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1、湘教版北京仁爱英语八年级上学期Unit 4 Our world. Topic 1 We share the world with plants and animals. 同步教案Section A The main activities are 1a, 1b and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a、 1b 和 2a。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn some words of animals and other new words: sky, nature, cow, sheep, goose 2. Learn some ways of expres

2、sing comparative situations: (1)The air is fresher(2)Where do you live, the countryside or the city? (3)Because it is quieter than the city. 3. Learn the comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives. . Teaching aids 教具多媒体课件 /幻灯片(上面画有可比较的实物的图片,如教学挂图、简笔画、教室里的学生等). Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案

3、Step 1 Review 第一步复习 (时间: 10 分钟)(教师用多媒体或实物呈现两个苹果,一个大、新鲜,而另一个小且水分不足。)T: Do you like apples? Ss:Yes. T: Do you like this one or that one? (教师手中拿的是大的,而桌子上是小的。)Ss:This one. T: Why? Ss:(帮助学生回答。 )It s bigger and fresher than that one.(教师写bigger,fresher 在黑板上,诉学生这是形容词的比较级,给学生适当讲解比较级的变化方式。)(拿出两张卡片,可用多媒体,也可用图片

4、或简笔画。其中一幅有蓝天、白云、绿树、小河,画面清晰,而另一幅也有同样的事物,但天是灰蒙蒙的,树快要死去,被污染的水面上漂浮着死鱼。 )T:Look at these pictures. Which one do you like? S1: The beautiful one. T: Why? S1: T: I like this one because in this one the air is fresher, the sky is bluer and there are also greener trees. (教师写下新词在黑板上。) 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - -

5、 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 18 页T:Do you like the countryside or the city? (让学生分组讨论农村生活和城市生活。)T: Now. Let s discuss the life in the countryside and the city. You can do it like this:Do you like the countryside? (教师挑学生来回答,并帮助他们完成下面的对话。不会之处教师再给予适当引导。)S2:Yeah / Yes, I like it very much. T: Why? S2: Be

6、cause in the countryside the air is fresher, the sky is bluer and there are also greener trees. T: Is there anything else? S2: There are many cleaner rivers.And it s quieter,too. T: Well done. You can practice the dialog like this to discuss the differences between the countryside and the city. (同时,

7、教师在黑板上板书quiet。) (5 分钟后,挑几组学生在全班同学面前表演对话。)T: Now, please stop! I ll ask some students to act out their dialogs. Which group can act out first? (表演过程中,教师在黑板上板书重点句型。) (表演完毕,教师对表演好的小组给予表扬。)Step 2 Presentation第二步呈现 (时间: 5 分钟)T: Great! Boys and girls, you ve done a good job. Just now we know many students

8、 like the countryside, do you know which place Wang Wei like better? Ss: No. T: OK, let s listen to the tape and find out the answer. (听完让学生回答。) (教师可多设一些问题,来巩固听的效果。) 听后填空:(此部分内容可在小黑板上或多媒体课件中显示,让学生结合听的内容用比较级来填空。)T: Who can answer the question? You, please. S1: Wang Wei likes the countryside better. T

9、: Do you know the reason? S1: Yes. In the countryside(由于在 Step 1 中已多次呈现此句型和相似的原因,所以学生很容易回答,然后让他们根据回答完成1b。) T:Now, please check your answers. (这一步初步让学生了解形容词比较级的变化形式及运用。) Step 3 Consolidation第三步巩固 (时间: 10 分钟)sky 天空quiet 安静的,平静的Do you like the countryside? Yeah, I like it very much. In the countryside,

10、 the air is It s quieter, too. In the countryside, the air is fresher, the sky is _ and there are also _ trees and _ rivers there. It s _, too. People can enjoy _ there. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 18 页1. Follow the tape and underline the key words. (让学生跟读磁带,并划出重点词句。) T: Wel

11、l done! Now, let s follow the tape, and underline the new words and phrases. (教师在黑板上列出关键词句。) 2. Read 1a again and then check the students pronunciation and intonation. (学生再读,然后核对语音、语调。) T:Boys and girls, please read again and then check your pronunciation with the tape. 3. Role-play the dialog. (学生根

12、据第一部分划的关键词,不看课本,模仿原文对话。) T:Boys and girls, please practice the dialog with your partner by using the key words. (3 分钟后,让学生不看课本,到全班同学前去表演,在表演的过程中,不要直接指出错误,以免打消其积极性而是把错误写在黑板上,等表演结束时订正。) T: OK, shall we stop? Which group can act out the dialog for us without your books? S1 & S2: We can. T: Good, please

