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1、精品 1三年级下册期末复习三年级下册期末复习一、选出与其他两项不同类的单词一、选出与其他两项不同类的单词同学们:一分耕耘一分收获,只要我们能做到有永同学们:一分耕耘一分收获,只要我们能做到有永不言败不言败+ +勤奋学习勤奋学习+ +有远大的理想有远大的理想+ +坚定的信念,坚强的意志,明确的目标,相信你在学习和坚定的信念,坚强的意志,明确的目标,相信你在学习和生活也一定会收获成功(可删除)生活也一定会收获成功(可删除)() 1.A. pieB. standC. sit() 2. A. comeB. listenC. me() 3. A. eatB. drinkC. sweet() 4. A.

2、sleepB. inC. talk() 5. A. robotB. talkC. ruler() 6. A. hereB. shoutC. open()7AEnglishByourCmy()8AmilkBeggCpie() 9AdrinkBeatChot dog()10Apencil caseBwindowCdoor()11AnotBnoCYes()12A. Miss LiB. motherC. father()13A. schoolbagB. doorC. crayon()14A. EnglishB. bookC. pen()15A. sweetB. cakeC. pencil()16A.

3、itB. thisC. that翻译翻译1.在书里 _2. 在农场_3.on the floor_4.Its over there._5. beside the door_6. Wheres my lunch box?_7. Dont shout._8.drink my milk_9. an English book_10.eat my cake_11. your rubber_12.my aunt_13. listen to_14. stand up _15. 你的直尺 _16.一个苹果_17.开门_18.关窗_19.不要跑_20.打开书本_三、选择正确的序号填入括号中三、选择正确的序号填入

4、括号中() 1. -Look at the blackboard .-_.A. Im sorry.B. Yes, Mr Green.C. Its nice.()2. Is this _ English book? http:A IB youC your精品 1() 3. I like to _ juice(果汁).A. eatB. drinkC. run() 4. Its too cold(冷). _ the window, please.A. Dont openB. OpenC. Talk() 5. Dont eat my _ .AmilkB hot dogCjuice() 6.这是你的橡皮

5、吗?A. This is your rubber.B. Is this your rubber?C .Is this you rubber?() 7.Dont drink my milk.A.不要喝我的牛奶B.不要喝我的水() 8.Thats my English book.A.那是我的英语书B.它是你的英语书() 9.Dont shout here.A.不要在这儿喊叫B.不要在那儿喊叫() 10.Is that a pencil?Yes,_is.A. thatB .thisC. itD. its()11shout.ANoBDontCNot()12Would you likeice cream

6、?AaBanC/()13 Dont sleep, Mike.AIm sorry.BCome in, please.CNo, thank you.()14Dontmy cake!AdrinkBeatCshout()15ItsEnglish book.AIBmyCme()16this your book?AAmBIsCAre()17I wantsleep.AtoBtooCtwo()18Liu Tao is sleepingthe library.AinBupCat()19刘涛在图书馆里与人大声交谈,你对他说:ADont shout.BDont talk.CDont sleep.()20同学在教室里

7、吃零食,你提醒他:ADont talk.BDont drink.CDont eat.()21.你在图书馆看书,有同学大声叫你,你会说:精品 1A.Dont run here.B.Dont shout here.C.Dont talk here.()22.上学迟到了,你对老师说:A. Come in, please. B. Im sorry, Miss Li.C.Open the door, please.()23.同学在课堂上吃东西,你提醒他:A. Dont talk.B. Dont drink.C. Dont eat.()24.This _my pencil.A. amB. isntC. a

8、reD. arent()25.天气很冷,妈妈会说:A. Dont close the windows.B. Dont close the door.C. Dont open the windows.()26. -Look at my shirt.-_.新|课| 标|第|一| 网A. Yes, please.B. How nice.C. Thank you.()27. -_ is your skirt?-Its red.A. WhatB. What colourC. Whats colour()28. _ Mr Wang. Hes _ teacher.A. She; IB. Hes;myC. S

9、hes; my()30. -Please come in.-_.A. Im sorry.B. Thank you.C. No, thank you.()31. -Would you like a green egg?-_.A. Yes, I amB. No, Im not.C. Yes, please.()32. Is that your pen ? No, it _.A. isB. isnt()33. Dont _ the window. Its cold (冷)in the library.A. openB. closeC. run()34. -This is my father.-_A.

