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1、Module 1My classmates精精讲导学学 巧巧练激活激活【导导语语】初初中中生生活活把把我我们们带带进进一一个个崭崭新新的的天天地地, , 在在这这个个新新天天地地里里, , 认认识识新新的的朋朋友友, , 开开始始新新的的学学习习和和生生活活, , 共共同同建建设设我我们们的的新新集集体体, , 一一起起度度过过美美好好的的初初中中生生活活。如如何何使使我我们们的的新新集集体体更更加加美美好呢好呢? ? A Bundle of SticksAn old man on the point of death summoned(召召唤)his sons around him. He

2、ordered his servants to bring in a faggot(束束, 捆捆)of sticks, and said to his eldest son, “Break it. ”But the son was unable to(不能不能够)break the bundle with all his efforts(力力气气). The other sons also tried(尝试), but none of them was successful(成成功功的的). “Untie(解解开开)the faggot, ”said the father, “and each

3、 of you takes a stick. ”When they did so, he said to them, “Now, break. ”And each stick wasbroken easily(容容易易地地). “You can learn an important lesson from these sticks, ”the father said to his sons. “Together, you are strong, but when you are alone, you can be broken easily. ”【词海拾贝词海拾贝】order命令命令 serv

4、ant仆人仆人 eldest年年龄最大的最大的break折断折断 other其他的其他的 none没有一人没有一人each每个每个; 各自各自 together在一起在一起 strong强强壮的壮的alone独自一人的独自一人的一捆柴火棍一捆柴火棍一一位位老老人人在在临终前前, 把把儿儿子子们叫叫到到他他跟跟前前, 他他让仆仆人人拿拿来来一一捆捆柴柴火火棍棍, 然然后后对他他的的大大儿儿子子说, “折折断断它它。”但但是是, 大大儿儿子子用用尽尽全全身身的的力力气气, 也也没没有有折折断断这捆捆柴柴火火棍棍。其其他他的的儿儿子子也也尝试了了, 但但是是没没有有人人成成功功。“解解开开这捆捆柴柴

5、火火棍棍, ”父父亲说, “你你们每每人人拿拿一一根根。”当当他他们拿拿起起了了, 老老人人对儿儿子子们说: “现在在折折断断它它。”每每一一根根柴柴火火棍棍都都很很容容易易地地被被折折断断了了。“你你们能能从从这些些柴柴火火棍棍中中学学到到很很重重要要的的道道理理, ”这位位父父亲对儿儿子子们说, “齐心心协力力, 你你们就就很很强强壮壮。而而如果你如果你们之之间产生分裂生分裂, 你你们就会很容易被折断。就会很容易被折断。”【我的感悟我的感悟】Friendship is wealth. Union gives strength. (友友谊就就是是财富富; 团结就是力量。就是力量。)语言言目目

6、标把自己介把自己介绍给新朋友新朋友Unit 1单词Chinese中国人中国人(的的); 汉语; 中国的中国的China中国中国 England英格英格兰American美国人美国人(的的); 美洲人美洲人; 美国的美国的; 美洲的美洲的America美国美国; 美洲美洲 where在哪里在哪里; 去哪里去哪里year年年龄; 年年 our我我们的的短短语be from来自来自Grade 7七年七年级welcome to . . . 欢迎到迎到句型句型(1)Where are you from? (2)How old are you? Im thirteen years old. (3)What

7、 about you? Unit 2单词everyone大家大家; 每人每人 but但是但是; 然而然而very很很, 非常非常 big大的大的city城市城市 small小的小的 all每个每个, 全体全体短短语the capital of. . . 的首都的首都 first name名字名字last name姓姓句型句型(1)Im twelve years old. (2)Its nice to meet you all. Unit 3单词 his他的他的her她的她的短短语English name英文名字英文名字 Chinese name中文名字中文名字family name姓氏姓氏 g

8、iven name名字名字句型句型 Is Xu Kexin in Class 3? Yes, she is. 语法法 动词be说明身份、年明身份、年龄、状、状态等等Module 1My classmatesUnit 1 . 选词配配图Chinese; America; England; American; China答案答案: 1. America2. England3. China答案答案: 4. Chinese 5. American. 短短语互互译1. 12岁 twelve_ _2. 欢迎到迎到 _to . . . 3. 七年七年级四班四班 _4_74. our friends _5.

