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1、牛津沪教版英语七年级下Unit1 复习教案1 / 11 U1 Writing a travel guide教学过程:1. 词汇梳理2. 重要句型及语法3. 课堂练习4. 家庭作业Part 1词汇梳理:1. guiden.v. (1) guide 作名词时,可以表示:导游: The guide took us around the Palace Museum. 导游带我们参观了故宫。导游手册 (相当于 guidebook) : Do you need a guide? It tells you a lot about the Forbidden City. 你需要一本导游手册吗?它会告诉你很多关

2、于紫禁城的信息。指南: A Guide to English Grammar 英语语法指南(2) guide 作动词时,可以表示“ 为 领路,带领 ” 的意思。如:Martin guided him to the reception room. 马丁把他领到接待室。批注:让学生注意分辨guide 的两种词性2. tour n. 旅行;旅游Can you give us some tour suggestions? 你能给我们一些旅行建议吗?【联想】 tourist n. 游客,旅游者3. reason n. 原因,理由The reason why she was late was that s

3、he forgot to set the clock. 她迟到的原因是因为忘记了定闹钟。【近义词】cause n. 原因,起因,缘故;理由【拓展】reasonable adj. 合理的,明智的批注: the reason why 的句可以让学生用在写作中。3. take part in 参加(活动)如: We ll take part in the sports meeting this Friday. 本周五我们要参加运动会。They have decided to take part in a competition. 他们决定参加一个竞赛。【比较】 take part in 与 join

4、 都有 “ 参加 ” 的意思。 take part in 表示参加某项活动;join 表示参加或加入某个团体或组织。如: He joined the Party ten years ago.他十年前入党。I ll join the Youth League next month. 下个月我要入团。【提示】 take part in = join in 批注:注意take part in 和 join 的区别4. sightseeing n. 观光;游览Tourists usually go there for sightseeing and fun. 游客们通常会去那儿观光游玩。【记忆】 go

5、 sightseeing 去观光【联想】 go shopping 去购物; go swimming 去游泳; go fishing 去钓鱼; go travelling 去旅游;精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 11 页牛津沪教版英语七年级下Unit1 复习教案2 / 11 go camping 去野营;go cycling 去骑车; go boating 去划船; go hiking 去徒步旅行go skating 去溜冰; go windsurfing 去风帆冲浪;go hunting 去打猎【拓展】 a sights

6、eeing bus观光旅游车a sightseeing tour 观光旅游5. in the centre of 位于 的中部【比较】 in the centre of 强调与四周距离相等的中心位置,常用来指空间;in the middle of 强调两端之间的位置,并不强调中心,既可用于指空间,也可用于指时间。如: There is a beautiful fountain in the centre of People s Square. 人民广场中央有一个美丽的喷泉。(指中心位置)They usually have noodles in the middle of the day. 他们

7、通常在中午吃面。 (指时间)She saw a big dog running in the middle of the street. 她看见有只狗在街道中间跑。(指空间)批注:用 in the center of 和 in the middle of 造句加以区分6. in the south of 位于 的南部【联想】类似的表达:in the north of 位于 的北部 , in the west of 位于 的西部 , in the east of位于 的东部【注意】用英语表达方位时,north 和 south 通常放在 east和 west 之前。如: northeast 东北,

8、 northwest 西北, southeast东南,southwest 西南【拓展】 in the south of 位于 的南部,强调在某一个范围之内;如两地接壤用on the south of; 两地不相邻用(to the) south of,如:A is in the south of B. (B包含 A) A is on the south of B. (A和 B 接壤 ) A is (to the) south of B. (A和 B 不相邻 ) 指点迷津: in the south of, on the south of 与 (to the) south of A 包含 B A

9、与 B 接壤A 与 B 不相邻B is in the south of A. B is on the south of A. B is (to the) south of A. 批注:通过画图板书,让学生区分介词in,on, to 的不同用法。用法口诀:In to on, 内外接7. on Chongming Island 位于崇明岛上【注意】表示在岛屿上时,介词要用on 8. get on with 进展如: How are you getting on with your project? 你们的项目进展如何?【联想】 get on with 相当于 get along with 还可以表

10、示 “ 与 相处 ” 的意思。如: How are you getting on with you new classmates? 你和你的新同学们相处得怎样?get on well with sb. 表示 “ 与 相处融洽 ” 。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 11 页牛津沪教版英语七年级下Unit1 复习教案3 / 11 如: Does he get on well with his cousins? 他和他的表兄弟们相处得好吗?批注: get on with 和 get along with 9. be famou

