Unit 1 Section A How do we get to know each other(1a-2)习题课件人教版七年级英语上册

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《Unit 1 Section A How do we get to know each other(1a-2)习题课件人教版七年级英语上册》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 1 Section A How do we get to know each other(1a-2)习题课件人教版七年级英语上册(22页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、初中 英语(2024秋季新教材)七年级上册 RJUnit 1 You and MeSection A How do we get to know each other?(1a-2)教材核心知识精练一、根据句意及汉语提示写出单词一、根据句意及汉语提示写出单词1.I have many new _(朋友)in my class.2.Be careful!The glass of water is _(满的).friendsfull熟词生义熟词生义A.adj.忙的 B.adj.吃饱了的(1)No more for me,thanks.Im full._(2)She lived a very full

2、 and happy life._BA3.My little brother and I are in the same _(年级).4.I go to study in a new school this _(年).5.We all _(知道)the saying,Its never too old to learn.gradeyearknow二、单项选择二、单项选择1.2023青岛平度期中Nice to meet you,Tom._.DA.Thank youB.Im fineC.I am JimD.Nice to meet you,too【解析】Nice to meet you的答语为Ni

3、ce to meet you,too。熟词生义熟词生义A.v.迎接 B.v.满足;使满意 C.v.经历(1)Ill meet you at the airport._(2)They met trouble on the way home._(3)The restaurant didnt meet our expectations(期望)._ACB2.What class are you in?Im in_.BA.class four;grade sevenB.Class Four;Grade SevenC.Grade Seven;Class FourD.grade seven;class fo

4、ur【解析】你在几班?我在七年级四班。表达在几年级几班的时候,总是先表达班级后表达年级。有编号的专有名词一般用名词(首字母大写)+编号数字(首字母大写)。3.2023营口大石桥九校期中_?Im ten.AA.How old are youB.How are youC.May I have your nameD.Where are you from【解析】答语回答的是年龄,故问句问的是年龄。询问年龄应用How old are you?。4.2023重庆市合川中学期末Where _ you from,Sally?I _ from Canada.()DA.are;isB.is;amC.is;areD

5、.are;am【解析】第一空的主语是you,be动词应用are;第二空的主语是I,be动词应用am。5.She is Alice Brown.Brown is her _ name.AA.lastB.firstC.fullD.middle【解析】英语国家的人名构成为:full name(全名)=first/given name(名字)+middle name(中间名)+last/family name(姓氏)。三、根据汉语意思完成句子(每空一词)三、根据汉语意思完成句子(每空一词)1.彼得来自伦敦。他是英国人。Peter _ _ London.He is _.is/comesfromBriti

6、sh2.梅梅,你第一天上学怎么样?很棒。我和其他同学交了朋友。Meimei,how is your first day at school?Its great.I _ _ with other classmates.makefriends3.我能知道你的名字吗?我叫大明。_ _ _ your name?Im Daming.MayIhave4.我很愿意再次见到你并且更多地了解你。Id really like to see you again and _ _ _ you better.gettoknow5.他的全名是Tony Smith。他12岁。His_ _ is Tony Smith.He i

7、s 12 _ _.fullnameyearsold四、根据单词读音,在所给音标后填入方框中单词画线部分发四、根据单词读音,在所给音标后填入方框中单词画线部分发音与之相符的单词音与之相符的单词is,let,in,bread,keep,black,meet,bed,green,cat,each,dad1./_2./i:/_black;cat;dadkeep;meet;green;each3./e/_4./_let;bread;bedis;in五、找出画线部分发音与其他单词不同的一项五、找出画线部分发音与其他单词不同的一项1.()A.gradeB.manC.badD.hatA2.()A.elseB.

8、legC.redD.heD3.()A.breadB.headC.eachD.sweaterC4.()A.bikeB.fiveC.nineD.shipD5.()A.hadB.bandC.thatD.planeDSection A How do we get to know each other?(1a-2)阅读能力强化训练完形填空完形填空 素养:语言能力 话题:人物介绍 难度:中 建议用时:5分钟 Hello,everyone.How are you?My name is Pingping,and the.1.is my sister Anan.We.2.twins(双胞胎).We have C

9、hinese names,.3.we are not from China.We are from London.It is the capital(首都).4.England.It is a very.5.city in Europe(欧洲).Our parents(父母)like China.6.can speak Chinese.We are seven.7.old now.Today is our.8.day to go to school.We are so happy.We can.9.many new friends!We like China and we want to ha

10、ve some.10.friends.【解题导语】【解题导语】作者简单介绍了自己的家庭情况。1.()A.womanB.manC.boyD.girlD【解析】根据下文中的my sister可知,此处应用girl。2.()A.isB.areC.amD.beB【解析】主语是We,be动词应用are。3.()A.soB.andC.butD.orC【解析】空处前后句子之间存在转折关系,且空处表示但是,故用but。4.()A.ofB.inC.onD.toA【解析】表示的首都用 the capital of.。5.()A.smallB.bigC.coldD.blackB【解析】根据常识可知,伦敦是欧洲非常大

11、的城市。故选B。6.()A.WeB.SheC.HeD.TheyD【解析】空处指代上文提到的Our parents,故用They。7.()A.yearsB.daysC.weeksD.minutesA【解析】根据空后的old可知,这对双胞胎7岁了,故用years。8.()A.nextB.oneC.firstD.lastC【解析】根据下文中的many new friends可知,今天是这对双胞胎上学的第一天,故用first。9.()A.closeB.makeC.helpD.thankB【解析】make friends交朋友,符合语境。10.()A.AmericanB.EnglishC.ChineseD.JapaneseC【解析】根据上文中的 We like China可推知,她们想有一些中国朋友。ReflectingI can pronounce/i:/e/correctly.Very well OK Needs work



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