Unit 5 Seasons第3课时分层作业英语四年级下册译林版三起

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1、Unit 5 Seasons第三课时 Sound timeTicking time 基础巩固 Review一、选出每句中画线部分读音与其余两项不同的一项。( )1.I like this kite.A B C( )2.That picture is cool and nice.A B C( )3.The fat parrot likes cakes.A B C( )4.Its very hot. Lets go home.A B C( )5.He has a red desk in the bedroom. A B C二、根据首字母提示填空。1. We can make s_ in winte

2、r.2. There are some b_ on the river. Lets go b_.3. Its c_ in autumn. Lets go c_ on Sunday.4. W_T-shirt is this? Its m_ T-shirt.5. Lets go to the p_. There is a lake, many trees and flowers in it.Good i_!三、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Here _(be) some juice for you.2. I go _(run) with my father every morning.3. Can

3、 Mike _(have) an ice cream now?4. Dont _(climb) the tree, Liu Tao.5. Is that _(he) bag? No, it isnt. 能力提升 Unit四、从方框中选择合适的句子补全对话。A. I go swimming.B. I like summer too.C. Lets go swimming now.D. I like summer.E. Because I can eat ice creams.Bobby: Which season do you like, Sam? Sam: 1. _What about you

4、? Bobby: 2. _ Sam: Why do you like summer? Bobby: 3. _ Sam: What do you do in summer?Bobby: 4. _Sam: Thats cool! 5. _Bobby: Great!五、看图,完成对话,每空一词。1. A: In _, it is _.B: Yes. We can _ ice creams and _ _.2. A: Today is very _.B: Yes. Do you like _?A: No. I like _. Its _.B: What can you _ in spring?A: I

5、 can _in the park.B: Sounds great! 拓展训练 Goal六、阅读短文,完成下面的表格。Lucy comes from Nanjing. She likes spring because its warm in spring. She can fly kites and go boating. She has many friends. Ben is one of her friends. He comes from Shanghai. He likes autumn. Its cool. He can have picnics and go climbing.

6、John and Linda are Lucys friends too. John comes from New York. He likes winter, because he can make snowmen and go skating. Linda comes from Hangzhou. She likes summer. She can go swimming and eat ice creams.NameCityFavourite seasonActivitiesLucy1. _springfly kites and go 2. _3. _Shanghai4. _have 5

7、. _ and go climbingJohn6. _wintermake 7. _ and go 8. _Linda9. _10. _go swimming and eat ice creams参考答案第三课时 Sound timeTicking time一、1-5BCCAA二、1. snowmen 2. boats, boating 3. cool,climbing 4. Whose, my 5. park, idea三、1. is 解析“Here be .”意 为“这里有”, be动词的形式由其后的名词决定, juice 是不可数名词, be 动词用is。2.running 解析:“go

8、+动名词”表示去做某事, run 的动名词形式是 running。3. have 4. climb 5. his四、1. D 2. B 3. E 4. A 5. C五、1. summer, hot, eat/have, go swimming2. cold, winter, spring, warm, do, draw 六、1. Nanjing 解析根据“Lucy comes from Nanjing.”可知, Lucy 来自南京。2. boating 解析根据“She can fly kites and go boating.”可知, Lucy 可以放风筝和划船。3. Ben 解析 根 据“

9、Ben is one of her friends. He comes from Shanghai.”可知,来自上海的是 Ben。4. autumn 解析 根 据“ He likes autumn.”可知, Ben 喜欢秋天。5. picnics 1 2 解析根 据 “He can have picnics and go climbing.”可知, Ben 可以野餐和爬山。6. New York 解析 根据“John comes from New York.”可 知, John 来 自纽约。7. snowmen 8. skating 解析根据“He likes winter, because he can make snowmen and go skating.”可知, John 喜欢冬天,因为他可以堆雪人和滑冰。9. Hangzhou 解析 根据“Linda comes from Hangzhou.”可知, Linda 来自杭州。10. summer 解析 根 据“ She likes summer.”可知, Linda 喜欢夏天。


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