Module 6 Unit2 The name of the spaceship is Shenzhou Ⅴ英语六年级下册分层作业外研版三起

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《Module 6 Unit2 The name of the spaceship is Shenzhou Ⅴ英语六年级下册分层作业外研版三起》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Module 6 Unit2 The name of the spaceship is Shenzhou Ⅴ英语六年级下册分层作业外研版三起(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module 6 Unit2 The name of the spaceship is Shenzhou 2023-2024学年英语六年级下册同步分层作业设计系列(外研版三起)学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、 词汇分类。New York Australia China Beijing America London England Washington, DC1Country: 2City: 二、 按要求完成各题。3bring (过去式) 4love (过去式) 5space travel (英译汉) 6ask (过去式) 7decide (过去式) 8was (动词原形) 9one (序数

2、词) 10get (过去式) 11a lot of (同义短语) 12be interested in (英译汉) 三、 选择题。( )13We went to the Great Wall and _ many photos. AtakesBtookCtaking( )14He flew _ space in Shenzhou V. AinBatCinto( )15_ it about? Its about sports.AWhatBWhatsCWhere( )16Last week Simon _ back many presents. AbringsBbringCbrought( )17

3、This book _ interesting. AlookBlooksClooking( )18Shenzhou took a Chinese taikonaut into the space for the _ time. AoneBfirstCthird( )19_ is the ninth month of a year. ANovemberBOctoberCSeptember( )20She _ the hen in the basket and went away. AputBputsCputting( )21He told me this story _ the second t

4、ime. AforBtoCof( )22They are interested _ space travel. AfromBonCin四、 选词填空。to for in about into23That book is flowers.24Mum bought a bike me.25He put the eggs the basket.26I gave some books my friends.27Shenzhou V.sent Yang Liwei space.五、 用所给单词的适当形式填空。28The spaceship (take) him into space last week.

5、29Yesterday Marys mum (buy) a new skirt for (she).30Shenzhou V took a Chinese taikonaut into space for the (one) time.31In 2003 Shenzhou V sent a Chinese into space for the (one) time.32My father (take) me to the US last year.六、 句型转换。33He bought a ball for me.(对划线部分提问) 34Daming often takes a bus to

6、the park.(对划线部分提问) 35It took us to the earth.(改为否定句) 36I was very busy yesterday.(改为一般疑问句) 37He passed me a book.(改为同义句) 七、 补全短文。Awant Bget Cgot Dtook E. first G. interestedDear Daming,How are you? I 38 to tell you something about spaceships. Yesterday was my birthday. I 39 a book about space

7、travel. Shenzhou V 40 a Chinese taikonaut into spaceship for the 41 time in China. I was 42 in the book.八、 选出合适的句子补全对话。AHe bought a basketball for me.BLets go.CWho bought it for you?DIts about space.43A: This book looks very interesting.B: Whats it about?A: 1. B: 2. A: My mum bought it for me. Its a

8、 present.B: Great! What did your dad buy for you?A: 3. B: Then we can play basketball together.A: Thats right. 4. 九、 用数字给下列句子排序。44( ) Simons mum bought him a present.( ) Daming showed Simon the interesting book.( ) The present was an interesting book about space travel.(1) It was Damings birthday ye

9、sterday.( ) After that they decided to make a paper spaceship together.( ) Then they start to read the book together.十、 阅读理解。Last Saturday, Leo and his family went to the Space Museum. Leo is very interested in space. He was excited. In the Space Museum, they saw lots of pictures about space travel.

10、 There were many models such as planes, rockets, satellites (卫星) and spacecrafts (航天器). Leo saw a model of a spaceship. It was so cool. Leo couldnt take his eyes off it. He said, “I want to travel to Mars(火星)! I want to be a taikonaut!” The next day, Leo got a present from his father. It was a book

11、about space travel.( )45Leo and his family_ last Saturday. Awent to a parkBvisited a museumCwent to the space( )46Planes, rockets and satellites are_ in the museum. AmodelsBreal (真的) thingsCbooks( )47Leo likes the _ model best (最). AspaceshipBspacecraftCrocket( )48Leo hopes(希望) to _ in the future. A

12、be a taikonautBgo to the MarsCA or B( )49Dad sent a book to Leo as a present _. Alast SaturdayBlast SundayClast year参考答案:1Australia, China, America, England 2New York, Beijing, London, Washington, D.C.3brought 4loved 5太空旅行 6asked 7decided8is / am 9first 10got 11lots of 12对感兴趣13B14C15B16C17B18B19C20A21A22C23about 24for 25into


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