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1、 英文版英文版 人力人力资源管理概源管理概论-Employee-Testing-Employee-Testing-and-Selection(ppt-50and-Selection(ppt-50页) )来自来自中国最大的资料库下载中国最大的资料库下载Why Careful Selection is ImportantThe importance of selecting the right employeesOrganizational performance always depends in part on subordinates having the right skills and

2、attributes.Recruiting and hiring employees is costly.The legal implications of incompetent hiring EEO laws and court decisions related to nondiscriminatory selection proceduresThe liability of negligent hiring of workers with questionable backgrounds 2 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.来自来

3、自中国最大的资料库下载中国最大的资料库下载Avoiding Negligent Hiring ClaimsCarefully scrutinize information supplied by the applicant on his or her employment application.Get the applicants written authorization for reference checks, and carefully check references.Save all records and information you obtain about the app

4、licant.Reject applicants who make false statements of material facts or who have conviction records for offenses directly related and important to the job in question.Balance the applicants privacy rights with others “need to know,” especially when you discover damaging information.Take immediate di

5、sciplinary action if problems arise.3 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.来自来自中国最大的资料库下载中国最大的资料库下载Basic Testing ConceptsReliabilityThe consistency of scores obtained by the same person when retested with the identical or equivalent tests.Are the test results stable over time?Test validityThe

6、 accuracy with which a test, interview, and so on measures what it purports to measure or fulfills the function it was designed to fill.Does the test actually measure what we need for it to measure?4 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.来自来自中国最大的资料库下载中国最大的资料库下载Sample Picture Card fromThematic

7、 Apperception TestFigure 61 How do you interpret this picture?Source: Harvard University Press. Used with permission.5 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.来自来自中国最大的资料库下载中国最大的资料库下载Types of ValidityCriterion validityA type of validity based on showing that scores on the test (predictors) are r

8、elated to job performance (criterion).Are test scores in this class related to students knowledge of human resource management?Content validityA test that is content valid is one that contains a fair sample of the tasks and skills actually needed for the job in question.Do the test questions in this

9、 course relate to human resource management topics?Is taking an HR course the same as doing HR?6 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.来自来自中国最大的资料库下载中国最大的资料库下载Examples of Web Sites Offering Information on Tests or Testing Programswww.hr- general information and sources for all types of employm

10、ent tests.http:/buros.unl.edu/buros/jsp/search.jspProvides technical information on all types of employment and nonemployment tests.www.ets.org/testcoll/index.htmlProvides information on over 20,000 from Kaplan test preparation on how various admissions tests work.www.assessments.biz/default.asp?so

11、urce=GW-emptestOne of many firms offering employment tests.Figure 62 7 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.来自来自中国最大的资料库下载中国最大的资料库下载How to Validate a TestStep 1: Analyze the jobPredictors: job specification (KSAOs)Criterion: quantitative and qualitative measures of job successStep 2: Choose t

12、he testsTest battery or single test?Step 3: Administer the testConcurrent validationCurrent employees scores with current performancePredictive validationLater-measured performance with prior scores8 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.来自来自中国最大的资料库下载中国最大的资料库下载How to Validate a Test (contd)St

13、ep 4: Relate Test Scores and CriteriaCorrelation analysisActual scores on the test with actual performanceStep 5: Cross-Validate and RevalidateRepeat Step 3 and Step 4 with a different sample of employees.9 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.来自来自中国最大的资料库下载中国最大的资料库下载Expectancy ChartFigure 63

14、 Note: This expectancy chart shows the relation between scores made on the Minnesota Paper Form Board and rated success of junior draftspersons. Example: Those who score between 37 and 44 have a 55% chance of being rated above average and those scoring between 57 and 64 have a 97% chance.10 2005 Pre

15、ntice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.来自来自中国最大的资料库下载中国最大的资料库下载Testing Program Guidelines1.Use tests as supplements.2.Validate the tests.3.Monitor your testing/selection program4.Keep accurate records.5.Use a certified psychologist.6.Manage test conditions.7.Revalidate periodically.Table 6111 2005 Pren

16、tice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.来自来自中国最大的资料库下载中国最大的资料库下载High Performance InsightFranciscan Health System operates skilled nursing care facilities in Ohio. It faced several problems, including high turnover of 146%/year.The problem: High turnoverTheir solution: Cut turnover to 71%/year They devise

17、d a nursing assistant test battery consisting of three tests: An employment inventory A personality survey A job preferences inventory12 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.来自来自中国最大的资料库下载中国最大的资料库下载Using Tests at WorkAre you prone toaccidents at work?This test helps yourate your chances13 200

18、5 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.来自来自中国最大的资料库下载中国最大的资料库下载Using Tests at WorkMajor types of tests used by employersBasic skills tests (45%)Drug tests (47%)Psychological tests (33%)Use of testingLess overall testing now but more testing is used as specific job skills and work demands increase.

