Starter Unit 3 课时2 Section A(Pronunciation)分层作业 新人教版七年级英语上册

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《Starter Unit 3 课时2 Section A(Pronunciation)分层作业 新人教版七年级英语上册》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Starter Unit 3 课时2 Section A(Pronunciation)分层作业 新人教版七年级英语上册(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Starter Unit 3 Welcome! 第二课时 分层作业一、语音题单词辨音1AdateBhateCmadamDtake2AtroubleBclimbCbloodDbirth3AbeatBeachCmeanDhead4AexcuseBexamCexplainDexpensive5AtruthBthrowCwithDthick找出下列单词划线部分读音与所给音标相同的选项。6/u:/AbookBgoodCfoodDpoor7/AplayerBchangeCclearDcamera8/AstayBhairCanyoneDmachine9/i/AstrictBbikeCpieceDpolite

2、10/a/AsnowBslowCshowDnow从选项中,选出划线部分读音与其他不一样的选项。11AnumberBlunchCTuesday12AtripBfifthCprice13ASaturdayBsaleCjacket二、音标题14请写出五个含有/音素的单词。 15写出下列单词划线部分(元音字母)的音标16face/_/17these /_/18time /_/19go /_/20use/_/21but/_/22stop /_/23cat /_/24desk /_/25him/_/三、单项选择26Which of the following underlined parts in dif

3、ferent in pronunciation from others?AwineBmindCblindDconsider27Which of the underlined parts pronounces (发音) differently?AsoftBbossCrole28Which underlined letter has a different sound from the word “ocean”?AfoldBdropCgold29Which word has the same sound of the underlined letter as “provide”?AriskBdif

4、ficultyCdecide30Which pair of the words with the underlined letters has the same sound?AmakepastBbuscuteCbikearrive31下面所给单词中划线字母发音不同的选项是 _。AtimeBpriceCmilk32下列单词划线部分发音与其他三个不相同的选项是 _.AtooBschoolCrulerDbook33I usually ride my bicycle to go to school. Which letters have the same sound as the underlined

5、 ones?ApilotBkitchenCwith34下列单词中,划线部分发音不是/的是_.AslightBwingCfish35下列单词划线部分发音与其他两项不同的是 _.AnameBmapCsame 四、完形填空My grandfather loves to grow plants. He grows 36 and fruits, and he takes great care of them. Last week, grandpa gave me some green bean seeds (四季豆种子). Now I can grow my own green bean plants.

6、I took the seeds home and 37 them to my mom. She helped me to plant them. First, we put some soil (泥土) in a pot. Then we planted a few seeds in it. I 38 grandpa told me that plants need water and sunlight to grow. So I put the pot in a 39 place by the window. I checked on my 40 every day. When the s

7、oil was 41 , I added more water.Today I saw a small stem (茎) coming out. The plant was 42 ! I took the pot to mom happily. Mom told me that more stems and leaves would grow out the next few weeks, and flowers would grow, too. Then I could get my 43 soon.I was so 44 . I thought they would be the most

8、 45 green beans because I grew them myself.36AeggsBbreadCvegetablesDdogs37AsoldBgreetedCtaughtDshowed38AhopedBrememberedCthoughtDimagined39AsunnyBsnowyCwindyDrainy40AtreesBplantsCflowersDleaves41AhotBdryCcoldDwet42AgrowingBsmilingCdyingDdancing43AbeansBflowersCseedsDplants44AexcitingBexcitedCexciteD

9、excitedly45AusefulBfriendlyChelpfulDdelicious 五、阅读理解AWhere do farm animals live? Some farms have lots of different animals. Hens, pigs, sheep, and goats live on this farm. Who else lives here? Cows live here, too. Look at the map of the farm. The red hens have nests in the barn (谷仓). Some pigs have

10、pens in the barnyard. Sheep and goats stay out where grass grows. Cows and horses stay out in the field, too. They have room to run. A hen uses her feet to scratch (抓) in the dirt. She looks for seeds and bugs to eat. She uses her beak (鸟嘴) to peck. The hen shows her babies how to peck seeds, too. T

11、hey love to eat! Who feeds the pigs? The farmer feeds them. He brings them corn and other grains. The farmer gives the animals in the field grass and other plants. The animals needs lots of food. How do farm animals help? The farmers get food from some of the animals. Hens lay eggs. We eat eggs. The

12、 farmers get milk from some of the cows and goats. We drink milk. Farmers ride the horses, too. Lots of animals live on a farm. They help the farmer, and the farmer helps them.46Which of the following sentences (句子) can be in the blank (空格)?AWhy do farm animals eat?BWhen do farm animals eat?CWhat do

13、 farm animals eat?DWhere do farm animals eat?47According to the passage, farm animals eat the food EXCEPT (除了) _.Aseeds and bugsBcorn and grainsCgrass and plantsDmilk and eggs48How many kinds of animals are mentioned in the passage?A3B4C5D649Which one is true according to the passage?ASome pigs have

14、 nests in the barnyard.BThe hens teach their babies how to find the food.CThe animals in the field only eat grass.DThe farmers dont need the animals help.50What is the best title of this passage?AAnimals on a FarmBAn Interesting FarmCDifferent AnimalsDAnimals and farmersBEverybody loves oranges. They are sweet and juicy and it is easy to eat them. The orange tree is beautiful. It has a lot of shiny



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