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1、现在完成时I.现在完成时的概念。表示过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响或结果She has been ill for three days. (她病了三天了。)表示从过去某一时间开始一直持续到现在的动作或状态。Weve known each other since we were children. (我们从小就认识。 )I have been a member of the Party for 10 years. II.构成: ” 助动词 have, has + 过去分词 ”现在完成时态的肯定句、否定句和疑问句形式(以work 为例):人称肯定否定疑问回答第一人称I have seen the

2、UFO. We have travelled around the world. I haven t seen the UFO. We haven t travelled around the world. Have you seen the UFO? Have you travelled around the world? Yes, I have./ No, I haven t.Yes, we have./ No, we haven t.第二人称You have been to England. You haven t been to England. Have you been to En

3、gland? Yes, I/we have. No, I /we haven t.第三人称He/She has been to Beijing. They have given concerts all over the world. He/ She hasn t been to Beijing. They haven t given concerts all over the world. Has he/ she been to Beijing? Have they given concerts all over the world? Yes, he/she has. No, he/she

4、hasn t.Yes, they have. No, they haven t.注:规则动词的过去分词的构成与过去是相同,不规则动词的过去分词见附表。练. 把下面变否定句、一般疑问句并作肯定和否定回答。1. I have done my homework. 否定句: _ 一般疑问句: _ 回答: _ 2. The plane has arrived. 否定句: _ 一般疑问句: _ 回答: _ III.现在完成时用法归纳1. 现在完成时表示过去发生的动作现已完成,对现在造成的影响和结果。(此种用法谓语动词用结束性动词) 如:The plane has arrived. 常用的时间状语和副词:a

5、lready (已经 ) 用于肯定句中,位置比较灵活,但通常放在have/ has 与过去分词之间如:I have already done my homework. yet (还,仍然,已经) 用于否定句和疑问句的句末。如:Has she finished cooking yet? 他做完饭了吗?精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 27 页练: I have already done my homework. ( 变为否定句 )_ ever (曾经 ),句中,多用于疑问句如:Have you ever been to Sh

6、anghai? never (从不 ) ,本身否定;before (以前 ),句尾,独立用;just (刚刚 ),用于肯定句中,常用在助动词和过去分词之间。如: I have just heard the news. 我刚刚听到消息。2. 完成时可用于表示某时间段里完成的动作,常与today, these days, recently等时间状语连用。 如:Have you seen her these days? 译:_ Have you been to the library today? 译: _ Have you read the book recently? 译: _ 3.现在完成时表

7、示过去已经开始,持续到现在,可能延续到将来的动作和状态。常与表示过去某一时刻延续到现在的一段时间状语连用。如:a.for + 一段时间: for two hours b.since + 时间点: since 1999, since last year c.since + 一段时间 + ago: since two days ago d.since + 从句(用过去时)e.up to now, till now, until now, so far f.in the past two years, in the last few days g.recently, lately 如:Miss Zh

8、ao has taught math for five years. His mother has worked in the shop since 1990. The Greens have lived in London since three years ago. 注:其中在a,b,c,d 这四种结构中,谓语动词必须为延续性动词。如:I have had this book for one and a half years. ( 这本书我已买了一年半了!) 4. 短暂性动词怎样和表示一段时间的状语连用。英语中的短暂性动词,也叫做终止性动词、瞬间动词或非延续性动词,只表示一时的动作,在肯定

9、句式中不能与表示延续的时间状语连用。常见的短暂性动词有:go, come, leave, find, buy, arrive, give, stop, join, marry, die, begin, start, borrow, close, open, lend等。eg. I have bought this book for three months. () 非延续性动词与一段时间连用时可采用下列三种方法:(1)将非延续性动词转化为延续性动词。leave- have (has) been away from close- be closed join- have (has) been (

10、in) begin/start- be on buy- have (has) had go- be there die- have (has) dead finish- be over come (arrive)- have (has) been here borrow- have (has) kept begin to work- have (has) worked open- have (has) been open get up- have (has) been up put on have (has) on come back- have (has) been back gone (l

11、eft)- been away joined been got to know known 不能用 buy 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 27 页( 2)时间状语的变化:把表时间的状语“for ”变为 “ 数词 + 时间名词 +ago” 的短语形式。(即:将时间状语改为过去时间,并用一般过去时代替现在完成时)如:他参军五年了。 (判断正误)He has joined the Army for five years. ( ) He has been in the Army for five years. ( ) He j

12、oined the Army five years ago. ( ) 他离开济南三年了。He has left Ji nan for three years. ( ) He has been away from Ji nan for three years.He left Ji nan three years ago.(3) 句子模式的变化。用句型“ It is + 一段时间 + since 从句 ” (从句中的谓语动词用非延续性动词的一般过去式表示)如:The old man died two years ago.= The old man has been dead for two yea

13、rs. = It is two years since the old man died. 5. have been to/ have gone to/ have been in 三种结构的区别(1)have been to 去过某地 (现已离开 ),可以与ever, never, once, twice 等连用。(2)has gone to 去某地了,说话时某人已离开此地,在去某地的路上或已在某地,总之现在还未回来。此句型一般用于第三人称。(3) have been in 表示已在某地呆了多久,若该地为小地方则用at。翻译:你以前去过北京吗?_ 吉姆已经去了伦敦。_ 格林一家在中国已经两年了

14、。_ 6. 现在完成时与一般过去时的区别:(1) 侧重点不同:现在完成时是与现在有关的时态,属现在时态范畴,它侧重于过去的动作对现在造成的影响。而一般过去时是一种过去时态,侧重于表示过去的动作,与现在无关。如:Yesterday I went to the zoo. ( 仅说明昨天去了动物园,与现在无关) Li Lei has read the book. ( 说明李磊了解那本书的内容) (2)连用的时间状语不同:一般过去时常与ago, yesterday, last, in 2000, just now等连用。而现在完成时与already, yet, still, just, so far,

15、 in the last/ past , before, ever, never, since , for 等时间状语连用。注 现在完成时不可与yesterday, last week, two days ago 等过去时间状语连用。被动语态语态是动词的一种形式,它表示主语和谓语的关系。语态有两种:主动语态和被动语态。如果主语是动作的执行者,或者是说动作是由主语完成的,要用主动语态;如果主语是动作的承受者,或者是说动作不是由主语而是由其他人完成的,则用被动语态。一、被动语态各时态构成表TENSE 主动语态被动语态一般现在时beVVs amisare+ pp 精选学习资料 - - - - - -

16、 - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 27 页一般将来时will+ V will be +pp 现在进行时amisare+ Ving amisare+ being+ pp 一般过去时waswere Ved waswere+ pp 一般完成时havehas+ pp havehas+ been+ pp 过去完成时had+ pp had+ been+ pp 过去进行时waswere+ Ving waswere being+ pp 情态动词can+ V can+ be+ pp Our classroom is cleaned everyday. A new shop w

17、as built last year. This book has been translated into many languages. A new hospital will be built in our city. Young trees must be watered often. My bike is being repaired by Tom now. There are twenty more trees to be planted. 二、主动句变为被动句所遵循的4 个步骤:1.把原主动句中的宾语变为被动句的主语2.把动词变为被动形式即be +过去分词,并注意其人称和数随主语