19、Screen out bad or dishonest employeesReduce turnover by personality profilingSource of testsTest publishers14 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.来自来自中国最大的资料库下载中国最大的资料库下载Computer-Interactive TestingTypes of testsSpecialized work sample testsNumerical ability testsReading comprehension testsC

20、lerical comparing and checking testsOnline testsTelephone prescreeningOffline computer testsVirtual “inbox” testsOnline problem solving tests15 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.来自来自中国最大的资料库下载中国最大的资料库下载High Performance InsightFranciscan Health System operates skilled nursing care facilitie

21、s in Ohio. It faced several problems, including high turnover of 146%/year.The problem: High turnoverTheir solution: Cut turnover to 71%/year They devised a nursing assistant test battery consisting of three tests: An employment inventory A personality survey A job preferences inventory16 2005 Prent

22、ice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.来自来自中国最大的资料库下载中国最大的资料库下载Types of TestsTests of cognitive abilitiesIntelligence TestsTests of general intellectual abilities that measure a range of abilities, including memory, vocabulary, verbal fluency, and numerical ability.Aptitude testsTests that measure specif

23、ic mental abilities, such as inductive and deductive reasoning, verbal comprehension, memory, and numerical ability.17 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.来自来自中国最大的资料库下载中国最大的资料库下载Types of Tests (contd)Tests of motor abilitiesTests that measure motor abilities, such as finger dexterity, manua

24、l dexterity, and reaction time.Tests of physical abilitiesTests that measure static strength, dynamic strength, body coordination, and stamina.18 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.来自来自中国最大的资料库下载中国最大的资料库下载Problem from the Test ofMechanical ComprehensionFigure 65 Which gear will turn the sam

25、e way as the driver?Source: Reproduced by permission. Copyright 1967, 1969 by The Psychological Corporation, New York, NY. All rights reserved. Authors note: 1969 is the latest copyright on this test, which is still the main one used for this purpose.19 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.来自

26、来自中国最大的资料库下载中国最大的资料库下载Measuring Personality and InterestsPersonality testsTests that use projective techniques and trait inventories to measure basic aspects of an applicants personality, such as introversion, stability, and motivation.DisadvantagePersonality testsparticularly the projective typeare

27、 the most difficult tests to evaluate and use.AdvantageTests have been used successfully to predict dysfunctional job behaviors and identify successful candidates for overseas assignments.20 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.来自来自中国最大的资料库下载中国最大的资料库下载The “Big Five”ExtraversionThe tendency to

28、 be sociable, assertive, active, and to experience positive effects, such as energy and zeal. Emotional stability/neuroticismThe tendency to exhibit poor emotional adjustment and experience negative effects, such as anxiety, insecurity, and hostility.Openness to experienceThe disposition to be imagi

29、native, nonconforming, unconventional, and autonomous.AgreeablenessThe tendency to be trusting, compliant, caring, and gentle.ConscientiousnessIs comprised of two related facets: achievement and dependability.21 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.来自来自中国最大的资料库下载中国最大的资料库下载Other TestsInterest

30、inventoriesPersonal development and selection devices that compare the persons current interests with those of others now in various occupations so as to determine the preferred occupation for the individual.Achievement testsTest that measure what a person has already learned“job knowledge” in areas

31、 like accounting, marketing, or personnel.22 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.来自来自中国最大的资料库下载中国最大的资料库下载Other Tests (contd)Web-Based (Online) testingEliminates costly and inefficient paper-and-pencil testing processes.Allows for role-playing by applicants.Use of computer-based scoring elimi

32、nates rater bias.Provides immediate scoring and feedback of results to applicants.Can be readily customized for specific jobs.23 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.来自来自中国最大的资料库下载中国最大的资料库下载Work SamplesWork samplesActual job tasks are used in testing applicants performance.Work sampling techn

33、iqueA testing method based on measuring an applicants performance on actual basic job tasks.24 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.来自来自中国最大的资料库下载中国最大的资料库下载Example of a Work Sampling QuestionFigure 66 25 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.来自来自中国最大的资料库下载中国最大的资料库下载Work SimulationsManag

34、ement assessment centerA simulation in which management candidates are asked to perform realistic tasks in hypothetical situations and are scored on their performance.Typical simulated exercises include:The in-basketLeaderless group discussionManagement gamesIndividual presentationsObjective testsTh

35、e interview26 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.来自来自中国最大的资料库下载中国最大的资料库下载Work Simulations (contd)Video-Based situational testingA situational test comprised of several video scenarios, each followed by a multiple choice question that requires the candidate to choose from among several cours