13、 come here to act it out. (教师可根据情况来确定挑的组数,并对每组的表演让学生作出评价。) T: Wonderful! T: Now look at the blackboard. Let s check the wrong places. For this one, who can tell me the right answer? S3: I can. T: OK, you please(通过订正,让学生认识到在口语中出现的错误,加深印象。) Step 4 Practice第四步练习(时间: 10 分钟)1.(1) (复习以前学过的形容词,并让学生把它们变成比较级

14、,在此活动前让学生看语法附录中有关比较级的内容。)T: Now, let s review the adjectives we have learned before. We can do it by playing a game. For example: G1:Clear. G2:Clearer, fresh? G3:Fresher, green? G4:Greener, dirty? 游戏规则: 这是组与组之间的竞赛。 每组的一个同学在回答问题后,提出一个新的形容词。 另外一组的学生回答,回答对得1 分,提出正确的词,也得1 分,说错不得分,其他同学订正对,也是得1 分,谁得分高谁获胜。

15、 每个形容词不能重复。每组循环数次。T:Stop! Group 2 gets the most scores. Group 2 is the winner. (假设是第2 组分最高。)(2)Do 1c. T:Just now Group 2 is the winner ,but who can use the comparative degree of adjectives think, life, countryside, fresh, blue, green, clear, quiet, enjoy, live, summer, fun Do you like the countrysid

16、e ? The air is fresherMy grandma lives in the countryside. That must be fun. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 18 页better? Let s look at 1c. Please practice conversations with your partner by using the information in the chart. (3 分钟后,让学生分组表演。) T: OK ,stop! Which group can act out

17、 the dialogs for us? You, please. SG1:(Come to the front of the class. )SG2: T: Great. Congratulations! (表扬、鼓励表演好的组。)2. Work alone(2a). (让学生看78 页的图,讨论各种动物的体态,他们可以参照例子做,在做之前,首先看例子完成表格。) T: Now, please look at the forms and the examples on P78,and then fill in the form in 2a. (2 分钟后,教师检查答案。并对变化规则给予适当的

18、讲解。) T: Have you finished it? Who can give us the answers? S5:I will. Taller, tallest; braver, bravest; fatter, fattest; thinner, thinnest; uglier, ugliest. T: Well done!OK, please discuss the animals on Wang Wei s grandma s farm, study new words by yourselves and compare them. (让学生用表格里的形容词描述各种动物,他们

19、可以参照下面的对话练习。)T: Which do you like better, chickens or cows? S6:Chickens. T: Why? S6: Because chickens are much smaller than cows. T: Which kind of animal is the smallest? S6: I think the mouse is the smallest of them. T: Are the dogs the bravest animals on the farm? S6: Yes, I think so. (5 分钟后,让一些同学

20、在全班同学前面表演对话。)T: Shall we stop now? Ss: OK. T: Which group can act your dialog out for us? S7&S8: We canT: Good, please. (肯定学生的成绩,并给予表扬和鼓励。) 3. Work alone(2b). T: Just now we know much information about the farm. Now listen to the conversation about the animals on the farm, and then do 2b by yourselv

21、es. T:Are you ready? (学生独立完成2b。) T:OK,stop, boys and girls. Let s check the answers. Answer:1.T 2.T 3.F 4.F T:If you are right, please hands up. T:Good job! Step 5 Project第五步综合探究活动(时间: 10 分钟)精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 18 页1.(学生分10 人一组,做一个调查,找出各组中有多少人喜欢牛、马、鸡、羊、兔、鼠、猫、狗、鸭、鹅: 他

22、们可以这样调查,引导学生使用学过的句型,练习比较级、最高级。)T:Which animal do you like better? S1:Cows. T: Why? S1:Because cows are the biggest and they offer milk for usName Cows Horse Chicken Sheep Mouse Cat (5 分钟后,要小组派代表报告在本小组里有多少人比较喜欢哪种动物,一个人在黑板前作记录。 ) SG1:In our group,3 students like cows better, 2 students like horses bet

23、ter SG2: T: Well done! 2. Written work (教师给出一幅色彩明丽、风景较好的有动、植物的图片,让学生用所学新词和它们的比较级、最高级写一篇短文。)Look at this picture, please write a short passage by using the new adjectives and their comparative and superlative forms we have studied today. Section B The main activities are 1a and 2. 本课重点活动是1a 和 2。. Tea

24、ching aims and demands 教学目标1. Words of animals and other words: joy, rose, snake, fox, feed, feed on 2. Sentence patterns to express comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives: (1)I think animals are more interesting. (2)I think roses are the most beautiful of all the flowers. (3)I like cats

25、best, because they are more lovely than other animals. (4)What kind of animal/plant do you like better, or ?(5)What kind of animal/plant do you like best, , or ?3. Talking about nature. Describing animals and plants: (1)Do you like plants or animals? (2)I like animals. I keep a pet dog. (3)I like bi

