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1、The Sound of Music(音乐之声)剧情简介:玛丽亚是个活泼好动的修女,修女院的院长觉得她这样的性格不适合僧侣生活,就让她去上校家作看护。玛丽亚到达上校家,发现他是一个有七个孩子的鳏夫,长期的海军生活和丧妻的悲痛使他对待孩子像管教士兵一样严格。上校要求玛丽亚也像他一样严格,但是玛丽亚没有听从,而是用她天生的温柔和善良赢得了孩子们的友好。趁上校不在的时候,她带孩子们出去游玩,还教他们唱歌。孩子们原有的拘禁和忧郁渐渐地被音乐和笑声代替了。上校回家后,看到孩子们疯玩很生气,和玛利亚大吵一架,并让她离开。但他听到孩子们的歌声后很受感染,有点后悔赶玛利亚走,但爱面子的他说不出口。最后在孩子们

2、的恳求下,他终于妥协了。孩子们很开心,所有的人一起唱起了动听的歌。第一幕:Maria: (sing) I have confidence to myself. (唱得气喘吁吁,敲门) 我对我自己很有信心(Max开门)Hello! Im the new governess, Captain. 你好,上校,我是新来的看护。Max: And Im the butler. (我不是上校),我是管家。Maria: Oh, well, How do you do? (边说边很粗鲁地和Max握手) 噢,好吧,你好。Max: You will wait here, please. I will call th

3、e Captain. (下) 请在这儿等一下,我去叫上校。(Maria四处打量时,Captain上。)Captain:Why do you stare at me that way? 你为什么用那样的眼光看着我?Maria: You dont like a captain. 你看起来不像个上校。Captain:Im afraid you dont look like a governess! Well, madam 你恐怕也不太像个看护!恩,小姐Maria: Maria. 我叫玛利亚Captain:Ok, Maria. You are the twelfth governess to look

4、 after my children since their mother died. I think you will better than the last governess, she stayed only two hours. 好吧,玛利亚,你是孩子的母亲去世后的第十二位看护。我想你会比前一个看护要强,因为她只待了两小时。Maria: Whats wrong with the children, sir? 先生,孩子们怎么了?Captain:Nothing is wrong with the children, only the governesses.OK! Maria. As

5、you know Im a captain. I hope you will be strict to the children as I do. 孩子很好,只是看护不行。好吧,玛利亚,你知道,我是个上校,我希望你对孩子像我一样严格。Maria: Yes, sir. 是的,先生。Captain:This is the signal. 这是给他们的讯号。(吹哨,孩子们列队出来。并在哨声的示意下整齐的站成一排) Captain:Everybody! This is your new governess, Maria. Now give your name at the signal. 孩子们,这是

6、你们的新看护,玛利亚。现在听到哨声后报出你们的名字。(每吹一声哨子,孩子们依次上前报出自己的名字。)大女儿: Lisa.大儿子:Nick.二儿子:Bill.三儿子:Harry.二女儿:Kelly.小儿子:Kurt小女儿:上前一步,但没说话。Captain:Emily.(代小女儿回答)(向Maria)Now lets see how well you use the Whistle. 现在让我们看看你会不会用哨子发命令。(把哨子递给玛利亚)Maria: I dont need a whistle, Captain. I will use their names, such lovely name

7、s. 我不需要哨子,上校。我要用他们的名字,这些名字太可爱了。Captain:This is a large house, and I dont want to have any shouting. 我家房子太大,我不想听到你大呼小叫的。Maria: But sir, whistle is for animals, not for children! 但是上校,哨子是针对动物的,而不是孩子!Captain:(权威受到挑战,很生气,转身离开)Up to you! 你随便!(Captain 一走,孩子们就很放松)Maria: At ease. 稍息。 Well, now there are jus

