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1、/Translate the following speciality vocabulary into Chinese/English.1)resistance 电阻2)resistor 电阻器3)resist 阻抗4)insulator 绝缘体5)conductor 导体6)voltage 电压7)capacitor 电容器8)capacitance 电容9)atom 原子10) nucleus 核子11) proton 质子12) charge 电荷、负荷13) negative charge 负电荷14) positive charge 正电荷15) electric field 电场1

2、6) free electron 自由电子17) alternator 交流发电机18) circuit 电路19) load 负荷、负载20) battery 电池21) switch 开关22) voltmeter 电压表23) ammeter 电流表24) voltage drop 电压降25) current flow 电流26) diode 二极管27) transistor 晶体管28) semiconductor 半导体29) crystal 晶体30) impurity 杂质31) periodic Table 元素周期表32) number system 数字系统33) de

3、cimal system 十进制系统34) binary system 二进制系统35) hexadecimal system 十六进制系统36) AC(Alternating Current) 交流电37) DC(Direct Current) 直流电38) electrical energy 电能39) mechanical energy 机械能40) law of inertia 惯性定律41) angular speed 角速度42) principle 原理、原则43) closed-loop control 闭环控制44) open-loop control 开环控制45) fee

4、dback 反馈46) thermostat 自动调温器47) proportional system 比例系统48) microprocessor 微处理器49) walk of life 职业、行业pl. walks of life 50) drill press 钻床51) workpiece 工件52) mainframe 主机、大型机53) transmitter / sensor 传感器54) incompatible 不相容的词组 :与不相容be incompatible with55) converter 转换器56) analog signal 模拟信号57) digital

5、 signal 数字信号58) logical signal 逻辑信号59) relay 继电器60) repeater 中继器61) amplifier 放大器62) electromagnetism 电磁、电磁学63) byte 字节64) programmable accessories 编程附件65) industrial bus 工业总线精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 6 页According to the English abbreviation, write English and Chinese mean

6、ing complete form. 英文缩写英文的完整形式中文意思PLC Programmable Logic Controller 可编程序逻辑控制器DSP Digital Signal Processing 数字信号处理DC Direct Current 直流电AC Alternating Current 交流电CPU Central Processing Unit 中央处理器BCD Binary-Coded Decimal 二进制编码的十进制PPI Point-to-Point Interface 点-点接口CNC Computerized Numerical Control 计算机数

7、值控制PC Personal Computer 个人计算机PG Programming device 编程设备RPM Revolutions Per Minute 转/分CAM Computer Aided Manufacturing 计算机辅助制造CAD Computer Aided Design 计算机辅助设计ENIAC Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer 电子数字积分计算机According to the Chinese, complete sentences.机械系统服从惯性定律。Mechanical systems are sub

8、ject to the law of inertia. 这课程意在给你提供基本的PLC 的功能和配置信息。This course is meant to supply you with basic information on the functions and configurations of PLCs. 对于 CNC 机器的复杂性的最重要的技术指标就是有多少个轴。One of the first specifications that implies a CNC machine s complexity is how many axes it has. 电流(电压)的度量单位是安培(伏特

9、)。The current (voltage) unit of measurement is the ampere (volt). 十进制数 28除以 16,商为 1,余数为 12。Decimal 28 divided by 16 is 1 with a remainder of 12. Answer the questions in English. What is a hydrogen atom made up of? Answer: A hydrogen atom has only one electron and one proton. What does Ohm s Law stat

10、e? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 6 页Answer: It states that the relationship between current, voltage and resistance. From this law the following formula is derived: ResistanceVoltageCurrentorRUIWhat is a series circuit? Answer: A series circuit is formed when any number of res

11、istors are connected end-to-end so that there is only one path for current to flow. What s the feature of the elements that are from column a in the Periodic Table? Answer: These elements only have three electrons available to share with other atoms. Which number system is commonly used in everyday

12、life? Answer: The decimal system is commonly used in everyday life. What is NET force? Answer: Net force is the vector sum of all forces that act on an object, including friction and gravity. What is the content of the law of inertia? Answer: The law of inertia states that an object will tend to rem

13、ain in its current state of rest or motion unless acted upon by an external force. What is power? Answer: Power is the rate of doing work, or work divided by time. TimeDistanceForcePowerWhat is the principle of close-loop control? Answer: The principle of closed-loop control consists in the value to

14、 be controlled being fed back from the place of measurement via the controller and its settings facility into the controlled system. How does a PLC work? Answer: A PLC monitors inputs, makes decisions based on its program, and controls outputs to automate a process or machine. What do PLCs consist o

15、f? Answer: PLCs consist of input modules or points, a Central Processing Unit (CPU), and output modules or points. What is the traditional use of industrial bus? Answer: Traditionally, the industrial bus has been used to allow a central computer to communicate with a field device. /Translate the Eng

16、lish(Chinese) given into Chinese(English). Resistors are components that have a predetermined resistance. Resistance determines how much current will flow through a component. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 6 页译:电阻器是预先设定好电阻的元件。电阻的大小将决定流过电阻器的电流的大小。Metals have very low resistance