18、的变化,而动词的时态则保持不变。3.原主动句的主语如需要则放在by 后面以它的宾格形式出现(注代词的宾格),如不需要则可省略。4.其它的成分(定语、状语)不变。三、不用被动语态的情况1) 不及物动词或动词短语无被动语态(即多数的瞬间动词):appear, die( 死亡 ),disappear (消失) , end (vi. 结束 ), fail, happen, last, lie, remain, sit, spread, stand 比较:rise, fall, happen 是不及物动词;raise, seat 是及物动词。(错 )The price has been risen. (

19、对 ) The price has risen. (错 ) The accident was happened last week.(对 ) The accident happened last week. (错 ) The price has raised.精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 27 页(对 ) The price has been raised. (错 ) Please seat.(对 ) Please be seated. 要想正确地使用被动语态,就须注意哪些动词是及物的,哪些是不及物的。特别是一词多义的

20、动词往往有两种用法。解决这一问题唯有在学习过程中多留意积累。2) 不能用于被动语态的及物动词或动词短语:fit, have, hold, marry, own, wish, cost, notice, watch agree with, arrive at / in, shake hands with, succeed in, suffer from, happen to, take part in, walk into, belong to This key just fits the lock. Your story agrees with what had already been he

21、ard. 3) 系动词无被动语态(keep 除外):appear, be become, fall, feel, get, grow, look, remain, seem, smell, sound, stay, taste, turn It sounds good. 4) 带同源宾语的及物动词,反身代词,相互代词,不能用于被动语态:die, death, dream, live, life She dreamed a bad dream last night. 5) 当宾语是不定式时,很少用于被动语态。(对 ) She likes to swim. (错 ) To swim is like

22、d by her. 四、使用被动语态应注意的几个问题:1. 不及物动词无被动语态。What will happen in 100 years? The dinosaurs disappeared about 65 million years ago. 2. 有些动词用主动形式表示被动意义。This pen writes well. This new book sells well. 3. 感官动词或使役动词使用省略to 的动词不定式,主动语态中不带to ,但变为被动语态时,须加上to 。例: make somebody do somethingsomebody+ be +made to do

23、something see somebody do something somebody +be +seen to do something A girl saw my wallet drop when she passed by. My wallet was seen to drop by a girl when she passed by. The boss made the little boy do heavy work. The little boy was made to do heavy work by the boss. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归

24、纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 27 页4. 如果是接双宾语的动词改为被动语态时,直接宾语(物 )作主语,那么动词后要用介词,这个介词是由与其搭配的动词决定。He gave me a book. A book was given to me by him. He showed me a ticket.A ticket was shown to me by him. My father bought me a new bike. A new bike was bought for me by my father. 5. 一些动词短语用于被动语态时,动词短语应当看作一个整体,而不

25、能丢掉其中的介词或副词。We can t laugh him. He can t be laugh by us. He listens to the radio every day. The radio is listened to by him every day. The nurse is taking care of the sick man. The sick man is being taken care of by the nurse. 副词副词的分类副词主要用来修饰动词,形容词,副词或其他结构。1、表频率的副词常见的频率副词有:always,often,usually,somet

26、imes,never,ever,hardly,seldom. 它们一般在系动词、情态动词和助动词之后,行为动词之前. He always goes to school on foot. She has never been to Beijing. She is often late for work. 2、表示方式的副词与方式相关的副词,这类词通常由形容词+ly 转化而来。 如 safely,quietly,quickly ,politely loudly , luckily ,happily ,easily ,carefully , slowly , suddenly 以及 fast,lat

27、e,hard,early等。此类副词位于动词之后,如果是及物动词一般位于宾语之后。The children are dancing happily. They work hard. The students did their homework carefully. 3程度副词与程度相关的副词有:very , much , only, quite , as, too, too for, too to do, well, almost, even, a little , enough , rather, a lot , so,such , badly, nearly , further , re

28、ally , widely , hardly , a bit 等。它们一般位于被修饰的词前面,但enough 要放在被修饰的词后面。I can hardly know her name. The cake is so delicious He was badly hurt . He worked hard enough. 4表时间、地点、方向的副词(1)与时间相关的副词有: ago ,already, before, early, long, late, just, now, once, soon, since, today, tomorrow ,tonight ,yesterday, yet

29、 等。它们通常位于句末,有些也可位于句中如:already 等。Theyll come back soon.He lived here ten years ago . 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 27 页They have finished the work already.=They have already finished the work. (2)与地点、方向相关的副词经常位于动词之后与动词搭配构成短语动词。outside, inside , upstair ,here ,there ,home, near,

30、 come back , turn left , go out 5疑问副词和关系副词(1)常用的疑问副词:when,where ,why ,how,how old, how long, how soon, how often, how far 等以及 perhaps,maybe,instead 等,通常用于句首。Maybe/Perhaps he is at home. How did you go there ? When was he born ? How often do you see a movie ? How soon will your father come back? (2)关

31、系副词主要有四个,即 when, where, why,how 等。关系副词常用来引导从句。1.副词的位置和排序(一) 、副词的位置:1) 在动词之前。2) 在 be 动词、助动词之后。3) 多个助动词时,副词一般放在第一个助动词后。注意:a. 大多数方式副词位于句尾,但宾语过长,副词可以提前,以使句子平衡。We could see very clearly a strange light ahead of us. b. 方式副词well, badly 糟、坏, hard 等只放在句尾,如:He speaks English well. (二) 、副词的排列顺序:1) 时间,地点副词,小单位的

32、在前,大单位在后。2) 方式副词, 短的在前, 长的在后, 并用 and 或 but 等连词连接。Please write slowly and carefully. 3) 多个不同副词排列:程度+地点 +方式 +时间副词。注意:副词very 可以修饰形容词,但不能修饰动词。改错: (错)I very like English. (对 )I like English very much. 注意:副词enough要放在形容词的后面,形容词enough 放在名词前后都可。I dont know him well enough. There is enough food for everyone t

33、o eat. There is food enough for everyone to eat. 副词的用法1).作状语修饰动词,位于动词后。He walked quietly into his bedroom. It is raining hard . 2).作状语修饰形容词,位于形容词前。You have a very nice watch. The machine is too heavy. 3).作状语修饰另一副词,位于另一副词前。有时候也修饰整个句子You walked too slowly,I couldnt wait for you.Unfortunately , he was

34、out. 4).作表语,位于系动词之后。How long will she be away? Is your mother in ? 5).作宾语补足语,位于宾语之后。Ask him in . I saw him out . 6).作定语,位于名词后。the girl here the boy over there the man upstairs on ones way home副词的比较等级1、副词比较等级的构成(1)副词的比较等级与形容词相似,也有比较级和最高级。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 27 页(2)绝大多