11、s for 以 而著名,介词for 表示原因。 “be famous for”表示人 “ 以某种知识技能,作品或特征而出名” ,表示某地 “ 以某种特产或特征出名” ,或表示某事 “ 以其内容、特征、价值等而被人所知” 。如: Shanghai is famous for its night views. 上海以它的夜景而著名。Hangzhou is famous for the West Lake. 杭州以西湖而著名。区别:be famous as “ be famous as” 表示 “ 以 而出名 ” 的意思,或确切地说,是“ 作为 而出名 “ 的意思,主要是表示人“ 以某种身份或职业而

12、出名 ” ,或表示某地方“ 作为什么产地或地方而出名” ,或表示某事物“ 以某种形式而出名” 。如:Mark Twin was famous as a children-story writer. 马克 吐温作为儿童故事作家而著称。This book is famous as a reference book. 这本书作为参考书而出名。批注:区分 be famous for 和 be famous as 10. be known as 被认为;被誉为 ,介词 as表示 “ 作为 ” 。如: Shanghai is known as a “ Shopping Paradise” . 上海被誉为购

13、物天堂。Venice is known as the City of Water. 威尼斯被誉为水城。批注:区分be known for 11. one of the largest cities 最大的城市之一【记忆】 one of+形容词最高级 +名词复数,表示“ 最 之一 ”如: one of the greatest inventors 最伟大的发明家之一one of the most beautiful countries 最美丽的国家之一on of the biggest animals 最大的动物之一12. between and 在 和 之间,可用于表示位置和时间关系。如: T

14、here are many bridges and tunnels between Pudong and Puxi. 浦东和浦西之间有许多桥梁和隧道。He ll free between five o clock and six o clock. 他五点到六点之间有空。13. surprising adj.令人惊奇的It is not surprising that many tourists come to visit Shanghai every year to shop.每年有那么多的游客来上海也就不足为奇了。【联想】 surprised adj. 感到惊奇的,如:I was very

15、surprised to see him here. 在这儿见到他我很惊讶。【拓展】 surprise v. 使吃惊;使感到意外,如:The news surprised us all. 这消息使我们所有人都吃了一惊。surprise n. 惊奇,如:to one s surprise令某人惊讶;What a big surprise he gave us! 他给了我们一个大大的惊奇!批注:注意现在分词和过去分词作形容词的区别-现在分词修饰物,过去分词修饰人14. in about eight minutes 在大约八分钟内【提示】“in+ 一段时间 ” 的结构有以下两种含义:精选学习资料 -

16、 - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 11 页牛津沪教版英语七年级下Unit1 复习教案4 / 11 (1)表示 “ 在一段时间之内” ,常用一般现在时或过去时。如: The Maglev takes you to the international airport in about eight minutes. 磁悬浮列车可以在八分钟之内把你带到国际机场。The No. 2 bus takes you to the People s Park in about half an hour. 二路车可以在半小时内将你带到人民公园。The art

17、ist could drew a beautiful horse in five minutes. 画家可以在五分钟内画出一匹骏马。(2)表示 “ 在一段时间之后” ,常用一般将来时。如: My father will be back from America in two days. 我爸爸将在两天后从美国回来。15. therefore adv. 因此,所以【比较】 therefore 与 so 意思相同,但词性不同。therefore 是副词, so是连词。如: I was ill, and therefore could not come. 我病了,所以没能来。It rained. T

18、herefore, we didn t have the football match. = It rained, so we didn t have the football match. 下雨了。因此我们没有举行足球赛。批注 :不同于 so,两者词性不同:一个是是副词,一个是连词,therefore 后面加逗号。16. floating adj. 浮动的【记忆】 floating restaurants 水上餐厅【联想】 float v. 漂浮,浮起17. think of想出Can you think of more interesting places? 你能想出更多有趣的地方吗?【提

19、示】 think of 还有 “ 考虑 ” 的意思,此时也可以用think about 来表示。如: What do you think of/about my new job? 你如何看我的新工作?批注:think over, think of , think about 对比记忆本单元词性转换总结:1. tour (旅游 ) tourist (旅游者 ) 2. suggest (v .) 建议 suggestion (n .) make suggestions 提建议3. decide ( v.) decision (n .) design (v .) 设计 designer (n .)

