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1、常见的助动词有:be(无词义), do (无词义), have (无词义), shall 将要, will 将要。一、be 的助动词用法be 作为助动词,用来构成进行时态和被动语态。如:We are working hard in the garden.(构成现在进行时)我们在花园里辛勤劳动。The house was paintedpurple.(构成被动语态)房子被刷成紫色的。二、do 的助动词用法do 作为助动词,用来构成疑问句、否定句、强调句。如:Do you live in Shanghai?(构成疑问句)你住在上海吗?I dont like to havehamburgers.(构

2、成否定句)我不喜欢吃汉堡包。Do come please.(构成强调句)一定要来。三、have 的助动词用法have 作为助动词,用来构成完成时态。如:Have you finished the work?(构成现在完成时)你的工作完成了没有?四、shall 和 will 的助动词用法shall 和 will 作为助动词,用来构成将来时态。如:I will call you this evening.(构成一般将来时)今晚我会打电话给你。What shall we do next week? 下个星期我们做什么?初一英语助动词练习助动词一 单选题 (本题共 25 小题,共计 100 分)1:S

3、he _ to see documentaries (记录片) . A、do want B、 dont want C、doesnt want D、not want 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 11 页2: Look at that picture on the wall. _ you like it? A、Do B、Can C、Could D、Are 3:He _ like pears. A、 do B、is C、doesnt D、not 4:Do you often go to the cinema_ Sunday

4、? No, we_. A、on, dont B、on, arent C、in, do D、in, dont 5:Can you see a light on the table? Yes, _. A、I am B、I m not C、I can D、He isn t 6:Does the boy want to be an actor? _. A、 Yes, he is B、No, he does C、Yes, he does D、No, he isnt 7:_ he have any apples ? A、Do B、Does C、Is D、Are 8:She _ want to be a p

5、olicewoman, because she thinks it s kind of dangerous. A、 isn t B、arent C、dont D、doesnt 9:Why he have brown hair? A、 do B、does C、is D、has 10:What time_ he get home every day? A、is B、does C、do D 、am 11:What_ you see in the picture? A、is B、are C、can D、have 12:Jack_ like flying kites_ throwing a frisby

6、. A、 dont, or B、 doesnt, and C、 dont, and D 、 doesnt, or 13:A:_ Jim _ a ball? B:No, he_. A、Do, have, dont B、Does, has, doesnt C、Is, have, isnt D、Does, have, doesnt 14:I _ have a watch. A、 am not B、does C、dont D、doesnt 15: you a good time on your vacation? A、Did; have B、Did; had C、Were; have D、Were;

7、had 16: Simon likes _ football, but he doesn t _ it well. A、 play, plays B、to play, plays C、plays, playing D、playing, play 17:She have to wash the dishes now. A、dont B、not C、doesnt D、cant 18:_Colin _ Chinese history? Yes, he does. A、Do; like B、Does; likes C、Do; likes D、Does; like 19:Li Lei _ lunch a

8、t home. A、hasnt B、havent C、dont have D、doesnt have 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 11 页20:Who cleaned the blackboard yesterday, Dick? John . A、cleaned B、does C、did D、is 21:_ you usually come to school by bike? A、Dont B、Doesnt C、Arent D、Isnt 22:Where_lions come from? I think they

9、 come from Africa. A、are B、is C、does D、do 23:_ we have any eggs? A、Arent B、Dont C、Cant D、Mustnt 24: you on your vacation yesterday? A、Are B、Were C、Was D 、Did 25:Who dinner last night? My mother . A、cooked; did B、did; cooked C、did; did D、cooked; cooked 答案:1、 C 2、 A 3、 C 4、 A 5、 C 6 、C 7、 B 8、 D 9、 B

10、10 、B 11、 C 12 、 D 13 、 D 14 、 C 15 、 A 16 、D 17 、 C 18 、 D 19 、 D 20 、复习 be 助动词和 do 助动词一用 is , am, are , do , does , 来填空1. He _ from a small town in North China. 2. They _ kind to us . 3. I _ interested in playing football. 4. _ you like swimming ? 5. _ he go to school by bus every day? 6. _ they d

11、o their homework every day? 7. _ Tom good at maths? 8. _ Sam and Tim like climbing trees? 9. _ She busying doing her homework? 10.We _ all middle school students. 二用 like 和 likes 填空1.I _ collecting stamps. 2.He _ flying kites on sunny days. 3.They _ running and jumping. 4.Jack _ riding bicycles on s

12、ummer days. 三把下列句子变成疑问句,并作肯定和否定的回答1. He is the tallest students in our class. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 11 页2. They are running on the playground. 3. She can sing and dance. 4. They must get up early. 5. He may come here by train. 四把下列句子变成疑问句,并作肯定和否定的回答1. They speak Englis

13、h every day. 2. He speaks English every day. 3. The have a large room. 4. He has a large room. 五区分下列哪些是主系表结构,那些是主谓宾结构1. We are Chinese. 2. We study hard. 3. He is a good friend of my father. 4. He likes playing basketball. 5. They do well in drawing pictures. 六用 is, am, are, was , were, do, does , d

14、id 填空1. He _ my Chinese teacher. 2. They _ from Canada. 3. I _ taller than my sister. 4. She _ a nurse five years ago. 5. They _ very short ten years ago. 6. I _ six years old eight years ago. 7. _ they help you with your work? 8. _ he go to the cinema on Sundays? 9. _ they give you some useful book

15、s? 10. _ he visit the school yesterday? 七汉译英1. 英语是我最喜欢的科目。2. 他是我们的音乐老师。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 11 页4. 他们是我的叔叔们。5. 五年前,他是一名邮递员。6. 他每天吃面包。7. 他们每天吃面包。8. 他每天骑自行车去上学。9. 我们每天骑自行车去上学。10. 她昨天去看望了他的祖父母。八 用 dont 和 doesnt 及 didn t 填空1. we _ like playing computer games, he _ like ei