35、数的副词比较级和最高级都是在其前面加上more 和 most 构成的,有少数单音节和个别双音节的副词是在末尾加er , est 构成。slowly- more slowly- most slowly carefully-more carefully most carefully fast-faster-fastest (3)还有一些副词的比较级和最高级是不规则的。例如:well-better-best badly-worse-worst far-farther/further-farthest/furthest much more-most little-less-least little-l

36、ess-least 2、副词比较等级的用法(1)副词的同级比较用(not)as+副词原级 +as . Jim did the work as well as Lilei. I can t run as fast as you .(2)两者之间进行比较常与than 连用。He speaks English better than you . Tom works harder than Jim . (3)表示三者、 三者以上之间的比较用副词最高级,用不用定冠词the 皆可,通常有一个表示范围的短语。例如:The boy writes most carefully of the four. Jim

37、did worst in the exam in his class yesterday. 一、兼有两种形式的副词1) close 与 closely close意思是 近; closely 意思是 仔细地 He is sitting close to me. Watch him closely. 2)late 与 lately late 意思是 晚 ; lately 意思是 最近 You have come too late. What have you been doing lately? 3)deep 与 deeply deep意思是 深,表示空间深度;deeply 时常表示感情上的深度

38、,深深地 He pushed the stick deep into the mud. Even father was deeply moved by the film. 4)high 与 highly high 表示空间高度;highly 表示程度,相当于much The plane was flying high. I think highly of your opinion. 5)wide 与 widely wide 表示空间宽度;widely 意思是 广泛地 , 在许多地方 He opened the door wide. English is widely used in the w

39、orld. 6)free 与 freely free 的意思是 免费 ; freely 的意思是 无限制地 You can eat free in my restaurant whenever you like. You may speak freely; say what you like. 易混点清单一、 how long,how often,how soon ,how far 的用法区别1. how long“多长”,询问动作在时间上所持续的长度。其答语部分或划线部分可能是:1) “for + 时间段”,有时可能没有介词for。如:-How long did he wait for yo

40、u here?- For two hours. It took him 20 minutes to finish his homework. (对话线部分提问) How long did it take him to finish his homework? 2) “since + 具体时间”, “since + 时间段+ ago”或者“ since + 从句” 。如:精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 27 页-How long are you feeling like this? -Since last night. 3

41、)表示时间的betweenand,from to等介词短语。如:They were playing football from 9:00 to 10:00 yesterday. (对话线部分提问) How long were they playing football yesterday? 另外, how long 也可以询问某事物的具体长度。如:-How long is the desk ? -1.2 meters. 1.2 米。2. how soon “多久,多快” ,询问动作在将来要经过多长时间才会发生。其答语部分或划线部分可能是:in + 时间段。如:Hes going to Zhen

42、gzhou in two days. ( 对话线部分提问) How soon is he going to Zhengzhou ?3. how far“多远”,询问路程、距离。如:How far is it from here to school? 4.how often 指每隔多久,主要用来对频度副词或状语(如: once a week, three times a month 等)提问。如A:How often does he come here? B:Once a month. A:How often do you visit your mother? B:Once a week. 二、

43、 hard 和 hardly 的区别(一)、 hard 可用作形容词或副词:1. 当 hard 用作形容词时,意为“困难的、坚固的、努力的”等。例如:It s hard for old people to change their ways. Steel is harder than wood. 2. 当 hard 用作副词时,意为“努力的、困难的、猛烈地”等。例如:Does Tom work hard at his lessons? Its raining hard outside now. Don t go out. (二)、 hardly 只能用作副词,意为“几乎没有、几乎不”。例如:I

44、 can hardly see anything on the blackboard. My father hardly ever watches TV. 三、 much too 和 too much 区别(一) (too) much 中心词是much 1相当于形容词,意为“more than enough” ,用在不可数名词前面作定语或在系动词后面作表语。如:Americans eat too much meat in my opinion I drank too much cola last night The work is too much for her Shes afraid th

45、e trip will be too much for me 2相当于名词,在句子中作主语或宾语。如:Too much was happening all at once You have given me too much3相当于副词,在句子中作状语。如:You work too much She talks too much(二) (much) too 中心词为too much too 的用法比较简单,只用作副词作状语,但它不单独使用,在句子中要修饰形容词或副词,但不修饰动词。如:You are much too kind to me Its much too cold You are d

46、riving much too fast【练习】 1.we should not eat junk food . A.too much B.much too C.too many D.much too (A)2.its _ hot in august in Nanjing . 3.A .many too B . much too C . very too D .to much (B)精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 27 页4.We dont have _ time to work every year. 5.A much

47、 too B so many C too much D too many (C) 四、 also ,too, as well ,either, neither 意思区别1)also 表示 也是比较正式的用词, too 是普通用词 ,口语中用的多,使用时应注意: also 一般用于句子中,其位置在行为动词之前,动词 to be 之后。如有助动词或情态动词,一般应在助动词或情态动词后,为了强调,也可放在前面。例如:I also went. You are also wrong. too 常置于句末,前面可用逗号,如置于句中,其前后均有逗号。例如He is a singer ,too. He,too

48、,is a singer. 注意 : also,too 只能用于肯定句。2) either neither either 表示“也”,只能用在否定句中,必须放在句末。例如:He didnt go there. I didnt either. neither 表示 两者都不 。In neither case can I agree. Neither of them wants to stop for a rest 3) as well as 作并列连词相当于not only but also 和 no lessthan,但 not only but also侧重在后项, as well as 和

49、 no lessthan 侧重在前项。例如:We must learn to look at problems all-sidedly, seeing the reverse as well as the obverse side or things. A true man should be practical as well as far-sighted. 在否定句中,as well as 的位置不同,句意往往有很大差别。比较下面的句子:He, as well as she, will not come. He will not come as well as she. (否定前者, 肯定

50、后者) Henry, as well as his brother, doesnt work hard. Henry doesnt work hard as well as him brother. as well as 连接的应是平等成分,都作主语或都作宾语等。例如:She was there as well as me. (误)She was there as well as I .(正)五、 already、yet、still 的区别1) already 是已经 ,用在肯定句中,用在完成时中比较多,比如 Ive already been to London. 2)yet 是还用于否定句

51、,如 I havent gone there yet. 此外yet 还有 但是 的意思 ,有时可以和but 互换 ,比如The authorities claim that the situation in the area has been under control, yet the fact is not the case.(当局声称此地区局势已得到控制 ,但事实并不是那么回事.) 3)still 是仍然 ,如 He should have been killed in the accident, but he is still alive.(他本应在事故中丧生 ,但他活着 .) 六、

52、ago和 before 的区别1.ago 表示“从现在起的若干时间以前”,意思是“距今以前”,需和过去时或过去进行时连用。 before 泛指“从过去起的若干时间以前”,意思是 “距过去某时以前” “与其 (毋宁)” , 常和完成时连用, 尤其在间接引语中, 如: His parents died ten years ago He said that his parents had died ten years before I have never been there before I visited him three days ago, but he had gone to Shang

53、hai a week before2.如果不具体表明多少时间以前,只用before 不用 ago,意为“从前、以前” 。before 仍以副词的形式置于被修饰语后,常与完成时候过去时连用。如:Have you seen this film before? He asked me whether I had been to the Great Wall before3.表示在某一点时间或事件以前时,只用before 不用 ago,这种用法是将before 当作介精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 27 页词或连词使用。ago