26、rds. They are beautiful like flowers, and they can sing to us, too. (4)Plants and animals are important to us. . Teaching aids 教具录音机 /多媒体 /实物 /卡片 /幻灯等。. Five- finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步复习(时间: 10 分钟)精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 18 页(让学生分组比赛说学过的动物的名词,调动他们学习的积极

27、性,同时又复习上节课所学的内容。 ) T: Now, let s play a game. You can review in groups. If one student can say an animal word, he/she will get one score for his/her group. OK, begin. (教师在黑板上记分。) T: Stop! Group 3 has the highest score. So Group 3 is the winner. (假设是 3 组分最高。 ) T: Just now, you seem to like animals. R

28、ight? Ss: Yes. T: But some students may like plants. Let me make a survey. T:(对 S1) Do you like plants or animals? S1: I like animals. I have a pet dog. I think animals are more interesting. T: Why do you think so? S1: Because animals are our friends. They can make us happy. T: Yes. they give us joy

29、. (教师补充一句,导入新词joy,写在黑板上。) T: What about you, S2? S2: I like plants better. T: Really? Do you like this kind of flower? (教师拿出一束玫瑰花,教室里气氛顿时活跃起来。) S2: Yes, they are roses. (帮助学生说rose,同时在黑板上写rose,并领读。也可给这位同学一朵作为奖励。) T:(对 S3)Do you like plants or animals? S3: I like animals. I like birds. They are more i

30、nteresting. T: Why do you think so? S3: Because they can sing to us. T:(对 S4)What about you, S4? S4: I like cats best. I think cats are the most interesting of all. T: Why do you think so? S4: Because they are more lovely than other animals. (这时,把学生分组,让他们以同样的方法去了解本组学生的爱好,同时用上比较级或最高级的句型,为进一步呈现1a 打基础。

31、 ) T: OK, let s play a game. You can act out similar dialogs just like me in your groups. Then report their likes. (2 分钟后,让每组派代表,报告本组学生喜欢的事物。) S5: In our group S6 likes animals, he keeps a pet cat, he thinks animals are more interesting. Because animals are our friends. They give us joy. S7 likes pl

32、ants better, he thinks roses are the most beautiful of all the flowers. S8 likes birds, he thinks they are beautiful like flowers, and they can sing to people. (学生在报告的过程中,再次复习比较级,最高级句式和1a 中的新单词。 ) Step 2 Presentation第二步呈现(时间: 5 分钟)joyhappiness rose 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,

33、共 18 页T: From the report I know some students like animals, some students like plants. Now listen to the dialog, and then find who are talking about their favorite things. Let s listen and find out the answer. (在黑板上板书这个问题。) (学生听一遍后让他们回答。) T: Who are talking about their favorite things? Who can tell

34、us? S1:(学生再听一遍,做1b 的连线。 ) T: Let s listen again to match the people with their favorite things in 1b. (学生若听一次不能完全理解、做正确,可再听一遍。) T: Have you finished it? Ss: Yes. T:(挑其中一位学生。 )Can you give us your answers? S2: Yes. The answers are: Wang Wei likes roses, Maria likes birds, Jane likes cats, and Michael

35、 likes dogs. T: It s correct. Are you all right? If you are all right, please hands up. Good job! Step 3 Consolidation第三步巩固(时间: 10 分钟)1.(学生自读,然后根据磁带核对语音、语调。)T: Next, you read this dialog first and then check after the tape about the pronunciation and intonation. 2.(学生跟读磁带,划出关键词句。)T: OK, students, pl

36、ease follow the tape and underline the key words and sentences. (师生共同讨论重点词句,在黑板上写下来。) (解释疑难,分角色朗读。) 3. T: Great. Next let s role play the dialog. Boys are Wang Wei and Michael. Girls are Jane and Maria. Now, go! (男女同学分角色朗读,然后更换角色,教师在黑板上记下语音、语调不正确的地方,待他们读完时再给予纠正。) T: Now, girls are Michael and Wang W

37、ei. Go! (学生分四人一组,最好是两位男生,两位女生,带感情分角色朗读对话。) (分角色表演对话。) 4. T: Look at the key words here on the blackboard and act it out in groups of four! But don t look at the books. You can act it out in groups and then act it out in front of the class. (学生分四人一组,如果需要可给出一两分钟时间加深对重点词汇的记忆,然后不看书先在小组里表演,然后在全班学生前面表演。)

38、T: Shall we stop? Which group can act it out first? (学生可能举手,挑几组,可以是两组程度好的和两组程度差的,尽量让每组都有表演的机会。 ) T: Your group. Who are talking about their favorite things? like, keep, dog, interesting , why, friends, joy, roses, beautiful, play, birds, sing, cats, lovely, important, share 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - -

