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1、目 录前 言1传动方案的拟定和选择11 拟定方案2111具体方案的拟定和比较21.2 方案的确定62 电动机的选择2. 1 主电动机的选择7211 电动机类型和结构形式选择721. 2选择电动机容量72. 2 无级变速电动机的选择8221分析绞车的工作过程:8222 分析电动机的具体工作情况8223 电动机容量的计算10224 电动机类型的选择113 交流变频调速系统3.1 调速系统介绍113.2 不同交流电动机调速系统的优缺点1233 变频控制方式的选择1434 确定变频器1535 JPS变频器的功能、原理、技术参数等153.5.1概述153.5.2型号意义163.5.3 技术参数及性能17

2、3.5.4 外形及安装尺寸183.5.5 使用维护注意事项184 行星齿轮的计算4.1 行星齿轮基本参数的计算194.1.1 传动装置的总传动比及分配194.1.2 行星齿轮传动的配比计算204.1.3 轮齿数的选择224.2 行星齿轮传动设计与计算224.3 选择材料、齿轮、传动比234.4 无级变速电动机输入齿轮传动计算335 传动系统的其他设计5.1均载机构设计375.2 行星架的设计375.3 箱体的基本参数385.4 变速轴的设计38总 结40参考文献41致 谢42摘要 该系统主要是以行星齿轮传动和变频交流调速电动机调速为核心,由主电动机、变频交流调速电动机和行星齿轮传动三大部分组成

3、。绞车的工作情况由以下三种情况:一是启动,即启动加速阶段;二是正常运转,即绞车匀速提升或下降阶段;三是停车,即绞车减速停止阶段。绞车起动和停止是无级变速的,由交流变频器和三相力矩异步电动机组成无级变速装置,通过差动轮系实现输出轴的无级变速;绞车的提升阶段,调速电动机处于堵转阶段,只有主电动机和2K-H行星轮处于工作状态。 本次设计主要任务是进行传动方案的选择与确定,传动装置的运动、动力的计算和传动零件的设计计算。提升绞车传动系统中的主要机械部分是差动式行星齿轮减速器,为了提高传动效率,减小机构的尺寸和重量,采用的是2K-H单排行星齿轮机构和调速齿轮组成的差动轮系。在该轮系中2K-H行星齿轮传动

4、是绞车匀速运行的核心,因此也就成为本次设计的主题了,在设计中主要是进行以下几方面的工作:1、传动比计算;2、齿数选择;3、传动的几何计算;4、传动的受力分析;5、强度计算;还有行星架结构的选择、均载机构的设计、减速箱体结构尺寸的设计等等。 绞车的无级调速是由变频交流调速电动机来完成的,其主要完成绞车的启动、停止。电气部件主要是变频器,调速系统采用正弦脉冲宽度调置(SPWM)型变频器和YLJ系列三相异步力矩电动机组成。对电气部分的设计主要是进行变频器的类型、参数选择,还有电动机的类型和容量选择该系统采用电气和机械组合,集结了机电两大方面的优点于一身,使得该系统的总体性能得到很大的提高,从而使得该

5、产品有着更广阔的前景。 关键词:差速器、无级调速、绞车Abstract:Spherical gearing and changing speed by the motor of variant frequency and periodic juice is the core of this system, which is made up of central motor, the motor of variant frequency and periodic juice and spherical gearing. There are three procedures. Now it is

6、described as follows. The first one is to switch on the machine, which means to start the case of acceleration. The second one is well-regulated operation. In this case, the machine can uprear and drop in an equable speed. The third one is the case of deceleration until to stop the winch, which is c

7、alled straightforwardly to shut down it. Starting and stopping use stepless gearshift. The stepless gearshift device is made up of the transducer of variant frequency and periodic juice and the motor of trinomial asynchronism moment, moreover, the stepless gearshift of is accomplished by series of d

8、ifferent spherical gear. phase,timing plug up revolution. The most important task in this design is to choose and confirm the gearing schema, the operation of the driving device, the calculation of power and driving part. The mainly mechanical segment of this driving system is the different spherica

9、l gear creeper gear. In order to improve the efficiency, lessen the weight and shorten the measure of the mechanic, series of different spherical gear, which is composed of 2K-H single-row spherical gear machine and the regulative gears, is used. In the gear course, 2K-H spherical gear driving is th

10、e core of operation of the machine in an equable speed. So, that becomes the motive of this design. There are some aspects to be done in this design as follows. The first one is the calculation of driving ratio. The second one is the choice of quantity of gear. The third one is the geometrical calcu

11、lation of the gearing. The forth one is the analysis about the driving vigor. The fifth one is the calculation of degree. Besides the former aspects to have been described, the choice of the structure of the spherical rack, design of proportional loading and the structural measure of the creeper gea

12、r etc. must be contained in the design. The winchs stepless gearshift is accomplished by the motor of variant frequency and periodic juice. It mainly accomplishes the starting and drop of the machine. Electrical accessory primarily consists of the instrument variant frequency, adjustment-system uses

13、 sine wave pulse width modulate(SPWM)transducer and YLJ courses trinomial asynchronism moment. The design about electrical segment mainly chooses not only the variant frequency-motors parameter and type but also the motors type and capability. The system adopts the assemblage between electricity and

14、 mechanic. It combines the virtues of them, which improves the overall capacity of the instrument and makes this product have a more prospective perspective. Keywords: Differential stepless gearshift Winch南昌航空大学科技学院学士学位论文前言 随着工业生产的发展,许多设备都要求变工矿运行,例如,交通工具、机械加工设备提升设备等等这些设备一般都具有调速功能,而且随着对生产、劳动条件等要求的提高和



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