人教版七年级上册Starter Unit 1 Hello! Section B Project 课件

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1、2024年人教版七年级上册 Starter Unit 1 Hello!Project项目式学习project n.项目本课学习目标本课学习目标本节课结束时,学生能够:本节课结束时,学生能够:1.1.能够熟悉英文词典中单词排列的基本规律,并理解词典是学习英语的重要能够熟悉英文词典中单词排列的基本规律,并理解词典是学习英语的重要工具。工具。2.2.能够按照英文的字母顺序在词典中查找单词,并找到单词的解释、例句等能够按照英文的字母顺序在词典中查找单词,并找到单词的解释、例句等信息。信息。3.3.能够在小组中积极与同学沟通,参与小组合作,并以小组为单位共同完成能够在小组中积极与同学沟通,参与小组合作,

2、并以小组为单位共同完成项目展示。项目展示。Starter Unit 1 Hello!Project Learn how to use a dictionarydictionary n.字典What kind of dictionaries do you know?English-English-C Chinese hinese dictionarydictionaryChinese-Chinese-E English nglish dictionarydictionaryEnglishEnglish-E English nglish dictionarydictionaryWhat kind

3、of dictionaries do you know?Electronic dictionaryElectronic dictionaryDo you know how to use a dictioanry?Do you know how to use a dictioanry?defination定义example例句picture 图片1Read the dictionary page.Circle the words in blue.What order are they in?order n.顺序What order are they?The wordsasleepbabyastr

4、onautbackatbadauntbagautumnballawakeballoonawaybananaawfulbankaxeAll of the words inside a dictionary are in alphabetical order(字母顺序排列).2Number the following words in alphabetical order._ you_ English_speak_after_bike_cold_hello_morning_please_come_what_goodbye_spell_afternoon_evening1 12 23 34 45 5

5、6 67 78 89 9101011111212131314141515Word Class/Part of speech Word classes are the type(类型)of words.They are the building blocks of sentences.Word Class/Part of speech verb/v.动词noun/n.名词Word Class/Part of speech pronoun/pron.代词adverb/adv.副词adj./a.形容词Challenge yourselfSelect definitions 选择合适的定义选择合适的定

6、义A word may have many definitions.一个词可以有多种定义。We need to select the definitions based on the context.要根据语境选择恰当的定义。Select definitions 选择合适的定义选择合适的定义For example:1.I go to school by bike.2.My dress and my shoes go together.3.How is school going?-Its going well.4.Now whose go is it?A.进展B.次序(轮到谁?)C.去D.搭配C

7、 CD DA AB B3Have a competition.Find these words in a dictioanry as fast as you can.shortanimaltomatobeautifulbrownlakeglasshousepictureshoe请同学们从请同学们从请同学们从请同学们从word,word class,definationword,word class,defination三个方面介绍。三个方面介绍。三个方面介绍。三个方面介绍。3Have a competition.Find these words in a dictioanry as fast

8、as you can.3Have a competition.Find these words in a dictioanry as fast as you can.WordWord ClassDefinationshortadj.短的animaln.动物tomaton.西红柿beautifuladj.漂亮的brownadj.棕色 laken.湖水housen.房子picturen.图片shoen.鞋glassn.玻璃learning skillsUsing reference books-a dictionary使用参考书-词典1.Alphabetical order2.Word class3.Definitions based on context 语境中的定义谢谢观看!


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