17、. A low resistance allows a large amount of current to flow. 译:金属的电阻很小。很小的电阻允许很大的电流通过。That is why wires are made of metal. They allow current to flow from one point to another point without any resistance. Wires are usually covered with rubber or plastic. 译:这就是电线为什么用金属制成。它们允许电流流过而没有任何阻抗。电线通常外面包裹着橡胶或

18、塑料。On further study of charges scientists found that all negative charges are integer multiples of a certain very small charge. 译:通过对电荷的进一步研究,科学家们发现所有负电荷的电荷量都可以看做一个整数与一个很小的电荷量的乘积。Electrons of an atom have orbits at different distances from the nucleus. For some atoms the electrons in the farthest or

19、bits have only weak forces binding them to the atoms. 译:原子内的电子在离核不同的位置上绕核运动,在某些原子中对离核最远的电子只有很微弱的力将其束缚在原子内。Diodes are components that allow current to flow in only one direction. They have a positive side and a negative side. 译:二极管是一种只允许电流以一个方向流过的元件。它有一个正极和一个负极。If we take a piece of the P-type materi

20、al and connect it to a piece of N-type material and apply voltage then current will flow. Electrons will be attracted across the junction of the P and N materials. 译:如果将一块 N 型材料同一块 P 型材料相连,然后加上电压,将有电流通过。电子将被吸引穿过PN 结的材料。A microprocessor, for example, can endow a machine with decision-making ability,

21、memory for instructions, and self-adjusting controls. 译:例如微处理器,可以赋予一台机器决策的能力,指令的存储及自适应控制。Magnetic fields are produced by electric currents, which can be macroscopic currents in wires, or microscopic currents associated with electrons in atomic orbits. 译:电磁场可以由流过导线的宏观电流产生,或者可以由在原子轨道上的电子运动引起微观电流产生。Pro

22、cess control is a term applied to the control of variable in a manufacturing process. 译:过程控制是用来表示制造过程中控制变量的一个术语。Once a program has been written it needs to be tested and debugged. 译:一旦程序写好,程序就要被测试和调试。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 6 页In many companies the CAM system will work w

23、ith the computer aided design (CAD) drawing developed by the companys design engineering department.译:在许多公司中,经过工程设计部门的开发,CAM 系统将会同计算机辅助设计(CAD)一起来制图。Ohms Law deals with the relationship between voltage and current in an ideal conductor. 译:欧姆定律涉及理想导体中的电压与电流的关系。Semiconductors are any of various solid c

24、rystalline substances, such as germanium or silicon, having electrical conductivity greater than insulators but less than good conductors. 译:半导体是一种固态结晶物质,如锗或硅,其导电性强于绝缘体但弱于良导体。Resistors can be connected in series; that is, the current flows through them one after another. 译:电阻可以串接;即电流一一流过它们。In the ea

25、rly part of the 19th century, George Simon Ohm proved by experiment that a precise relationship exists between current, voltage, and resistance. 译:在十九世纪早期,乔治 ?西蒙?欧姆通过实验证明电流、电压和电阻之间存在着精确的关系。A sensor is a device, such as a photoelectric cell, that receives and responds to a signal or stimulus. 译:传感器是接

26、收并响应信号或刺激的器件,例如光电池。Resistance determines how much current will flow through a resistor. 译:电阻将决定流过一个电阻器的电流的大小。Translate the short passage given into Chinese.The charge of an electron or of a proton is much too small to be basic quantity of charge for almost all practical applications. The SI unit of

27、charge is coulomb, with the symbol C. A coulomb of negative charge equals of 1810242.6electrons. The coulomb is a derived SI unit, which means that it can be derived from SI base unit. 译:对于所有具体应用,用电子或质子的电荷量作为电荷的基本单位太小了。国际单位制中电荷的单位名称是库仑,符号是 C。一库仑负电荷与 6.242 1018个电子的电荷量相等。库仑来自国际单位制,这意味着它可以由国际单位制中的基本单位导

28、出。Switches are devices that create a short circuit or an open circuit depending on the position of the switch. For a light switch, ON means short circuit (current flows through the switch, lights light up). When the switch is OFF, that means there is an open circuit (no current flows, lights go out)

29、. When the switch is ON, it looks and acts like a wire. When the switch is OFF, there is no connection. 译:开关是一种根据开关的位置来接通或断开电路的设备。对于电灯开关,ON 意精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 6 页味着接通(电流过开关,灯点亮) 。当开关在 OFF 状态,这意味着开路(没有电流流过,灯熄灭)。当开关是 ON 是,它看起来和起的作用就像一条导线。当开关是OFF时,就相当于导线没有连接。As applic

30、ations get more complicated, and especially when new programs are required on a regular basis, writing programs manually becomes much more difficult. To simplify the programming process, a computer aided manufacturing (CAM) system can be used. A CAM system is a software program that runs on a comput

31、er (commonly a PC) that helps the CNC programmer with the programming process. Generally speaking, a CAM system will take the tediousness and drudgery out of programming. 译:当应用变得更加复杂,特别是需要经常写新程序时,人工写程序就变得越来越困难了。为了简化编程过程,可以采用计算机辅助制造(CAM )系统。CAM 系统是一种运行在计算机(通常是个人计算机)上的帮助CNC 编程人员编程的编程软件。一般来讲, CAM 系统将使人摆脱编程的沉闷和辛苦。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 6 页



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