20、设计师4. sightsee (v .)sightseeing (n .) 5. surprise (v .) 使惊奇 -surprising (adj.) 令人惊奇的6. nation -national ( 民族的 )-international ( 国际的 ) 7. float (v .) 飘浮 floating (adj.) 浮动的注意本单元出现的上海地名:Peoples Square 人民广场Yu Garden 豫园Suzhou Creek 苏州河the Huangpu River 黄浦江精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4

21、 页,共 11 页牛津沪教版英语七年级下Unit1 复习教案5 / 11 the Bund 外滩Shanghai Grand Theatre 上海大剧院Shanghai Museum 上海博物馆Shanghai Zoo 上海动物园Shanghai Botanical Gardens 上海植物园Shanghai Wild Animal Park 上海野生动物园Shanghai Science and Technology Museum 上海科技馆Century Park 世纪公园Oriental Pearl TV Tower 东方明珠电视塔Pudong New District 浦东新区Gran

22、d Gateway Plaza 港汇广场Sheshan State Resort 佘山国家旅游度假区Dongping National Forest Park 东平国家森林公园Changfeng Park 长风公园Luxun Park 鲁迅公园Longhua Temple 龙华寺Yangpu Bridge 杨浦大桥Nanpu Bridge 南浦大桥Lupu Bridge 卢浦大桥Part 2 重要句型及语法:1. It is + 形容词+ that 从句表达对某事的看法(It 是形式主语,真正主语是that 从句。这是主语从句。 )eg. It is not surprising that h

23、e got the first prize in the contest for he is a good student. It is wonderful that we can have the chance to visit the Great Wall. It is + 形容词+ 带 to 的动词不定式表达对事物的看法(It 是形式主语,真正主语是动词不定式部分。)eg. It is dangerous to go out alone at night. 可改写为To go out alone at night is dangerous. It is important for us

24、to learn English well. 也可改写。批注:记住句型It is + 形容词+ 带 to 的动词不定式2. Kitty and her classmates have just been to Shanghai. 基蒂和她的同学刚去过上海。have been to这个结构,表示“ 去过(某地) ;到过(某地)” 。Simon has been to the Beijing Zoo once. 西蒙曾去过一次北京动物园。指点迷津: have been to, have been in 与 have gone to have been to 是指被谈论对象曾经去过某个地方,但现在已

25、经回来了;have been in 是指被谈论对象已经在某地待了一段时间,目前仍待在那里,还没有回来;have gone to 是指被谈论对象去了某地,现在还没有回来。I have been to Beijing. 我去过北京。(说明:我现在已不在北京了。)I have been in Dalian for 5 years. 我已经在大连待了五年了。(说明:我现在还在大连。)-Where is he? 他在哪儿?-He has gone to Beijing. 他去北京了。 (说明:他的北京之行还未结束,人还没回来。)批注:让学生区分不同的意思和用法,在选择题中能正确选出。3. Design

26、a travel guide设计一份旅游指南design 作动词时,意为“ 设计;画图样” 。如:He designs for our dress department. 他在我们的服装部做设计。Architects design buildings. 建筑师设计楼房。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 11 页牛津沪教版英语七年级下Unit1 复习教案6 / 11 design 作名词时,意为设计;图样 ” 。She attended a school of dress design. 她就读于一所服装设计学校。The a

27、rchitect showed us her design for the new theatre. 那位建筑师给我们看她设计的新剧院的图样。批注:让学会辨别design 两种词性,并且知道加er 变成设计者。5. Therefore, it is not surprising that many tourists come to visit Shanghai every year to shop!因此,每年会有许多游客来上海购物也就不足为奇了!这个句型中,主语it 不是该句真正的主语而是“ 形式主语 ” ,该句真正的主语是that 引导的从句部分。我们把这类句子称为 “ 主语从句 ” 。我们

28、经常会使用“It is+ 形容词十that 从句 ” 的结构来表达对某事的看法。It is wonderful that we can have dinner on the 91st floor in Shanghai World Financial Centre. 能在上海世界金融中心第91 层上用餐真是太棒了!批注:告诉学生It is+形容词十that 从句可用于作文中。6. If you go there, you will see a huge open area with green grass, trees, fountains and pigeons. 如果你去那儿,你会看到一个

