Unit5 Part B Read and writeLet’ s checkLet’ s wrap it upStory time英语五年级下册分层作业人教PEP

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Unit5 Part B Read and writeLet’ s checkLet’ s wrap it upStory time英语五年级下册分层作业人教PEP_第5页
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1、Unit5 Part B Read and write&Let s check&Let s wrap it up&Story time2023-2024学年英语五年级下册同步分层作业设计系列(人教PEP版)学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、 选择题。( )1This is Amys pencil. Its _. AmineBhisChers( )2Whose story books are these? _.AIts yellowBTheyre mineCIts mine( )3Are these shoes all _? AhersBhimCyou( )4Look at the rabbi

2、t. Its _ now. AjumpBjumpsCjumping( )5_ dog is it? Its Lulus.AWhatBWhereCWhose( )6The pandas are _. AsleepsBsleepingCeat( )7_ book is this? Its Amys.AWhoseBWhatCWhen( )8Is she sleeping? _ANo, she doesnt.BNo, he isnt.CYes, she is.( )9Whose cat is it? _AYes, it is.BIts blue.CIts Binbins( )10Are those s

3、hoes _? No, _ shoes are white.Ayours; MyByour; MineCyours; Mine二、 判断图片与对话是(T)否(F)相符。( )11What is your brother doing now? He is swimming. ( )12What is the dog doing? It is playing with the ball. ( )13Is Tom sleeping? No, he is running. ( )14The dog is so lovely! How cute! Its Toms. ( )15Look! A big b

4、ag! Is it yours? Yes, thanks! 三、 选择合适的答语。AThey are walking. BYes, they can. CYes, I can. They are running. DIt is looking after the baby elephant. EYes, I do. They are playing. ( )16What are the ducks doing? ( )17What is the mother elephant doing? ( )18Can you see the giraffes? ( )19Do you see any l

5、ions? ( )20Can tigers really swim? 四、 选词填空。in with at like of21Im looking the rabbits.22A bird is singing the tree.23I can play you.24She is jumping a rabbit.25The picture Beijing is Zhang Pengs.五、 句型转换。26I can sing English songs. (改为否定句)I English songs.27This is my ruler. (改为同义句)This .28Li Ning is

6、doing his homework. (对画线部分提问) Li Ning ?29Oliver is having a maths class. (改为一般疑问句) having a maths class?30Is John running at school? (作否定回答) No, .六、 补全对话。AHe usually plays in the garden.BMine is purple.CIs it running now?DHe usually sleeps there.EIs it yours?A: Where is Fido, Chen Jie?B: Is he in th

7、e living room? 31 A: No, he is not there. Where else does he usually go?B: 32 A: He is not there, either. Look, whats that under the tree?B: Its a hat.A: 33 B: No, its Mums. 34 A: Look, the hat is walking!B: Oh, my god! 35 A: Yes. Look at that tail!B: Oh, Fido! Come here!七、 任务型阅读。A businessman is wa

8、lking in the forest. He wants to sell the hats. He is very tired. He says, “Let me have a nap here.”Now he is sleeping under a big tree. His hats are beside him. The monkeys come Look! They are picking up his hats and climbing up the trees.The businessman wakes up. He is very angry and he shouts, “G

9、ive them back to me.” The monkeys are shouting, too. They are imitating(模仿) the businessman. Theyre clever.The businessman thinks, “The monkeys like imitating. I have an idea.” Look! He is taking off his hat and throwing it away. Look! The monkeys are throwing their hats, too.Now the businessman is

10、picking up his hats. He is laughing and singing, “What naughty monkeys! What silly monkeys! What funny monkeys!”36阅读绘本,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。( )(1) The businessman is playing in the forest. ( )(2) The monkeys are very funny. ( )(3) The businessman is very clever. ( )(4) The businessman gets back his hats.

11、37阅读绘本,选择正确答案。( )(1) The businessman is sleeping. The monkeys are _. Ataking away his hatsBsleepingCshouting ( )(2) The businessman is shouting. The monkeys are _. AeatingBdrinkingCshouting ( )(3) The businessman is throwing away his hat. The monkeys are _. AlaughingBthrowing away the hatsCjumping八、

12、 仿照示例,把下列表格补充完整。38SarahIts her ruler. It is hers.Wu Binbin1. They are glasses. They are .Chen Jie2. Its skirt. Its .Zhang Peng and Mike3. Its ball. Its .I4. They are books. They are .My sister and I5. Its bike. Its 参考答案:1C2B3A4C5C6B7A8C9C10A11F12T13T14F15T16A 17D 18C 19E 20B21at 22in 23with 24like 25of26can not sing27ruler is mine28What is doing29Is Oliver30he isnt31D 32A 33E 34B 35C36F T T T 37A C B38his


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