16、ther. 2. She _ like going shopping on Sundays. 3. They _ study hard three years ago. 4. We _ go to school yesterday. 5. Tom and Tim _ like watering flowers. 6. These men _ like smoking. 7. The dog _ like eating bones. 8. I _ have my own house two years ago. 九把下列句子变成否定句和疑问句1. He is a middle school st

17、udent. He isn t a middle school student. Is he a middle school student? 2. She is the shortest in the class. 3. That is a difficult problem. 4. They are swimming in the river. 5. I am doing my homework. 6. She is drawing a picture now. 7. He can sing English songs. 8. They must get up early in the m

18、orning. 9. He will come to see us next month. 10. They are going to have a meeting next Monday. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 11 页十 把下列句子变成否定句和疑问句1. They go to school on foot every day. 2. He goes to school by bus every day. 3. They went to school on foot yesterday. 4. He went

19、 to school by bus yesterday. 5. They play football every Sunday. 6. They played football last Sunday. 7. They will give us a talk next Tuesday. 8. They have given us three talks so far. 9. They had given us three talks before they left. 10. He was doing his homework when his mother came home. 11. Th

20、ey were playing chess when the teacher came in. 十一。用下列动词的适当形式填空1. There _(be) three dogs under the tree. 2. They _(have ) got three dictionaries. 3. He _(read) a book when the telephone rang. 4. You had better _(go) home at once. 2011.11.13 同一动词的各种形式 11.13 十二。写出下列动词的五种形式原形不定时第三人称单数过去式现在分词过去分词jump to

21、 jump jumps jumped jumping jumped climb play dance open close 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 11 页十三。写出下列动词的五种形式原形不定时第三人称单数过去式现在分词过去分词go to go goes went going gone come have do make take hear say read write sing draw sit stand lie run eat drink get Be动词在八种时态中的表现练习:一。用 be 动词的适当形式

22、填空1. It _(be) an interesting story. 2. They _(be) interested in playing football. 3. She _(be) a middle aged woman. 4. He _(be) doing his homework. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 11 页5. I _(be) afraid I cant go with there with you. 6. There _(be) a book on the table. 7. There _

23、(be) two books on the table. 8. There _(be) a meeting tomorrow. 9. There _(be) a meeting yesterday. 10.I _(be) a middle school student. 11.I _(be) a primary school student five years ago. 12.I _(be) a high school student next year. 13.I _(be) a middle school student for two and half years. 14.I _(be

24、) a middle school student two years before. 15.He said he _(be) a college student in five years. 16.Look! They _(be) walking across the street. 二单选1. They _ here for eight years. A. were B. will be C. have been 2. What _ the tree _ in three years? A. will, be B. does ,be C. do , be 3. He _ a teacher

25、 before I came here. A. have been B. had been C. is 4. He _ a teacher since he came here. A. have been B. has been C. had been 5. He said there _ a new school the next year. A. will be B. would be C. was 6. Tom and Sam _ good friends three years ago. A. was B. were C. is 行为动词在八种时态中的表现练习:一。用下列动词的适当形式

26、填空1. He _ (go) to work by bus every day. 2. They _ (go) to work by car every day. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 11 页3. He often _ (help) us with our housework. 4. Tom and Tim usually _ (play) basketball on Sundays. 5. Look! She _ (walk) on the grass. 6. It s nine o clock, The

27、students _ (have ) their lessons. 7. He _ (do) his homework at ten oclock last night. 8. I _(read) a book when the telephone rand. 9. Tim _ (visit) his uncle next month. 10.He _ () his homework before his mother came. 11.The train _ () when we ran to the station. 二单选1. They often _ to school on foot

28、. A. go B. goes C. went 2. He usually _ up at 6:00. A. get B. gets C. will get 3. Look! They _ with a dog over there . A. play B. are playing C. is playing 4. He _ us a talk tomorrow. A. is giving B. give C. will give 5. He _ here for ten years. A. lives B. lived C. have lived 6. He _ got three toy

29、cars. A. has B. have C. had 7. I _ from him for three weeks. A. haven t heard B. hadnt heard C. didnt hear 8. She said she _ the city the next month. A. will leave B. would leave C. left 被动语态在八种时态中的表现一用下列动词的适当形式填空1. The tree _ (water) every day. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 1

30、1 页2. The trees _ (water) every day. 3. The trees _ (water) next week. 4. He said the trees _ (water) the next week. 5. Look! The tree _ (water) now. 6. Look! The trees _ (water) now. 7. The tree _ (water) at eight o clock yesterday morning. 8. The trees _ (water) at eight o clock yesterday morning.

31、 9. The tree _ (water) for ten minutes. 10.The trees _ (water) since ten minutes ago. 11.The tree _ (water) fifteen minutes ago. 12.The trees _ (water) fifteen minutes ago. 二单选1. She _ to John s birthday three days before. A. is invited B. was invited C. invited 2. They _ to go into the building aft

32、er they show their ID cards. A. are admitted B. will be admitted C. were admitted 3. The apple tree _ once a day. A. are watered B. is watered C. was watered 4. They _ much food since they came here. A. have been given B. has been given C. have given 4. The room _ before we arrived. A. has been clea

33、ned B. had been cleaned C. was clean 5. The floor _ twice a day. A. is swept B. is sweeped C. was swept 6. The bridge _ by the workers three years ago. A. was built B. were built C. will be built 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 11 页7. A new factory _ in the village next year. A. is built B. will be built. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 11 页



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