简爱 中英文剧本 Jane Eyre.doc

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1、简爱 中英文剧本Jane Eyre简爱 中英文剧本Jane EyreYoull stay in the red roomuntil youve learned to be good!呆在里面,直到你变得顺从!Please let me out,my father died in this room.求求你让我出去吧!我父亲死在这房里And his ghost is still there,watching over you!No!所以他的灵魂就好在这看管着你You could stay there until morning!你要留在里面直到明天早上Oh, Aunt, no, no! I ca

2、nnot endure it!不要啊!舅母!我受不了的Youll do as so told!你得听我的话!The Reverend,Mr. Brocklehurst is here, madam夫人,Brocklehurst院长到了John!John!Good afternoon. Mr. Brocklehurst.午安,Brocklehurst阁下Mrs. Reed.Reed夫人.Do come this way.请到这边My children.这是我的孩子们Enchanting.多么可爱啊Tea?喝茶吗Perhaps just this once一小杯就够了Pray, be seated

3、.请坐下John, dear would you go and findthat wretched girl and bring her down?亲爱的John,把那不懂规矩的女孩带下来Yes, mama好的,妈妈This has been of course a very difficultdecision for me. Mr. Brocklehurst.Brocklehurst阁下,这对我来说是个很艰难的抉择Come on!Shes going!快点! 他要滚蛋啦!Hooray!Shes going away.好哇!她得走了Shell never like him.I cant bel

4、ieve it.天啊,她肯定不喜欢那男人Her. um, mother,她她的母亲是我先夫的妹妹was my late husbands sister.她她的母亲是我先夫的妹妹She married a clergyman.Penniless. Both parents died.她丈夫是个不名一文的牧师of typhus, when the child wasbut a few months old.这孩子尚在襁褓之时,他们就双双死于斑疹Are you her only living relative?你是她世上唯一的亲人吗There is um. an uncle,她还有一个叔叔her f

5、athers brother,but he lives abroad, in um.Madera, I think. I know nothing about.但他在海外,似乎是马德里,我对他一无所知Go!I have done what I can for the child.我对这孩子已经是尽力而为了but she has.但她本性是那么固执倔强a willful, obstinate nature但她本性是那么固执倔强Oh! Here she is.啊,她来了This is Jane Eyre.她就是Jane EyreJane, this is Mr. Brocklehurstof Lo

6、ward SchoolJane,这位是Loward学院的Brocklehurst院长How do you do sir?先生,你好I hear you are a wicked child,Jane Eyre.Jane Eyre你舅母说你是个顽劣的姑娘Let me examine you.让我好好看真你Do you know where the wicked goafter death?你知道顽劣的人们死后会到哪里吗To hell.下地狱What is hell?你告诉我地狱是什么地方Can you tell me that?你告诉我地狱是什么地方A pit full of fire.一个大火

7、坑And should you like tofall into that pit.那么你想掉进那个火坑受煎熬吗and to burn there forever?那么你想掉进那个火坑受煎熬吗No, sir.不想What must you do to avoid it?那你应该怎么做呢Keep well, and not die, sir.好好保重,千万别死It is as I said.如我所说You must warn her teachersto keep a strict eye on her.你一定要提醒你们的老师严加看管她and above all to guardagainst

8、her worst fault,最为重要的是,慎防她最坏的缺点a tendency to deceit.说谎的习性Deceit?说谎?We do not tolerate that at Loward.在Loward学院绝不允许说谎That is why I wrote you.这就是我致信给你的原因I would like her to be brought upin a manner be fitting her prospects.我希望她被教养得有点用处,谦逊to be made useful,to be kept humble.这样更适合她的将来And as for the vaca

9、tions,至于假期,I would prefer.if she spent them with you.她是否也能在你们那儿度过Of course.当然可以Come!来吧Deceit is a sin.It is akin to falsehood.说谎是过错,和其他罪孽没有两样And all liars shall spend eternity.所有说谎的人们都要在火海受无尽的煎熬in that lake burningwith brimstone and fire.所有说谎的人们都要在火海受无尽的煎熬Im not deceitful.我没有说谎I beg your pardon?什么?I

10、m not deceitful.And Im not a liar.我没有说谎,我不是骗子For if I were,I should say that I love you.如果我是的话,我就会说我爱我舅母I do not love you. I dislike youworst of anybody in the world.但我不爱你,你是我在世上最讨厌的人之一except your son.仅次你儿子Your bags, Jane Eyre.Jane Eyre,你说什么?Do you see what a wickedchild she is?你现在应该知道她有多么恶毒了吧Have n

11、o fear, Mrs. Reed. At Lowardwe shall tame her unruly spirit.没关系的,Reed夫人,在Loward我们会把她的任性驯服The stool.凳子拿过来Place this child upon it.把孩子放上去You see this?你们都看见了吗?This girl!这个女孩Her name is Jane Eyre.她叫Jane EyreBe on your guard against her.小心提防她,不要与她作伴Avoid her company.小心提防她,不要与她作伴Shut her out of your conve

12、rsations.不能和她说话This girl, take a good look at her,好生留意她,这女孩是骗子this girl is a liar!好生留意她,这女孩是骗子Let her stand on the stool all day,让她整天站在凳子上,今天不得进食she shall have no food,让她整天站在凳子上,今天不得进食and let no one speak to her.任何人都不能和她交谈Alice!Alice,专心听Pay attention!Alice,专心听Back to your lessons!继续上课Let her sing wi

13、th us.也让她一起唱JaneJaneJane!Jane!What?什么Some bread and some cheese面包和之士Thank you.谢谢你What is your name?你叫什么名字Helen BurnsHelen BurnsThank you, Helen.And god bless you.谢谢你,Helen,上帝保佑你And you too, Jane.上帝也会保佑你的Good night.晚安Hands!递出双手Bonnet!Toes!帽子!站好!HandsBonnet.Bonnet, Jones!帽子!Jones!Burns, youre standingon the side of your shoes.Turn your toes out immediately.Burns,你双脚不能并尖而站,马上分开!And youre chin is poking out.draw it in!你下巴露出来了,缩回去!Hold your head up!抬起头!I will not have you st


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