39、名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 18 页(表演后,让各小组互评,选出优胜组给予表扬鼓励。) (说明:教师在分小组时,采取以优带差的原则,提高学生的兴趣和积极性,从而以优补差,减少两极分化。) T: Boys and girls, which group do you think is the best one? Ss:(学生举手表决。 )T: Oh, Group 2 is the greatest! Congratulations! Class ,when you act out the dialog, you have to face the class and pa

40、y attention to your facial appearance. Step 4 Practice第四步练习(时间: 10 分钟)1. Pair work T: In 1a, we know how to use comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives. Now let s practice them together. At first, please look at the sentence patterns in 1c. Are you clear? (让学生看1c,首先明白要操练的句型。) Ss: Yes. T: O

41、K, I want to ask one student to help me make up a new dialog with the expressions in 1c. T: Hi, S1 ! Which kind of animal do you like better, dogs or birds? S1: The birds. T: Why do you think so? S1: Because it s more beautiful than other animals and they can sing to us, too! T: Very good! T:(对 S2)H

42、i, S2! Which kind of animal do you like best, dogs, birds or cats? S2: Dogs. T: Why do you think so? S2: Because it s the most interesting of all the animals, and they are our friends. They give us joy! T: Good job! (教师示范后,让学生两人一组练习这些基本句型。) T: Now please practice conversations with your partner, by

43、using the expressions in 1c. (学生们在操练时,可以站起来,大声的用英语和对方交谈,使课堂气氛活跃、轻松、和谐。教师此时给予适时帮助。) T: Shall we stop? Which pair will act out your dialog for us? OK, you please. (由于在下面已进行了操练,他们会争先恐后的去表演。) (待他们已灵活运用这些句式,并能用所学的新词表演时,要求他们离座位与其他同学用任意的动物或植物的名词代替1a 中的动植物名词会话,从而又复习了上节课中学过的动物或其他植物的名词。) T: Now I know most of

44、 you can make up new dialogs by using the expressions in 1c. But can you make up new dialogs using the words of animals and plants we have studied before? I think you can. Right? Ss: Yes. T: OK, you can do it with any other student in our class, begin! (学生自由活动,3 分钟后,教师再次引导。让他们到教室前表演。) T: Stop! Can y

45、ou act out new dialog with your new partner? S3 S4: Yes. T: You, please. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 18 页(若时间允许,可多提几组,让学生能够熟练运用形容词的比较级和最高级。) T: Very good. Anyone else?2. Work alone T: Just now we reviewed many words of animals and plants. Do you know what the English names o

46、f the pictures are in Part 2? Ss: I know. (教师挑一些学生,让他们说出这些动物的名称,同时教师把新词列在黑板上。) T: Read these words after me first then do the exercises in Part 2 by yourselves. (学生做完之后,让他们说出正确的答案。) T: Have you finished them? Ss: Yes. T: Who can tell us your answers? S5: Me. T: OK, please. S5: The answers are: Foxes

47、;frogs, Snakes, insects; frogs, Foxes, snakes, insects. (答案仅供参考,可以让学生在合理的范围给出不同的答案。) T: If you are all right, please hands up. (教师通过学生举手情况,了解他们掌握的情况,以便进一步进行教学。) Step 5 Project 第五步综合探究活动(时间: 10 分钟)1.(将学生分成小组,每组五人,讨论下列有关动、植物的问题。)T: We know many animals and plants. Now please discuss the following ques

48、tions :(1)Do you know the importance of plants and animals to us? (2)What will our world be like if there are no plants or insects? (3)What should we do to protect plants and animals? (学生讨论后,每组派一代表表述它们的观点。) 2. Written work. 让学生讨论后写一篇关于动植物的重要性,及如何保护它们的小短文。Section C The main activities are 1a and 2a.

49、本课重点活动是1a 和 2a。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1.(1)Learn some words about rainforests: cover, earth, surface, meter, forest, control, wood, rubber, protect (2)Learn some other words: fact, in fact, make up, lake, ocean, drop, hometown 2. Review comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives: (1)

50、Make the air fresher and cleaner. (2)The rainforests are becoming much smaller than before. 3. Learn some other useful expressions: thousands and thousands of be important tobe necessary for can t live without make up save every drop of water insect 昆虫, snake 蛇, fox 狐狸, dangerous 危险的, feed 喂养,饲养feed

51、 on 以为食精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 18 页4. Describe nature resource and realize the importance of environmental protection: (1)They give us wood, rubber, fruit and medicine. (2)Water is important to all living things. . Teaching aids 教具小黑板 /挂图( P81 图片的放大)/地球仪. Five- finger Te

