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1、职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 BrandUnit 5ENGLISH FOR CAREERSUnit 5Brand职业综合英语职业综合英语 2 2新职业英语新职业英语职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 BrandContentsListening & Speaking4 Warming-up1Reading A2Reading B3Language Lab7Language Lab7Writing5Mini-project6Language LabLanguage Lab7 7EntertainmentEn

2、tertainment8 8职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 BrandWarm-1Task Work in pairs. In the table there are some commonly used methods to name a company or brand. Examples of some famous companies or brands are listed below. Discuss with your partner and match the examples with the corresponding meth

3、ods.职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 BrandWaWarm-rm-2 2Ford, McDonaldsFord, McDonaldsSony, GoogleSony, GoogleHSBC, KFCHSBC, KFCPizza HutPizza HutNikeNikeClean & ClearClean & ClearHagen-DazsHagen-Dazs职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 BrandReading AReading ATextTask 1Task 2Business Know-how

4、职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 BrandText A-1Hagen-Dazs Hagen-Dazs Hagen-Dazs Hagen-Dazs is is a a brand brand of of ice ice cream,cream, established established by by Polish Polish immigrants immigrants Reuben Reuben andand Rose Rose Mattus Mattus in in the the Bronx, Bronx, New New York Yor

5、k in in 1961.1961. Starting Starting with with only only three three flavorsflavors: : vanilla, vanilla, chocolatechocolate and and coffee, coffee, the the company company opened opened its its first first retailretail store store in in Brooklyn, Brooklyn, New New York York in in 1976. 1976. Hagen-D

6、azsHagen-Dazs then then offered offered franchisesfranchises throughout throughout the the UnitedUnited States States and and 54 54 other other countries countries around around the the world.world. Hagen-Dazs Hagen-Dazs produces produces ice ice cream, cream, ice cream bars,ice cream bars, ice crea

7、m cakes, sorbet and frozen yogurt.ice cream cakes, sorbet and frozen yogurt.Reading A职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 BrandText A-2Reading AThe The ice ice cream cream now now comes comes in in many many differentdifferent flavors flavors and and is is a a “super-premium” “super-premium” brand

8、,brand, meaning meaning it it is is quite quite densedense (very (very little little air air is is mixedmixed in in during during manufacture), manufacture), uses uses only only egg egg yolks,yolks, and and has has a a high high butterfat butterfat content. content. Hagen-DazsHagen-Dazs is is also a

9、lso meant meant to to be be kept kept at at a a temperature temperature thatthat is is substantially substantially lower lower than than most most ice ice creams creams in in order order to to keep keep its its intended intended firmness. firmness. It It is is soldsold both both in in grocery grocer

10、y stores and in dedicated retailstores and in dedicated retail outlets.outlets.职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 BrandText A-3Reading A The The name name of of Hagen-Dazs Hagen-Dazs does does not not derive derive fromfrom any any of of the the North North Germanic Germanic languages; languages

11、; it it is is simply simply two two made-up made-up words words meant meant to to look look Scandinavian Scandinavian to to American American eyes eyes (the (the “a” “a” and and “zs” “zs” are are not not a a part part of of any any native native words words in in any any of of the the Scandinavian S

12、candinavian languages). languages). This This is is known known in in the the marketing marketing industry industry as as foreign foreign branding. branding. Mattus Mattus thought thought that that Denmark Denmark was was known known for for its its dairy dairy products products and and had had a a

13、positive positive image image in in the the US. US. He He included included an an outline outline map map ofof Denmark Denmark on on early labels, as well as the name of Copenhagen.early labels, as well as the name of Copenhagen.职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 BrandText A-4A-4Reading ATheir T

14、heir daughter daughter Doris Doris Hurley Hurley told told PBS PBS documentary documentary An An Ice Ice Cream Cream Show Show (1999)(1999) that that her her father father Reuben Reuben Mattus Mattus sat sat at at the the kitchen kitchen table table for for hours hours saying saying meaningless mean

15、ingless words words until until he he came came up up with with a a combination combination he he liked. liked. He He chose chose this this method method so so that that the the name would be completely unique and original.name would be completely unique and original.职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2

16、Unit 5 BrandText A-5Reading A The The philosophy philosophy of of Hagen-Dazs Hagen-Dazs is is simple: simple: find find the the purest purest and and finest finest ingredientsingredients in in the the world world and and put put them them in in the the best best ice ice cream, cream, sorbet, sorbet,

17、 and and frozen frozen yogurt yogurt available. available. It It is is a a way way of of doing doing business business that that is is as as demanding demanding as as it it is is uncommon. uncommon. And And it it is is the the reason reason why why the the brand brand has has represented represented

18、 fine fine ice ice cream cream for for half half a a century. century. Since Since the the beginning, beginning, Hagen-Dazs Hagen-Dazs has has sought sought to to innovateinnovate and and bring bring new new frozen frozen dessert dessert experiences experiences to to its its customers, customers, in