10、 Nice to meet you. B. Yes, he is.C. Thank you.()35. -Open it, please. -_A.Thank you.B. Goodbye.C. Yes, Mr Green.四四 、句子配对、句子配对1.AB()1. Is this your rubber?A. Good morning, Miss Li.()2. May I come in?B. No, thank you.()3. This is for you.C. Im sorry.()4. Would you like a cake?D. No, it isnt.()5. Dont

11、run in the library.E. Its nice.()6. Good morning, class.F. Come in, please.精品 1()7. Look at the blackboard.G. Thank you.()8. Look at my new cap.H. OK.2.AB()1Whats this?AYes, please.()2Dont sleep in class, Liu Tao.BIts an English book.()3Would you like a sweet?CNice to meet you, too.()4Nice to meet y

12、ou.DCome in, please.()5Im sorry, Mr Green. Im late(迟到). EHi, Liu Tao.()6Hello, Im Liu Tao.FIm sorry.3.AB()1.Is this your rubber?A. Yes, Dad.()2.Wheres your lunch box?B. How nice.()3.This book is for you.C. Its over there.()4.Look at my cap.D. Yes, it is.()5.Please close the windowE. Thank you.五、从方框中

13、选择合适的词,用其正确形式完成对话五、从方框中选择合适的词,用其正确形式完成对话A. NoB. HelloC. likeD. DontE. eatF. aboutG. sorryA: _. Helen!B:Shh, _ shout!A: Would you _ a cake?B: _, thank you.A: What _ a sweet?B: No! Dont _ in the library.A: Im _.选择正确的答案选择正确的答案1、 - _! A bird! - How beautiful!A.LookB.LookingC.Look at2、 - _ the bird? - It

14、s under the desk.A.WheresB.WhatsC.Where3、- The bird is _ the tree now.A.inB.onC.for4.- Wheres my pencil? - _A.Its in your schoolbag.B.Its a pencil.C.No, it isnt.5、- Is it in your pencil case? - No, _.A.it isntB.it isC.its6、- Ha! Ha! Here _, - Bobby!A.you areB.are youC.is it7、 - Wheres your pen? - _A

15、.Its a pen.B.No, it isnt.C.Its in my pencil case.8、 - Is it in your schoolbag? - _, it isnt.精品 1A.YesB.NoC.Not9、 - _ Yang Ling? - _ behind the door.A.Wheres;ShesB.Wheres ; SheC.Where; Shes10、- _ you Mike? - _, Im not. Im Tom.A.Are; NoB.Are; YesC.Is; No11、 - Is the cat under the chair? - _. Its behin

16、d the desk.A.Yes, it isB.No, it isC.No, it isnt12、你觉得朋友的手表很好看,你会说:_A.How nice!B.What nice!C.Its my watch.13、 - Is that a rubber? - _. Its a crayon.A.Yes, it isB.No, it isC.No, it isnt14、 - Wheres Helen? - Shes _.A.elevenB.my friendC.on the bed15、- This is Tim.- _ My brother.A.ShesB.ItsC.Hes16.that y

17、our crayon? Yes,.A. Is, it is.B, Is isnt.C. Are, they are.17.This rubber is for you.A. Yes.B OK.C. Thank you.18.Is thatparrot? No,isntA. you, itB your, heC. your, it19.is this?A. WhatB WhatsC. what20.Where s my schoolbag?A. Thats my schoolbag.B Its my schoolbag.C. Its over there.七、根据所给中文选择合适的英文翻译七、根

18、据所给中文选择合适的英文翻译 3030 分分( )1. 你想知道小鸟在哪,你会怎么说?X kB 1 . c omAWheres the bird?B.Wheres the bed?( )2.你想把东西给 Bobby,应该怎么说?A Here you are, Bobby.B.Here they are, Bobby.( )3.你想告诉别人东西在门的后面,应该怎么说?A.Its beside the door now!B.Its behind the door now!( )4.小鸟在树上时,你会说?AIts in the tree now.B.Its on the tree now.( )5.

19、你想告诉别人他不是 Bobby 时,你会说?A Oh, its not Bobby.B. Oh, its not Bob.C. it isnt Bobby.( )6.你看到小鸟站在我的椅子上,你会说?A Stand on my desk!B . Stand on my chair!C. Sit on my chair!精品 1( )7.不要站在我的椅子上,你会说?A.Dont stand on my chairB. Dont sit on my desk.( )8.他站在门后面 你会说?A.Shes beside the door.B. Hes behind the door.( )9.想知道

20、这是否是别人的朋友 你会问?A Where is your friend?B. Is this your friend?( )10. 告诉对方这件夹克衫是红白相间的,可以说:A. The jacket is red and white.B.red or white?( )11.当你想告诉别人这不是你的书时,你应该说:A. Im sorry.B This is your book.C. This isnt my book.( )12.当你想询问别人那是否是他的钢笔时,你会说:A. That is your pen.B. Is that your pencil?C. Is that your pe