52、aching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review第一步复习(时间:10 分钟)1.(检查上节课的作业,由How to protect plants and animals 导入 1a 和 2a 内容,导入时,先让学生根据自己的作业描述动植物的重要性,保护它们时需要做的事情,从而引出本部分的目标语言,激发学习兴趣。)T: Boys and girls, check your homework, please. (粗略检查作业,选12 个完成较好的到讲台发言。) T:S1,would you like to tell us your opinions? / Would you ple

53、ase? / Can you try ?S1:T:OK, excellent! And who can try again? / Anyone else? (可以请12 个自愿者上来讲一讲,同时请同学来评价,这样可以避免没有发言的同学开小差。当然也可以就发言同学的描述提问若干问题,以检查学生听的效果。) 2.(通常学生的描述会比较简单,不能引导出本课目标语言,教师利用以下问题来引导学生进一步思考,完善描述,同时便于导入本课目标语言。使用以下提问:)T: Just now. We discussed the importance of plants and animals. Do you kno

54、w something about plants and animals? (教师出示小黑板上的问题或使用幻灯片。) (1)划线部分的单词为新词,应细讲,便于学生学习理解,教师也可先让学生猜,然后写出汉语意思,对划线的短语、句型也应讲解。(2)因未学习正文,故以上有些问题无固定答案,重在巩固知识,学习目标语言,提高语言综合应用能力和猜测单词的能力。T: Please think these questions over, and discuss in groups. I ll ask some of you to give a talk again. You can look at the p

55、icture on the screen/wall. (教师可把挂图挂在黑板上或在多媒体或幻灯片上出示热带雨林的图片,讨论2 分钟后,请部分小组派代表来讲一讲。然后给予评价,加以肯定。并纠正不正确的发音及对新词的误解,若学生对目标语言仍有疑问,教师可以稍加讲解然后练习目标语言,并用much+形容词的比较级这一结构造句。) T: Look at the picture. Can you answer these questions? Who can have a try? Hands (1)What covers 6% of the earth s surface? (2)Where do th

56、ousands and thousands of animals live? (3)Are there also thousands of different plants and lots of tall trees in rainforests? (4)Are the rainforests very important to us? (5)Can rainforests help to control the weather? (6)What can rainforests give us? Please choose the right answers. A. wood B. rubb

57、er C. fruit D. medicine E. metal (7)Rainforests are becoming much smaller than before, aren t they? (8)Should we protect them well? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 18 页up! OK, you please. S2: (让学生借助地球仪讲解earth, surface。对于这些问题, 他们可能回答错误,但只要理解重点句型和新词就可以。)T: Great! But some answers

58、 are wrong. Class, do you want to know the right answers? Step 2 Presentation第二步呈 现(时间: 5分钟)1. T: If you want to know, please turn to Page 81, look at 1a. In this passage, you can find out all the right answers. Read it carefully and answer these questions. (再次使用小黑板上的问题,引导学生理解课文,获取正确信息,检查学习效果。) T: H

59、ow high do lots of animals live in the trees from the ground? Ss: Over 30 meters. (增加上面这个问题。然后与学生共同核对答案,或让学生分组讨论,或提问部分学生,或让学生分组竞赛回答,看谁答得又快又好。及时给予评价。) T: Now, Boys and girls, please check your answers with your partners. (在他们互相检测的同时,教师把答案写出来或提前在多媒体或小黑板上准备好。) T: Stop! Look at the answers. If you are a

60、ll right, please hands up. If you just have one mistake, please hands up, too. (教师看一下全对人数和错一个的人数,了解学生的理解能力。) 2.(完成 1b 的呈现。)T: Please look at 1b and do it by yourselves. (1 分钟后,和上面检测问题答案的方式相同,检查学生的理解程度。)Step 3 Consolidation第三步巩 固(时间: 10 分钟)1.(录音跟读。 )T: This time, you read again and then check the pro

61、nunciation and intonation after the tape. (学生先自读,然后根据录音核对语音、语调。) 2. T: OK, class,please read 1a after the tape and underline key words and sentences. (学生在跟读时划出关键词句,同时教师将其在黑板上写出。) (跟读结束时,让学生检查自己的答案是否正确,并及时改正。)3. T: OK, boys and girls, you can retell the passage according to the key words on the black

62、board by yourselves. Then one student retells it, only looking at the key words on the blackboard. And your partner looks at the book and sees if you can do a good job. Then switch roles. (学生先自己根据关键词,复述短文,这时如果不会,可以看书,然后一个同学根据黑板上关键词复述,另一位同学看书,再交换角色,以这种方式相互检查。) The answers: (1)The rainforests. (2)In t

63、he rainforests. (3) Yes, they are. (4)Yes, they are. (5)Yes, they can. (6) A、 B、C、D (7)Yes, they are. (8)Yes, we should. cover 6%, surface, animals( live, 30 meters), plants, trees, environment( hot, wet, dark) ,Rainforests are very important to us, lungs( help to make air fresher, control the weath