9、What about . . . ? _答案答案: 1. years old2. welcome3. Class; Grade4. 我我们的朋友的朋友 5. 怎么怎么样? . 情景交情景交际1. Nice to meet you. Nice _ _ you, _. 2. _ _ are you? Im thirteen years old. 3. _ _you_? Im from England. 答案答案: 1. to meet; too2. How old3. Where are; from4. Are you a student? _, _ _. Im a teacher. 5. _ _

10、name? My name is Lucy. 答案答案: 4. No; Im not5. Whats yourHow old are you? Im thirteen years old. _答案答案: Im thirteen(13). / Thirteen(13). 1. be from来自来自【语境境领悟悟】* Im from Wuhan. 我来自武我来自武汉。*Where are you from? 你来自哪里你来自哪里? 【自主自主归纳】(1)be from意意为“来来自自”。表表示示来来自自哪哪里里, 是是哪哪里里的的人人。常常用用结构构: 主主语+be+from+地地点点名名词,

11、表表示示“是是人人; 来来自自”。(2)对地地点点提提问用用疑疑问词where, 即即用用Where are you/is she/is he from? 句型句型询问某人来自哪里。某人来自哪里。【学以致用学以致用】他他们来自上海。来自上海。They _ _ Shanghai. 答案答案: are from【授授课备选】补充充练习He is from Jilin. (对画画线部分提部分提问)_ _ he _? 答案答案: Where is; from2. how old多少多少岁【语境境领悟悟】*How old are you? 你几你几岁了了? Im thirteen years old.

12、/ Im 13 years old. / 13. 我十三我十三岁了。了。【自主自主归纳】询问与表述年与表述年龄(1)How old. . . ? 表表示示“多多大大了了? /几几岁了了? ”常常用用来来询问年年龄。(2)表表 达达 某某 人人 多多 大大 年年 龄 的的 句句 式式 结 构构 为 : sb. +be+基基 数数 词+year(s)old, 在在口口语中中, 句句末末的的year(s)old可可以以省省略略, 只只用用数数字字来来表示年表示年龄。【温馨提示温馨提示】How old are you? 根根据据对方方长幼幼可可翻翻译为“你你几几岁了了? (对小小孩孩)”“您您高高寿寿

13、? (对老老人人)”, 不不过, 对英英美美女女士士一一般般不不要要一一见面面就就问“How old are you? ”, 这是不礼貌的。是不礼貌的。【学以致用学以致用】你的你的爷爷多少多少岁了了? _ _ is your grandfather? 他他70岁了。了。He _ seventy_ _. 答案答案: How old; is; years old3. What about you? 你呢你呢? 【句型剖析句型剖析】What about. . . ? 意意为“怎怎么么样? 好好吗? ”, 相相当当于于How about. . . ? 其其中中about是是介介词, 后后接接名名词、代

14、代词或或动词-ing形形式式。常常用用来来向向对方方提提出出建建议或或请求求, 或或是是征征询对方方的的看看法法或或意意见等等。例例如如: What/How about riding a bike in the park this afternoon? 今天下午在公园里今天下午在公园里骑自行自行车好好吗? 【学以致用学以致用】What about _ (play) basketball after school? 答案答案: playing. 选词并用其适当形式填空并用其适当形式填空where, meet, year, be, America1. Nice _ you, Tom. 2. _ i

15、s Cathy? She is in the classroom. 3. Tom is two _ old. 4. Lingling and Daming _ my friends. 5. Betty King is a(n) _ girl. 答案答案: 1. to meet2. Where3. years4. are5. American. 完成句子完成句子1. 李小明来自山李小明来自山东吗? _ Li Xiaoming _ Shandong? 2. 欢迎来我迎来我们学校。学校。_ _our school. 3. 我在七年我在七年级五班。五班。Im in _ _ _ _. 答案答案: 1.

16、Is; from2. Welcome to3. Class Five Grade Seven/Class 5 Grade 74. 我是学生。你呢我是学生。你呢? Im a student. _ _ you? 5. 王平多大了王平多大了? _ _ is Wang Ping? 答案答案: 4. What about5. How oldModule 1My classmatesUnit 2. 单词拼写拼写1. everyone(pron. ) _2. all(pron. ) _3. 但是但是; 然而然而(conj. ) _4. 城市城市(n. ) _5. big(adj. ) _(反反义词)小的小的

17、答案答案: 1. 大家大家; 每人每人2. 每个每个, 全体全体3. but4. city5. small. 短短语互互译1. 英文名字英文名字 _2. 的首都的首都 _3. a small city _4. first name _5. last name _答案答案: 1. English name2. the capital of. . . 3. 一座小城市一座小城市4. 名字名字5. 姓姓. 句型填句型填词1. 我十二我十二岁并且我来自北京。并且我来自北京。Im twelve _ _ and I _ _ Beijing. 2. 这是玲玲是玲玲, 她的英文名字是露西。她的英文名字是露西。

