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1、大学英语六级 There is probably no sphere of human (1)_ in which our values and lifestyles are reflected more (2)_ than they are in the clothes that we choose to wear. The dress of an individual is a kind of sign language that (3)_a complex set of information and is usually the (4)_on which immediate impre

2、ssions are formed (5)_a concern for clothes was(6)_ a feminine preoccupation, while men took pride (7)_the fact (8)_they were completely lacking in clothes consciousness. This type of American culture is gradually changing as mans dress (9)_ greater variety and color. Even (10)_1995, a research in M

3、ichigan revealed that men (11)_ high importance to the value of clothing in daily life. White collar workers in particular viewed dress as a (12)_capable of manipulation, that could be used to impress or (13)_others, especially in the work situation. The white-collar worker was described as (14)_con

4、cerned about the impression his clothing made on his (15)_ . Although blue-collar workers were less(16)_ that they might be judged on the basis of their clothing, they recognized that any difference fro the (17)_ pattern of dress would draw ridicule from fellow workers. Since that time, of course, t

5、he (18)_ have changed: the typical office worker may now be (19)_ blue shirt, and the laborer a white shirt; but the importance of dress has not (20)_ .1. A act B action C acting D activity2. A vividly B cleanly C perfectly D deeply3. A corresponds B communicates C exchanges D transforms4. A bases B

6、 base C root D basis5. A Traditionally B Evidently C Originally D Certainly6. A regarded B considered C viewed D guessed7. A on B of C in D to8. A because B which C that D in that9. A takes on B takes in C takes for D takes to10. A as late as B no sooner than C as early as D long before11. A thought

7、 B put C linked D attached12. A signal B symbol C signature D significance13. A influence B conquer C reflect D defeat14. A mostly B normally C rarely D extremely15. A office B position C superiors D employment16. A cared B interested C aware D realized17. A acceptedB ancientC rejectedD admitted18.

8、A impressions B patterns C differences D fellow workers19. A putting on B trying on C wearing D dressing20. A abolishing B increased C dismissed D diminished In most countries, the law on organ transplantation(器官移植) is poorly defined. The existing framework 【B1】 to physical assault and care of the d

9、ead has no 【B2】 for organ transplantation. It is 【B3】 to get the permission of the relatives, 【B4】 because organ 【B5】 must take place immediately after death, it may be impossible to reach the relatives 【B6】 time. It has been suggested that there should be a widespread campaign to encourage persons

10、to 【B7】 in their wills that their organs be used for transplantation. An 【B8】 is to provide by law that permission is 【B9】 unless removal has been forbidden by the individual in his lifetime. It is, of course, important that there 【B10】 public reassurance that consideration of transplantation would

11、not 【B11】 normal resuscitative(抢救的) efforts of the 【B12】 donor. Transplantation has obviously 【B13】 important ethical considerations 【B14】 the diagnosis of death. Every effort must be made to 【B15】 the heartbeat to someone who has a sudden cardiac arrest(心博停止) or 【B16】 to someone who cannot breathe.

12、 【B17】 artificial respiration and massage of the heart, the standard methods of resuscitation, must be continued 【B18】 it is clear that the brain is dead. Most physicians consider that 【B19】 this point efforts at resuscitation are 【B20】 .1. A relating B associated C associating D related2. A descrip

13、tion B provision C rule D statement3. A impossible B vital C ritual D customary4. A and B or C but D then5. A replacement B transplantation C removal D burial6. A at B in C on D within7. A say B provide C supply D mention8. A alteration B operation C option D alternative9. A gained B acquired C assu

14、med D got10. A is B be C are D would be11. A impair B repair C harm D hurt12. A future B tomorrow C potential D possible13. A rose B aroused C arose D raised14. A concerning B concerned C relating D associating15. A give B restore C lend D help16. A breath B respiring C breathing D air17. A In contr

15、ast B In addition C Consequently D However18. A that B until C when D since19. A on B in C at D beyond20. A promising B profitable C useless D worthy The gift of being able to describe a face accurately is a rare one. As a professor 【B1】 it recently: When we try to describe faces precisely words 【B2】 us, and we 【B3】 to identikit procedures. 【B4】 . according to a research 【B5】 this subject, we can each probably recognize


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