64、er), give(wood, rubber, fruit, medicine ) , need, become much smaller, protect 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 18 页4. Retell the passage in front of the class according to the key words. (方案 A:请 2 3 位表达流利,语言较好的同学到前面讲给同学们听。也可以挑积极性高的同学去讲,以免挫伤他们的积极性,减少兴趣。) T: Now, I ll ask some st

65、udents to retell the passage in front of the class. Who can try? You, please. S1: (在学生复述结束时,指出错误和信息遗漏之处,或让其他同学指出错误并补充信息,加深印象。 ) (及时评价。 ) T: How do you like them, boys and girls? Who is the greatest? (学生可举手表决,以学生举手的人数决定最优胜者。) T: For S1, oh, 38 scores. For S2(方案 B:学生可根据内容把短文编成对话的形式来巩固。) For example: S

66、1: Hi! S2. Do you know the rainforests well? S2: Yes. What s the matter? S1: I want to know more information about them. Could you help me? S2: No problem. I know rainforests cover 6% of the earth s surface. S1: Really? Do thousands and thousands of animals live in them? S2: Yes, many of them live i

67、n the trees, over 30 meters from the ground. S1: What about the weather in them? S2: It s always hot in a rainforest and the ground is always wet. It is dark. S1: Could you tell me the importance of the rainforests? S2: Yes, they are the lungs of the earth. The plants in the forests help to make the

68、 air fresher and cleaner. They also help to control the weather. S1: What can they give us? S2: They give us wood, rubber, fruit and medicine. S1: Are the rainforests becoming bigger and bigger? S2: No. They are becoming much smaller than before. S1: What should we do now? S2: I think we should prot

69、ect them well. S1: I agree. (他们可以转换角色,练习这样的句式。可挑一组或更多进行表演,根据时间而定。) Step 4 Practice第四步练 习 (时间: 10 分钟)1.(学习 2a。 )T: Listen to the tape and answer the questions. (让学生听一遍,回答问题。) T: Can you answer the first questions? S1: Yes, I can T: You, please. (1)What do humans need water to do? (2)Where is the wate

70、r? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 12 页,共 18 页S1: Humans need water to drink, to cook and to clean. T: Yes. In fact, water makes up the largest part of the human body. (同时在黑板上板书fact。) T: Then next question, what s the answer? S2: It is in lakes, rivers, seas and oceans. (同时在黑板上板书lake,

71、 ocean,并领读。 ) T: Very good! It is important to all living things, so we must save every drop of water. (在黑板上板书living, drop 。) 2.(学生再读2a 部分,独立完成2b。 )T: OK, boys and girls, please read 2a again and then do 2b by yourselves. (2 分钟后。 ) T: Who can give us the answers? You, please. S3: (教师在学生说的同时,在黑板上写出正确

72、答案。让学生核对。) 3. (学生听读小短文,划出重点词。)T: Please read after the tape and then underline the key words. (教师在黑板上写出关键词。)4. (让学生根据关键词,以 1a 的方法相互复述短文,并在小组里练习。)T: Please retell the short passage according to the key words. At first retell with your partner. Then retell them in front of the class. (3 分钟后,学生到前边去表演,评

73、出优胜者,并给予鼓励、表扬。)Step 5 Project第五步综合探究活动(时间: 10 分钟)(讨论有关水的问题。 )T: Just now, we know the importance of water, next, please discuss the following questions about water in groups. Then each group gives their opinions. (把学生分四人一组,讨论这些问题,然后每组派一人汇报每组的观点。) T: Shall we stop? Which group can give your opinions

74、first? S1: T: Well done! At last , please write a passage according to the reports. The title is “Water is Our Life” . important, plants, animals, Without, Humans, to clean plants (need, be necessary for ) ,animals (live without ) ,humans (drink, cook, clean, make up ) , cover (most part of) , where

75、 (lakes, rivers, seas, oceans) ,It is important to all living things,save water (1)Are there rivers and lakes in your hometown/city? (2)Is the water there dirty or clean? Why? (3)What should we do to keep the water clean? (4)What should we do to save every drop of water? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归

76、纳总结 - - - - - - -第 13 页,共 18 页Section D The main activities are 1, 3a and 3b. 本课重点活动是1、3a 和 3b。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn some useful words and expressions: bear, wolf 2.(1)Review to express comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives: Which kind of wild animal is the most danger

77、ous, the tiger, the bear or the wolf? Because it is the strongest animal of the three. What kind of animal do you think is the strongest? (2)Review useful expressions: think about thousands and thousands of be important to give us joy We must save every drop of water. share sth.with sb. make up That