19、cluding including distinctivedistinctive flavors flavors such such as as Vanilla Vanilla Swiss Swiss Almond, Almond, Butter Butter Pecan Pecan and and Dulce Dulce de de Leche Leche to to name name just just a a few. few. Hagen-Dazs Hagen-Dazs was was also also the the first first to to introduce int

20、roduce the the world world to to ice ice cream cream bars bars for for a a grown-up grown-up taste, taste, with with the the introduction introduction of of the the Hagen-Hagen-Dazs Dazs ice ice cream cream bars bars in in 1986. 1986. Other Other super super premium premium innovations innovations f

21、ollowed, with Frozen Yogurt in 1991 and Sorbet in 1993.followed, with Frozen Yogurt in 1991 and Sorbet in 1993.职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 BrandText A-A-6 6Reading ATo To this this day, day, Hagen-Dazs Hagen-Dazs remains remains committed committed to to developing developing exceptionale

22、xceptional new new super super premium premium frozen frozen dessert dessert experiences, experiences, releasingreleasing new flavors every year. new flavors every year.职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 BrandA-A-TranTrans-1s-1哈根达斯哈根达斯 哈哈根根达达斯斯是是由由来来自自纽纽约约布布朗朗克克斯斯区区的的波波兰兰移移民民鲁鲁本本马马特特斯斯和和露露丝丝马马特特

23、斯斯于于19611961年年创创办办的的一一个个冰冰淇淇淋淋品品牌牌。他他们们的的第第一一家家零零售售店店于于19761976年年在在纽纽约约布布鲁鲁克克林林区区开开张张,一一开开始始时时只只销销售售香香草草、巧巧克克力力和和咖咖啡啡三三种种口口味味的的冰冰淇淇淋淋。随随后后,哈哈根根达达斯斯开开始始在在美美国国以以及及其其他他5454个个国国家家出出售售特特许许经经销销权权。它它生生产产冰冰淇淇淋淋、雪雪糕糕、冰冰淇淋蛋糕、果味冰淇淋以及冰冻酸奶。淇淋蛋糕、果味冰淇淋以及冰冻酸奶。Reading A职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 BrandA-A

24、-Trans-Trans-2 2Reading A 今天哈根达斯冰淇淋口味有多种,是一个顶级今天哈根达斯冰淇淋口味有多种,是一个顶级品牌。哈根达斯品牌代表着其冰淇淋非常醇厚(在品牌。哈根达斯品牌代表着其冰淇淋非常醇厚(在制作过程中几乎没有空气混入),制作时仅使用蛋制作过程中几乎没有空气混入),制作时仅使用蛋黄,并且乳脂含量很高。这同时也意味着哈根达斯黄,并且乳脂含量很高。这同时也意味着哈根达斯冰淇淋的存放温度要比大多数品牌低很多,为的就冰淇淋的存放温度要比大多数品牌低很多,为的就是保持冰淇淋的硬度。哈根达斯产品在杂货店和专是保持冰淇淋的硬度。哈根达斯产品在杂货店和专营零售店里都有销售。营零售店

25、里都有销售。职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 BrandA-A-TranTrans-3s-3Reading A 哈根达斯的名字并非来源于北日耳曼语;它仅仅哈根达斯的名字并非来源于北日耳曼语;它仅仅是两个自创的单词,为的是让美国人觉得它像斯堪的是两个自创的单词,为的是让美国人觉得它像斯堪的纳维亚语(其中的纳维亚语(其中的“ a a”和和“zszs”并非任何斯堪的纳并非任何斯堪的纳维亚语单词中的字母组合)。这在销售行业中被称为维亚语单词中的字母组合)。这在销售行业中被称为品牌异国化。马特斯认为丹麦的乳制品非常出名,并品牌异国化。马特斯认为丹麦的乳制品非常

26、出名,并且在美国有一个正面的形象。于是他将丹麦地图以及且在美国有一个正面的形象。于是他将丹麦地图以及哥本哈根的名字放在了早期的商标上。哥本哈根的名字放在了早期的商标上。职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 BrandA-A-TranTrans-4s-4Reading A 他他们们的的女女儿儿多多丽丽丝丝赫赫利利在在美美国国公公共共广广播播公公司司的的纪纪录录片片冰冰淇淇淋淋博博览览(19991999)中中曾曾讲讲述述道道,父父亲亲鲁鲁本本马马特特斯斯在在餐餐桌桌前前坐坐了了好好几几个个小小时时,嘴嘴里里念念叨叨着着一一些些无无意意义义的的单单词词,直直到

27、到想想出出这这个个他他喜喜欢欢的的组组合合。他他采采取取这这种种方方式式为为的的是是能能使使名名字字完完全全原原创创,独独一无二。一无二。职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 BrandA-A-Trans-Trans-5 5Reading A 哈哈根根达达斯斯的的理理念念非非常常简简单单:以以世世界界上上最最纯纯最最好好的的原原料料制制作作出出最最佳佳的的冰冰淇淇淋淋、果果味味冰冰淇淇淋淋和和冰冰冻冻酸酸奶奶。这这种种经经营营方方式式不不寻寻常常,同同时时要要求求也也很很苛苛刻刻,这这也也是是该该品品牌牌半半个个世世纪纪以以来来都都能能作作为为上上等等冰