36、es of action.While the evidence is mixed, the results suggest that video-based situational tests can be useful for selecting employees.27 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.来自来自中国最大的资料库下载中国最大的资料库下载Video Based Situational TestsPresents candidate with several scenarios:Maybe not but this has

37、happened before.But I didnt work late last night.Look at this place, thats why! I take a day off and come back to find this mess.Well, Im glad youre here.Oh? Why is that?28 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.来自来自中国最大的资料库下载中国最大的资料库下载Video Based Situational TestsIf you were this associate wha

38、t would you do?a.Let the other associates responsible for the mess know that you had to take the heat.b. Straighten up the department, and try to reason with the manager later.c. Suggest to the manager that he talk to the other associates who made the mess.d. Take it up with the managers boss.e. Qui

39、t!29 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.来自来自中国最大的资料库下载中国最大的资料库下载Work Simulations (contd)The miniature job training and evaluation approachCandidates are trained to perform a sample of the jobs tasks, and then are evaluated on their performance.The approach assumes that a person who demonstr

40、ates that he or she can learn and perform the sample of tasks will be able to learn and perform the job itself.30 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.来自来自中国最大的资料库下载中国最大的资料库下载Rapidly growing city garage needed a better process than an application form and short interviewEmployee selection was

41、 haphazard with some managers being better at hiring than othersSelected Thomson Internationals Personality Profile Analysis program as a third step in their hiring process City Garage - Strategic HR31 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.来自来自中国最大的资料库下载中国最大的资料库下载Background Investigations and

42、Reference ChecksExtent of investigations and checksReference checks (87%)Background employment checks (69%)Criminal records (61%)Driving records (56%)Credit checks (35%)Reasons for investigations and checksTo verify factual information provided by applicants.To uncover damaging information.32 2005 P

43、rentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.来自来自中国最大的资料库下载中国最大的资料库下载Reference Checking FormFigure 67 (Verify that the applicant has provided permission before conducting reference checks)Candidate Name:Reference Name:Company Name:Dates of Employment:(From: and To:)Position(s) Held:Salary History:Reason fo

44、r Leaving:Explain the reason for your call and verify the above information with the supervisor (including the reason for leaving)1. Please describe the type of work for which the candidate was responsible.2. How would you describe the applicants relationships with coworkers, subordinates (if applic

45、able), and with superiors?3. Did the candidate have a positive or negative work attitude? Please elaborate4. How would you describe the quantity and quality of output generated by the former employee?5. What were his/her strengths on the job?6. What were his/her weaknesses on the job?7. What is your

46、 overall assessment of the candidate?8. Would you recommend him/her for this position? Why or why not?9. Would this individual be eligible for rehire? Why or why not?Other comments?Source: Society for Human Resource Management, 2004.33 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.来自来自中国最大的资料库下载中国最大的资

47、料库下载Background Investigations and Reference Checks (contd)Sources of information for background checks:Former employersCurrent supervisorsCommercial credit rating companiesWritten references34 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.来自来自中国最大的资料库下载中国最大的资料库下载Background Investigations and Reference

48、 Checks (contd)Legal limitations on background checksPrivacy Act of 1974Fair Credit Reporting Act of 1970Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (and Buckley Amendment of 1974)Freedom of Information Act of 19661990 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)35 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights re

49、served.来自来自中国最大的资料库下载中国最大的资料库下载Background Investigations and Reference Checks (contd)Reference providers concernsFear of legal reprisal for defamationNot wanting to damage the applicants chancesHelping to get rid an incompetent employees36 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.来自来自中国最大的资料库下载中国

50、最大的资料库下载Making Background Checks More UsefulInclude on the application form a statement for applicants to sign explicitly authorizing a background check.Use telephone references if possible.Be persistent in obtaining information.Ask open-ended questions to elicit more information from references.Use

51、 references provided by the candidate as a source for other references.37 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.来自来自中国最大的资料库下载中国最大的资料库下载Using Preemployment Information ServicesConcerns about checking applicant historiesVarious equal employment laws discourage or prohibit the use of such inform

52、ation in employee screening.Courts view making employment decisions based on someones arrest record as unfairly discriminatory.The EEOC says a poor credit history should not by itself preclude someone from getting a job.38 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.来自来自中国最大的资料库下载中国最大的资料库下载Checking

53、Background InformationStep 1Disclosure and authorization.Inform the employee/applicant that a report will be requested and obtain written authorization.Step 2Certification.The employer must certify to the reporting agency that the employer will comply with the federal and state legal requirements.St

54、ep 3Providing copies of reports.The employer must provide copies of the report to the applicant or employee if adverse action is contemplated.39 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.来自来自中国最大的资料库下载中国最大的资料库下载Checking Background Information (contd)Step 4Notice after adverse action.After the empl

55、oyer provides the employee or applicant with copies of the investigative reports and a “reasonable period” has elapsed, the employer may take an adverse action.40 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.来自来自中国最大的资料库下载中国最大的资料库下载Collecting Background Information1.Check all applicable state laws.2.