78、 must be fun. be necessary for 3. Review how to talk about nature. . Teaching aids 教具录音机 /图片 /小黑板. Five- finger Teaching Plan五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步复 习(时间: 12 分钟)(检查作业,复习Section C 中的重点句式及有关环保的短文。) T: Now who can retell the passage about rainforests? (教师让学生根据关键词去复述,根据情况决定复述的学生数目。) T: Pretty good. Tha

79、nk you. (教师给予鼓励,评价。) T: We know the rainforests are very important to us. In fact, water is also important to us. Who can tell us the importance of water? Please read your homework. (教师任意挑学生去读,读完后指出不足之处。) T: Good! Thank you./ Well done! T: From expressions above we know no animals can live without w

80、ater. Then how many animals do you know? Please take out your animal cards and hand them to me. (教师把课前每人画的一张动物卡片收起来。出示不同的卡片,让学生复习以前所学过的动物的名词。 ) T: OK. You are great! Now please tell me the name of this kind of animal. (复习完后,教师组织一个玩动物牌的游戏,游戏过程是这样:每位同学从教师手中抽一张卡,大象力气最大,其次是老虎、熊猫、猴子、狗、猫等。持有大象卡的学生到教师那抽序号卡

81、,当然是教师事先准备好的序号卡。决定哪位学生先出。) T: Today, let s play animal cards. The elephant is the biggest of all, then the tiger, the panda, the monkey, the dog, the cat, etc. Every student draws one card from my hand. The student who has an elephant card comes here to draw a number card. We can see who is the firs

82、t to show his card. S1:(of G1)I m first. A cat. S2:(of G2)No, I think my dog is the first. T: Why do you think so? S2: Because the cat is smaller than the dog. S3:(of G3)Wait, wait, I think my monkey is bigger than the dog. I am the first. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 14 页,共 18 页S4

83、:(of G4)My elephant is the biggest. I am the first. The group which finish their cards first is the winner. (学生在此活动中,可复习大量的有关动物词汇,然后让他们用这些词汇去练习P80 的 1c 中的句式。 ) T: We know Group 4 is the winner. Do you think so? Ss: Yes. T: From the game you know many words about animals. I have a cat and a parrot. B

84、ut I like the parrot better. Because it s clever than the cat. It can say “Hello ” and “Good morning ” to me. Then which kind of animal do you like better, the dog or the cat? And why? Ss: T: Please practice with your partners using the sentence in 1c on page 80 and these words about animal. (3 分钟后,

85、教师提问几组,检查学生练习的结果。通过此活动,让学生进一步复习多音节形容词的比较级和最高级。) T:From the practice I know some students like wild animals. (教师在黑板上写下wild 。) T: Then, how many wild animals do you know? S5:The tiger. S6:The wolf. S7:The elephant. T: Do you know the bear? They always live in the forests. The bear looks like the panda

86、, but the panda is more lovely than the bear. Please guess the name of this animal. S8: 熊。 (教师在黑板上板书bear。 )T: Yes, very clever. They are wild animals, too. Which kind of wild animal is the most dangerous, the tiger, the wolf or the bear? S9: The tiger. (学生的答案可能有错误,但那是他们自己的观点,只要能练习句式就可以。) T: Why do y

87、ou think so? S9: Because it is the strongest animal in the world. T: Great! I think all of you know many wild animals well. Please practice with your partner using the expressions on the blackboard. (同时给出一些提示,能够发散学生思维的短语。) (板书)(3 分钟后,让学生表演,熟悉此句式后能够为Section D 第一部分的Pair work 打基础。)Step 2 Presentation第二

88、步呈 现(时间: 5 分钟)wild Which kind of wild an imal is the most ,the the or the ?The Why do you think so? Because it is the animal in the world/of all the animals. strong dangerous lovely brave be good at fighting try to protect themselves has the most beautiful tail look like 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归

89、纳总结 - - - - - - -第 15 页,共 18 页T: Boys and girls. Please look at Part 1. Can you make up new dialogs according to the example? Ss: Yes, we can. T: OK, please practice with your partners. (留出 3 分钟练习的时间,另外再用2 分钟表演,评出优胜者。在小组里练的时候,教师在教室中走动, 解决疑难, 纠正错误发音和语调。学生可以用除书中提供的代换词以外的任何词。 ) Step 3 Consolidation第三步巩

90、 固(时间: 10 分钟)(学生在呈现中已熟练掌握了Part 1 中的句式,所以不需要再巩固原句式,可以让学生在活动中去巩固所学的形容词的比较级和最高级的用法。) T: From the practice, we reviewed comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives. Now let s play a game to review them again. The title of the game is “Who is stronger?”(游戏指导:叫两个男生出来,一个比另一个矮瘦。让两人把手的肘部放在桌面上,手握在一起,大小臂