29、大型的开放式绿草坪,还有树木、喷泉和鸽子。(1) 连词 if 引导的条件状语从句。if 引导的条件状语从句要遵循主、从句时态呼应规律,即主句用一般将来时,从句使用一般现在时表将来。如:I won t go there with you if he goes , too, tomorrow. 如果明天他去的话,我就不和你一起去那儿了。Firemen will have no water to put out fires if there is no rain. 如果天不下雨,消防队员将会没有水灭火。此外,主句也可以使用祈使句或含有情态动词(can,may,must 等)的句子。如:Have a

30、good rest if you are tired. 如果累了,你就好好休息一下吧。You must see the doctor if you are ill. 如果你生病了,就必须去看医生。大多数情况下,从句可以位于主句之前,也可以位于主句之后。不过从句在前时,主、从句之间必须用逗号隔开。Please tell me if he comes back. 如果他回来了,请告诉我一声。=If he comes back, please tell me. (2) a huge open area意为 “ 一个大型的开放式区域” 。批注:让学生熟悉主将从现的考点。【小试牛刀】 If引导的条件状语

31、从句练习:一、用所给词的适当形式填空1. If you _(feel) tired, you _ (have) to have a rest. 2. Where _ he _(see) the film if he _(have) time? 3. If there _(be) fewer trees, there _( be) more pollution. 4. He _(dress) more casually if he _( not work) on weekends. 5. If Marcia _(live) alone, she _( keep) a pet parrot. 二、

32、单项选择1.If you _ to the party, you ll have a great time. A. will go B. went C. go D. going2. It will be a long time _ Peter _ his work. A. since, has finished B. after, finishes C. when, will finish D. before, finishes. 3. What will father _ us from Japan? A. take B. bring C. carry D. make 4. Weifang

33、is famous _ kites. A. for B. to C. on D. with 5 I _ her the answer if she _me. A. can tell, will ask B. will tell, will ask C. would tell, ask D. will tell, asks 6. What are you going to do tomorrow? -We ll go to the library tomorrow if it _. A. isn t rain B. rain C. won t rain D. doesn t rain精选学习资料

34、 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 11 页牛津沪教版英语七年级下Unit1 复习教案7 / 11 7.Do you know when he will come back tomorrow? -Sorry, I don t know. When he _ back, I ll tell you. A. comes B. will come C. come D. may come 8. What will you do if you _ to the old folk s home visit?A. go B. went C. goin

35、g D. will go 9. If I eat _ f ood, I ll be very fat.A. too many B. many too C. too much D. much too 10. I ll give the book to him if he _ here next Sunday.A. will come B. comes C. is coming D. came 7. The Maglev takes you to the International airport in about eight minutes. 磁悬浮列车可以在大约八分钟之内将你带到国际机场。(1

36、) take somebody to some place 是“ 将某人带到某地” 的意思。The father takes his son to the park nearly every weekend. 这个父亲几乎每个周末都带儿子去公园。(2) “ in 十一段时间 ” 的结构有两种含义: 表示 “ 在一段时间之内” ,句子常用一般现在时或一般过去时。如:There was once an artist. He could draw a beautiful horse in five minutes. 从前有一个画家。他可以在五分钟之内画出一匹骏马。 表示 “ 在一段时间之后” ,句子

37、常用一般将来时。如:What will you be like in 10 years time? 10年后你将会是什么样子? 批注:提醒学生in 加一段时间 表示 “ 在一段时间之后用 how soon 提问。Part 3 课堂练习 : I. Choose the best answer: 1. My father is _ engineer. He works in a company. A. a B. the C. / D. an 2. Alice _ a teacher for more than 5 years. A. became B. has become C. was D. h

38、as been 3. Uncle Sam doesn t feel very well. He hasn t eaten anything _ last night.A. in B. since C. for D. at 4. Mr. Wang is _ sales in his company. A. in charge of B. in the charge of C. charges of D. in charges of 5. How long have you _ this magazine? A. bought B. had C. borrowed D. lent 6. There

39、 is little milk in the fridge, _? A. is it B. isn t it C. is there D. isn t there7. I ve lived in my grandma s house _ I was born.A. for B. because C. when D. since 8. There is too much_ here. Let s choose another place to go on walking. A. voice B. sound C. noise D. song 9. Let s go for a walk, _?A

40、. shall we B. will you C. won t you D. do you10. A lot of trees _ in the last few years. A. are planted B. were planted C. have been planted D. have planted 11. A waiter _ to people. A. brings food B. cooks food C. grows food D. deliver food 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 11 页牛

