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1、Unt1 How ou studyfr a est ELFCHEK 教案 1SELF CCK1.ling ine lnkWesall mak achkon or ueofexprssnsirs. Trn oe 7 an fill in eacbl wi the corect wor ien. Cane he fm of the wrdf necessary. Tnmakeyour ownentences wth echordCompe he sentencesMake yuntences1. oshould rit own ne gihorsinavocaularlist.Dnttrust y

2、our memoy. rite i down. f you ot ko to spll ne wrd, lookthem up n a dcionrI dotkno hwosll yor name.3. Te e y toimrov our Enli iso oi an Englishcl. I lke to jointe sco ootballe 4Anothr hn tat h fnd very dificltwas Enlishrammar. i teasy toen nglish5. Thikind of paer fel vey softo o l cold.Witng n tcle

3、Tur pge 7ad riteanartice ou X Zheng using te notes on u and hs essay.X Zng:a oyfondofEnglih Mos people in he wrd ak nlis as asecond laguage. no does XuZeng.YesteyI aked u ng aouhis ys to lean Engs He said e lears y mking upconveraions an peakig o fiendsin nglish. henI saoustudygprounciati, he said e

4、 spent muhtim n it, bu still fou naiv speaers prounciatio dficult to ar. I sai o hm, “You are a computer st. Whyare you interese in ngish” “nglih poular inscieneAdit ispular ar the world orouters,” tol me. “ like wring ntes, wthing mvesadistenint p songs.Bu Ilke reading i Englislne mot, ” added .Xu

5、Zhg is gh.Englisha ral elp us nderstadmnynew tigs foothe couties. Letslearn frm X Zheng.Lts b fdof Engih,too.I Rein: How o dl wihur prlemsAs Eglisis end mostlthroug readng China, w shll no tunto page 8o leantoathe aticle etitld: How doe dl with u problemefre eaing, ego ovr theoabularit for redig on

6、page 146 Get yrelf fmiliae witallh wor nd expressios to be foundntheartle. Whleradin ry to dvd the sentencesinto thghtgroups an nderi alte exrsssusefoyou. While y ae readng it frthe second tme,tr to circle althe lin ords and tr trastige texito Cinse.Ho do we al whou problemRich o o, yong o od,walhae

7、 poblems. And uns we eal wth our rlems, esily becomeunhap Wryn abt our roblems can affect h edo t shoo. nalsoiflenc h way ebehae wit our failies. how owe deal withor rolems here re ma way.B learinto frgeMostofuhve robaly ben ngy with or ns, pants orteachrs.Prhapsthey said soethig yu didnt le, oryu e

8、t fai. Setimes, peopl can aygy for ear ou smal prblTigo b, andgod friedshps may be los.When re angr,howve, we ae ually te onesaffeted. rhap we ave n o childrplayng togeer. Smetie theyhave isgemts, andecideo kto achothr. Howeve,hi usally des no lst olon. Tis ia important leson fo us: wean so aproblm

9、b learning to foret.y regardng poblems asallgsMany students ofte oplin but school.They mig eethey aveo mch work odo oetime, o thin rules re to srict.e uslearn how to chane these problms into alenges.Educin an mrtatpart o u eveloment yung adls, t is rduyt ry our besttodalwih each challenge in ur duca

10、tio wth th helf or tacers. thinkn of sethngreB cmparing ourself t thr people, ouwill fnd your problemsre notso terible. Think abou Stephen wk,foreame,aery lver scieist,wh egards hs mayphial rolm as npoa He walkr venek, bu hhs beme ry amosad sccesful. e re prably uite ealhy and mar. etsnt ory abou re

11、ms. Lets he llnges nstead.fter eading, cp tnderiedexpressionsintoyourPre Boks hoeExpesions rom Howdo e del with prolemrich or poo, younor o, have prolem, dea wthes obems, beome uhppy,wory abut onespoblms, do well at chool, fluce the y, ave well wih, dal wios olms, be angry with,e unai, tay agr for a

12、 bout, tie by, lose good freships, see playitogether, havediagrents,alk to eah other,lastfor ong, nmorantlsn for,solv a rolemy aning o fget, egardin problesa calleng, omplai abu school, he to uh wrk todo, the rue ae too stric, hanito, animortanp of oes deelope,as yong ults, be onesdut, ty onesst, de withn es ducaton, with thh


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