Module 9 Unit1 I’ve got a new book英语三年级下册分层作业外研版三起

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Module 9 Unit1 I’ve got a new book英语三年级下册分层作业外研版三起_第1页
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《Module 9 Unit1 I’ve got a new book英语三年级下册分层作业外研版三起》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Module 9 Unit1 I’ve got a new book英语三年级下册分层作业外研版三起(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module 9 Unit1 Ive got a new book2023-2024学年英语三年级下册同步分层作业设计系列(外研版三起)学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、 选择题。( )1Ive got a new _. AdressBcoatCsweater( )2Its very cold. Please put on your _. AdressBcoatCskirt( )3His favourite _ is a lion. AbookBseasonCanimal( )4_ you got a new book? AhaveBHasCHave( )5我有一件红色的T恤衫。(选择正确的

2、翻译)AIve got a red T-shirt.BIve got a blue dress.CHes got a red T-shirt.( )6_ you got a new bag, Lingling? AHasBDoCHave( )7They _ our funny clothes, we like them. AareBisCam( )8Wheres the sweater? Its _ the line.AinBonCunder( )9She has got a new book _ animals. AaboutBwithCto( )10Sam _ a blue schoolb

3、ag. AhaveBhave gotChas got二、 情景选择。( )11你想知道你的书包放哪儿了,你会这样问:AIs that my school bag?BWhere is my desk?CWhere is my school bag?( )12你想知道朋友是否有一件新的连衣裙,你应这样问:AHave you got a yellow dress?BHave you got a new dress?CThis is my new dress.( )13你问朋友是否有一本新书,她没有,她会说:AYes, I have.BNo, I havent.CNo, I am.( )14你认为那本

4、书很好,你会这样表达:AMy book is good.BIts my book.CIts a good book.( )15你想告诉别人你有本书,它是关于运动的,你会说:AIts about animals.BIts about sport.CIts about dogs.三、 按要求做题。16Ive(完全形式) has not(缩写形式) have(单三形式) new (反义词) good(同义词) 17havent(完全形式) 拥有(译为英文) 一件毛衣(译为英文) animal(复数形式) hot(反义词) 四、 选择合适的答语。AYes, he has.BNo, I havent.C

5、Its about sport.DI go to school by bus.ENo, she doesnt.( )18Have you got a new schoolbag? ( )19Has your father got a car? ( )20How (怎样) do you go to school? ( )21Whats this book about? ( )22Does your mother go to work by car? 五、 连词成句。23a, about, Its, animals, book (.) 24book,got,She,a,about,has,scie

6、nce(.) 25Is, the, on, the, sweater, line (?) 26a, Have, you, new, sweater, got(?) 27got,I,white,a,have,T-shirt(.) 六、 句型转换。28Sam has got a new kite.(改为一般疑问句) 29Has your mother got a nice dress? (作否定回答) 30She hasnt got a nice toy. (改为肯定句) 七、 补全对话(选序号)。31 AMorning, Amy.BIve got a new T-shirtCa new dres

7、sDWhat colour?A: Good morning, Ling ling.B: 1. A: Look! Ive got 2. .B: Oh, your dress is very nice. A: Thank you. Have you got a new dress too? B: No, but 3. .A: Good! 4. B: Its a blue. 八、 阅读理解。Im Hanhan. Ive got a bag. Its blue. Im Lele. Ive got a black bike. This is my present. Im Linlin. Ive got

8、a sweater. Its red. My favourite colour is red. Im Zhao Mei. Ive got a green dress. Its beautiful (漂亮的). Its in the bedroom. Im Junjun. Ive got a toy car. Its yellow. Its on the desk.32在表格中用“”标出下列小朋友各自拥有的物品。HanhanLeleLinlinZhao MeiJunjun33根据上文回答下列问题。( )(1) Has Hanhan got a blue bag? AYes, he has.BYe

9、s, he hasnt.CNo, he hasnt. ( )(2) Whats Linlins favourite colour? AIts blue.BIts red.CIts green. ( )(3) Where is Zhao Meis dress? AIts on the desk.BIts in the bag.CIts in the bedroom.( )(4) What colour is Leles bike? AIts black.BIts red.CIts blue. ( )(5) Who has got a yellow toy car? ALele.BJunjun.C

10、Zhao Mei.参考答案:1A2B3C4C5A6C7A8B9A10C11C12B13B14C15B16I have hasnt has old well/fine/great17have not has/have got a sweater animals cold18B 19A 20D 21C 22E23Its a book about animals.24She has got a book about science.25Is the sweater on the line?26Have you got a new sweater?27I have got a white T-shirt.28Has Sam got a new kite?29No, she hasnt.30She has got a nice toy./Shes got a nice toy.31A C B D32 33 A B C A B


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