江苏省无锡市长安中学七年级英语下册《Unit 4 Finding your way》Grammar课件 (新版)牛津版

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1、Unit 4 Finding your wayThere is a cage in the picture.a cage The cage is beautiful.a snakea liona tigera giraffean eggan umbrellaan orangean English book1. 第一次提到某人或某物时。第一次提到某人或某物时。 I have a book.2. 泛指某一类的人或物。泛指某一类的人或物。 A panda is very lovely.判断一个单词用判断一个单词用 a 还是用还是用 an,是根据,是根据其读音,而不是根据其首字母。其读音,而不是根据其

2、首字母。以元以元音音素开头的词前用音音素开头的词前用“an”,以辅音,以辅音音素开头的词前音素开头的词前”a“。如:如:an hour, an apple, an elephant, a useful book等。等。Look! Here is a panda.The panda is eating bamboo.Look! Here is an apple.The apple is red. 1. 指上文提到过的人或物。如:指上文提到过的人或物。如: Lucy bought a new bike, the bike is green.2. 世界上独一无二的事物。如:世界上独一无二的事物。如:

3、 the sun the moon3. 谈到彼此都知道的人或事物。如:谈到彼此都知道的人或事物。如: Open the door, please.4. 序数词和形容词最高级前。如:序数词和形容词最高级前。如: She is always the first to get to school.5. 乐器名词前用。如:乐器名词前用。如: play the piano play the violin6. 定冠词与形容词连用表示一类人,加定冠词与形容词连用表示一类人,加 在姓氏前面表示一家人。如:在姓氏前面表示一家人。如: the rich 有钱人有钱人 the young 年青人年青人7. 某些专用

4、名词和习惯用语中用定冠某些专用名词和习惯用语中用定冠 词。词。 the Great Wall by the way1. 名词前已经有指示代词(名词前已经有指示代词(this, that, these, those)、形容词性物主)、形容词性物主代词(代词(my, his, our )或名词所有)或名词所有格等限定词。格等限定词。2. 表示语言、学科、三餐、球类运表示语言、学科、三餐、球类运动、棋类运动的名词前。动、棋类运动的名词前。3. 表示星期、月份、季节、某些节表示星期、月份、季节、某些节日的名词前。日的名词前。4. 表示人名、国名、称呼语或头衔表示人名、国名、称呼语或头衔等专有名词前。等

5、专有名词前。5. 某些固定短语中。某些固定短语中。 by bike , by bus, at first, at work, on foot, go to school, go to bed,等。等。Millie: Lets go to the Panda House first.Daniel: Here we are. I can see(1) _ panda there. Its lying on the grass. Millie: How cute! I love pandas. Look! Theres (2)_ baby panda. Its so small. aaDaniel

6、: Yes. (3)_ baby panda doesnt look like its mother.Millie: Now lets go to see some lions.Daniel: Are(4) _ lions in(5) _ open area?Millie: No, they arent. They are in(6) _ very big cage.The the anaDaniel : I see. (Half an hour later)Daniel: Millie, heres(7)_ bridge. What can you see across it?Millie:

7、 Oh, (8)_ elephant is standing over there. Daniel: Lets go across(9) _ bridge and see(10) _ elephant.aanthethe在必要的地方用在必要的地方用 A, AN, THE 填空。填空。1. Where is Peter? He isnt at _ school.2. There is _ orange in the fridge.3. _ pencil on the desk belongs to Sandy.4. I have _ new bike. I clean _ bike every

8、day.anTheathe5. Dad often goes fishing in _ summer.6.A: Can I help you? B: Im looking for _ pair of shoes.7.People in Nanjing now go to work by _ underground. 8.8. Who is good at playing _ football in your class?9. _ boy in a red coat is my cousin.aThe10. I live on _ third floor.11. There is _ “h”,

9、_ “o”, _ “u” in the word “hour”.12. Simon likes to play _ piano but he doesnt like to play _ basketball.13. Beijing is _ capital of China.thethetheaananinsideoutsideonover/abovein front ofbehindon the left ofon the right ofunder/belowPrepositions of the place(方位介词方位介词)over 在在的正上方的正上方 under在在的正下方的正下方

10、above在在的上方的上方(表面表面不接触不接触)below 在在的下方的下方on在在的上面的上面(表面接表面接触触)overunderabovebelowonDo you know these words?Lets learn them together.CAN YOU FILL IN THE BLANKS WITH THESE PREPOSITIONS.1. There is a face _ the desk.2. The moon is _ the desk.3. The sun is _ the desk.4. I can see a star _ the desk.5. There

11、 is a tree _ the desk.deskoveraboveunderbelow onover under above belowinside outside in front of behind on the left (of) on the right (of)next to = beside, in the middle of, in the centre ofin, on, at, opposite, near,betweenand ., in the front of表示方位的介词表示方位的介词The flower are in front of the shop.The

12、trees are behind the shop.The shopkeeper is inside the shop.The boy is outside the shop.The food is above the drinks.The drinks are below the food.The sign is over the bench.The dog is under the bench.Theres a beautiful lake in the park. Look! Two boys are rowing a boat(1) _ the lake. (2) _ the lake

13、 theres a football field. Some boys are playing football(3) _ it. BesideIn the parkonon(4)_ the football field, there are two trees. On the left, a bird is singing. (5)_ one tree. On the right, two boys are sitting (6)_ the other tree. (7)_ the two trees, three girls are chatting (8)_ the bench.In f

14、ront ofBetweenin underon1. The football is _ the door, so I cant see it.2. Dont stand _ us, or we cant see the film clearly.3. There is an electric fan _ the desk.4. Look! Your rubber is _ the chair. Pick it up.5. The moon is now _ the trees.behindin front of aboveunderabove填入适当的介词使句子通顺。填入适当的介词使句子通顺

15、。6. Eddie doesnt want to live _ the palace.7. Stephen is chatting with his friends _ the balcony.8. Li Ming is my neighbour. His house is _ mine.9. The Palace Museum is in the _ of Beijing.10. “Kitty sits on the right of Sandy”. It means Sandy sits on Kittys _.inoncentre leftbeside / next to1.Remember the new words in this lesson. 2.Do the exercises on the workbook.



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