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1、辽宁省沈阳市中考英语试题试题满分1 ? 50分考试时间1 ? 20 分钟?运用(共 20 题 ?,每 题1 分?;满 分 20 分?)A)?ABCD?。1 Who has _ marks ? in Engli?s h,Wang Lin,Zhang ? Fang or Li Hong? Li Hong Agood Bbette ?rCbest D the best 2Jenny ? goes to schoo ? l on footIt takes ? her about ? half _ hour to get there ? Aan Ba Cthe D(不 ) 3 Dad, Ive pass

2、e ? d the exam _ ! ANever ? mind BGood luck CWell done D All right?4I forge ? t to bring ? a penWould ? you lend me _? Aone Bthat Cit Dthis 5 Have you _ joine? d in a drago ? n boat race? Yes,I haveAnever ?Bstill?Cseldo ? mDever 6 My broth ? er is two metre ?s in heigh ? t Its very diffi? cult to fi

3、nd cloth? es big enoug ? h _ himAabout ?Bat Cwith D for 7 Tomor ?row there ?s a progr ? a mme about ? our schoo ? lon TV , then it _ by milli ? ons of peopl?e Awill see Bsaw Cwill be seen D was seen 8 _ it snowe ? d heavi ?ly yeste ? rday, nobod ? y in our class ? misse ? d the lesso? nAThoug ? hBBe

4、cau ? se CUnles ? s D Since ?9Trees ? _ fight? air pollu ? tion They are natur ? a l air condi?tione ? rsAshoul ?dB must Cneed Dcan 10Im not sure about? the meani ?n g of the word. Youd bette ? r look it up in a _ Alette ? rBdicti?onary ? Cpostc ? a rd Dnotic ? e11 Where ? _ you _ lunch ? ?At home T

5、here ? was no schoo ? l lunch ?Adid;have Bare;havin ? g Cwill ;have D do;have 12 Excus ? e me, _ is the post offic ? e ? s away. Ahow often ?Bhow long Chow far Dhow soon 13_ early ? ,and you wont be late for schoo ? lATurn down B Turn up CGet up DGet down 1 4 Do you like playi ? n g tenni ?s ?No, _

6、I like sport?s I play footb ? a ll every ? Sunda ?yAand B. but Cso D. or 1 5 Whose ? compu ? t er doesn ? t work? _ ,I think ?AJohn has BJohn does CJohn DJohns 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 11 页B)?方框 AG?(16-20)?。A:How are you? B:16 A:Its a great ? party ? ,17 B:Yes,it isDo you

7、 like the music? ?A:18 I play this kind of music? with my band( 乐队 )B:Youre in a band? A:Yeah,19 B:Reall ?y? Well,I work on the Inter?net all my free timeA:20 B:Youre right?,its coolAWhat do you mean? Bisnt it? CThat sound ? s goodDOh,noWhat a pity! Ewe play in our free time FI Iove it GFine,thank ?

8、 s二 完形 (共 15 题? ,每 题1分 ?;满分 15 分? )ly? Now heres a true story ? of an Ameri?c an girl,Sarah ? 21 Sarah ? left unive ? r sity ? ,she began? to live in New York City on her ownShe 22 a job in a publi?s hing ? house ? , but the salar ?y(薪水 )was 23 $30,000 a yearHer paren ? ts thoug ?ht her life would ?

9、 be hard,but Sarah ?24 Iive on her salar ? y and stilI? saved ? $5,000 in a yearHow was that 25 in one of the most?Cheap ? livin ? g26 start ?s with keepi ?n g the big cost small ?For most peopl ?e ,that 27 housi?n gSo Sarah ? chose ? to share ? a flat with three ? other ? frien ? ds Her next bigge

10、? st cost was 28 When she ate out,she went to cheap ? resta ? urant ?s 29 she bough ? t a $999 whole ? chick?e n at a local? resta ? urant ?S he then 30 the chick ? en bones ?(骨头)home and made soup out of themNowad ? ays young ? peopl ? e often ?31 a lot of money ? on enter ?tainm ? e nt(娱乐 )But Sar

11、ah? said, “I enjoy ? walki ?n g 32 in New York City I love going? to museu ? ms and parks ? ”Did Sarah ? feel poor 33 cheap? livin ? g? Not reall ?y She even manag? e d to take two trips ?,one to the Nethe ? rland ? s, 34 to Portl? and“ Dont think ? of savin ? gmoney ? as somet ?h ing 35 Its a kind