41、津沪教版英语七年级下Unit1 复习教案8 / 11 12. A clock _ telling the time. A. is used to B. is used for C. used to D. used for 13. Aunt Lucy _ in a medicine company, doesn t she?A. is B. works C. doesn t work D. isn t 14. -Have a good time! -_. A. That s a good idea!B. Thank you! C. I know. D. Why not? 15. Bill bro

42、ke the window. His mother was looking _ at him. A. angry B. angrily C. happy D. happily II. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms. 1. Shanghai is an _ city. (interest) 2. We can read _ books in the library.(difference) 3. She has _to live in Canada. (decision) 4. He will

43、take part in a maths _ next week. (compete) 5. Look, so many _ (visit)from other countries are at the Peoples Square. 6. You can eat a lot of local _ (snack)in Yu Garden. 7. More and more fans in our country are _ (interest)in Super Junior from Korea. 8. Could you give me some _ about how to be a go

44、od student? ( suggest) 9. Millions of _ came to Shanghai during the World Expo 2010. (tour) 10. His uncle is a famous _ . (write) III. Rewrite the following sentences as required 1. They are reading a film guide and talking about which film they are going to see. (保持原意 ) They are reading a film guid

45、e and talking about _film _see. 2.She wants to see a funny film. ( 保持原意 ) She _ _ to see a funny film. 3.This bottle is filled with milk. (保持原意基本不变) This bottle is _ _ milk. 4.I have got a tourist guide. (改为一般疑问句) _ you _ a tourist guide? 5.They are going to see the 5:30 performance in the afternoon

46、.( 划线提问 ) _ _in the afternoon are they going to see? 6.Most of the children would like to see funny films. (划线提问 ) _ _ _ films would most of the children lke to see? 7.This film is 90 minutes long. (保持原意 ) The _ of this film _90 minutes. 8.My father will come back in three days. (划线提问 ) _ _ will you

47、r father come back? 9.Cartoon films are his favourite films. (保持原意 ) He _ cartoon films _. 10. My mother likes love stories better than police stories. (保持原意 ) My mother _ love stories _ police stories.Part 4 课后作业I. Reading comprehension. A 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 11 页牛津

48、沪教版英语七年级下Unit1 复习教案9 / 11 Dear Zhang Hua, Have you ever been to Thailand? It is a country in Southeast Asia. Ive been in Thailand for a few days with my parents. We are here for a holiday. Now we are staying in Bangkok ( 曼谷 ). It is the capital of Thailand and it is a very interesting place to visit

49、. Yesterday we visited some places of interest in the city. They are great! This morning we went shopping. Bangkok is a wonderful place to buy jewellery ( 珠宝 ) and clothes. My mother bought a nice necklace, my father and I bought some fashionable T-shirts. Thailand is called “ Land of Smiles” becaus

50、e people here are very friendly. And its true! When we eat in the restaurants in Bangkok, the waiters are really nice and they are always smiling. Thai food is delicious, but it is sometimes a little spicy (辛辣 ) for me. You can also get Chinese food here because a lot of Chinese people came to live

51、in Bangkok many years ago. Chinese food is very good, and it isnt as spicy as Thai food. Our American food can also be found in Bangkok, however, I dont eat it. You know, Id like to try new things when I travel. The weather here has been very hot. Yesterday it rained and got a little cooler. But tod

52、ay its hot again. Yours, Mary True or false. ( ) 1. Thailand is in Northeast Asia and it is called “ Land of Smiles” . ( ) 2. Most tourists go to buy jewellery and clothes in Bangkok. ( ) 3. Mary thinks Thai food is spicy. ( ) 4. Mary doesnt eat American food in Bangkok because she doesnt like it at

53、 all. ( ) 5. Because of the rain, it is cooler in Bangkok today than yesterday. B Mr Green is a naval officer (海军军官 ). Hes a young and handsome man and he lives on the sea all the time. He always keeps his clothes tidy and clean. Last week the young man went to a city for his holiday. One evening af

54、ter he had supper, he decided to see a film. He got on a bus and stood by the door. More than ten minutes later a young man who drank too much got on. He caught hold of (抓住)Mr Greens arm and shouted, “Hey! Does this bus go to the zoo?”Mr Green said nothing and went to the front. But the young man fo