21、n? XkB1. c om( )13.当你想询问你的橡皮在哪里时,你应该说:A. Whats that?B wheres my rubber?C. Wheres my ruler?.( )14.当你要给别人某件东西时,你会说:A. This is for you.B. Thank you.C. Is this for you?( )15.当你想告诉别人东西在远处时,你应该说:A. Wheres my car?B Its over there.C. That is your book.八、选择正确的答案八、选择正确的答案()1.Lookmy cap.A. atB.forC. to()2.my T

22、-shirt?A.ShesB. WhatsC. Wheres()3.Look atnew skirt.A. sheB. IC. my()4.Are you Helen? No,A.ImB.I amC.Im not()5.Look atA.IB. meC. myhttp:/ /www.xk b1. com()6.Nice.A.ItsB. WhatC. How()7.What colour is my T-shirt?A. RedB.How nice()8.Look at my skirt.A.Its a T-shirtB. Its great.()9.Your cap is great.A.Th

23、ank you.B. How nice.精品 1()10.Wheres your schoolbag?Its_ my desk.A. onB. to九、根据所给中文选择合适的英文翻译九、根据所给中文选择合适的英文翻译 (2020 分)分)( )1.王兵看不清远处是不是他的午饭盒,他请迈克帮忙看一下,可以说?A. Is that my lunch box?B. Look my lunch box.C. Whats that over there.( )2.看,这是我的新夹克衫A. Look,this is my new jacket.B. Look at my new jacket.C. Loo

24、k at my jacket.( )3.他在那里A. Hes here.B. Shes over there.C.Hes over there .( )4.看我A. Look at me.B. Look at I.C. Look me.() 5. 你让对方看你的 T 恤衫,可以说:新课标第一 网A. Look at my T-shirt.B. Look at my skirt.C. This is my jacket.() 6. 你看了对方的新帽子后,可以说:A. Its nice.B. This is my new cap.C. Thank you.() 7. 杨玲找不到自己的橡皮了,她文迈

25、克:A. Wheres my rubber?B. Is this your rubber?C. What colour is my rubber?() 8. 当别人赞赏你的夹克衫好看时,你可以说:A. How nice!B. This is my jacket.C. Thank you.() 9. 问对方想要白色的还是绿色的,可以说:A. White?B. White or green?C. Its white and green.() 10.苏海问 Helen 是不是看到鸟飞到她的书桌里了,可以说:A. Is the bird in the tree?B. Is the bird in my

26、 desk?C. The bird is in your desk?十、读句子排列成正确的对话十、读句子排列成正确的对话 (2020 分)分)1.() Wheres my ruler?() What colour is your ruler? wWw.Xk b 1. c O m() Is this your ruler?() Oh, its under my pencil case.() No, it isnt.() its brown.A. Yes, it is.B.Hello, Jill.C. Whats that?D Its aruler.E. Hello, Mike.F. What c

27、olour is it?G Its red.H. How nice! Is it your ruler, Mike?精品 1H十三根据情境选择合适的句子十三根据情境选择合适的句子 (5%)(5%)()1.你请 Helen 进入你的房间,可以说:()2.当你想知道这是不是对方的爸爸时,你会说:()3.当你向朋友介绍哥哥时,你会说:()4.图书管里,你叫 Mike 不要吃东西,会说:()5.你告诉朋友那不是你的铅笔,说:A. Thats not my pencil.B. Come in, please.CThis is my brother.D . Dont eat here.EIs this y

28、our father?十四写出下列句子或短语的中文:十四写出下列句子或短语的中文:1.In class2. Stand up .Sit down.3. Please open the door. Yes, Mr Green.4 .Come in ,Mike. Im sorry.5.Look at the blackboard.6.Dontlisten to the parrot.7Dontshout, Wang Bing .8.Would you like a sweet ? No,thank you.或 Yes ,please9. Whats this ?Its my English boo

29、k.10.Dont eat my cake. This isnt my pencil.11.Is this your pencil ?No,it isnt.Yes, it is.12.Thats my pencil.Is that a pencil ? Yes, it is. Its a pencil.13.Wheres your lunch box? Its over there.14.What is it ?Cakes.15.This is for you.十五、翻译下列句子十五、翻译下列句子http:/ /www.xk b1. com看黑板2. 开门3. 不要跑步4. 不要打开书 5. 不要再这儿吃东西6.请进来7. 这是什么?是一块橡皮8. 那是什么?是一本英语书9. 它是什么?它是一条漂亮的短裙10. 你想要一本书吗?不,谢谢11. 这是一支钢笔12. 这是一支钢笔吗?13. 那是一个书包14. 那是一个书包吗?15. 小鸟在哪里? 在树上16. 我的铅笔在哪里? 在课桌上17.你的午餐盒在哪里? 在那儿18. 这个蜡笔是给你的19. 给你20我的钢笔在哪儿? 在笔袋里



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