Unit 2 课时2 Section A(2a-2e)分层作业 新人教版七年级英语上册

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《Unit 2 课时2 Section A(2a-2e)分层作业 新人教版七年级英语上册》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 2 课时2 Section A(2a-2e)分层作业 新人教版七年级英语上册(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 2 Were Family! 第二课时 分层作业一、单词拼写1He has two (乒乓球拍), but he doesnt have any (排球).2They read English (每天).3Mike is my best friend. We often go to school (在一起).4Damings mother (花费) a lot of money on clothes every year.5There are of (大量) new mobile phones in the shopping mall.6Sally (真正地) likes ice-c

2、ream. She eats it every day.7Our school life is interesting. We have many after-school to do every day. (活动)8On a hot summer morning, an old man is f (钓鱼) near a river.9My favourite (运动) is running.10The old man is used to playing with his friends in the afternoon. (中国象棋)二、单项选择11_ car are they in?Ji

3、ms. AWhatBWhichCWhereDWhose12Which of the following words stresses (重读) the second syllable?AkoalaBbeautifulCCanadaDviolin13请选出单词banana的正确重音。_AB14下列单词读音中重音不在第一个音节的单词是 _。AhamburgerBtelephoneCbananaDfestival15下面哪一个选项划线字母发音相同?AhershatsBwhitewhoCpurpleburgerDteacherhealthy16Lisa likes reading and she _

4、much money on books.AspendsBtakesCbuysDshares17Which pair of the words with the underlined letters doesnt have the same sound?Awatches teachesBlunch MarchCcousin sound18Your grandfather looks quite healthy and strong. _he_do sports?AWas;used toBDoes;use toCDid;used toDDid;use to19Whose gloves are th

5、ey?Let me see. Oh, theyre _! Thank you!AIBmeCmyDmine20_ he _ at school? Yes, he does. Hes a good teacher.ADoes;workBIs;workingCDoes;doDIs;do三、语音题找出下列单词中重读音节与其他不同的单词。21AphotoBimportantCbecauseDremember22AarticleBclassmateCtodayDbrother23AsubjectByourselfCbeforeDaway24AhoweverBrememberCinterestingDumb

6、rella25AagainBtogetherCgeographyDdaily四、补全对话A. 从下列方框中选出恰当的句子,完成对话。答案填题后的横线上。A: Lets play tennis.B: 26 . But I dont have a tennis racket. Do you have one?A: No, I dont. But I have a soccer ball. 27 B: No, 28 . Lets play ping-pong. I have a ping-pong bat.A: 29 B: Its in my backpack. Do you have a bat?

7、 A: No, I dont. But my brother has a bat and a ballB: Good. Where is he ?A: 30 AHes in his bedroomBLets play basketball.CThat sounds funDGood. Where is it ?EDo you have a tennis racket?FThat sounds boringGLets play soccerB. 从中找出与相对应的句子1.Lets play soccer.AYes, they do.2.Do you have 70 balls at school

8、?BNo, he doesnt.3. Do they like watching TV?C No, we dont.4. Does Eddy like sports?DGreat! That sounds fun.5.Do you and your friend play soccer every day?E. No, I dont think so.31 32 33 34 35 五、完形填空根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能填入相应空格的最佳答案。Hello, my name is David. I 36 a student in Tian Lin Middle School

9、. I often 37 soccer at school with my classmates. Its very fun, so we 38 it very much. My friend John has two soccer 39 , a basketball and two baseballs and bats. He likes sports, 40 he often watches sports on TV, too!At school, we have a soccer 41 a week. So we often play soccer 42 school. I get ho

10、me at 7 oclock. I have chicken, fish and rice for 43 . Then I do 44 homework. I go to bed at ten. I have a/an 45 day.36AbeBamCisDare37AplayBhaveClikeDeat38AhaveBeatCplayDlike39AbooksBdaysCballsDlessons40AbutBforCandDbecause41AballBbatCgameDsport42AbeforeBforCofDafter43AdinnerBbreakfastClunchDfood44A

11、IBmyCmeDmine45AbadBeasyCfreeDbusy六、 阅读理解AI have a friend. His name is John. He likes sports very much. He loves soccer, basketball, volleyball and baseball. He plays basketball very well. He likes watching games on TV. He plays sports every day. He often says(说), “Lets play ”. He joins(加入) two clubs

12、: a basketball club and a baseball club. He has a sports collection. He has twelve tennis rackets, nine baseballs, three volleyballs, four basketballs and one soccer ball.46My friend likes _AsoccerBbasketballCbaseballDA, B and C47How does he play basketball?AOkBVery wellCGoodDRight48Does he play spo

13、rts every day?AYes, he doesBNo, he doesntCYes, he doesntDNo, he does.49Is he a member(成员) of a baseball club?AYes, he isntBNo, he isCYes, he isDNo, he isnt50How many sports tools(工具) does he have?A10B18C23D29BTony is 13 years old. He has three sisters and no brothers. Tonys father is an office worker and he loves playing sports (运动) with Tony. Tony also likes sports, but his favorite sport is dancing.Tonys sisters go to dancing classes every day an


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