12、of game, ”said Sarah ? 21 AUntil ? BBecau ? se CAfter?DUnles ? s22 Afound? Btried ? Casked ? for DIooke? d for 23 Amore than Bless than C short? er than Dhighe? r than 24 Acan Bmay Ccould?Dmight?25 Adiffi ? cult Bpossi? ble Cusefu ? l Ddiffe ? rent 26 Aalrea? dy Bsomet ? i mes Chardl? y Dalway ? s27

13、 Ahelps? Bbecom ? es Cmakes ?Dmeans ?28 Afood Brest Cstudy? i ng Dplayi ? ng29 ASoon BFinal? l y COnce DAgain ?30 Aprepa ? red Btook Ccaugh ? t Dpicke? d31 Apay Blend Cspend ? Dsave 32 Aalong? Bup Cdown Daroun ? d33 Aby Bup Cat Dbetwe ? en34 Aanoth? er Bthe other ?Cother? s Dthe other ? s35 Ahard Bi

14、nter ? estin? g Cnice Dgreat?精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 11 页三 阅读理解(共 18 题? ,A 每 题?1 5 分, B 每 题?1分;满分 25 分?)A) 阅读 ?答案阅读 ? , ?内容ABCD?。A James ? is a good stude ? n t and he has lots of frien? ds ,but he also has a probl ?e mSome older ?boys are bully? ing(欺负 )him at schoo ? l

15、James ? is very unhap ? py and he doesn ?t know what to do about ? itHere are some sugge ? s tion ? s to him and other ? teena ? gers in this situa ? tionDont feel worri ? e dIts not your fault ?(过错)! Being? bulli ?e d can make you feel very lonel ?yand angry ? , but you are not alone ? Dont feel th

16、at you have to hide the probl?e mYou shoul ?d find a perso ? n you can trust ?,and tell themIt might? be your teach ? e r, your paren ? ts,or even your frien?ds paren ? tsAfter? you tell someo ? ne,you will get some suppo ? rt and feel some relie ? f(解脱 )Speak ? ing to an adult ? might? make you ner

17、vo ? us,but here are other ? thing ? s you can doSome peopl ?e expre ? s s their ? feeli?n gs more easil ?y on paper ?Write ? a lette ? r to someo ? ne or keep a diary?Inclu ? de all the detai ?ls(细 )about ? what the bulli?e s do, as well as when and where ? the bully ? ing happe ? nsYou can use it

18、as proof ? to show what is going ? onAnd it is a wonde? rful idea to to a te adult ?Then the bulli?e s will feel very afrai ?d if their ? names ? appea ?rin a lette ? r!Also,dont show you are sad and dont try and fight? witht ?st wales will soon stop. g to tell us? ed. l. .D. How to ggers. ed? .it.

19、se y.and _. from them ys ab, _. es fngs es will soon stop e mean in the text? e of B. take care of C. make full use of D. get more help from 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 11 页B Food e like good food,and more than half of them ars, but !ss. Only 17% of peoeng and 8% play golf i

20、t ). a and TV een 15 and 24 go to the cine. At home, ers .ays on ays arent in the e. in isnt very good! sh ?rger.er. (百分比 ) about ? Sport ? s in Brita ?in? s are _. eday? .and a half D. Twand a half ay is _. alia 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 11 页C mber,1961, Mr and Mrs Hill w

21、ere drivi?n g along ?Motor?way 3 (3?路)ship. .ed ? ing. ship,thcar .from were three ? alien ? s (外星人 ) betwe ?e n them and their ? car. Tthem . They were very come out! car and the ship flew away. ield? mber. mber. mber. mber. 47. What m?way but long time. time but long way. way 3. ned to the His a.

22、they got out of the car ship ions sA.b;a;d;c B.a;b;c;d C.d;a:b:c D.c:d:b:a wing pin why ?精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 11 页B)阅读 ? , 头 ? , ? 。 ? 间 ?关系,用字母 ABCD? , ?。Samue ? l Cleme ? ns was born in 1835,Misso ? uriWhen he was four,his famil?ymoved ? to the town of Hanni ? b al,

23、a port on the Missi ?s sipp ? i River ?,and Cleme ? ns loved ? to watch ? the big steam ?boats ? going ? up and down the river? He said that all the boys in his schoo ? l had one ambit?ion in life:to work on a steam ? boatng i.old and ns thenrt his s. ng frog -s. of ar man. boat, al jobs. And aper.