54、 不具有这一功能。如:They will come back before six oclockIt is hoped that this will be finished before the year 1995另外, before 在句中的含义较多。不少句子中,before 虽然引导的也是一个时间状语,但是译成汉语时却不必译为“在以前”。a.如果 before 引导的从句动作发生得晚或慢,可译成“才”。这是主句主语或是名词、代词,或用it 作形式主语He had almost knocked me down before he saw meIt will be hours before h

55、e arrives You must sow before you can reapb.如果强调从句动作发生之前,主句动作已发生,可译成“未就”或“还没有就” 。Before I could get in a word he had measured me Lu Ban built nine pavilions, but before he could finish the tenth, he heard a cock crowing c.有些句子中的before 可译为“先然后” 、 “先再” 。Dont count the chickens before they are hatched

56、不要乐观得太早。Be pupil before you become a teacher先做学生,再做先生。有些句中的before 还可译为“在内” 、 “趁” 、 “没” 。They arrived before I expected Study hard before it is too late I had better go now before it is too late . I will be through this book before three days have passed before sbknew it 一类习惯说法, 常译为 “不知不觉就” 、 “还没弄清就”

57、 、 “不知怎么地就” ,如 Time passed quickly and three months went by before Aqiao knew itHe fell from the tree before he knew it 4.加强语气,表示“早已”的意思或使叙述显得更生动,ago 也可以用于完成时。如:I had thought that he had died at least twenty years ago In fact, I have long time ago known the secret5.在表示对过去事情猜测的“情态动词 have过去分词” 或 “动词的非

58、谓语形式have过去分词”的结构中,ago 也可以和完成时连用。如:The building is said to have been destroyed in a fire two years ago The incident must taken place years ago You can not have met him a moment ago He may have left an hour ago Having read the article a week ago, I know it very well典型例题(一)单项选择时间副词的用法-主要是用于确定句子时态。1. -T

59、here is something wrong with your computer. -Don t worry. I _ to repair it tomorrow. A. will come B. came C. come D. have come 程度副词修饰比较级2.-Why don t you like winter in Beijing? -Because it is _ winter in Guangzhou. A. as cold as B. much colder than C. not so cold as D. not cold than 定语从句关系副词3.I stil

60、l remember the park _ we first met. A. that B. which C. where D. when 程度副词修饰比较级精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 27 页4. The actress is already 50, but she looks_ than she really is. A. young B. more young C. more younger D. much younger (二)完成句子注意: sothat/too to/enough 句型比较常考。副词在感

61、叹句中的运用比较常考。1. 为了听早间新闻,怀特先生经常很早起床Mr. White often gets up early _ _ he can catch the early bus. 2.迈克还没决定在哪里买房。Mike hasn t decided _ _ _ a new house yet.3. 如果你晚上早些睡,早上就不会感觉疲惫。If you go to bed early at night, you won t_ _in the morning.4.时间过得真快呀!_ _ the time passed! 形容词和副词的比较级和最高级一.形容词和副词的比较级和最高级的变化方法如下

62、(1) 符合规则的:(2)几个不规则的形容词和副词的比较级和最高级如下表:原级比较级最高级good , well better best bad , ill worse worst many , much more most little less least far farther / further farthest / furthest 二形容词和副词比较级的用法级别比较程度表达方式和意义例句备注原级同等程度肯定形式As+原级 +as (像 一样 ) Art is as interesting as music. Play as well as you can. 情况加法例词一 般 情

63、况直接加-er ; -est all-taller-tallest 以 e结尾的词加 r ; -st nice-nicer-nicest 以 “ 辅音 +y” 结尾的词变 y 为 i 再加 -er ; -est dry-drier-driest heavy-heavier-heaviest 以一个辅音字母结尾的词辅音字母双写,再加-er ; -est thin-thinner-thinnest 多音节和部分双音节单词在词前加more ; most more delicious most delicious 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - -

64、-第 12 页,共 27 页否定形式not + so (as) +原级+as (不如 那样 ) English is not so difficult as science. She does not study so well as I do. 比较级不同程度(用于两者比较)比较级 +than (比)Jim is older than Luky. I like pork better than beef. 比较级前面可以加much, far, even, still, a lot, a little, a bit 等程度加深比较级 +and+比较级(越来越 )The + 比较级, the +

65、 比较级(越 , 越 )He is growing taller and taller. He studies better and better. The more books she reads, the better she understand. 最高级最高程度(用于三者或三者以上)The +最高级 +of (in) (最)Spring is the best season of the year. Lin Tao jumped (the) farthest of all. 副词最高级前面的the 往往省略注意:有些形容词,如 dead, empty, round, sure, woo

66、len 等受本身含义的限制,没有比较级。例题解析1. He is _ friends than I. A. much more B. many more C. very more D. too more 解析:后面有可数名词复数时,many 的比较级形式为many more 修饰。应选 B. 2. Which is the _ country, Japan or Australia? A. more developed B. more developing C. most developed D. most developing 解析: 两者比较用比较级,表示 发达 用 developed,

67、而 developing 是 发展中的 意思3 There were _ shops in the city in 1982 than in 1990. A. little B. few C. fewer D. less 解析: little 不能修饰可数名词,两者比较需用比较级,所以应选C. 4. If you are not free today, come another day _. A. too B. so C. instead D. yet 解析: instead 作副词用时意为代替,顶替 , 表示前面的事情没做,而是做了后面的事。Instead 一般位于句首。应选C. 5He c

68、ant tell us _, I think. A. important anything B. anything important C. important something D. something important. 解析: 不定代词与形容词联用需后置,否定句中应该用anything 而不是 something. 因此应选 B 6. The Huang River is the second _ river in our country. A. long B. longer C. longest D. the longest 解析: 定冠词 the+ 序数词+ 形容词最高级 表示

69、第几大 应选 C. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 13 页,共 27 页7. The light in the office wasnt _for him to read. A. enough bright B. bright enough C. brightly D. enough brightly 解析: enough 修饰名词时可前可后,修饰形容词或副词时,要后置。应选B. 8. There was an accident at the corner. _, the girl wasnt _hurt. A. luckily,

70、 badly B. luck, hardly C. Lucky, heavily D. Lucky, strongly 解析:第一空修饰全句需用副词,第二空修饰形容词hurt 也要用副词,因此选 A. 9. You must keep your eyes _ when you do eye exercises. A. close B. open C. closed D., opened 解析 : 此处需用形容词做宾语补足语。应选 C. 10. Five days has passed , but I havent finished half of the work. _, A. already

71、 B. still C. too D. yet 解析: already 与 yet 都可用于现在完成时态。Already 常用于肯定句,而 yet 常用与否定句。应选D. 三形容词副词比较级最高级的其他用法( 1)和冠词连用the 形容词原级v(复),指一类人或物the 形容词比较级,指两者中“ 较 的” 的那一个, eg. the younger of the two a/ an 形容词比较级eg. The pen is expensive. I want a cheaper one. ( a) most形容词最高级“ 非常 ” eg. a most beautiful city ( 2 )