8、t us, would you please tell me your names again, and how old you are? 现在只剩我们了,可不可以再给我说一下你们的名字,还有年纪。Lisa: Im Lisa. Im 16 years old, and I dont need a governess! 我叫丽莎,我16岁了,我不需要看护!Maria: Im glad you told me, Lisa. We will just be good friends. 很高兴你能告诉我,丽莎。我们将会成为好朋友的。Nick:Im Nick. Im 14, I am impossibl

9、e! 我叫尼克,我14了,我会让你受不了的!Maria: Really? Who told you that, Nick?真的吗?谁告诉你的,尼克?Nick: The last governess. 上一个看护。Bill:Im Bill, Im 13 years old, Im incorrigible!我叫比尔,我13岁了,我是个不可救药的人!Maria: What is “incorrigible”?I think it means you wont be treated like a boy.什么是“不可救药”?我想它的意思是你将不会被当做一个小男孩来对待。Harry:I am Kurt

10、.我是库尔特。Maria: You didnt tell me how old you are, Harry.你没告诉我你的年龄,哈利。Kurt:Im Kurt, he is Harry, hes 11 years old, and Im 7. You are smart. 我才是库尔特,他是哈利,他11岁了,我7岁,你还挺聪明的嘛!Kelly:(很亲密地靠近)Im Kelly, Im going to be 9 years old . And I like pink. 我是凯莉,我马上就9岁了,我喜欢粉色。Maria: Pink is my favorite color too. 粉色也是我

11、最喜欢的颜色。(小女儿Emily假装生气,叉腰、跺脚。)Maria: Yes,you are Emily. 对,你是艾米莉。(Emily 点头,并伸出一把手。)Maria: And you are 5 years old? 你五岁了是吧?(Emily再次点头)Maria: My,you are really a lady. 天哪,你可真是个小淑女啊!(Emily开心地笑了)Maria: Now I have to tell you a secret, Ive never been a governess. 现在呢,我要告诉你们一个秘密,我从来没作过看护。Harry: (带着讥讽)You mea

12、n you dont know anything about being a governess? 你的意思是说你一点都不知道怎么做个看护?Maria:(耸肩)Yes,nothing. 是啊,一点也不知道。Lisa: Well, let us teach you. The best way to start is to tell father to mind his own Business. 好吧,那就让我们来教你吧。首先告诉我爸让他别多管闲事。Nick: You must be never come to dinner on time. 吃饭时一定不能准时。Bill: Never eat

13、your soup quietly. 喝汤的时候一定要弄出响声。(孩子们边说边围攻Maria, Maria 被推到在地,头发也弄乱了)Nick: Lets go! 我们走吧!Emily: Dont believe a word they say, Maria. 千万别相信他们的话,玛利亚。Maria:Oh, why not?为什么呢?Emily: Because I like you. 因为我喜欢你。(孩子们转身走的时候,Maria把手伸进兜里,突然大叫一声,扔出一只蜘蛛,喊声惊动了Captain,他从另一边出来)Captain:(皱着眉)Whats the matter with you?

14、小姐,你怎么了?(听见父亲的声音,孩子们很害怕,不约而同的停下脚步偷看,等着Maria告状后挨打)Maria:(理了理头发,把蜘蛛偷偷藏起来)Nothing,nothing is wrong. 没事,没事,一切都很正常,呵呵。Captain转身下。孩子们松了口气,下。之后Maria也下。第二幕 (雷电交加的晚上,Maria 在做祷告)Maria:Dear father,now I know why you set me here, and I pray this will be a happy family 亲爱的主啊,现在我知道你为什么把我派到这里了,我祈祷这个家庭能够充满欢声笑语(突然一个炸雷,Emily抱着头跑出来,抱住了Maria)Maria:Emily,are you scared? 艾米莉,你害怕是不?(Emily点头)Maria:Dont worry, you just stay here with me. Where are the others? 别害怕,和我一起待在这儿吧。其他人呢?Emily: They are asleep, they a


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