29、职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 BrandA-A-Trans-Trans-6 6Reading A 时时至至今今日日,哈哈根根达达斯斯仍仍致致力力于于开开发发顶顶级级的的冰冰冻冻甜点全新体验,每年都推出不同的新口味。甜点全新体验,每年都推出不同的新口味。职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 BrandReading Aflavor n. a particular taste of a food or drinke.g.e.g. You may choose from six popular flavors.e

30、.g.e.g. I dont like the flavor of onion. Tran: Tran: 这种面包有各种口味。 This bread has plenty This bread has plenty of flavors. of flavors.职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 BrandReading Afranchisen. permission given by a company to someone who wants to sell its goods or servicesv. to give or sell a fra

31、nchise to someonee.g.e.g. a franchise holder. a franchise agreemente.g. e.g. He is starting the first school himself, but subsequent ones will be franchised to use the new method. Tran: Tran: 他购买了热狗专营权。 He has bought a hot dog franchiseHe has bought a hot dog franchise . .职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2

32、2 2 2Unit 5 Branda.containing a lot of things, people, plants, etc. in a small areae.g.e.g. Traffic slowed down because of the dense fog.e.g. e.g. There was a dense crowd waiting to see the pop star.Tran:Tran:我们在茂盛的树林中艰难前行。 We fought our way through dense forest.We fought our way through dense fores

33、t.Reading Adense职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 Brand(“derive” may be used as an intransitive verb or a transitive verb): to come from; to obtain or receive from a sourcee.g.e.g. This idiom derives from an ancient custom.e.g.e.g. He has derived great pleasure from reading this book.Tran: Tran

34、: 该英文单词来源于法语。 This English word derives from French.This English word derives from French.Reading Aderive from职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 Brandn. one of the things from which something is made, especially one of the foods that are used together to make a particular dishe.g.e.g. Coconut is

35、 a basic ingredient for many curries.e.g.e.g. Imagination and hard work are the ingredients of success.Tran: Tran: 这个蛋糕是用什么做的? What are the ingredients of the cake?What are the ingredients of the cake?Reading Aingredient职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 Brandv. to introduce new things, ideas, o

36、r ways of doing somethinge.g.e.g. We must constantly adapt or innovate to ensure success in a growing market.Tran: Tran: 想生意越做越好,就得创新。 Businesses have to innovate in orderBusinesses have to innovate in order to make new progress. to make new progress.Reading Ainnovate职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2

37、Unit 5 Branda.having a quality or characteristic that makes something different and easily noticede.g.e.g. She has a very distinctive way of keeping fit.Tran: Tran: 战士们穿的军装很醒目。 Soldiers wear a distinctive uniform.Soldiers wear a distinctive uniform.Reading Adistinctive职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2

38、2Unit 5 Branda. unusually good; excellente.g.e.g. They are exceptional students.e.g.e.g.At the age of five, she showed exceptional talent for a musician.Tran: Tran: 消防队员表现得非常勇敢。 The firemen showed exceptionalThe firemen showed exceptional bravery. bravery.Reading Aexceptional职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语

39、 2 2 2 2Unit 5 Brandv. to make something available to the publice.g.e.g. The new film will be released next month.e.g. e.g. The commission released its findings.Tran: Tran: 什么时候向报纸公布选举日期才是最佳时机? When is the best moment to release theWhen is the best moment to release the date of the election to the n

40、ewspapers? date of the election to the newspapers?Reading Arelease职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 BrandA-TaskA-Task 1-1Task 1 Answer the following questions according to the passage.Reading A1.1.When was When was Hagen-DazsHagen-Dazs established? established?2. Where is 2. Where is Hagen-Dazs

41、Hagen-Dazs sold? sold? Hagen-Dazs was established in 1961. Hagen-Dazs was established in 1961. It It is is sold sold both both in in grocery grocery stores stores and and in in dedicated dedicated retail retail outlets.outlets. 职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 BrandA-TaskA-Task 1-2Reading A3.