18、_ _ Lingling and her English name is Lucy. 3. 她是我的朋友。她是我的朋友。_ my friend. 答案答案: 1. years old; am from2. This is3. Shes4. 他不在我的班里。他不在我的班里。He _ _ in my class. 5. 很高很高兴见到你到你们大家。大家。_ nice _ _ you all. 答案答案: 4. is not5. Its; to meetI; my; you; your; he; his; she; her; it; its; we; our; they; their答案答案: (1

19、)you; he; she; it; we; they(2)your; his; her; its; our; their人称代人称代词I; (1)_物主代物主代词my; (2)_1. but conj. 但是但是, 然而然而【语境境领悟悟】*Wang Hui is my friend, but he is not in my class. 王王辉是我的朋友是我的朋友, 但是他不在我班。但是他不在我班。*Im Lingling, and Im thirteen years old. 我是玲玲并且我十三我是玲玲并且我十三岁。【自主自主归纳】词汇用法用法and并列并列连词, 用来用来连接两个并列的

20、成分接两个并列的成分, 前后前后为并列关系并列关系或或顺承关系承关系but转折折连词, 用来用来连接两个具有接两个具有转折意折意义的并列句的并列句【学以致用学以致用】选词填空填空and/but。I can speak English, _he cant. Cross the street carefully, _youll keep yourself safe. 答案答案: butand2. Its nice to meet you all. 很高很高兴认识你你们大家。大家。【句型剖析句型剖析】Its +形形容容词+ to do sth. 意意为“做做某某事事是是的的。”it是是形形式式主主语

21、, 动词不定式是真正的主不定式是真正的主语。例如。例如: Its easy to spell this word. 拼写拼写这个个单词是容易的。是容易的。【归纳拓展拓展】Its+adj. +of / for sb. to do sth. 句句型型中中用用of还是是for取取决决于于其其前前的的形形容容词, 若若形形容容词表表示示的的是是人人的的品品质、性性格格(如如kind, nice, clever, right等等), 需需用用of; 若若形形容容词只只是是对动作作的的一一般般性性描描述述(如如difficult, dangerous, important等等), 则用用for。例例如如:

22、 Its nice of you to say so. 你你这样说真是太好了。真是太好了。Its good for us to eat more vegetables. 多吃蔬菜多吃蔬菜对我我们有好有好处。【学以致用学以致用】Its kind of you _ me a new MP4. A. buyB. buyingC. buysD. to buy. 从方框中从方框中选词并用其适当形式填空并用其适当形式填空capital, but, city, first, big1. I like playing football _ my brother doesnt. 2. Is Beijing th

23、e _ of China? Yes, it is. 3. Which do you like better, the _one or the small one? I like the small one. 4. Beijing and Shanghai are two big _. 5. My _ name is Tom and my last name is Green. 答案答案: 1. but2. capital3. big4. cities5. first. 单项选择1. _name is Li Ming. _am a teacher. A. I; MyB. My; IC. My;

24、MyD. I; I2. His name is Tony Green. Green is his _. A. given name B. first name C. last name D. name3. Tim is an English boy. He _ England. A. from B. not from C. is from D. isnt from4. I have an _ name David. A. ChinaB. EnglishC. EnglandD. Chinese5. _ nice _ my old friends. A. Its; meetingB. Im; to

25、 meetC. Im; meetingD. Its; to meetModule 1My classmatesUnit 3 family name姓姓given name名字名字【语境境领悟悟】*In Chinese, the family name is first and the given name is last. 在在汉语中中, 姓氏在前姓氏在前, 而名字在后。而名字在后。*In English, the given name is first and the family name is last. 在英在英语中中, 名字在前名字在前, 而姓氏在后。而姓氏在后。【自主自主归纳】英英

26、美美人人的的姓姓名名和和中中国国人人的的姓姓名名排排序序正正好好相相反反, 其其前前面面的的是是名名, 英英文文叫叫作作given name或或first name; 后后面面的的是是姓姓, 英英文文叫叫作作family name或或last name。【归纳拓展拓展】书写写英英美美人人的的姓姓名名时, 姓姓和和名名的的首首字字母母要要大大写写, 翻翻译为汉语时, 它它们用用“”隔隔开开。例例如如: His name is Tom Smith. We can call him Mr Smith. 他叫他叫汤姆姆史密斯。我史密斯。我们可以称他可以称他为史密斯先生。史密斯先生。【图解助记图解助记】

