungry. Could you please give some ? A. costumes B. water C. cotton D. cookies 32. will make a trip around the world during the coming Christmas. A. The Smiths B. The Smiths C. The Smithes D. The Smithes 专练(五)1

13、. 同级比较用 as.+as.+%2C+ 排除 C、D;as修饰形容词,放在前面。选A2. 考査形容词的比较级。根据关键信息Mum ,this+T-shirt+is+much+too+small+for+me+(妈妈,这件 T 恤衫对于我来说太小了)可知后句意为:“你能给我买件更大的吗?”+larger与 small 对应,选 D。3. does 在这里是动词,修饰动词要用副词,可排除A、B;后面有比较连词than ,要用比较级,可排除 D。句意:她做作业总是比她的兄弟仔细些。4. 【D】考查介词短语的用法。句意:多亏了政府的努力,我们的生活正变得越来越好。其中C选项的含义是“根据”。5. 【

14、A】考查介词搭配。表示穿什么颜色的衣服,用介词in 。6. C】考查介词搭配。句意为“你可以通过阅读更多的书来提高英语”,故选by“通过(某种方式)”。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 4 页WORD 格式- 专业学习资料 - 可编辑学习资料分享7. 【B】表示以某种方式做某事,用by。8. 【C】。四个选项中只有on可以用在日前。9. 【A】be made in 为“在某地制造”,后跟地点;be made by 为“由制造”,后跟人。10. 【C】考查 up 的短语。句意为“我叔叔是个足球迷,他经常(熬夜)在电视上看球赛

15、”。故答案为 stay up “熬夜”。 wake up 为“叫醒”; get up 为“起床”; make up 为“组成”。11. 【D】考查介词搭配。表示以什么交通方式,用by。12. 【B】句式的真正主语是“不定式的复合结构”,即to do sth. ,前面的 it是形式主语。13. 【B】考查介词搭配。句意:由于恶劣的天气,游泳比赛被推迟了。因为后面为名词词组,所以用短语 thanks to. (由于)表原因;而 because 为连词,其后只能接从句表原因; with the help of (在帮助下),只用于表示方式,不表原因。所以正确答案为B。14. 【B】根据句意:我们现在

16、活得长一些了,因为我们改变了生活方式。这里暗含一个比较对象“以前”。故选B。15. 【D】how long “多长,多久”; how far “多远”; how often “多久一次”; how soon“多久以后”。根据答语in a week. 可知是对表示将来的时间进行提问。故选D。16.【A】sometime 用于将来时,表示“将来某个时候,有一天”。(同过去时连用,表示“曾经,从前是”)17. 【B】因为问的是颜色,在答语里只有B(黑色)符合语意。18. 【B】首先判定所填单词修饰washed ,为副词,又由句意可知应为easily 。19. 【D】本题考查形容词和副词的辨析。com

17、municate 是动词,修饰动词时要用副词,可排除B、C。little表示否定意义。故选D。20. 【A】答语是否定的,四个选项中只有hardly 表示“几乎不”,和can 连用。故选 A。21. 【C】“也”有多个表达: too 和 also 用于肯定句; neither “也不”,含否定意思: either用于否定句中,意思是“也”。根据语意可知C正确。22. 【C】题意:肉放在袋子里好几天了,也没有冷冻。现在闻起来坏了。smell是感官动词,作系动词用,其后接形容词作表语,此处没有对比,故不需要比较级。23. 【C】本题考查对句意的理解及副词的运用。本句意为:“在候选人中,由于他的不良

18、工作记录,我最不认可Tom了”。 last在这里表示“最后一个”。24. 【D】考查词义理解。 the restaurant bill for service为“饭店服务费”。25. 【A】考查词义理解。由“看不清东西”可知答案为“眼睛”有毛病。.26. 考查词义理解。 combine 为“结合”;comment为“评论”;commitment 为“奉献”;contribute为“贡献”。句意:冯小刚拍完上一部电影之后,他邀请了一些专家对他的电影再次进行了评论。由此可知答案为B。27. 【D】考查词义理解。由问句“你怎么去的纽约”可推断答案为D 。28. 【C】考查词义理解。 overseas

19、 students 为“海外学子”,注意不能用abroad, abroad 为副词。29. 【C】考查名词的辨析。四个选项分别意为“地方,地点”“地板”“房间,空间”“地面”。根据问句意思可知下句意为“但我们家没有足够的空间放钢琴”。30. 【D】由句中的 are 可知应在空白处填复数形式。31. 【D】 考查词义理解。 costume 为“戏服”; water为“水”; cotton为“棉花”; cookie为“小甜饼”。由题干中的“我有点饿了”可知答案为D。32. 【A】本题考查姓氏表示“一家人”的用法。表示“一家人”用“the + 姓氏名的复数形式”; Smith 的复数形式直接在其后加 -s, 故答案为 A。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 4 页



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