42、What is the meaning of Hagen-Dazs?3. What is the meaning of Hagen-Dazs?4. 4. Why Why did did Reuben Reuben Mattus Mattus sit sit at at the the kitchen kitchen table table for for hours hours saying meaningless words?saying meaningless words?5. 5. Do Do you you think think the the brand brand of of H

43、agen-Dazs Hagen-Dazs is is a a successful successful one? one? Why or why not?Why or why not? It It has has no no meaning. meaning. It It is is simply simply two two made-up made-up words words meant to look Scandinavian to American eyes.meant to look Scandinavian to American eyes. He He was was try

44、ing trying to to figure figure out out a a name name that that is is completely completely unique and original.unique and original. Hagen-Dazs Hagen-Dazs is is very very successful successful Because Because the the brand brand has has stood for fine ice cream for half a century.stood for fine ice c

45、ream for half a century.职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 BrandA-A-TasTask k 2Task 2 Complete the following table according to the passageReading AAbout Hagen-DazsDetails First retail store Creators of Hagen-Dazs First flavors of Hagen-Dazs Other flavors of Hagen-Dazs Methods of selling Future

46、plan of Hagen-Dazsin Brooklyn, New York in 1976in Brooklyn, New York in 1976developing exceptional new super developing exceptional new super premium frozen dessert premium frozen dessert experiences, releasing new flavors experiences, releasing new flavors every yearevery yearretailing (in grocery

47、stores, retail retailing (in grocery stores, retail outlets), franchisingoutlets), franchisingReuben and Rose MattusReuben and Rose Mattusvanilla, chocolate and coffeevanilla, chocolate and coffeeVanilla Swiss Almond, Butter Pecan Vanilla Swiss Almond, Butter Pecan and Dulce de Lecheand Dulce de Lec

48、he职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 BrandBusiness Know-howBusiness Know-how Building up Brand RecognitionlCreate a logo to be used consistently. Recognition and uniqueness are more important for the logo than representation of the product/service;lCreate a catchy slogan that says something powe

49、rful and original, in as few words as possible;lDevelop a website, business cards, a letterhead and other related business tools with a consistent theme;lKnow the customers and use a branding style that appeals to them. Send your message to them through every possible marketing channel;lTake every o

50、pportunity to leave the customers with a lasting impression.职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 BrandReading BReading BTextTask 1Task 2职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 BrandText B-B-1 1Sunshine Fast Food Franchising Sunshine Sunshine Fast Fast Food Food Co., Co., Ltd.Ltd. draws draws on on

51、more more than than 30 30 years years of of professional professional knowledge knowledge to to provide provide unique unique market market skills skills and and strategies strategies for for our our franchisees. franchisees. With With a a SFF SFF franchise franchise you you can can turn turn your y

52、our dream dream into into a a reality reality and and be be your your own own boss. boss. We We provide provide training, training, assistance assistance in in site site selection, selection, office office design design and and equipment equipment ordering ordering before before you you open open yo

53、ur your restaurant restaurant and and ongoing ongoing support support once once youre youre open. open. Our Our success success is is based based entirely entirely on on the the success success of of our our franchisees. franchisees. The The obligations obligations of of the the franchisee franchise

54、e and and the the company company are are as follows:as follows:Reading B职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 BrandText B-B-2 2Reading BThe franchisee is responsible for:The franchisee is responsible for: Initial franchise fee Initial franchise fee Finding location Finding location Leasehold impro

55、vements Leasehold improvements Leasing or purchasing equipment Leasing or purchasing equipment Marketing and advertising Marketing and advertising Hiring employee Hiring employees s and operating and operating thethe restaurantrestaurant Paying a 7% royalty Paying a 7% royalty职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英

56、语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 BrandText B-B-3 3Reading BThe company provides:The company provides: Location selection guidance Location selection guidance Restaurant layout design guidance Restaurant layout design guidance Equipment ordering guidance Equipment ordering guidance An initial training program An init

57、ial training program An operations manual An operations manual Periodic evaluations and Periodic evaluations and ongoing supportongoing support Marketing guidance and advice Marketing guidance and advice职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 BrandText B-B-4 4Reading BTo apply for the franchise, you

58、shall go through the following process:To apply for the franchise, you shall go through the following process:Steps Your ActionsSteps Your Actions1 1 Complete the Complete the Request for InformationRequest for Information. .2 2 Phone interview with our representative to determine if you qualify Pho

59、ne interview with our representative to determine if you qualify to be a franchisee.to be a franchisee.3 3 If you qualify as a prospective franchisee, we will ask you to submit a If you qualify as a prospective franchisee, we will ask you to submit a Request for Consideration FormRequest for Conside

60、ration Form. .4 4 Upon receipt of your Upon receipt of your Request for Consideration FormRequest for Consideration Form, our Franchise , our Franchise Award Committee shall review your application. If it is approved, we Award Committee shall review your application. If it is approved, we will send

61、you our will send you our Franchise Disclosure DocumentFranchise Disclosure Document by email. by email.职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 BrandText B-B-5 5Reading B5 5 Phone Phone interview interview with with the the president. president. We We demonstrate demonstrate our our management system

62、 and market research program.management system and market research program.6 6 Schedule Schedule a a Discovery Discovery Day Day meeting meeting with with us us so so we we can can meet meet and and evaluate you and you us.evaluate you and you us.7 7 Within Within five five days days of of your your

63、 Discovery Discovery Day Day visit visit we we shall shall notify notify you you our our decision. decision. If If our our decision decision is is positive, positive, you you will will enter enter into into a a Franchise Franchise Agreement with us and remit to us the Franchise Fee.Agreement with us