27、【学以致用学以致用】This is Helen Keller. Keller is her _ name and Helen is her _ name. 答案答案: family/last; given/firstbe动词用法用法【语境境领悟悟】仔仔细观察下列例句察下列例句, 想一想想一想be动词在句子中的用法。在句子中的用法。I am your teacher and you are my students. He is from Shanghai. My name is Wang Lingling. Tony and Betty are our friends. We arent in

28、Class 4. Is Daming from Beijing? Yes, he is. /No, he isnt. 【知知识构建构建】be动词用法三原用法三原则1. 含含义。 动词be是是连系系动词, 用用于于连接接主主语和和表表语, 说明明主主语的的身份、年身份、年龄、状、状态、性、性质和特征等。和特征等。2. 用法。用法。 3. 句式句式。肯定句肯定句主主语+ be +其他其他. 否定句否定句句式句式主主语+ be + not +其他其他. 缩写形式写形式is not=isntare not =arent一般疑一般疑问句句句式句式Be +主主语+其他其他? 答答语肯定回答肯定回答: Ye

29、s, 主主语+ be. 否定回答否定回答: No, 主主语+ be + not. 【巧学助记巧学助记】我我(I)(I)用用am, am, 你你(you)(you)用用areare。isis连着他连着他(he), (he), 她她(she), (she), 它它(it)(it)。单数名词用单数名词用is, is, 复数名词全用复数名词全用areare。变否定更容易变否定更容易, be, be后后notnot加上去。加上去。变疑问往前提变疑问往前提, , 句末问号莫丢弃。句末问号莫丢弃。还有一条要注意还有一条要注意, , 句首大写莫忘记。句首大写莫忘记。【学以致用学以致用】. 用用be动词的适当形

30、式填空的适当形式填空1. I _ from Jinan, the capital of Shandong. 2. _ you a teacher? 3. My friend _ in Class 1. 4. Lucy and Lily _ twins. 5. This _ an interesting story. I like it very much. 答案答案: 1. am2. Are3. is4. are5. is. 句型句型转换1. She is a student. (改改为否定句否定句)She _ a student. 2. They are from Hunan. (改改为否定

31、句否定句)They _ from Hunan. 3. Bob and Gary are my new classmates. (改改为一般疑一般疑问句句)_ Bob and Gary your new classmates? 答案答案: 1. isnt2. arent3. Are4. I am a Chinese girl. (改改为一般疑一般疑问句句, 并作否定回答并作否定回答)_ _ a Chinese girl? _, I_ _. 5. Mr Wang is our English teacher. (改改为一一般般疑疑问句句, 并并作作肯肯定定回答回答)_ Mr Wang your E

32、nglish teacher? _, he _. 答案答案: 4. Are you; No; am not 5. Is; Yes; is你你有有一一个个好好朋朋友友叫叫Rose, 来来自自英英国国, 今今年年13岁, 就就读于于广广州州第第九九中中学学1年年级2班班, 刘刘老老师是是她她的的英英语老老师。你你们经常常一一起起上上学学, 一起做作一起做作业。要求要求: 1. 书写写规范、工整范、工整; 2. 标点使用点使用规范、范、严谨, 语法正确法正确; 3. 词数数为50个左右。个左右。【思路点思路点拨】(1)体裁体裁: 记叙文。叙文。(2)人称人称: 第三人称和第一人称。第三人称和第一人称

33、。(3)时态: 一般一般现在在时。【写作模板写作模板】【妙笔成篇妙笔成篇】_【佳作鉴赏佳作鉴赏】My good friend is Rose. She is from England. She is thirteen years old. She is in No. 9 Middle School in Guangzhou. She is in Class Two, Grade One. Im in Class Two, Grade One, too. Miss Liu is our English teacher. We often go to school and do homework

34、together. I like her very much. . 用所用所给词的适当形式填空的适当形式填空1. The girl is beautiful. Whats _ (she)name? 2. Ben is from England but he can speak _ (China)well. 3. Welcome to _ (we)school. 4. Daming and Lingling _ (be)my good friends and they are in the same class. 5. This is _ (I)bedroom. Its not big but

35、it is very beautiful. 答案答案: 1. her2. Chinese3. our4. are5. my. 句型句型转换1. Linda is English. (改改为同同义句句)Linda _ _ England. 2. Im Liu Yue. (改改为同同义句句)_ _ _Liu Yue. 3. Li Min and Wei Hua are in Class 5. (改改为一般疑一般疑问句句, 并作否定回答并作否定回答)_Li Min and Wei Hua in Class 5? _, _ _. 答案答案: 1. is from2. My name is 3. Are

