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1、如皋市外国语学校 五年级英语 主备人:张宁Unit1 Cinderella第四课时Sound time/Culture time/Ticking time【教学目标】1.能够正确、流利、生动地讲故事Cinderella2.了解字母dr在单词中的发音。3.了解中西方儿童的阅读喜好4. 能正确并熟练地运用“Why”“Because”【教学过程】Step1 Warm up1 Free talk:T:Do you like the story of Cinderella? Why? What else do you like reading?Step2 PresentationActivity one

2、1.Show teaching aims2.Act the storya. Work in groups b. Act the story3.Culture time: Different children like different stories.4.Sound time: Whats the pronunciation of the letters dr? Can you say more words?1 Show teaching aimsIn this lesson, well have some learning aims. Look at the learning aims.

3、First, I can understand “Cinderella”. Then, I can use “Why” and “Because” to ask and answer questions.Finally, I know the sound of the letter “dr”. 2. Act the storyNow, first, lets come to the first aim. Can you understand “Cinderella”?学生根据自己的理解叙述故事。a. Work in groups b. Ask some students to act the

4、story3. Culture timeDifferent children like different stories.What does Mike like reading? He likes reading fairy tales.How about Yang Ling? She likes reading stories about the Monkey King and Nezha.(Read the sentences of culture time)Ask and answer: What about you? What do you like reading?中国经典故事和西

5、方经典故事欣赏,出示封面,简单介绍。一些比较熟悉的,可以让学生用中文介绍。4 Sound timea. Lets come to the second aim.Look at the picture. The boy is Andrew. The girl is Andrews sister. Shes Andrea.T: Lets guess:a What is Andrew doing? (drink some water/have a drink ) Andrew is having a drink.Use “why” to ask question and answer:Why is

6、Andrew having a drink? Because hes thirsty.b What is Andrea doing? (draw a dress) Andrea is drawing a dress.Try to ask: Why is Andrea drawing a dress? Because she likes drawing. Because she wants a new dress(I think you can use “why” and “Because” to ask and answer questions.PPT出示teaching aims)c Why is Andrea drawing a dress? Because shell give it to her friend Sue.(出示Sound time 部分) Read and find:Whats the pronunciation of the letters “dr”? Can you say more words? Try to read5 完成课课练第四课时


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