64、 and remit to us the Franchise Fee.8 8 Within Within four four weeks weeks of of the the execution execution of of the the Franchise Franchise Agreement, Agreement, you you will will attend attend the the initial initial Owners Owners Training Training Sessions Sessions and and begin begin pre-pre-o

65、pening preparation.opening preparation.职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 Brand加盟阳光快餐连锁加盟阳光快餐连锁 阳光快餐有限责任公司阳光快餐有限责任公司阳光快餐有限责任公司阳光快餐有限责任公司汲取三十多年的全面专业汲取三十多年的全面专业知识,旨在为我们的受许人提供独特的市场技巧和策知识,旨在为我们的受许人提供独特的市场技巧和策略。加盟阳光快餐连锁,您将实现您的梦想,做自己略。加盟阳光快餐连锁,您将实现您的梦想,做自己的老板。我们向您提供开业前选址、餐馆设计及设备的老板。我们向您提供开业前选址、餐馆设计及设备

66、订购方面的培训和辅助,并在开业后提供持续的支持。订购方面的培训和辅助,并在开业后提供持续的支持。我们的成功完全依赖于受许人的成功。受许人和我们我们的成功完全依赖于受许人的成功。受许人和我们公司的责任如下:公司的责任如下:B-Trans-1B-Trans-1B-Trans-1B-Trans-1Reading B职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 BrandB-Trans-2B-Trans-2Reading B受许人负责:受许人负责: 首次加盟费首次加盟费 选址选址 租赁场地装修租赁场地装修 设备租赁或采购设备租赁或采购 营销和广告营销和广告 雇用职员和餐

67、馆运作雇用职员和餐馆运作 支付支付7%7%特许权使用费特许权使用费 职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 BrandB-Trans-3B-Trans-3Reading B 公司提供:公司提供: 选址指导选址指导 餐馆布局设计指导餐馆布局设计指导 设备订购指导设备订购指导 初始培训项目初始培训项目 运营指导手册运营指导手册 定期评估和持续辅导支持定期评估和持续辅导支持 营销指导和建议营销指导和建议职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 BrandB-Trans-4B-Trans-4B-Trans-4B-Trans-4R

68、eading B申请特许经营权需要经过以下流程:申请特许经营权需要经过以下流程:申请特许经营权需要经过以下流程:申请特许经营权需要经过以下流程:步骤步骤步骤步骤 您需要做的您需要做的您需要做的您需要做的填写填写信息采集表信息采集表接受我方业务代表的电话面试,确定自己是否符合接受我方业务代表的电话面试,确定自己是否符合受许人资格要求。受许人资格要求。如果您符合潜在受许人资格要求,您需要提交如果您符合潜在受许人资格要求,您需要提交请请求考量表求考量表。特许权授予委员会一旦收到您的特许权授予委员会一旦收到您的请求考量表请求考量表就就会审核您的申请。如果审核通过,您将通过电子邮会审核您的申请。如果审核

69、通过,您将通过电子邮件收到我们的件收到我们的特许经营信息披露表特许经营信息披露表(简称(简称信信息披露表息披露表)1 12 23 34 4职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 BrandB-Trans-5B-Trans-5B-Trans-5B-Trans-5Reading B5 5 接受总裁的电话面试。我们会介绍我们的管理系统和接受总裁的电话面试。我们会介绍我们的管理系统和市场调查程序。市场调查程序。6 6 安排安排“公开日公开日”面谈,以便彼此见面、相互评估。面谈,以便彼此见面、相互评估。7 7 “公开日公开日”会见后会见后5 5日内,我们会通知您我们

70、是否授日内,我们会通知您我们是否授予您特许经营权。如果我们决定授予,您将与我们公司予您特许经营权。如果我们决定授予,您将与我们公司签订签订特许经营协议特许经营协议,并汇寄加盟费。,并汇寄加盟费。8 8 协议生效后协议生效后4 4周内,您将参加首次企业主培训会,并周内,您将参加首次企业主培训会,并着手开业前准备工作。着手开业前准备工作。职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 BrandB-Task 1Task 1 Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) accordi

71、ng to the passage.Reading B 1. The franchisee needs to pay an initial franchise fee and an annual 17% royalty. 2. The franchisor is responsible for leasing office equipment to the franchisee. 3. After receipt of the Request for Consideration Form and approval by the Committee, the prospective franch

72、isee will receive an FDD by email. 4. The franchise fee must be paid before a Franchise Agreement with SFF Franchising is signed. FFTF职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 BrandB-Task 2-1Reading BTask 2 Fill in the blanks with the actions below to help decide an SFF franchise award.A.Schedule a Dis

73、covery Day meeting B.Review the application by the Committee C.Sign a Franchise Agreement D.Interview the applicant by an SFF representative1. Receive a Request for Information2. _3. Issue a Request for Consideration FormFeed the applicantback with “No”Feed the applicantback with “No”Feed the applic