24、At this -es,and he . to be one ry 回答问题(共 15 题 ? , 每 题2 分?; 满分 30 分?)阅读 , 内? 容 回答 ?问题。A i? ded? ltal open? tal? tal? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 11 页B s for the tree he grew. tree and ed with the gift,but he it. ed the tree near the road, ed the tree in one of some of ren ed

25、the tree in his wood. But witho? ut sunli?g ht and good soil(土壤 ),the tree soon died, ed the rht. Yes,have one of the fruit?,but also you have destr ? oyed (毁掉 ) a good apple ? tree ! d one day? ?tree at last? tree soon die? tree? C e schonts. web site. nStude ? nts! Here is your chanc ? e to help t

26、he physi ?cally ? disab ? led(残疾人 ). s. The w:What do you have to do? a -r each day.out a led. ngs as you like to show your invtion. tion. Who can join? nts in Hang Kong. e! can youn? n held? l get? es r each day? 68. Who can join tn? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 11 页五 (共 15

27、题 ?, 每 题1 分 ?; 满分 15 分?)ethat all ng hard. The team 69 made up of 35 wooped 70 71 they will take part in the Veter ? a ns Cup compe ? titio ? n (?联赛) in the USA. We are 72 to playcome 73 and play r. ns, 74 rs have no regre ? ts. Most of them often? play footb ?all in their? apron ? s (围裙 ) after ?75

28、 . I suffe ? red back pain and sore knees ? (腰酸腿痛 ) befor? e. I dont feel 76 pain in my body ,and I can runAt home I do all the house?work by mysel?f!”said 77 of the grand ? mothe ? rsB)阅读 , ? 形?式 。is not an 78 (easil ? y ) jobYou have to fight?bad weath ? er,illne ? ss and fear But Jorda ? n Romer

29、? o ,a thirt ? e en-year-old boy from Ameri?c a,will climb ? 79 (Asia) highe ? s t mount ? a in,Mount? Qomol ?a ngma ? He will set out this month ? 80 (He)paren ? ts and helpe ? rs will climb? with him He plans ? to take 81 (secon ? d)month ? s for his climb ? “Im ready ? But if I dont reach ? the t

30、op 82 (succe ? s sful ?),Ill try next time , ”he ains of six other ? conti ? n ents ?(洲)If he 83 (get)to the top this time ,he will becom? e the young ? e st perso ? n to climb ? the world ?s highe ? s t mount ?ain 综合阅读(共 10 题 ? ,每 题2 分 ?;满分 20 分? )A a -?! But wait!Now , there ? is reall ? y such a

31、racin? g car in the world ? A team from a Briti?s h unive ?rsity ? made itThe choco ? late-power ?e d racin ? g cars engin ? e (发动 ) able oil as fuel ( 燃料 )Its body (B) 用土 ? ,its steer ?ing wheel ? is made from carro ? ts,its seat is made of soybe ? a ns ,(C)_ ? _it ?s brake ? pads(刹车片 )are made fro

32、m nuts!Well ,can this car run very fast? (D) inly!It can go from zero to 60 miles ? per hour in 2.5 secon ? ds, and go as fast as 135 miles ? per hour When the racin ? g car is runni?ng, it clean ? s itsel ?f and lets out oxyge?n s to (E) ete the racin ? g car, ”said a team membe ?r “The car is real

33、l? y green ? t or even in a litte ? r bin becau ? se most of the mater ?ials( 材料 ) are waste ? in most peopl ?e s eyes Its fun ”Howev ? er,(F)this eco-frien ?dly (环保 ) car canno ? t be drive ?n in the offic ? ial(正式 )race becau ? se of the engin ? es al fue. 84在 (A)(C) 分?_ ? _ _ ? _ 85 ?部分(B)译 英语:_

34、? _ 86 ?部分(D)(E) 语? 语?:_ ? _ _ ? _ _ 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 11 页87 ?部分(F)改 为: the engin ? es unusu? alfue ?-iaI race 88 ?语:_ ?_ B l or home? Dont worry ? Try e-reade ?r s( 阅读 ? )and say goodb ? ye to your heavy ? schoo ? lbag-eds of books ?So peopl ?e want to(A) 掉 ? and

35、 read with small?, light? e-reade ? rsFor examp ? l e,Cushi ?ng Acade ? my,a high schoo ? l in Massa ? chuse ? tts,USA, repla ? ced(替换 )most of the 20 , 000 books ? in (B) its libra ? ry last summe ?rTeach ? e rs and stude ? nts will use e-reade ? rs inste ? a dMost e-reade ? rs are thin and weigh ?

