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1、说课稿Unit4 Global warming -The earth is becoming warmer-but does it matter? 本节课是高中英语新课标选修6 第 4 单元的课文阅读课,课文标题为“the earth is becoming warmer -but does it matter?” 这个单元的课题global warming 是一个具有非常现实意义的话题,因为全球变暖已经是一个非常严峻的问题,而且日渐得到全世界的瞩目和关注,因为它关系着地球和人类的未来命运。因此全球变暖是如何产生的,它对人类和地球未来究竟有何影响,我们该如何应对这个问题是我们当代中学生应该了解

2、的,这也正是这一节课的课文内容。这堂课有四个教学目标,一是阅读和理解课文主旨内容,使学生了解什么是全球变暖,它是如何产生的,二是找出每一段的段落大意,三是理解课文的细节信息,最后是让学生能运用所学内容进行讨论-whether we should do something about global warming. 这堂课的教学重点在于指导学生多层次阅读,理解和掌握课文内容,完成阅读任务,教学难点在于指导学生对课文阅读内容进行整合,再利用其进行口头讨论,表达和支持自己观点。整堂课以阅读理解为主,听说为辅。在这里,我特别想提出的是一个我一贯坚持的做法,那就是借助中学生双语报b 版上的课文理解部分及

3、课文链接部分作为有效教学资源,辅助课堂阅读教学,提高教学效果。有经验的老师也知道,阅读教学过程中,教师必须给学生设置由易到难,由快到慢的阅读任务,才可达到较佳的阅读效果,同时也对学生进行了任务型阅读训练,让他们的阅读能力逐步提高,从而训练并提高其高考应试能力。因此,好的阅读任务的设定就至关重要了。我在长期的教学中发现除了现有的教材之外,众多的教辅资源是教材的有效补充,而另外课文链接部分则真正是教材课文内容的有效链接,极大地扩大了学生的阅读量和阅读面。第一个步骤是新课的导入(leading-in )。我就直接说出: (1) it is global warming. (2) it is abou

4、t reducing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. 接着,我继续问第三个问题:(3) what do you think of the two answers? 这个问题因人而异会有不同的答案,让他们几个人表达观点后,指引他们回到主题上,指出第一个答案意味着全球变暖问题已经越来越成为全世界共同瞩目和关心的严峻问题,第二个答案意味着全世界开始寻求协作共同解决问题。接着我又问:do you know how global warming has come about? does it have great effects on th

5、e earth?that is what we will read today. 由此导入新课。为了学生更好更快地阅读理解全文,接下来我就带着他们快速浏览pre-reading , 了解什么是温室(greenhouse),什么是温室气体(greenhouse gas)什么是温室效应(greenhouse effect),从而扫除部分阅读障碍。下面开始进入课文阅读。阅读分三个层次,第一层次是让学生带着学生用书课文后面第一题中的5 个问题快速跳读(skimming) 全文,找出相关信息,并核对答案。提醒学生无需逐字逐句阅读,只需找出问题答案,时间为5 分钟。而这一层次的问题设置都与课文主旨有关,通

6、过这一步骤,学生掌握了文章主旨和段落大意。第二层次阅读是细节阅读(scanning),要求学生进一步阅读课文,查找细节信息, 完成学生用书课后第二题,判断 6 个句子正误。 通过这一步骤,学生了解了有关全球变暖的更多知识。这三个层次的任务是由浅到深,由易到难,由总到分又由分到总,有较全面的覆盖性。小结之后,开始进入本堂课的难点阶段,即让学生把输入的课文信息进行整合分析再输出。也就说把学生分成六人小组进行讨论(discussing),论题为we should do something about global warming .注:由于本单元词汇已于前面特别学习过,本节课中生词不特别处理。课文中

7、的某些语法结构及知识点将于下一堂课进行教学。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 6 页Teaching PlanUnit4 Global warming The earth is becoming warmer-but does it matter? Design Idea This is the second period of this unit, aiming to help students get a better understanding of the text. The emphasis of this pe

8、riod is mainly placed on reading compression, discussion and speaking. Therefore, a teacher needs to guide them to finish all the reading tasks as well as practice reading and speaking. Meanwhile, Exercises designed should be simple and easy to operate, which in turn is of great help to students und

9、erstanding.Teaching and learning goals : 1.read and learn about global warming 2.find out the main idea of each paragraph 3.read and understand detailed information 4.have a discussion about whether we should do something about global warming Teaching important point : reading comprehending Teaching

10、 difficult points: 1.Let the students analyze the whole text and conclude the main idea of the each para. 2. Improve the students reading ability.Teaching methods: Skimming method, task-based method, individual and group. Teaching procedures: Step1.Lead-in Lead in the topic of this unit by enjoying

11、the short video “ the day after tomorrow”.T: What happened in the video? How did it happen? Step2.Skimming Ask students to skim the passage with the following tasks: 1.What is the main topic? 2.What are the names of the three scientists in the article? Step4.Careful reading Ask students further read