74、antback with “No”4. _YYYYNNNBD职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 BrandB-Task 2-2Reading B6. Phone interview with the president7. _8. Meet and evaluate the applicantFeed the applicantback with “No”Feed the applicantback with “No”9. _5. Email a Franchise Disclosure DocumentYYYYNNCA职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合

75、英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 BrandListeningListening & SpeakingTask 1Task 2Task 3Task 4Task 5职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 BrandL-L-TasTask k 1Task 1 Two college students are discussing their favorite mobile phone brands. Listen to the conversation and tick off the features that have been mention

76、ed for each brand.Listening & SpeakingScriptScript声音声音职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 BrandL-1-ScriptTask 1Task 1 ScriptScriptListening & Speaking声音声音职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 BrandL-Task 2Listening & SpeakingScriptScriptTask 2 Mr. Marlon and Ms. Diaz are talking about brand prot

77、ection. Listen to the conversation and choose the best answer to each question you hear.1. A. Registering the company. B. Registering a trademark. C. Registering the business name.2. A. Reproduce his brand or logo. B. Pay the copyright protection charges. C. Bring an action against other traders who

78、 violate his copyright.3. A. Business names are not exclusive. B. Business names are not easily recognizable. C. Business names are not effective.声音声音职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 BrandL-2-ScriptTask 2Task 2 ScriptScript Listening & Speaking声音声音职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 BrandL-

79、Task 3Listening & SpeakingScriptScriptTask 3 Mr. Denver is discussing the pricing of his companys products with Ms. Jones. Listen to the conversation and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).T1.Mr. Denver believes that the price of a product could be justified by its bra

80、nd name.2. Mr. Denver disagrees to win customers by lowering prices.3. Ms. Jones suggested a reduction of 10% of the price offered.TF声音声音职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 BrandL-3-ScriptTask 3Task 3 ScriptScript Listening & Speaking声音声音职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 BrandL-Task 4Task 4

81、Ms. White is talking with the exporter Mr. Ford about the packaging for her order. Listen to the conversation and tick off the reasons Ms. White holds against using cartons.Listening & SpeakingScriptScriptCartons are more expensive.Cartons are not strong enough.Cartons are not waterproof.Cartons do

82、not appeal to the eye.Cartons are light.Cartons increase the risk of theft.声音声音职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 BrandL-4-ScriptTask 4Task 4 ScriptScript Listening & Speaking声音声音职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 BrandL-Task 5-1Task 5 Listen to the passage twice and fill in the blanks with

83、what you hear. Listening & Speaking A brand is backed by an intangible agreement between a consumer and the company selling the products or services under the brand name. A consumer _ basically agrees to select that brand over others based primarily on the brands reputation. Brands have been used si

84、nce ancient times. For example, people burned singular designs into the skin of their livestock to _, while potters and silversmiths marked their wares with initials or other personal tags. who prefers a particular brandwho prefers a particular brandprove ownershipprove ownership声音声音职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合

85、英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 BrandL-Task 5-2Listening & Speaking But it is only since the second half of the 19th century that branding evolved into_. The Industrial Revolution, new communication systems, and improved modes of transporting goods made it both easier and more necessary for companies to _. A

86、s manufacturers gained access to national markets, numerous brand names were born that would achieve national and global status. Procter and Gamble, Kraft, Heinz, Coca-Cola, Kodak, and Sears were a few of the initial brands that would become common household names by the mid-1900s. Before long, _ to

87、 recognize and protect brand names, and branding was extended to servicessuch as car repairas well as products. Thus the brand concept moved into the forefront of modern advertising strategy.an advanced marketing toolan advanced marketing toollegal systemslegal systems were establishedwere establish

88、edadvertise brands over larger regionsadvertise brands over larger regions声音声音职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 BrandWritingWritingTask 1Task 2Task 3职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 BrandW-Task 1-1Task 1 Read the following leaflet and discuss the questions. Writing职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语

89、 2 2 2 2Unit 5 BrandW-TaskW-Task 1-2Writing1.What is the goal of the leaflet?2. What do you think is the suitable size for this leaflet?3. Some messages in the leaflet are given in special printing sizes and styles. Please identify them and explain.4. There are many illustrations in the leaflet. Do

90、you think the leaflet can do without them? The The goal goal of of the the leaflet leaflet is is to to promote promote The The Rice Rice Box Box fast fast food food service service for for Christmas parties.Christmas parties. The The leaflet leaflet should should not not be be larger larger than tha

91、n an an A4 A4 because because if if people people cant cant fit fit it it easily into a pocket or a bag, theyll throw it away.easily into a pocket or a bag, theyll throw it away. The The messages messages such such as as the the event event (Christmas (Christmas Party), Party), the the menu menu (Ca

92、tering (Catering Special Special Menu), Menu), the the price price ($11 ($11 Per Per Person), Person), and and the the phone phone number number (545-(545-9929) 9929) are are given given in in a a larger larger font font or or a a more more eye-catching eye-catching color color with with the the pur