36、 less than 500g They can downl?oad( 载 )an e-book in 60 secon ? ds “Its (C) so easyYou can have a lot of books? right ? at your finge ? rs!” said Megha ?n Chens ?usky16Chine ? se schoo? lchil ?dren are also tryin ? g e-reade ? rsAt the Shang ? hai World ? Expo(世博会 ),an e-schoo ? lbag is now on show I

37、t is a speci ?a l e-reade ? r Stude ? nts can use it to downl ? oad textb ? o oks from the schoo ? l serve ? rs(服务 )(D)It can also send and recei ?ve homew ?orkSome Schoo ? ls in Beiji?n g and Shang? hai have tried ? this e-schoo ? lbag for a few years ? “It s excel ?lent I (E)dont have to carry ? a

38、 heaw schoo? lbag anymo ? re, ”said Xiao Qi ,15,Beiji?ngNew e-reade ? rs are not just for readi ?n gThey have Wi-Fi and multi ?m edia ? (?多媒体) Paren ? ts worry ? that these ? may hurt their? child ? rens study ? habit ?s “I think ? Wi-Fi is not neces?s ary for kids, ”said Zeng Wenwe ? n,43, Beiji?ng

39、89 ?部分(A)译 英语 :_ ? _ ? _ ? _90 部?分(B)指代 :_ ? _ ? _ ? _91 ?部分(C)(E)? : _ ? _ _ ? _ 92 ?部分(D) 改 为: Homew ? ork can also_ ? _ ? _ _ ? _and ? recei ? ved throu ?gh it93 ?描e-reade ? r 形容 ?:_ ? _ _ ? _ 七 表达(共 ,A5 分, B20 分?; 满分 25 分?)A) 材 ? 英语? 材。 ?ABCDE 完?句 。94If you make the wheel?sA ,they will turn more

40、 easil ?y95The plant ? s will die if you dont give them B 96If I work hard ,Ill C good exam resul ?ts97 If I go to Beiji ?n g, Ill visit?D 98If Sam buys E newsp ? a pers ? a week,he spend?s¥10精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 11 页B) 英语 ?栏目。 If I enter? my favou ? rite high schoo ?

41、 l,Ill_ ? _ ?为题, ? , 为 栏?目投稿。 数80100。 ?如:1确定主题:2围绕主题 ( , , 人 ?)进行叙述;3 体 ?(12 即 ), ?因 。 求:1 标题;2字迹清楚,语言规范;3 ? , 主题? 发 ? 不予 分;4 头? ,不 ?数;5 不 ? 考 ?姓。If I enter? my favou ? rite high schoo? l,Ill_ ? _ ? _ ? _ The entra ? nce exam(升 考试 )will be over ,and Ill be free for nearl?y two month ? s If I enter ?

42、my favou ? rite high schoo ? IIll . 参考答案1D 2A 3C 4A 5D 6D 7C 8A 9D 10B 1 1A 12C 13C 14B 15D 16G 17B 18F 1 9E 20C 21C 22A 23B 24C 25B 26D 27D 28A 29C 30B 31C 32D 33A 34B 35A 36A 37B 38C 39D 40A 41B 42C 43D 44D 45A 46B 47A 48A 49D 50B 51A 52D 53C 54$1,000555-star hotel ?56From 10:00 am to 6:00 pm57(At

43、)220 Ring Road ,South ? ampto ? n58No59An apple ? tree60Two/261In his wood62Witho ? ut sunli ?g ht and good soil63The farme ? r64On the web site 65To help the physi ?cally ? disab ? led(1ive bette ? r)66 $1 5, 000 67.Two hundr?e d 20068 All middl ?e schoo? l stude ? nts in Hong Kong 69 is 70 by 71 t

44、hat 72invit?ed73 toget ?her 74 howev ? er 75house ? work 76any77 ? one 78easy 79AsiasAsian ? 80His 81two 82succe ?ssful ?ly 83gets 84many;and85 ? is made offrom potat? o es86 ? Of cours ? e Surel ? y:finis ? h 87impos?s ible ?: drive ? 8 8 a choco ? late-power ?ed racin ? g car89 ? throw ? away heaw

45、 schoo ? lbags ? 90 Cushi ? n g Acade ?mys(the)high schoo ? ls 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 11 页91 very; needn ? t 92 be; sent9 ? 3 small ?, thin, light? , excel ?lent , new, speci ? a l ?。 94 round ? 95 water? 96gethave9 ? 7the Great ? Wall 98five5 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 11 页



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