12、 the passage more carefully and get some useful information to finish the following tasks. Para.1 1. How much did the temperature of the earth rise during the 20th century? 2. What is the question of Sophie Armstrong? Para.2 1.What conclusion can you make from the Graph1? 2.Who is to blame for the e

13、arths becoming warmer?Para.3 Para.4 _ found out the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from 1957 to1977. A.Dr. Janice Foster B. Charles Keeling 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 6 页C. George Hambley D. Sophie Armstrong Para.5 True of False 1.Not all scientists accept this

14、data. 2.The burning of the fossil fuels caused this increase in carbon dioxide. Para.6 They dont agree with each other. Dr Foster thinks the effects of global warming could be very serious George Hambleythinks global warming will be mild with few bad environmental consequences. Negative effectsPosit

15、ive effects1. cause the sea level to rise 1. make plants grow quicker 2. severe storms 2.crops will produce more 3. floods 3.a greater range of animal 4. 4.droughts 4. make life better 5.famines 6.the spread of diseases 7.disappearance of species Para.7 The author probably agrees that _ A. actually

16、global warming is good for man. B. we should do nothing about the global warming. C. catastrophes will happen if the globe keeps on warming. D. a lot remains to be found out about the effects of global warming. Step5.Summary Step6.writing. Step7.Homework Write a short passage about the effects of gl

17、obal warming. Prepare the language points of this passage and underline the important ones. After remembering the vocabulary, do the exercises on Page 28. Learning Plan精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 6 页Unit4 Global warming The earth is becoming warmer-but does it matter? 一 Enjo

18、ying the short video. 二、Reading 三 Consolidation There is no _ that the earth is becoming warmer. Because it is _ that has caused the global warming. When we burn the fossil fuels like _ _ _to produce energy.Greenhouse gases are also produced, the most important of which is _.When small amounts of ga

19、ses in the atmosphere trap heat from the _and therefore _the earth. Dr Foster thinks the trend which increases the temperature by _degrees would be a _. On the other hand, George Hambley states, it is a _thing. In a world. Greenhouse gases continue to _in the atmosphere and the climate is going to _

20、 warming. 四Ability improvement: Writing Practicing Plan精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 6 页Unit4 Global warming The earth is becoming warmer-but does it matter? Exercise1. 1.Discuss with your neighbours and find the main idea of each para. Para. 1Athe cause of the earths becoming

21、 warmerPara. 2 Bthe consequence of burning fossil fuels Para. 3 Cthe increase of carbon dioxide Para. 4 Dglobal warming will go on Para. 5 Epuzzles about global warming Para. 6 Fdifferent attitudes to global warming Para. 7 G. an introduction to the passage 2. Part1. How global warming comes about P

22、art2 Two different opinions about global warming Part3 Should we do anything Part4 The earth is becoming warm Exercise2. Para.1 1. How much did the temperature of the earth rise during the 20th century? 2. What is the question of Sophie Armstrong? Para.2 1.What conclusion can you make from the Graph

23、1? 2.Who is to blame for the earths becoming warmer?Para.3 What do you think greenhouse gases do? Greenhouse gases _ the heat of the sun and therefore _ the earth. It is known as _.Nowadays our earth is becoming _. Para.4 _ found out the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from 1957 to1977. A

24、. Dr. Janice Foster B. Charles Keeling C. George Hambley D. Sophie Armstrong Para.5 True of False 1.Not all scientists accept this data. 2.The burning of the fossil fuels caused this increase in carbon dioxide. Para.6 They dont agree with each other. Dr Foster thinks the effects of global warming co

25、uld be very serious George Hambleythinks global warming will be mild with few bad environmental consequences. Negative effectsPositive effects1.cause the sea level to rise 1. make plants grow quicker 2.severe storms 2.crops will produce more 3.floods 3.a greater range of animal 精选学习资料 - - - - - - -

26、- - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 6 页4.droughts 4. make life better 5.famines 6.the spread of diseases 7.disappearance of species Para.7 The author probably agrees that _ A. actually global warming is good for man. B. we should do nothing about the global warming. C. catastrophes will happen if the gl

27、obe keeps on warming. D. a lot remains to be found out about the effects of global warming. Exercise3.Main idea of each part. There is no _ that the earth is becoming warmer. Because it is _ that has caused the global warming. When we burn the fossil fuels like _ _ _to produce energy.Greenhouse gase

28、s are also produced, the most important of which is _.When small amounts of gases in the atmosphere trap heat from the _and therefore _the earth. Dr Foster thinks the trend which increases the temperature by _degrees would be a _. On the other hand,George Hambley states, it is a _thing. In a world.

29、Greenhouse gases continue to _in the atmosphere and the climate is going to _ warming. Exercise4.Writing Dear Tom, The growth of the greenhouse gas actually come as a result of many things we do. Here are a few suggestions on how to reduce it. 1 2 3 Earth Care 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 6 页



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