93、pose to draw readers attention and arouse their interest.purpose to draw readers attention and arouse their interest. No, of course not. A leaflet without illustrations will be very boring. No, of course not. A leaflet without illustrations will be very boring.职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5

94、BrandW-Task 2Task 2 Put the following portions in their appropriate places in the half-finished leaflet.Writing1. Tours run every Wednesday and Sunday at 9:30 a.m. from Shenzhen Railway Station. Tour does include some light walking. Duration: 8 hours Price: 400 per person incl. bus trip, admission t

95、o Disneyland and lunch.4. Hong Kong Disneyland opens its doors to the world and ushers in a new era of Disney magic. Come share the tradition, heritage and fun! Plan your trip today!1. Tours run every Wednesday and Sunday at 9:30 a.m. from Shenzhen Railway Station. Tour does include some light walki

96、ng. Duration: 8 hours Price: 400 per person incl. bus trip, admission to Disneyland and lunch.3. Contact Hong Ying Tours On (0755) 34567890 or online:www.honging- 3. Contact Hong Ying Tours On (0755) 34567890 or online:www.honging-4. Hong Kong Disneyland opens its doors to the world and ushers in a

97、new era of Disney magic. Come share the tradition, heritage and fun! Plan your trip today!职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 BrandW-Task 3Task 3 You are going to open a small caf near the campus. Please make a leaflet to advertise it.Writing职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 BrandMiniWork in

98、 groups. Conduct a brand loyalty survey among ten dormitories in your college and report your survey results to the class.Mini-projectStep 1: Choose a brand of any service or product (toothpaste, fast food restaurant, mobile phone, magazine, etc.).Step 2: Design your own brand loyalty survey form. T

99、he following sample survey form about computers is for your reference.Step 3: Hand out the survey forms to ten dormitories in your college.Step 4: Draft a summary of your survey results. The summary should answer the following questions: Which are the top three brands in the brand loyalty survey? Wh

100、at are customers reasons for purchasing these top three brands?Step 5: Report your survey results to the class. SampleSample职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 BrandMini-sampleMini-project职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 BrandLanguage LabLanguage LabTask 1Task 2Task 3Task 4Task 5职业综合职业综合职业综

101、合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 BrandLL-LL-TaskTask 1Task 1 Match the words on the left with their meanings on the right. Language LabF FDDAAJ JE EGGC CHHBBI I职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 BrandLL-TaskLL-Task 2-1 Task 2 Complete the following sentences with the words from Task 1. Change the for

102、m if necessary. Language Lab1.1.What is your favorite What is your favorite _ of electronic dictionary? of electronic dictionary?2. California has many 2. California has many _ _ from other states.from other states.3. 3. We We need need to to write write _ computer computer programs programs specifi

103、cally specifically designed for the task.designed for the task.4. 4. Our Our companys companys _ _ is is to to listen listen to to our our customers customers and and make them satisfied.make them satisfied.5. 5. Weigh Weigh out out all all the the _ _ before before you you start start making making

104、 the the cake.cake.brandbrandimmigrantsimmigrantsdedicateddedicatedphilosophyphilosophyingredientsingredients职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 BrandLL-TaskLL-Task 2-2Language Lab6. He runs his sandwich chain as a 6. He runs his sandwich chain as a _ operation. operation.7. The new trade figures

105、 have just been 7. The new trade figures have just been _ . .8. 8. From From his his earliest earliest years years he he showed showed _ ability ability in in mechanics. mechanics. 9. 9. The The radio radio program program has has many many _ features features highly highly appreciated by the audien

106、ce.appreciated by the audience.10. 10. The The work work is is _, , but but he he finished finished it it with with great great success.success.franchisefranchisereleasedreleasedexceptionalexceptionaldistinctivedistinctivedemandingdemanding职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 BrandLL-TaskLL-Task 3

107、Language Lab1. 1. Jack Jack _ a a new new idea idea to to _ _. .2. 2. Since Since we we _ in in technology technology last last year,year, the the production production _. .3. 3. No No details details about about the the talks talks _, , so so we we dont dont know know _. .4. 4. If If his his conclu

108、sionconclusion _ facts, facts, we we have have to to _. .5. 5. Ten Ten yearyears s ago ago we we had had only only a a staff staff of of tenten _, , but but now now our company isour company is _ _. . Task 3 Complete the sentences with the following words or phrases plus some words of your own.deriv

109、e from start with innovate come up with releasecame up withpush the sales of theinnovatedhas been greatly increasedhave been releasedwhat will happen nextis derived fromfollow his adviceto start witha leader in the fast food industryproducts职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 BrandLL-TaskLL-Task

110、4-14-1Task 4 Rewrite the following sentences after the models. Language LabModel 1:Model 1:1.1.He resigned last week. He didnt tell me the reason.He resigned last week. He didnt tell me the reason.2. The experiment failed. Nobody knew the reason.2. The experiment failed. Nobody knew the reason.3. Ma