72、 相关结构1)原级比较:肯定句as.as ., 否定句 not so / as.as . 2) 比较句:比较级 than .或 more (less) .than .The furniture in this shop is less beautiful than that in that shop.( 注意代词that 的用法 ) 3) 比较级and比较级 或 more and more 比较级“ 越来越 ”richer and richer, more and more interesting 4) The more ., the more. “越, 越”The more you look

73、 at the picture, the better you will like it. 5) 比较级 than any other n. (单) (适用于范围一致时)(all) other n.(复)any n.(单) (适用于范围不一致时)He is taller than any other student / all other students in his class. any student in my class. 6) 倍数表达法。A is three(four, etc.)times the size(height, length etc.)of B. A is thre

74、e(four, etc.)times as big(high, long, etc.)as B. A is three (four, etc.)times bigger(higher, longer, etc.)than B. 用 times 表倍数通常用于三倍以上,两倍可以用twice 或 double. The new building is four times the size (the height)of the old one. 这座新楼比那座旧楼大三倍(高三倍)。Asia is four times as large as Europe.亚洲比欧洲大三倍。Your school

75、is three times bigger than ours. 你们的学校比我们的学校大三倍。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 14 页,共 27 页7) morethan 结构,其意往往是 rather than ,可译为 “ 是而不是” 或颠倒词序译作 “ 与其说是 ,不如说是 ” 。That little girl is more tired than hungry. 那个小姑娘是累了而不是饿了。She is more a mother than a wife 或 She is more of a mother than a

76、wife. 她是贤妻,更是良母。8) A is to B what C is to D A 和 B 的关系就像 C 和 D 的关系Air is to man what water is to fish. 空气对于人类就像水和鱼的关系。9) no more than= only “只不过”,言其少not more than=at most “ 不多于 ” ,“ 至少 ” ,指事实。no more than 和一样不 如单音节使用比较级形式not more than 不比 更no less than= as much as “ 多达 ”no fewer than= as many as 例:I h

77、ave no more than five yuan in my pocket. 我口袋里的钱只不过5 元。I have not more than five yuan in my pocket. 我口袋里的钱不多于5 元。He is no richer than I. 他和我一样穷。He is no less determined than you. 他的决心不亚于你。(no less determined than 等于 “ 其决心不亚于你” ,言其大 ) He is not less determined than you. 他的决心不比你小。(not less determined t

78、han 等于 “ 其决心不小于” ,无言其大或小的含义) 10) 最高级 of/ in/ among.He is the tallest of the three/ among them/ in is class. 四相关词语辨析1.very 和 much A) very 修饰形容词、 副词的原级; much 修饰比较级; 修饰动词用much 或 very much , eg. I very like English.(),因改为: I like English very much. B) 表示状态的过去分词前用very。 a very frightened boy, a very tired

79、 child . 一般的情况下,以 -ed 结尾的分词多用much、very much / greatly 等修饰。如: We were greatly /much shocked by the news about Tom. C) 已转化为形容词的现在分词前用very。如: very interesting / worrying / exciting D)too 前用 much/ far ,不用 very。You are much / far / a lot too nice. 另外,在too many / much, too few / little前用 far。We ve got far

80、 too many eggs and far too few egg cups.E)还有修饰词既不用very,也不用 much. eg: be well worth doing, be well above the tree 2. so 和 such A)so that 与 such that 的区别。so + 形容词/ 副词+ that so + 形容词+ a(n) + 单数可数名词+ that so + many / much / little / few + 名词+ that such + a(n)+ 形容词 +单数可数名词+ that such + 形容词+ 不可数名词+ that 精

81、选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 15 页,共 27 页such + 形容词+ 复数名词+ that 注意: 但当 little 表示“ 小” 时用 such。如: These are such little boys that they cant dress t hemselves. 下列 so的用法是错误的:so a difficult problem, so difficult problems, so hot weather。B) some/ any/ every/ no/ each/ all/ another/ several

82、/ few/ many/ one/ two +such+n. eg. no such word 3. be too much + n. be much too+ adj. be too much for sb. 对太过分了4. cant be too +adj.= cant be +adj.+ enough “无论都不为过 ”You can never be careful enough.= You can never be too careful. 你越小心越好。条件状语从句一条件状语从句的概念条件状语从句,即在某种条件下,一件事情可能发生。在英语中由连接词if 或 unless等引导的状语

83、从句叫做条件状语从句。条件是指某一件事情实现之后(状语从句中),一件事情(主句)才能发生,通常译作“ 假如,只要,如果” 等意思。条件状语从句中,主从句的时态要遵循“主将从现”的原则。即,主句是将来时态时,从句用一般现在时代替将来时态。二.条件状语从句的引导词1.If conj . 如果,假如If you ask him ,he will help you 如果你请他帮忙,他会帮你的。If you fail in the exam ,you will let him down 如果你考试不及格,你会让他失望的。2.unless conj. 除非 ,若不 ,除非在 的时候( if .not. )

84、You will fail to arrive there in time unless you start earlier. 如果你不早点动身,你就不能及时赶到那儿。Unless it rains, the game will be played.除非下雨,比赛将照常进行。3.so/as long as conj. 只要You may borrow my book as long as you keep it clean. 只要你保持书的清洁,你就可以把我的书借去。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 16 页,共 27 页三关于条件句

85、的时态,常见的有以下三种情况:1、条件状语从句的主句是一般将来时,那么从句常常用一般现在时。When I grow up, I ll be a nurse and look after patients. 我长大后要当一名护士,照顾病人。2、如果主句是祈使句,那么从句通常要用一般现在时。If you want to have a chat ,call me up. 如果你想聊天,打我电话。3、如果主句是含有情态动词时,根据需要从句多用一般现在时。You should be quiet when you are in the reading room. 在阅览室时应保持安静。四知识拓展1 在以

86、when, before,as soon as等引导的时间状语从句,也适用“ 主将从现 ” 原则,即如果主句是一般将来时,从句则用一般现在时。Ill tell her the good news when she comes back. 当她回来的时候, 我将把这个好消息告诉她。she will give you a call as soon as she returns. 她一回来就会给你电话。2.If 条件句的同义句:祈使句,and /or+ 将来时态的陈述句。Work hard ,and you will make great progress.=If you work hard,you

87、 will make great progress. 如果你努力学习,你才会取得大的进步。Hurry up, or you will be late.=If you don t hurry up.you will be late. 如果你不快点,你就要迟到了。动词不定式和动名词的句法功能比较一、作主语不定式作主语动词不定式作主语时,句子的谓语动词常用单数,其位置有以下两种:(1)把不定式置于句首。如:To get there by bike will take us half an hour. (2)用 it 作形式主语,把真正的主语不定式置于句后,常用于下列句式中。如:It be名词 to

88、do Its our duty to take good care of the old. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 17 页,共 27 页It takes sb+some time+to do How long did it take you to finish the work? It be形容词 for sbto do It is difficult for us to finish writing the compositionin a quarter of an hour. It be形容词 of sbto do I

