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1、鹤壁职业技术学院教案(续页) 第 页 Unit 1 FRESHMAN Listening & SpeakingStep 1. PreviewLead the students to look at the “Preview” so as to make sure that theStudents have some ideas of what this unit is all about.Step 2. Part IListening1Listen to the upcoming short talk and complete the related statements below acco

2、rdingly. Getting to know the following useful language first might be helpful. Useful Languagerun over 超过create vt. 创造impression n. 印象span n. 一段时间(尤指人的一生)evolve vi. 进化time-conscious a. 有时间概念pace n. 节奏multitasker n. 一心多用者Exercise:1) We cant gain more time for ourselves with technology: time is_, so i

3、ts not some thing that we can lose.2) We often have the feeling that “time flies” because we are_ in terms of pace.3) We can learn how to pick up the right skills and tools _.2. Cherie and Victor are talking about time. Listen to their conversation and then decide whether the conversation-based stat

4、ements below are true (T) or false (F). Getting to know the following useful language first might be helpful.Useful Languagerush vi. 匆忙issue n. 问题pin down 使受约束,阻止,压制on top of在之上;熟练掌握make sense有道理Script: Betty: Hello. Im Betty. Im from Shanghai.John: Im John from Nanjing. Its nice to meet you. This i

5、s Carol. She comes from Shanghai, too.Betty: Really? Im glad to meet you! Carol: Im glad to meet you, too. John and I are in the Department of Computer Science. Which department are you in?Betty: Im in the Department of Hotel Step 3. Bettys cousin George Yang is a second-year student in the same col

6、lege. As a freshman, Betty has a lot of questions to ask her cousin. Listen to the following conversation twice and then answer the multiple choice questions after it.Useful Languagetip n. 指点,提示advice n. 忠告environment n. 环境dorm n. 宿舍 1) Neither Cherie nor Victor wants to be a slave to time. ( )2) So

7、mething can be done about the clock, as suggested by Cherie. ( )3) According to Victor, life is about how many things you can do. ( )Step 4. Dennis and Belle are talking at lunch. Listen to their conversation and then answer the questions below by choosing the best response. Getting to know the foll

8、owing useful language first might be helpful.Useful LanguageWhat is the rush? 为什么这样匆匆忙忙?way ad. 口远远地;大大地;非常be supposed to = should, ought topace vt. 调整的速度appetite n. 食欲pressure n.压力breathe vi. 呼吸focus on 集中Part two Text ATime-Out! Exercises Text BReady, Set, Go and Get There! Exercises Practical Rea

9、dingText ACollege Survival: Our Tips for SuccessPara. 1 of Text AQuestions about This Paragraph1) According to the author, what can you not do in the 24 hours of a single day?We cannot create extra time.2) What can you do every day?We can control our own actions and what we plan to do in one particu

10、lar day1. Time-Out: This word has different meanings in different contexts. As the title of the text, it means “a brief suspension of activity; intermission or break.” The author believes that people try to do too much at the same time, but accomplish less, and with less good results. She suggests w

11、e “take a break” (time-out) from such overloading, and take a true, merited “time-out” only when an appropriate amount of the main task has been completed. time-out /mIat5tJa/: n. a brief suspension of activity; intermission or break 暂停;休息2 Tracey Middlekauff: an American journalist living in New Yo

12、rk. 特蕾西米德尔考夫是美国报刊撰稿人,居住在纽约 3. create /kri:eIt/ vt. make (sth.) happen or exist 创造 Eg.The new factory is expected to create more than 400 new jobs.The pollution in this area is creating a lot of problems.4 You can only control your own actions and what you are going to do with the time you have. 你只能用

13、你有的时间来控制自己的行动和你准备做的事情。句中动词control后有两个宾语:your own actions和what you are going to do。 what you are going to do的意思相当于things that you are going to do。Para. 2-3 of Text AQuestions about This Paragraph1) What is the main idea of this section of the text?2) What problems do many people have when they dont k

14、now how to manage their time?notes1. Feeling as if you could have done a better job had you only had more time? 觉得只要有更多时间就能把事情做得更好吗?as if后面使用的是虚拟语气,表示所述并非事实。had you only had more time是倒装形式,也可以说成if you had only had more time。 2. turn in: hand in 上交 3. quiz n. an informal test given to students 小测验 4. work on: try hard to improve or achieve (sth.) 努力改善;努力完成 Para. 4-6of Text AQuestions about This Paragraph1) Why does the writer say “there is no single, magical tool that will work for everyone?2) What does


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