36、; No; they arent4. My friend is thirteen. (对画画线部分提部分提问)_ _ is your friend? 5. Zhou Bichang is in China now. (改改为否定句否定句)Zhou Bichang _ _ in China now. 答案答案: 4. How old5. is not模块复习课模块复习课Module 1. 词汇速速记1. 在哪里在哪里, 去哪里去哪里(adv. ) _2. 年年龄; 年年(n. ) _3. 大家大家; 每人每人(pron. ) _4. 年年级(n. ) _5. 每个每个, 全体全体(pron. )

37、 _答案答案: 1. where2. year3. everyone4. grade5. all6. China(n. ) _(adj. )中国的中国的, 中国人的中国人的7. America(n. ) _(adj. )美国的美国的, 美国人的美国人的; 美洲的美洲的8. we(pron. ) _(pron. )我我们的的9. big(adj. ) _(反反义词)小的小的10. one(num. ) _(adj. )第一第一(位位)的的, 首要的首要的答案答案: 6. Chinese7. American8. our9. small10. first. 短短语互互译1. 怎么怎么样 what_

38、2. 来自来自 be_3. 的首都的首都 the_. . . 4. 一个大城市一个大城市 a_5. 名字名字 _name6. 姓姓 _name7. welcome to. . . _8. English name_答案答案: 1. about2. from3. capital of4. big city 5. given/first6. family/last7. 欢迎来迎来 8. 英文名字英文名字. 句型攻关句型攻关1. 那个女孩叫什么名字那个女孩叫什么名字? _that girls name? 她叫她叫劳拉。拉。_ _is Laura. 2. 凯莉来自哪里莉来自哪里? _is Kelly_

39、? 她来自美国。她来自美国。_ _America. 答案答案: 1. Whats; Her name2. Where; from; Shes from3. 李李红多大了多大了? _ _is Li Hong? 她十六她十六岁了。了。She is sixteen_ _. 4. 你在四班你在四班吗? _ _in Class Four? 不不, 我不在。我不在。No, _ _. 答案答案: 3. How old; years old4. Are you; Im not. 语法法专练()用用be动词的适当形式填空。的适当形式填空。1. Helen _ a student. 2. My father _

40、a cook. 3. Those jackets _ my sisters. 4. The books _ under the table. They are in the box. 5. _you a nurse? Yes, I_. 答案答案: 1. is2. is3. are4. arent5. Are; am()写出下列各写出下列各题的的缩写形式。写形式。1. he is_ 2. what is_3. I am_ 4. it is_5. Danny is_ 6. are not_7. is not_ 8. they are_9. you are_ 10. we are_答案答案: 1.

41、hes2. whats3. Im4. its5. Dannys6. arent7. isnt8. theyre9. youre10. were. 同步同步质检1. (2014安徽亳州安徽亳州风华中学期中中学期中)Is your name Brown? _. A. Yes, it is B. Yes, I amC. Yes, Im D. Yes, its2. (2014北北京京东城城区区期期末末)Zebra live in Africa _ they eat grass and leaves. A. or B. but C. so D. and3. (2014浙江衢州常山期末浙江衢州常山期末)_

42、is your English teacher? Hes twenty-eight. A. Who B. HowC. How much D. How old4. (2014广广东珠珠海海香香洲洲区区期期末末)My names Tom Hanks. Tom is my _ name and Hanks is my _ name. A. first; last B. last; firstC. last; family D. family; last5. (2014湖北鄂州期末湖北鄂州期末)Hello! My name _ Wang Peng. Hello! I _ Alan. A. am; ar

43、e B. is; is C. is; am6. (2014济南南济阳阳期期末末)Jack likes red, _ he doesnt like white. A. and B. but C. because D. so. 词汇串记词汇串记 Kate Green is my new friend. She 1 (来自来自)a big 2 (城市城市)London. London is the 3 (首都首都)of 4 (英格英格兰兰). She is eleven 5 (年年)old. Her 6 (名名)is Kate. Her 7 (姓姓)is Green. 1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _6. _7. _答案答案: 1. is from2. city3. capital4. England5. years6. given/first name7. family/last name We are in the same 8 (年级年级). Her English is very good, 9 (但是但是)she cant speak Chinese. She can sing and dance. We 10 (全体全体)like her very much. 8. _9. _10. _答案答案: 8. grade9. but10. all



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