89、t is stupid of you to write down everything the teachersays. It seems(appears)形容词 to do It seemed impossible to save money. 在句型中,常用表示客观情况的形容词,如:difficult,easy,hard,important,impossible,necessary 等;在句型中,常用careless,clever,good,foolish,honest,kind,lazy,nice,right,silly,stupid,wise等表示赞扬或批评的词。 在不定式前的sb,

90、可看作其逻辑主语。 这一句式有时相当于Sb is形容词 to do 句式,如: Itskind of you to help me with my English.=You are kind to helpme with my English. 动名词作主语Learning without practice is no good. 动名词作主语时,也常用It 句式。如:Its +no good(no use,fun,a pleasure,a waste of time)+doing Its no good reading in dim light. Its no use sitting her

91、e waiting. Its形容词 doing Its dangerous swimming in the sea in windy days. 这样用的形容词有expensive,nice,tiring 等,但 important,necessary 则不适用于这种结构,应用不定式代替,如: Itsimportant for you to keep fit. There is no+doing There is no saying what will happen next. 在这一结构中,动名词后常带宾语,相当于Its impossible to结构。动词不定式和动名词作主语的区别不定式作

92、主语经常表示具体动作,常与特定的动作执行者联系在一起;而动名词作主语经常表示抽象动作,经常不与特定的动作执行者联系在一起。如:Its no good eating too much fat. Its no good for you to eat so much fat. 动名词结构作主语,可以用名词或代词属格形式作逻辑主语。如:Its no use your pretending that you didnt know the rules. 二、作宾语不定式作宾语以下动词后,只能跟不定式作宾语。如:agree,ask,aim,arrange,choose,decide,demand,expec

93、t,fail ,help,hope,lean,long, manage,offer,plan,prepare,pretend,promise,refuse,wish 等, 这些词大部分可接th at 引导的从句。如:I decided to ask for my money back. I decided that I would ask for my money back. When our visit to the farm was over,we expected to startback on foot. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - -

94、- - -第 18 页,共 27 页When our visit to the farm was over, we expected that wewould start back on foot. 当复合宾语中的宾语是不定式时,先用形式宾语it 代替不定式,把不定式置于补语之后,即:主语动词 it补语 to do 句式。如:We think it quite important for us to learn a foreignlanguage well. He feels it his duty to help the poor. 介词 but,except,besides+to do(d

95、o) 在这种句型中,如介词前有动词do,后面应接不带to 的不定式;如无do,则接to 不定式,即带do 不带 to, 带 to 不带 do。如:The enemy soldiers had no choice but to give in. On Sunday afternoon I had nothing to do but watch TV . 动名词作宾语以下动词后,只能接动名词作宾语,如:admit,appreciate,consider,delay,enjoy,finish,keep,imag ine,mind,miss,practise,resist,risk,save,sugg

96、est,dont mind,give up,insist,on, put off等。如:I suggest spending our summer vacation in a seaside town. You must give up smoking, for it does too much harm toyour health. 动名词作介词的宾语I should go to attend the birthday celebration instead of staying at home. What about inviting Li Jun to make a speech? 动名

97、词前的介词有时可以省略,如:have difficulty(in)doing,have no trouble(in)doing,lose no ti me(in)doing,prevent/stop (from)doing,there is no use(in)doing等。部分动词后面,既可接动词不定式,也可接动名词作宾语,意义不变。如:begin,continue,start,hat e,like,love,need,require,want 等。在 need,require,want 后接 -ing 形式,表示被动意义,也可接不定式,但要用被动形式,如:Your handwr iting

98、 needs improving(tobe improved). hate,love,like接不定式表示特定的未来事件,接动名词表示目前正在进行的活动或一般的行为。在下列情况下,一般要用不定式:hate,like,love 前有 would(should) 时,如: Id like to have a cup of coffee. 当谓语动词begin,continue,start 等是进行式时,如:Thestudents are starting to work on the di fficult maths problem. begin,continue,start 与know,unde

99、rstand 等状态动词连用时,如:I soon began to understand what was happening. advise,allow,encourage,forbid,permit等动词后接动名词作宾语,或带不定式作宾语补足语。如:Our teachers dont permit our swimming in the lake. Our teachers dont permit us to swim in the lake. 部分动词后接不定式或动名词时,意义差别较大,应根据句子语境选择使用。forget,remember,regret 后接不定式,表示现在或未来的动作

100、,接动名词表示动作已经发生。如:Dont forget fo post the letter for me. Have you forgotten meeting her in Beijing Airport? Remember to close the windows before you leave. I remember writing him a letter a year ago. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 19 页,共 27 页We regret to tell you that all of you are no

101、t invited toattend the meeting. They regretted ordering these books from abroad. mean to do 打算做某事doing 意味着 I meant to catch up with the early bus. This means wasting a lot of money. try to do 设法尽力做某事doing 试着做某事You should try to overcome your shortcomings. Try working out the physics problem in anoth

102、er way. stop to do 停下一件事去做另一件事(不定式作目的状语)doing 停止做某事On the way to the airport,I stopped to buy a paper. Youd better stop arguing and do as you are told. cant help doing 禁不住 to do 不能帮助干 They couldnt help jumping up at the news. Sorry I have lots of work to do.So I cant help to make up the room for you

103、. go on to do 做不同的事或不同内容的事doing 继续不停地做某事,指同一动作的继续He went on to talk about world situation. 他接着又谈了世界形势。Well go on fighting so long as there is oppression inthe world. leave off to do 离开某地去干什么(目的状语)doing 停下某事Its time to leave off talking and to start acting. They left off to go fishing. 三、做表语不定式作表语表示具

104、体动作或将来动作;动名词作表语表示抽象的一般行为。To be kind to the enemy is to be cruel to the people. My chief purpose is to point out the difficulties ofthe matter. What I would suggest is to put off the meeting. 当 主语和表语都是不定式时,其含义一是条 件,一是结果(例)。当主语是aim,duty,hope,idea,mista ke,plan,purpose,suggestion 等为中心词的名词词组(例)时,或以what

105、引导的名词性分句(例),不定式说明主语的内容。Our work is serving the people. What he likes is taking a walk after supper. The story told by Mr.Wang is interesting. 句动名词作表语,与主语部分可以转换,如Serving thepeople is out work, 而句中是现在分词作表语,说明主语的性质、状态,现在分词具有形容词的各种特征,另外,动名词作表语还应与进行时态区别开来。四、作定语不定式作定语不定式在句中作定语,置于被修饰的名词或代词之后。如:The next tra

106、in to arrive is from Washington. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 20 页,共 27 页Have you anything to be taken to your sister? Do you have anything to say on the question? Would you please give me some paper to write on? My wish to visit France has come true at last. 不定式短语作定语和被修饰词之间表示以下关系:

107、(1)表示将来的动作(例)。(2)与被修饰词之间有动宾关系,如是不及物动词,则需加介词(例)。(3)与被修饰词之间有动宾关系,同时与句中其它词之间又有逻辑上的主谓关系时,尽管有被动含义,却仍用主动语态(例) ;如只有动宾关系,而无逻辑上的主谓关系,则需用被动语态(例) 。(4)不定式作定语时,一般可转换为定语从句,例to arrive=that will arrive 。动名词作定语This passage can be used as listening materials. The reading room of our school library can hold 800people.

