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1、2024年人教PEP版小学英语小升初单选题精选精练总复习1My mother often _ to work at 7:30 every day. ()AgoingBgoesCwentDgo2Do you play _ piano? ()AtheBanCaD不填3Is he climbing the hill? ()Yes, he _.AisBamCareDbe4I usually go _ with my mother on weekends. ()AshopBshopingCshoppedDshopping5Annie is _ because she has got an A in th

2、e exam (考试). ()AtiredBsadChappyDangry6_ is my mother and I love her very much. ()AHimBSheCHeDYou7What color do you like? ()I like _.AredBpenCcarDmap8What do you want to _ in the future? ()I want to make clothes.AbeBdoCgoDsee9You can find _ in the UK. ()ANiagara FallsBBuckingham PalaceCUluruDthe Gran

3、d Canyon10Mike is reading _ the US on the Internet. ()AaboutBforCtoDof11_ you sleepy, Tom? ()AAreBCanCDoDIs12What holiday _ after Christmas? ()AcomeBcomesCcomingDto come13She would like _ some fish. ()AbuyBto buyCbuyingDbought14I want to be a _. Music makes people happy. ()AdoctorBwriterCpolicemanDp

4、ianist15Childrens Day is _. ()Aon July 1stBin May or JuneCin July Don the 1st of lune16Chinese people often have some _ for breakfast. ()Acereal and breadBeggs and sausagesCporridge and steamed bunsDsandwiches17I had _ fish for dinner today. ()Aa fewBsomeCa lotDmany18Mike and Mark are friends. They

5、know each other _. ()AwellBgoodCfriendlyDlot19I always _. Its not a good habit. ()Aget up early in the morningBput my things in orderCdrink a lot of cola every dayDeat some vegetables every day20Mike does not go to bed early. He sometimes _ in the morning. ()Afelt sleepyBsleepCfeels sleepyDsleepy21M

6、ark isnt good at Chinese. He is very _. ()AsadlyBsadCexcitedDexcitedly22On Childrens Day, the girls want to play _ piano but the boys want to play _ football. ()Athe; theB/; theC/; /Dthe; /23There _ a lot of food in the fridge just now. ()AisBareCwasDwere24When you walk across the road, you must wai

7、t _ the pavement then wait _ the green man. ()Afor; atBon; forCfor; ofDfor; for25Are you going to play basketball _ football tomorrow? ()Play football.AwithBbutCorDand26Two _ helped the lion _ out of the net just now. ()Amice; getBmouse; getCmice; gettingDmouse; getting27Please _ me _ your new schoo

8、l. ()OK.Ashowing; aroundBshowing; forCshow; forDshow; around28In a healthy diet, you can eat _ eggs every week. ()AfewBa fewClittleDa little29_ did you stay in Shanghai last month? ()Two weeks.AHow oldBWhenCHow longDHow often30You _ be careful. You _ cross the road now. ()Acan; mustBmust; mustntCmay

9、; mustDmust; may31He was very _ yesterday, because he watched an _ film. Now he is talking about it to his friends _. ()Aexciting; excited; excitedlyBexcited; excitedly; excitingCexcited; exciting; excitedlyDexcitedly; excited; exciting32Whats in the basket? ()There are many _.AtoyesBpeachsCradiosDt

10、omatos33She likes _, but she doesnt want _ today. ()Areading; readingBread; readCreading; to readDto read; reading34What a _ day is it! Lets go out to play. ()AwindyBrainyCcloudyDlovely35Hello! Could I _ to Jim, please? ()AspeakBsayCtellDcall36Pass _ the knife, please. My pencil is broken. ()AIBmeCm

11、yDmine37_ doesnt Danny jump into the swimming pool? ()Because he cant swim.AWhereBWhoCWhatDWhy38We go to school _ our bikes every day. ()AbyBtakeCinDon39Tom, please give me a cup of tea. ()_.AYes, I canBNo, thanksCHere you areDYes, please40What _ you _ the day before yesterday? ()Ado; buyBdid; bough

12、tCdid; buyDdo; bought41He wants _ a picture at the Palace Museum. ()AtakesBtakeCtookDto take42What _ to do this Sunday afternoon? ()Ado youBdid youCwill youDare you going43Would you like some hot water? ()_ASorry, I dont.BYes, I do.CNo, I dont.DYes, please44She _ a pair of new shoes. ()Athere isntBthere arentCdont haveDdoesnt have45_ is it from Beijing to Shijiazhuang? ()Its about 278 kilometers.AHow longBHow muchCHow manyDHow far46_ Lily skate on the ice last winter? ()ADoesBDidCWasD


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