111、ry succeeded in the end, because she worked very hard.3. Mary succeeded in the end, because she worked very hard.He didnt tell me the reason why he resigned last week.He didnt tell me the reason why he resigned last week.Nobody knew the reason why the experiment failed.Nobody knew the reason why the

112、 experiment failed.The The reason reason why why Mary Mary succeeded succeeded in in the the end end was was that that she she worked very hard.worked very hard.职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 BrandLL-TaskLL-Task 4-24-2Language LabModel 2:Model 2:1.1.We know September 10 is Teachers Day in Ch

113、ina.We know September 10 is Teachers Day in China.2. We know he is the greatest musician of our time.2. We know he is the greatest musician of our time.3. Many people know that Suzhou is Venice in the Orient.3. Many people know that Suzhou is Venice in the Orient. September 10 is known as Teachers D

114、ay in China. September 10 is known as Teachers Day in China. He is known as the greatest musician of our time. He is known as the greatest musician of our time. Suzhou is known as Venice in the Orient. Suzhou is known as Venice in the Orient.职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 BrandLL-TaskLL-Task

115、 5-15-1Task 5 Translate the following into English using the given words or phrases. Language Lab1.1.1.1.请通知全体员工参加明天的会议。请通知全体员工参加明天的会议。请通知全体员工参加明天的会议。请通知全体员工参加明天的会议。( ( ( (notifynotify) ) ) )2. 2. 2. 2. 在在在在展展展展览览览览会会会会上上上上你你你你会会会会看看看看到到到到诸诸诸诸如如如如IBMIBMIBMIBM、SonySonySonySony、NokiaNokiaNokiaNokia等等等

116、等许许许许多多多多世世世世界界界界著著著著名名名名公公公公司司司司。( ( ( (to to name just a fewname just a few ) ) ) )3. 3. 3. 3. 东方文化会在这方面起积极作用。东方文化会在这方面起积极作用。东方文化会在这方面起积极作用。东方文化会在这方面起积极作用。( ( ( (positivepositive) ) ) )4. 4. 4. 4. 我们必须改革并开发更多的产品来满足顾客的需求。我们必须改革并开发更多的产品来满足顾客的需求。我们必须改革并开发更多的产品来满足顾客的需求。我们必须改革并开发更多的产品来满足顾客的需求。( ( ( (in

117、novateinnovate) ) ) )Please notify all the staff to come to the meeting tomorrow.Please notify all the staff to come to the meeting tomorrow.You You can can see see many many world-famous world-famous companies companies at at the the exhibition: exhibition: IBM, Sony, Nokia, to name just a few.IBM,

118、 Sony, Nokia, to name just a few.Eastern culture can play a positive role in this aspect.Eastern culture can play a positive role in this aspect.We We have have to to innovate innovate and and develop develop more more products products to to meet meet the the needs of our customers.needs of our cus

119、tomers.职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 BrandLL-LL-TaskTask 5-2Language Lab5. 5. 5. 5. 他们公司将于他们公司将于他们公司将于他们公司将于7 7 7 7月份推出最新的软件产品。月份推出最新的软件产品。月份推出最新的软件产品。月份推出最新的软件产品。( ( ( (releaserelease) ) ) )6. 6. 6. 6. 这一新政策将极大地改变人们在办公室的工作方式。这一新政策将极大地改变人们在办公室的工作方式。这一新政策将极大地改变人们在办公室的工作方式。这一新政策将极大地改变人们在办公室的工

120、作方式。( ( ( (substantiallysubstantially) ) ) )7. 7. 7. 7. 他的新工作报酬不错,但要求也很高。他的新工作报酬不错,但要求也很高。他的新工作报酬不错,但要求也很高。他的新工作报酬不错,但要求也很高。( ( ( (demandingdemanding) ) ) )8. 8. 8. 8. 她每个月给家里寄她每个月给家里寄她每个月给家里寄她每个月给家里寄500500500500元钱。元钱。元钱。元钱。( ( ( (remitremit) ) ) )Their company will release their latest software in

121、July.Their company will release their latest software in July.This new policy will substantially change the way people This new policy will substantially change the way people work in an office.work in an office.His new job is well paid , but highly demanding.His new job is well paid , but highly de

122、manding.She remits 500 She remits 500 yuanyuan to her family every month. to her family every month.职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 BrandEntertainmentEntertainmentLemon Treeby: Fools GardenBackgroundBackground声音声音职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 BrandBackgroundLemon Tree is a song by Ge

123、rman pop band Fools Garden from the album Dish of the Day, which was released as a single in 1995 and became a major international hit in 1996. The single reached number 26 in the UK charts and remained at number 1 for several weeks in Germany. The band recorded a new version of the song in prior for their 2009 release High Times - The Best of Fools Garden. EntertainmentBackground职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 BrandThank You!ENGLISH FOR CAREERS职业综合英语职业综合英语 2 2新职业英语新职业英语Thank You!职业综合职业综合职业综合职业综合英语英语英语英语 2 2 2 2Unit 5 Brand部分资料从网络收集整理而来,供大家参考,感谢您的关注!



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