108、 All moving bodies have energy. 句动名词作定语说明一种性能,即:用来 的;第句为现在分词作定语,单个分词作定语常置于被修饰词之前,与被修饰词之间,可构成逻辑上的主谓关系,分词短语作定语常置于被修饰词之后。如:The man standing at the school gate is Professor Hua. 五、不定式作补足语作宾语补足语一些及物动词除要求按宾语外,有时还需要有宾语补足语,说明宾语的行为、状态、特征,这时意思才相对完整。(1) 常 要 求 不 定 式 作 宾 补 的 动 词 有 : allow,ask,advise,beg,cause,dr

109、ive ( 强 迫 ),encourage,expect,fo rbid,force,get,would like(love,hate),order,permit,persuade,teach,tell,want,warn,wish等。如:Would you like me to give your regards to Mary? I want you to understand the whole passage clearly. (2)部分动词后常接to be形容词、名词短语等形式,有时to be 可省略,如:believe,consider,discov er,find(=consid

110、er),feel(=think),imagine,judge,know,prove,think,suppose,see(=understand),understa nd 等。We all believe John(to be)honest. I consider him(to be)one of the best biology teachers of No. 1 Middle School. 但当不定式是完成式时,to 不能省略,如:We consider him tohave been foolish. (3)感觉动词和使役动词后用作宾补的不定式须省略to。I didnt hear any

111、one say anything about it. They make the students do too much homework every day. 这种句式在变为被动语态时,to 不能省略,如第句: Thestudents are made to do too much homework every day. (4)help,know 后面的 to 可有可无。如:Would you please help me(to) fill in the taxform? Ive never known her(to)be late before. 但: He was known to h

112、ave been to France before. (5)部分短语动词后,常接不定式作宾补,如:精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 21 页,共 27 页You may depend on them to be there early. The Party calls on us to increase production and practise economy. 常这样用的短语动词有:ask for,care for,call on,count on,depend on,wait for,long for(渴望) , prepa

113、re for,wish for 等。作主语补足语不定式作主语补足语,和主语构成一种逻辑上的主谓关系。如:He was not allowed to enter the classroom for being late. The young university student is considered to have great promise. 六、不定式作状语作目的状语(1) I stayed there to see what would happen. Henry has decided to go to the hospital to be examinedby the docto

114、r. (2)有时为了强调,不定式前可加in order 或 so as。如:Bob took down my telephone number so as(in order)not toforget it. 有时为强调目的状语可把in order to 或不定式置于句首,但so as to 不能这样用。在这种句式中不定式部分可转换为so that,in order that,成为目的状语从句,如:I stayed there so that (in order that)I could see whatwould happen. (3) 在 部 分 表 示 感 情 色 彩 的 形 容 词 、

115、过 去 分 词 或 动 词 之 后 可 接 不 定 式 , 如 :astonished,glad,happy,laugh ,pleased, sad,smile,sorry,surprised等。We are glad to hear the news. I was surprised to see that a three-year-old baby could write so well. 在部分形容词后接不定式,用主动形式表示被动意义,这种句型中的主语是不定式的逻辑宾语。如: The question raised by thestudent is difficult to answer

116、. The room is really comfortable to live in. 常这样用的形容词有:comfortable,easy,dangerous,difficult,expensive,fit,impossible等。作结果状语We came home after our holiday to find our garden neat and tidy. 不定式作结果状语还常用在下列句式中。如:so as to;such as to Im not so stupid(a fool) as to put it in writing.我不至于愚蠢到会把它写下来。Im not su

117、ch a stupid fool as to put it in writing. enough to The speed is high enough for us to catch up with thefirst liner. only to Jane hurried back only to find her mother dying inthehospital. too to Im too tired to stay up longer. 但在下列结构中,too to并非是 “ 太 而不能 ” 之意。如:Im only too glad to have passed the exam

118、.考试及格我太高兴了。 ( too 修饰 glad to have ,相当于 very)We have too much to learn.我们要学的太多了(不定式作定语)。不定式短语还可作独立成分,用于句首、句中或句末。如:To tell the truth,the play was a great disappointment tome. 常见的短语有to be exact(确切地说) ,to begin with (首先),to do him justice (说句对精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 22 页,共 27 页他公道

119、的话) ,to be sure(真的)等等。七、动词不定式、动名词的其它用法疑问词不定式结构疑问词 who,what,which,when,where,whether,how后可接不定式构成不定式短语,在句中作主语、宾语、表语等。如:When to leave for London has not been decided yet. Mr. Smith didnt know whether to leave or stay there. I asked Professor Xu how to learn English well. The question was where to get t

120、he medicine needed. 以上例句中疑问词不定式部分,均可转换为相应的从句形式。如:When we shall leave how I could learn 经 常 在 这 种 结 构 中 使 用 的 动 词 有 :consider,decide,discover,explain,find out,forget,hear,know,lea rn,observe,understand,wonder 等。动词不定式的时态、语态(1)时态一般式: 动词不定式一般式表示的动作发生在谓语动词之后,有时表示同时发生。如:I hope to become a university stude

121、nt this year. (tobecome 发生在 hope 之后)We often hear Dick play the piano in the next room. ( play 和 hear 同时发生)完成式:表示的动作发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之前。如:Im sorry to have kept you waiting. We are too young to have seen the old society. 进行式:表示的动作与谓语动词同时发生。如:The teacher happened to be correcting our papers when Icame in.

122、 They seemed to be discussing something important. (2)语态如果动词不定式的逻辑主语是这个不定式所表示的动作的承受者,不定式一般要用被动语态形式。如:Its a great honour to be invited to Marys birthday party. (不定式作主语)It was impossible for lost time to be made up. (不定式作主语)I wish to be sent to work in the country. (不定式作宾语)Can you tell me which is the

123、 car to be repaired? (不定式作定语)He went to the hospital to be examined. (不定式作状语)在 There be结构中, 修饰主语的不定式可用被动,也可用主动。 如:There are still many things to t ake care of (to be taken care of). 但有时两种形式表达的意思不同,如:These is nothing to do now.( We have nothing to do now.) There is nothing to be done now.(We can do n

124、othing now.) 动名词的时态、语态(1)时态一般式: 动名词的一般式所表示的动作可以是泛指,也可与谓语动词同时发生,或发生在谓语动作之前、之后。如:We are interested in collecting stamps. I shall never forget seeing the Great Wall for the firsttime. We are not afraid of dying. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 23 页,共 27 页完成式所表示的动作发生在谓语动词之前。如:Lmagine havi

125、ng travelled on the moon. We were praised for having finished the work ahead of time. (2)被动语态如果动名词的逻辑主语为动名词所表示的动作的承受者,动名词要用被动语态,动名词的被动语态有一般式与完成式之分。如:The young man came in without being noticed. He prided himself on having never been beaten in class. 有些动词后的动名词用主动形式,但表示被动意义。如:The bike needs repairing.