55、llowed him again and went on asking, “ This bus will take me to the zoo, wont it?”Mr Green became angry and said, “ Look carefully, young man! Im nota conductor, but a naval officer!” Having heard this, the young man called out, “ Stop the ship, then! I want to take a bus!” Choose the best answer.(

56、) 1. Mr Green went to a city for _ last week. A. business B. a holiday C. going to the cinema D. going to the zoo ( ) 2. The young man who drank too much wanted to _. A. take a ship B. see a film C. go to the zoo D. follow Mr Green ( ) 3. The young man thought Mr Green was _. A. a conductor B. a nav

57、al officer C. a driver D. a guide ( ) 4. Who got on the bus first? A. The young man. B. Mr Green. C. Both the young man and Mr Green. D. We dont know. ( ) 5. Why did the young man called out, “ Stop the ship!I want to take a bus!”A. Because he liked taking a bus. B. Because he didnt like taking a sh

58、ip. C. Because he was drunk and thought he was on a ship. D. Because he didnt like Mr Green. C Arriving in New York There are three airports in New York. When you arrive at one of them, you can take a bus or a taxi to go to any place in 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 11 页牛津沪教版英

59、语七年级下Unit1 复习教案10 / 11 New York. Public transport (交通 ) In New York theres a good bus and subway ( 地铁 ) service. If you are planning to use the subway a lot, you should buy a subway ticket for ten journeys because its cheaper. But you dont have to use public transport sometimesthere are lots of plac

60、es you can go to on foot, like the Empire State Building (帝国大厦 ), 5th Avenue ( 第五大道 ) and Central Park. The taxis are a part of the city experience, so you should take at least one taxi during your visit! Hotels There are lots of good hotels in New York. The best is the Plaza on 5th Avenue, but you

61、dont have to pay a lot to stay in the city: there are lots of smaller hotels in the YMCA near Central Park which are great for young people. Eating Out There are many kinds of food in New York, you shouldnt eat at McDonalds every day. There are good restaurants in Little Italy and Chinatown, for exa

62、mple. ShoppingShopping in New York is fun. There are big shops on 5th Avenue. They are open seven days a week. But be careful when you look at the price: you have to pay a special 8% tax ( 税) on everything you buy in New York. Places to see Finally, there are a lot of places to see in New York Time

63、Square, the Statue of Liberty ( 自由女神像 ). And you shouldnt go home without climbing the Statue of Liberty to enjoy the scenery of the city. Answer the questions. 1. How many kinds of public transport are mentioned in the passage? _2. We dont need to take a taxi during your visit in New York, do we? _

64、3. Where is the best hotel in New York? _4. How much do you have to pay if you buy a book of 10 in New York? _5. Which place does the writer think is the best place to see in New York? _D Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage. Therere many national parks in the United States. Yell

65、ow Stone is the oldest and largest, and its 1for its hot springs (泉水 ). Grand Canyon ( 大峡谷 ) which is famous for its colourful, mile-deep valleys is 2visited by tourists. Each year, millions of Americans crowd into the national parks for their vacations, 3the beauties of nature. Now, the United Stat

66、es has a new national park. It is the Great Basin. It is the first national park in the western state of Nevada (内华达州 ). The new park is in the eastern part of Nevada, near the border (边缘 ) with the state of Utah. It is far from any 4.An American explorer (探险家 ) travelled through the area in the ear

67、ly 1800s. He found the land shaped like a bowl. So he5it the Great Basin. It is a land of unusual beauty and sharp differences. ( ) 1. A. visited B. seen C. used D. known ( ) 2. A. often B. almost C. never D. hardly ( ) 3. A. watching B. looking C. enjoying D. choosing ( ) 4. A. company B. farmland

68、C. city D. country ( ) 5. A. enjoyed B. discovered C. considered D. named E Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words. “ Where is the university?” This is a question that many visitors coming to Cambridge ask. But no one can give them a c1answer, for there is no wall to be found a2th

69、e university. The university is the city. You can find classroom 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 11 页牛津沪教版英语七年级下Unit1 复习教案11 / 11 buildings, libraries, museums and offices of the university all over the city. And most of its members are the students and t3of the thirty-one coll

70、eges.Cambridge was already a developing town long before the first students and teachers arrived 800 years ago. It grew up by the river Granta, and the river was once called the Cam. A b4was built over the river as early as 875. So the town got its n5“ Cambridge ”.1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 11 页



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