Unit5 Part B Let’ s tryLet’ s talk英语五年级下册分层作业人教PEP

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1、Unit5 Part B Let s try&Let s talk2023-2024学年英语五年级下册同步分层作业设计系列(人教PEP版)学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、 写出下列动词的-ing形式。1shop 2run 3eat 4swim 5live 二、 选择题。( )6What are they doing? They are _.AlistenBsleepingCplay( )7Yangyang and Mei Yangyang like _ football. AplayingBplayCplays( )8Does Robin want to swim like a fish?

2、 Yes, he _.AdoBdoesCdoing( )9Look! The cat is _ fish. AeatBeatingCeats( )10He is _ water. AdrinkBdrinksCdrinking( )11Look! The ducks are _ in the river. AswimsBswimmingCswim( )12Look! The cat _ water. Ais drinkingBis drinkCdrinks( )13_ book is red. The yellow book is _. AMy; youBYour; mineCMine; you

3、r( )14This yellow picture is _. That one is _. Aher; mineBmine; yourCours; his( )15What does Zhang Peng usually do on the weekend? He usually _.Awatching TVBwatch TVCwatches TV三、 用所给单词的适当形式填空。16The little baby is (sleep).17Can I (go) shopping now? Yes, you can.18Sarah is (play) the pipa.19Listen! Lu

4、cy is (have) a music class now.20Is Zhang Lanlan (read) story books in the study? No, she isnt.四、 选择与对话内容相符的图片,并将图片的标号填入括号内。ABC DE. ( )21Is the bird flying?Yes, it is. ( )22Whats this?Its a toy bear. Its my sisters. ( )23Are these girls dancing in the room?No, they arent. They are singing. ( )24What

5、 is Tom doing?He is watching TV. ( )25Can the monkeys climb the tree?Yes, they can. 五、 给下列问句选择正确的答语。AYes, they are.BNo, he isnt. Hes reading newspapers.CHes in the living room.DIts Tinas.ESure.( )26Is his grandpa reading a book? ( )27Can you take the cat to the park? ( )28Whose schoolbag is this? (

6、)29Are these all ours? ( )30Where is Robin now? 六、 补全对话。AIts Mikes.BHes drinking waterCOf course!DNo, he isnt.EWhere is Mike?Oliver: Look! There is a rabbit over there! Whose is it? John: 31 Oliver: 32 John: Hes in the kitchen. Oliver: Is he cooking lunch? John: 33 Oliver: Is he eating lunch? John:

7、No, he isnt. 34 Oliver: Can I play with Mikes rabbit? John: 35 七、 根据图片提示,选择正确的答句。( )36Is it the Dragon Boat Festival today? AYes, it is.BNo, it isnt.( )37Is it Teachers Day today? AYes, it is.BNo, it isnt.( )38Is the boy washing the dishes? AYes, he is.BNo, he isnt.( )39Are there any potatoes in the

8、 fridge? AYes, there are.BNo, there arent.( )40Where are they? AIn the bathroom.BIn the kitchen.八、 阅读短文,完成表格。Today is a fine day. I go to the park. Many of my friends are there. Look! What is Mike doing? He is skipping (跳绳) with Peter. His dog is playing with a ball. Chen Jie is reading a book under

9、 the tree. John is listening to music with his mother. Where is Oliver? He is under the tree. He is reading a book, too. NameDoingMike 41 42 reading a bookJohn 43 Oliver 44 参考答案:1shopping 2running 3eating 4swimming 5living6B7A8B9B10C11B12A13B14C15C16sleeping17go18playing19having20reading21C 22E 23B 24A 25D26B 27E 28D 29A 30C31A 32E 33D 34B 35C36B 37B 38B 39A 40B41skipping 42Chen Jie 43listening to music 44reading a book


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