126、 If a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing well. 在口语中,为避免重复,常用to代替不定式结构,有时甚至可以把to 省略。如:Did you go to visit the Great Wall? No,I wanted to,but there wasnt enough time. Would you like to come to a party? Id love to. Dont make any mistakes in your homework,will you? Ill try not to. Try to be back by

127、 12,wont you? OK,Ill try. 另外, be going to,ought to,used to 等也常用于这一结构中。在 why 引起的问句中,省略to。如:Why spend such a lot of money? Why not wait for a couple of days? 当两个或更多作用相同的不定式并列使用时,只在第一个不定式前加to 。如:Its quite necessary for us to read more and have morepractice. to 在下列短语中是“ 介词 ” ,后接动名词或名词形式。如:devote to,face

128、 up to(勇敢地面对) ,look forward to (盼望),object to(反对),take to (养成习惯,对 感兴趣;开始从事某种活动),be used to(习惯于)等。形容词的用法I.限定用法(定语)a.形容词 (一个字 )+名词1. The old man lived in a small village. 2. His elder brother is a famous musician. b.名词+形容词 (thing, body, one等,两个字或以上的形容词片语和子句) 1. I want to drink something cold. 2. Is th

129、ere anything interesting in todays paper? 3. I dont like riding on trains full of people. ride on train 搭乘火车4. He tried to climb a fence two meters high. 5. He is a boy (who is) five years old. He is a five-year-old boy. 2. 叙述用法(表语)a. 主词补语1. Sea water tastes salty. 2. The rainbow is very beautiful.

130、b. 受词补语精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 24 页,共 27 页1. Youll find the book difficult.2. I left the windows open. 使开着 (adj.) I let the windows be opened. 使被打开(v.) 重点a. 只能用限定用法的形容词 (定语形容词 ) only mere 只 main wooden upper上面的 inner 里面的Live/living daily lone 孤单的 ,古语1. This is a wooden house.

131、2. He is a mere child. 他不过是孩子b. 只能用叙述用法 (表语形容词 ) alive alone afraid asleep awake well content glad aware 1. I m afraid of dog.2. The baby is still asleep. 3. Are you aware of your mistakes? 限定用法和叙述用法意思不同的形容词1. I met a certain lady. 某一个It is quite certain. 确定2. He is my present assistant. 目前He is pre

132、sent today. 出席 absent缺席3. The late Mr. Smith was an able man. 已故He was late for the meeting. 迟到4. She gave me a fond look. 温柔的I am very fond of ice cream. 喜欢3. 形容词的位置:1) 形容词作定语通常前置,但在下列情况后置:1修饰 some, any, every, no和 body, thing, one 等构成的复合不定代词时nobody absent, everything possible2以-able, -ible 结尾的形容词可

133、置于有最高级或only 修饰的名词之后the best book available, the only solution possible3alive, alike, awake, aware, asleep 等可以后置the only person awake4和空间、时间、单位连用时a bridge 50 meters long5成对的形容词可以后置a huge room simple and beautiful6形容词短语一般后置a man difficult to get on with2) 多个形容词修饰同一个名词的顺序:代词数词性状形容词冠词前的形容词冠词指示代词不定代词代词所有

134、格序数词基数词性质状态大小长短形状新旧温度颜色国籍产地材料质地名词allbothsuchtheathisanotheryoursecondnextonefourbeautifulgoodpoorlargeshortsquarenewcoolblackyellowChineseLondonsilkstone3) 复合形容词的构成:精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 25 页,共 27 页1形容词 +名词 +edkind-hearted6名词 +形容词world-famous2形容词 +形容词dark-blue7名词 +现在分词peace-

135、loving3形容词 +现在分词ordinary-looking8名词 +过去分词snow-covered4副词 +现在分词hard-working9数词 +名词 +edthree-egged5副词 +过去分词newly-built10 数词 +名词twenty-year复合形容词有下列五类1. 形容词 -连缀动词的现在分词a good-looking man 形容词 -及物动词的过去分词a white-painted wall 2. 名词-现在分词(主动) a peace-loving people 名词-过去分词(被动)a hand-made cake 3. 副词-现在分词(主动)a ra

136、pidly-moving tornado 副词-过去分词(被动)a well-behaved boy behave vt. 后接修饰词语 使(自己)表现得,使 (自己)举止例句: he behaves himself well. 4. 名词-名词 ed a baby-faced girl 形容词 -名词 ed a open-minded leader 5. 数词-名词 ed a two-headed monster a three-legged table a second-hand car. three-minute first-class 一流的three-year- old ten-me

137、ter-long 4.特别注意的形容词用法a. 不能以人为主词的形容词dangerous, difficult, hard, easy, useful, useless, tough, convenient, important, necessary, regrettable 遗憾的 , natural, possible 貌似这些形容词都是人做某事才能体现只能用 It be 形容词 for 人 to V 1. It is necessary for you to see a doctor. 2. Is it possible for you to attend the meeting? b.

138、 以人为主词的形容词都是与情绪有关的形容词angry, ashamed, delighted, disappointed, excited, glad, happy, proud, sorry, thankful 1.We were excited about the baseball game. The game was exciting for us. c. The+形容词1.The rich are not always happy.2. We search for the true, the good, and the beautiful. d. 形容词的副词用法1. It is bu

139、rning hot. 天气热的厉害2. It is freezing cold. 3. They were dead asleep. 睡得很熟5.数量形容词a. many/much 1.do you have many books in your study? 2.They ve spent much money on adverting.否定句中的 not many/much 可译成 不太多 1.This garden doesnt have many trees.2.My son hasnt made much money.口语中 ,可用 a lot of, lots of, plenty

140、 of+可数/不可数 代替 many/much 1. There were a lot of/lots of/plenty of people in the shop. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 26 页,共 27 页2. She ate a lot of/lots of/plenty of ice cream. A large number of=large numbers of number中文有 数数的意思 ,故后接可数名词A large amount of=large amount of amount指量,故后接不可数

141、名词b. a few/few a few=some few=not many(几乎没有 ) 表否定 ,不可和 not 同时出现1. There are a few vegetables in the refrigerator. 2. Few people were injured in the accident. 几乎没有c. a little/little a little=some little=not much 几乎没有1. I have a little money with me. 2. We need little butter to make this cake. 3. The

142、little of his work that remains should be done within a today. 口语中 ,可用 not many/hardly any代替 few 可用 not much/hardly any代替 little 1. There were not many/hardly any people in the park. 2. There is not much/hardly any danger of an earthquake. d. some/any some的用法1. 肯定句Some students take lessons in Spani

143、sh. 语言前用 in 2. 表示邀请的疑问句Wont you have some more tea? any 的用法1. 用于疑问句和否定句-Do you have any question? -Yes, I have some questions. -No, I dont have any questions. 2. 用于表示 任何(皆可)之意的肯定句You may come any time. 3. 用于条件句 (if 子句) Ask him if you have any doubt. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 27 页,共 27 页



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