Unit5 Part A Let’s learnLet’s do英语四年级下册分层作业人教PEP

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《Unit5 Part A Let’s learnLet’s do英语四年级下册分层作业人教PEP》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit5 Part A Let’s learnLet’s do英语四年级下册分层作业人教PEP(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit5 Part A Lets learn&Lets do2023-2024学年英语四年级下册同步分层作业设计系列(人教PEP版)学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、 根据图片写出单词。12345二、 选择题。( )6Put _ your hat. AinBonCto( )7Is this _ jacket? AyouBmeCyour( )8Those are my _. AsocksBskirtCcoat( )9Where _ my shirt? AisBareCam( )10Take _ your shirt. AofBoffCon三、 根据图片,写单词,补全句子。11These ar

2、e so nice. 12Look at the . 13These are Chen Jies. 14This is Mikes . 15I like this .四、 判断下列句子与所给图片是“T”否“F”相符。( )16Theyre my pants. ( )17I have a skirt. ( )18Whose hat is this? Its mine. ( )19Put away your pants. ( )20Wash your skirt. ( )21Hang up your dress. ( )22Put on your shirt. ( )23Take off your

3、 cap. 五、 给图片选择对应的句子。APut on your T-shirt. BHang up your skirt. CPut away your sweater. DTake off your cap. EWash your shirt. ( )24( )25( )26( )27( )28六、 选出正确的答语。AOK. BNo, it isnt. Its Jacks.CThey are white. DThey are Mikes. EMe too.( )29Is this your sweater? ( )30Can you help me, please? ( )31I like

4、 that green skirt. ( )32What colour are your socks? ( )33Whose pants are those? 七、 连词成句。34your, put, sweater, on (.) 35are, these, Whose, pants (?) 36Those, fathers, are, pants, my (.) 37Johns, this, Is(?) 八、 补全对话。AWhose coat is this?BYou are welcome.CIs this your coat?DWhat colour is it?EYes, it is

5、 mine.Miss White: 38 Mike: No, it isnt. Miss White: 39 Mike: I think it is Wu Binbins. Miss White: Wu Binbin, is this coat yours? Wu Binbin: 40 Miss White: Its brown. Wu Binbin: 41 Thank you. Miss White: 42 九、 阅读短文,完成下列任务。Look! There are so many things on the playground. Whose shirt is it? Oh, its W

6、u Binbins. Whose dress is it? Oh, its Bai Lings. Whose shoes are they? Oh, theyre Chen Jies. They are blue and theyre nice. Whose pants are they? Theyre Mikes. Whose red hat is it? Oh, its Sarahs. Please take the things back, children!43阅读短文,从方框中选择人名填在相应的图片下面。ASarah BBai Ling CMike DChen Jie EWu Bin

7、bin( )(1) ( )(2) ( )(3) ( )(4) ( )(5) 44阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。( )(1) There are many things in the classroom. ( )(2) Chen Jie has blue shoes. ( )(3) Mike has a red hat. 参考答案:1 2 3 4 56B7C8A9A10B11pants12skirt13clothes14hat15dress16T17T18F19F20T21F22F23T24E 25B 26A 27D 28C29B 30A 31E 32C 33D34Put on your sweater.35Whose pants are these? 36Those are my fathers pants. /Those pants are my fathers.37Is this Johns?38C 39A 40D 41E 42B43A B C E D 44F T F


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