91、成90 度,他们必须同时用力,其中一方必须把对方的手压下去才算取胜。) Procedures: Step 1: T: Come here and put your arms on the teachers desk, S1 and S2.(Let them put forth their strength with arms and hands, the one who presses down the others hand becomes the winner. But before the game, please guess first and tell the reason. )T:

92、(To class) Who do you think is the stronger, S1 or S2? Ss: S1 is stronger than S2. T: Why do you think so? S3: S1 is taller than S2. T: Anything else? S4: S1 is fatter than S2. T: Else? S5: S1 is healthier than S2. (教师宣布比赛开始,看同学们的猜测是否正确,究竟谁力气大?) T:(To class)OK. Let s see who is the stronger. (To S1

93、and S2)Ready? Go. (两人比赛结束,教师宣布学生们猜测的对错,再次问全班学生看到的结果。) T:(To S6) Come here. Let me see who is the strongest of you. ( To class)Who is the strongest of the three? Guess. Ss: S6 is the strongest. T: Why? Ss: He is the tallest and fattest of the three. (S6向第一次比赛获胜者挑战,实际比赛结果再次猜测比较,让学生描述比赛结果。) T: Now. Wha

94、t do you see? Who is the strongest of the three? Ss: S6. Step 2: Five students form a group. Let the game on. (若时间允许,可让各组的优胜者在全班同学面前表演,决出全班中的冠军。) Step 4 Practice第四步练 习 (时间: 10 分钟)精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 16 页,共 18 页1.(组织学生独立完成2。 )T: Listen to the tape carefully and then find ou

95、t the best answer to each question. (可以这样由Step 3向 Step 4过渡: Just now we practiced comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives. Next please listen to a passage about them in Part 2.) (学生做完之后。) T: Listen again and check the answers. T: Please look at the blackboard to check your answers. (学生自我检查

96、后,再对照黑板检查。教师在学生听的过程中把正确答案写在上面。) T: Please retell the short passage by yourselves. Then retell it in front of the class. (请学生把听到的内容复述出来,检查学生听的效果。) 2.(复习形容词的比较级、最高级的变化规则及用法,他们可以参看书本后面的语法附录,也可适当出一些习题来操练。)T: Let s go over the sentences in 3a. Pay attention to the ways of changing adjectives with more sy

97、llables into comparative and superlative forms. (提醒学生要记住不规则形容词的比较级和最高级。形容词最高级前必须加the,且后面常加 in/of + 短语。 ) T: Read these sentences together. (学生齐读,再一次操练巩固。) T: Make some similar sentences. (模仿例句,请学生口头造句。)3.(组织复习3b。 )T: Read after me then go through the sentences and phrases in 3b by yourselves. If you

98、 are not sure of their usage, please raise the questions. (给学生一分钟提问,教师给予解答。) T: Do you have any other questions? OK , please make sentences with the phrases in the form. (此活动结束后,让学生做一些有关形容词比较级和最高级的题,进行书面练习。) T: Good job. Let s look at exercises, please fill in the blanks. (这些练习,可在小黑板上课前准备好,也可在多媒体上出示

99、,注音练习形容词比较级、最高级的变法及用法。) (1)(5 分钟后,让学生说出自己的答案,教师给予订正,根据学生举手的人数了解他们学习的情况,以及教师需要加强讲解之处。) 4. Written work. T: You can use comparative and superlative degrees very well! Now look at Part 4 on Page 84. Compare the pictures carefully and say something about them. (给学生 2 分钟,让他们先口头表达,为写作打基础。) T: Who can say

100、something first? S1: (要求学生说的内容不能重复上一位学生的,要用上形容词的比较级和最高级。) T: Your sentence cannot be as the same as the last student, do you understand? Ss: Yes. T: OK. Begin! 1.A 2.B 3.C 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 17 页,共 18 页S2:(口头表述后,再让学生写在书上。) T: Great! Please write down these sentences in th

101、e books. (写完后,教师挑选几位学生念他们的作文,并指出不足之处,表扬做的优秀的。) Step 5 Project第五步综合探究活动(时间: 8 分钟)1.(先把班上学生分成几大组,可根据班上人数而定,大约十人一组,讨论以下问题。)T: lease discuss the following questions in groups. Then fill in the form. ( 1)What animal is the tallest? Why? ( 2)What animal is the most dangerous? Why? ( 3)What animal is the f

102、astest? Why? ( 4)What animal is the most interesting? Why? ( 5)What animal is the ugliest? Why? ( 6)What animal is the strongest? Why? 2.(学生讨论三到五分钟后,让各组派代表向全班汇报本组的讨论结果。共同了解动物世界。 )T: Now, time is up. It s time for you to give a report to the whole class. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 18 页,共 18 页



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