56、Review the impact of federal equal employment laws.3.Remember the Federal Fair Credit Reporting Act.4.Do not obtain information that youre not going to use.5.Remember that using arrest information will be highly suspect.6.Avoid blanket policies (such as “we hire no one with a record of workers compe

57、nsation claims”).7.Use information that is specific and job related.8.Keep information confidential and up to date.9.Never authorize an unreasonable investigation.Figure 68 Source: Adapted from Jeffrey M. Hahn, “Pre-Employment Services: Employers Beware?” Employee Relations Law Journal 17, no. 1 (Su

58、mmer 1991), pp. 4569; and Shari Caudron, “Who are you really hiring?”, Workforce, November 2002, pp. 2832. 41 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.来自来自中国最大的资料库下载中国最大的资料库下载Collecting Background Information (contd)10.Make sure you always get at least two forms of identification from the applica

59、nt.11.Always require applicants to fill out a job application.12.Compare the application to the rsum 13.Particularly for executive candidates, include background checks of such things as involvement in lawsuits, and of articles about the candidate in local or national newspapers.14.Separate the task

60、s of (1) hiring and (2) doing the background check.Figure 68 (contd) Source: Adapted from Jeffrey M. Hahn, “Pre-Employment Services: Employers Beware?” Employee Relations Law Journal 17, no. 1 (Summer 1991), pp. 4569; and Shari Caudron, “Who are you really hiring?”, Workforce, November 2002, pp. 283

61、2. 42 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.来自来自中国最大的资料库下载中国最大的资料库下载The Polygraph and Honesty TestingThe polygraph (or lie detector)A device that measures physiological changes,The assumption is that such changes reflect changes in emotional state that accompany lying.Employee Polygraph Protec

62、tion Act of 1988.Prohibits employers (in most all cases) from conducting polygraph examinations of all job applicants and most employees.Also prohibited are other mechanical or electrical devices including psychological stress evaluators and voice stress analyzers.43 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All righ

63、ts reserved.来自来自中国最大的资料库下载中国最大的资料库下载Permitted Users of the PolygraphEmployers with contracts involving:National defense or securityNuclear-power (Department of Energy)Access to highly classified informationCounterintelligence (the FBI or Department of Justice)Other exceptionsHiring of private securi

64、ty personnelHiring persons with access to drugsConducting ongoing investigations involving economic loss or injury to an employers business.44 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.来自来自中国最大的资料库下载中国最大的资料库下载Paper-and-Pencil Honesty TestsPaper-and-pencil honesty testsPsychological tests designed

65、to predict job applicants proneness to dishonesty and other forms of counterproductivity.Measure attitudes regarding things like tolerance of others who steal, acceptance of rationalizations for theft, and admission of theft-related activities.45 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.来自来自中国最大的

66、资料库下载中国最大的资料库下载Antitheft Screening ProcedureAsk blunt questions.Listen, rather than talk.Do a credit check.Check all employment and personal references.Use paper-and-pencil honesty tests and psychological tests.Test for drugs.Establish a search-and-seizure policy and conduct searches.46 2005 Prentic

67、e Hall Inc. All rights reserved.来自来自中国最大的资料库下载中国最大的资料库下载GraphologyGraphology (handwriting analysis)Assumes that handwriting reflects basic personality traits. Graphologys validity is highly suspect.Source: Reproduced with permission from Kathryn Sackhein, Handwriting Analysis and the Employee Select

68、ion Process (New York: Quorum Books, 1990), p. 45.Figure 68 Handwriting Exhibit Used by Graphologist47 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.来自来自中国最大的资料库下载中国最大的资料库下载Physical ExaminationReasons for preemployment medical examinations:To verify that the applicant meets the physical requirements o

69、f the positionTo discover any medical limitations you should take into account in placing the applicant.To establish a record and baseline of the applicants health for future insurance or compensation claims.To reduce absenteeism and accidentsTo detect communicable diseases that may be unknown to th

70、e applicant.48 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.来自来自中国最大的资料库下载中国最大的资料库下载Substance Abuse ScreeningTypes of screening:Before formal hiringAfter a work accidentPresence of obvious behavioral symptomsRandom or periodic basisTransfer or promotion to new positionTypes of testsUrinalysisHair fol

71、licle testing49 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.来自来自中国最大的资料库下载中国最大的资料库下载Substance Abuse in the WorkplaceIssuesImpairment versus presenceRecreational use versus habituationIntrusiveness of proceduresAccuracy of testsDrug Free Workplace Act of 1988Americans with Disabilities Act50 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.结束结束



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